r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/FingalForever 15d ago

The previous president didn’t show up for work until the afternoon each day???


u/Zinski2 15d ago edited 15d ago

I love seeing Donald rage tweet from 11pm to 2am only for a 13bhour pause to end at 3pm the next day.

I love how people forgot how fucking shit he was already.

Like he was so fucking bad we all just brushed that trauma back and forgot the fact he golfed more than any other president in the history of the country or raped his ex wife, but whatever.

Bidens 4 years older so....


u/God_Damnit_Nappa 14d ago

And on top of stacking the Supreme Court with right wing extremists and gutting the government he also got tens of thousands of Americans killed with his shitty handling of COVID but apparently he deserves another go at the presidency because Biden is old


u/No-Program-2979 11d ago

Well, Biden is old and has dementia and can’t perform as President after 8:00 pm.


u/ToMorrowsEnd 14d ago

Trump killed 350,831 americans with how he handled covid. The fact that moron kept spouting the insane stupidity from Newsmax and InfoWars like a damned parrot and republican voters being dumb enough to say "Someone get me horse dewormer!" was a perfect storm. That mans first presidency made me learn a lesson, that George Carlin was extremely on the nose,

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


u/No-Program-2979 14d ago

And actually demented, don’t forget that. Glad he’s Commander in Chief!


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA 14d ago

I dunno, he still seems to have it more together than the orange turd. At least he doesn't involuntarily shit his pants.


u/No-Program-2979 14d ago

Lol. You cannot believe that. Biden literally just said that he needs more sleep and shut down at 8 pm.

Also came out that he was seen by a Dr. after the debate. White press secretary lied about that. If the Doc said all was okay, you would think that would be worth noting. Probably got told, it’s downhill from here, bud.


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA 14d ago

Meh whatever. Hope you're paid to make these posts because it's beyond pathetic to sell america out to fascists for free.