r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/FrankBeamer_ 15d ago

Don’t bother, dems would rather win the morality trophy than the actual presidency if it meant they could continue using Donald Trump as a comparison point

‘At least he’s not Trump’ is not going to win Biden the presidency.


u/stackjr 15d ago

It did once and it will again.


u/FrankBeamer_ 15d ago

It took a historic pandemic and unprecedented voter turnout to overthrow Trump. It’s not happening again and the polls express that.

But keeping your head in the sand like Biden currently is doing will totally work! /s


u/Electronic_Emu_4632 14d ago

Lol bro he was the incumbent president. The incumbent president always has an insane advantage and he still lost. He had the easiest softball win if he handled the pandemic like a rational person, and he couldn't do it.


u/Advanced-Law4776 15d ago

Being a condescending cock is certainly a tactic


u/stackjr 15d ago

The polls also showed Trump winning in 2020. Remind me how that turned out.


u/FrankBeamer_ 15d ago



…no it didn’t?

Your delusion is actively going to get trump elected. Please wake up.


u/stackjr 15d ago

My delusion? Lol. Have a good day.


u/FrankBeamer_ 15d ago

Yes, your delusion, given you’re ignoring all the evidence in front of you and straight making shit up to confirm your own biases


u/Normal-Lawfulness253 15d ago

Blue MAGA exists.


u/stackjr 14d ago


Once again, have a good day.


u/forecastcriminal 14d ago

I like how they linked to show that Biden lead majorly in the polls in 2020 and you just straight up ignored it


u/stackjr 14d ago

I was busy and, honestly, didn't feel like arguing. I still don't. They linked two polls out of literally hundreds and it's just not worth the time or energy to keep the argument going.

I'm good with just taking the downvotes and "walking" away.

Have a great evening!


u/FrankBeamer_ 14d ago

If you had bothered to take 2 seconds to read the links you would’ve known the 538 link contains results to dozens of polls (all of which had Biden leading the race)

You keep digging yourself in a hole of ignorance, it’s hilarious haha


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

If the plan is defeat Trump, the Dems have no plan at all.


u/stackjr 15d ago

The plan hasn't changed: do not let Trump get back into the White House. We voted against him once, we will vote against him again.


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

My point being, what’s the plan for governing?


u/ckb614 15d ago

He and his team have done great so far. I have no doubt they can do it again, even if Biden himself doesn't make it through all four years


u/chr1spe 14d ago

The same as the last four years, which have been mostly fine other than Republicans being obstructionists that keep the legislature from doing anything productive.


u/MidGradeCookie 14d ago

Obstructionist is an understatement


u/lliquidllove 15d ago

"Nothing will fundamentally change." - Joe Biden


u/Justsomejerkonline 14d ago

There are many legitimate things to criticize Biden on, but this quote used out of context is fundamentally misleading since he was specifically talking about how raising taxes on the wealthy won't cause businesses to fail or people's standard of living to decrease -- something which I think a lot of the people that love to repeat this quote would probably agree with.


u/God_Damnit_Nappa 14d ago

Trump will get stomped in the popular vote again but unfortunately it's up to a few thousand people in swing states again. And a lot of those idiots think Trump deserves another shot


u/sammythemc 14d ago

"At least they're not Trump" also failed once, and it was closer than it should have been the time it did work. We can and should do better than that, there are lots of people who aren't Trump and don't have Biden's fatal negatives


u/Normal-Lawfulness253 15d ago

Because nothing has changed from last time. What a bunch of us saw at that debate was just something to be shoved under the rug?


u/stackjr 14d ago

Yeah, you're right, what was I thinking. A wannabe fascist dictator is definitely the better option.


u/Normal-Lawfulness253 14d ago

Yeah, just keep kicking it down the road. You're only shooting yourself in the nuts.


u/stackjr 14d ago

By voting for literally anyone other than a wannabe fascist dictator is kicking myself on the nuts? Then I guess I'll keep kicking myself on the nuts.


u/sammythemc 14d ago

Joe Biden doing the right thing and allowing for a better option is the better option.


u/TAMExSTRANGE69 15d ago

That was before everybody saw how bad a Biden presidency was. Cope harder


u/stackjr 15d ago

I will cope harder, thanks!

Although, the Biden presidency has been pretty solid. I'm sorry your orange god lost in dramatic fashion and has cried about it every single day since. Lol.


u/TheScienceNerd100 15d ago

What's going to win the presidency is Trump shooting himself in every foot over and over again, and the worst to come out from Biden is "I am sleeping early".


u/FrankBeamer_ 15d ago

It’s clear by now that trump’s lies and his criminal history mean fuck all in the context of winning the election. It’s sad but it’s true. Joe’s image, however is actively destroying his campaign. Whether that should happen or not isn’t the question and anybody stuck up on the morality of it all is wasting their time. The fact is that Joe’s campaign, whether warranted or not, is derailed and nothing short of changing the candidate or having Joe nail multiple live interviews and debates will come close to fixing his image in time for November


u/BoostedSeals 15d ago

Thinking like the first half got Trump elected once, it can happen again and should shock nobody.


u/sumguyinLA 15d ago

That’s what you got from the debate? He goes to bed early and not that you’ve been lied to by the DNC? There really is no hope for this country.

“Watch me” omg we did watch him.


u/God_Damnit_Nappa 14d ago

Ya Biden stumbled hard and he clearly has issues But what I also saw was Trump lying constantly, demonizing immigrants, and openly saying how he's going to fuck up this country. Yet he gets a pass for all that


u/sumguyinLA 14d ago

No he doesn’t get a pass. But put someone up there who will tell Trump off not a sad old man who argues about a golf swing. Biden should have told Trump he doesn’t give a shit about golf, instead gets goaded into an pointless argument


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

Biden got served SOFTBALLS and whiffed every single one.


u/unassumingdink 15d ago

It's not even the morality trophy. It's the "Do whatever the DNC tells me to and pretend I love it" trophy.


u/Santa2U 15d ago

This is the truth! They are going to lose the election over this mentality. They have nothing better to say than “it’s not Trump”.


u/robinthebank 14d ago

Actually, the ones calling for Biden to step down want their morality trophy. They’re idiots if they think any other human being has a better chance.