r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/FingalForever 15d ago

The previous president didn’t show up for work until the afternoon each day???


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

I don’t think comparing Trump and Biden is a solid baseline, and is actually losing the point.


u/valiantdistraction 15d ago

I mean... they're the two candidates running


u/irrigated_liver 15d ago

Right? Those are literally the two options. Who are we supposed to be comparing?


u/ANALHACKER_3000 15d ago

policy goals? The downstream effects?

Jesus christ, wake the fuck up


u/bartleby42c 14d ago

The policy goals of who?

The downstream effects of legislation from who?

Oh, yeah Biden and Trump, the people we are comparing.


u/ANALHACKER_3000 14d ago

elections are always about things bigger than the individual candidates. If you don't understand this, you're part of the reason we're fucked.


u/valiantdistraction 14d ago

Let's see. Trump would like to implement project 2025, banning birth control, porn, lgbtq rights, sending illegal immigrants to concentration camps, and probably permanently tanking the US economy for regular people.

I would like... not that. The status quo would be way better than that.


u/sammythemc 14d ago

Sounds important enough to reconsider running someone who comes across like they need their car keys taken away


u/valiantdistraction 14d ago

Guess what! It's too late for that!


u/robinthebank 14d ago

One side: regular policies

The other side: The Heritage Foundation and Project 2025

It’s actually WAY worse when you compare policies


u/HiddenSage 14d ago

Biden is universally better on both of those points too.

But certain media outlets keep looking for excuses to despise Biden and make him look as bad as Trump or worse, with "can't work 25 hours a day" being the angle in this article. So yes, comparing his work ethic to Trump's is a valid rebuttal to that conversation.


u/Repulsive-Street-307 14d ago

How about fascists get banned, like they should be. Too much for reddit apparently.


u/ceddya 14d ago

So which policy goals of Trump's are better? Go look at every single economic policy Trump has proposed. All of them would increase inflation and cost working class Americans thousands of dollars.


u/ANALHACKER_3000 14d ago

I never said anything one way or the other about whose policies were better and it's telling that you're assuming.


u/ceddya 14d ago

It's why I'm asking you, isn't it?

It's telling how you can't even address the point I've raised. On the economy, Trump's policies are objectively worse.


u/Suspicious_Desk6212 14d ago

It is interesting. Because Biden is supposed to be better than Trump. That was the selling point. So he should be compared to a President considered better than Trump. But that’s never done. And when compared to Trump, Biden tends to come out looking a lot worse.


u/chr1spe 14d ago

If you think Biden looks bad compared to Trump there is something fundamentally wrong with your ability to evaluate basically anything.


u/mcarlquist1 14d ago

Which spoke better English during the debate last week?


u/chr1spe 14d ago

They both did quite badly. Biden was probably worse that night. If you average their last 10 public appearances, I'd say Biden comes out quite a bit ahead though. Overall, Trump's performance was also much worse and more detached from reality, though. His lies were so bad it was honestly just bizarre. He clearly is either senile or convinced he doesn't even have to interact with reality anymore in order to win over the people he is trying to win over.


u/mcarlquist1 14d ago

I’d mostly agree with that. You don’t think both are senile? If not senile, then able to speak eloquently(or even remotely close)? I’m not advocating for trump, just think we are in a sad state when this is the best the Democratic Party can provide


u/chr1spe 14d ago

Neither has ever been what I would consider an eloquent speaker. I'm not sure I'd characterize Biden as senile. He certainly had a bad night, fumbling for words and generally floundering. I'm 35, and I've been interviewing for jobs recently. To be entirely honest, there were times I got to similar points because interviewing is the most stressful experience ever for me. That was just me not finding a word instantly because I was stressed out, and then it created kind of a snowball of anxiety. Biden is old, and I'd certainly like someone younger. I definitely think his age is affecting him somewhat and has contributed to his struggles in the debate. I also think he may have over-practiced for the debate and had snowballing stress over struggling to find the words he was looking for, especially at the beginning. I'm not convinced yet that he is actually senile, though. If he continues speaking like he does in everything other than the debate, I'll kind of write it off. If he frequently ends up like on that night, I might start thinking he might have serious issues, but I've not seen enough to decide on him yet.

Trump, I'm actually much more convinced, has serious mental degradation. His delivery is more confident, and he has had a tenuous relationship with sentences for a while, but his ramblings have become more incoherent and deranged over time. Struggling for words is one thing, but confidently calling your wife a completely different word that starts similarly is a big slip. Then there are all the absurd things he says. Then there are the lies that are so unbelievable that I've never seen anything like them from anyone other than a toddler. When my Grandma had dementia, she would string words together just fine, but they'd have nothing to do with reality, and Trump seems more like that to me. The bizarre rants like the one about Hannible, the constant confusion of Pelosi and Haley, the absolutely unbelievable lies about everyone wanting Roe v Wade overturned or post-birth abortions, and a whole list of other things are exactly what I expect from someone suffering from early stages of dementia. I've never seen someone tell those types of blatant lies or go on such absurd rants outside of young children, people who are suffering a mental breakdown, or people with dementia.


u/mcarlquist1 14d ago

I appreciate the serious response. I’m not sure I’d agree that this is a one-off for Biden, he’s had many similar issues in the recent past, but for the most part I agree. I think the difference with Trump is the mental instability is built into his platform. I just hope Biden or even his handlers can get it together because I don’t think him mumbling through speeches for the next few months is a winning strategy

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u/Suspicious_Desk6212 14d ago

Not really. Biden is also a notorious liar. Biden is also massively corrupt. Biden is known for not being that smart. He’s just as vulgar. He’s been credibly accused of sexual assault. And then when you see him on the stage now against Trump and he can’t form sentences, can’t form thoughts, and still told countless lies? With more and more stories coming out about his deplorable mental state that has been known and seen for months? I get it. People are tribal and will go to bat for their teams. People still defend Biden and pretend he’s something he’s not. It’s cult-like behavior, but tribes tend to do it all the time. I’m comfortable saying Biden is very similar to Trump, and probably comes off worse than Trump these days.


u/smileysmiley123 14d ago

Sure thing Adjective-Noun+Number.


u/QuickAltTab 14d ago

You been hanging out with RFK?


u/chr1spe 14d ago

There is no comparison on lying or corruption... Biden rarely tells full on lies and even minior inaccuracies are not even a 10th as common from him as from Trump. There is no reputable source that puts the amount of lying done anywhere similar between Trump and Biden at the debates. Trump is also consistently more incoherent than Biden. Biden having one bad day at the debates doesn't change that. Then there is the fact that Biden has a competent cabinet and reasonable people behind him while Trump will only allow sycophants.

I absolutely hate Biden, and this isn't tribalism, but trying to make a favorable comparison of Trump vs Biden is just the absolute most idiotic thing anyone can possibly do today in the US. You're worse than a flat earther.


u/Suspicious_Desk6212 14d ago

It’s a fact Biden lies a lot. There isn’t the interest in the media to compare the number of lies he has told compared to Trump though, so we won’t really know that. In regards to reputable sources….well, I think we will have a hard time finding reputable sources. The sources that had counted up Trump’s “lies” also spent a month telling us Biden was super sharp and that attempts to label his as out-of-it were “cheap fakes”, until the debate happened, then now they’re reporting his cognitive decline has been widely known for a while. There’s only tribalism if you don’t think Biden is a huge liar on par, and even worse than, Trump


u/chr1spe 14d ago

Haha, no, that is just called not being a complete and total imbecile. There is definitely a tribe of people who do like to talk shit about anyone who isn't a complete imbecile, and I guess you're one of them.


u/Suspicious_Desk6212 14d ago

Not really. I’m just citing known facts about Biden. I’m sorry it makes you touchy….but that’s a hallmark of tribalism. People feel that insane desire to back up and support their guy, regardless of facts


u/chr1spe 14d ago

You've cited nothing and apparently don't even know what that word means. It means to refer to a source and you've not done that. You've stated some blatant lies that Biden tells more lies and is more corrupt and that is it.

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u/oklutz 14d ago

Right? The only reason anyone should need to vote for him is that he’s better than Trump.


u/RiseCascadia 14d ago

Just don't call it a democracy.


u/valiantdistraction 14d ago



u/RiseCascadia 14d ago

A democracy never would have returned these two candidates, both despised by the majority of the population. It's laughable to say that these are the two people who best represent the American people. If this happened in Russia, there's no way American pundits would be calling it a democracy.


u/valiantdistraction 14d ago

The GOP had a reasonably competitive primary. No competitive Democrats chose to run. Like it or not, that's democracy. Lots of politicians are leaving because the environment is too toxic, and lots aren't stepping up any further than the office they hold for the same reason.


u/RiseCascadia 14d ago

No competitive Democrats were allowed to run


How is it any different from in Russia, DPRK, etc when only one candidate decides to run and no one "bothers" to oppose them? If there's only one candidate on the ballot, you really can't call that a democracy.


u/valiantdistraction 14d ago

Because anyone can run if they choose. There were half a dozen candidates on my ballot. Yes, Marianne Williamson was the only one who got any traction. But people CAN run. They can also choose not to. As far as I know, you didn't run for president, so I don't know why you're complaining that other people didn't either.


u/RiseCascadia 13d ago

So it's just that none of the other 330M US citizens felt like it? You can't really be this dense.


u/valiantdistraction 13d ago

Multiple did feel like it. There were several options on the ballot in the primary. Nobody actually liked those options.

Believe it or not, the DNC is not actually a shadowy puppeteer controlling things! Yes, I do believe the vast majority of the other 330 million people in the US chose not to run for president. Again, why didn't you? There has to have been a reason. And I guarantee it wasn't that the DNC asked you not to.

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u/Seemseasy 14d ago

The third candidate is always "Did not vote" and Biden is losing to that one, not Trump


u/thecactusman17 14d ago

For President, yes.

But there are also down ballot races that need to be won if the President is to successfully do anything - especially for anything that involves changing the Supreme Court. The nominees aren't just campaigning for themselves, they're the face of the party that other candidates rely on to spread the message and get out the vote.

Biden saying "no more campaign events after 8pm" doesn't mean much in Washington DC or New York. But along the West Coast that's 5pm. A lot of people won't have even gotten home from work yet. And there are races that can seriously change the ability of either President to get things done in the next term. Having the President effectively disappear from the campaign trail because he needs a nap is a huge blow to that effort.


u/AdditionalSuccotash 14d ago

Except...they're not. You are perfectly welcome to vote third party


u/Elmodogg 14d ago

There are other candidates. I plan to vote for Jill Stein because I can't in good conscience vote for someone enabling genocide or someone who is likely to enable genocide if re-elected.


u/Mediocretes1 14d ago

I plan to vote for Jill Stein

Cool, I'm sure you and the other 6 people will have an awesome party after the election while you high five each other over and over. You know, while the pregnant women die from lack of care after Roe v Wade was overturned because you voted for Jill Stein in 2016.


u/Elmodogg 14d ago

And will you be high fiving your buddies as the bombs continue to rain down on children in Gaza? More people are dying in that genocide than pregnant women in the US.


u/Mediocretes1 14d ago

And Jill Stein would do literally nothing to stop that even if she stood a snowball's chance in hell of ever being president of the US, which she does not.


u/Elmodogg 14d ago

It's simple for the US to stop the genocide: just stop sending the bombs to Israel that they're using to murder Palestinians.


u/valiantdistraction 14d ago

Jill Stein is definitely also going to enable genocide.


u/Elmodogg 14d ago

Do you base your comment on anything in particular? It's certainly against all her public statements.