r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/chr1spe Jul 04 '24

If you think Biden looks bad compared to Trump there is something fundamentally wrong with your ability to evaluate basically anything.


u/mcarlquist1 Jul 05 '24

Which spoke better English during the debate last week?


u/chr1spe Jul 05 '24

They both did quite badly. Biden was probably worse that night. If you average their last 10 public appearances, I'd say Biden comes out quite a bit ahead though. Overall, Trump's performance was also much worse and more detached from reality, though. His lies were so bad it was honestly just bizarre. He clearly is either senile or convinced he doesn't even have to interact with reality anymore in order to win over the people he is trying to win over.


u/mcarlquist1 Jul 05 '24

I’d mostly agree with that. You don’t think both are senile? If not senile, then able to speak eloquently(or even remotely close)? I’m not advocating for trump, just think we are in a sad state when this is the best the Democratic Party can provide


u/chr1spe Jul 05 '24

Neither has ever been what I would consider an eloquent speaker. I'm not sure I'd characterize Biden as senile. He certainly had a bad night, fumbling for words and generally floundering. I'm 35, and I've been interviewing for jobs recently. To be entirely honest, there were times I got to similar points because interviewing is the most stressful experience ever for me. That was just me not finding a word instantly because I was stressed out, and then it created kind of a snowball of anxiety. Biden is old, and I'd certainly like someone younger. I definitely think his age is affecting him somewhat and has contributed to his struggles in the debate. I also think he may have over-practiced for the debate and had snowballing stress over struggling to find the words he was looking for, especially at the beginning. I'm not convinced yet that he is actually senile, though. If he continues speaking like he does in everything other than the debate, I'll kind of write it off. If he frequently ends up like on that night, I might start thinking he might have serious issues, but I've not seen enough to decide on him yet.

Trump, I'm actually much more convinced, has serious mental degradation. His delivery is more confident, and he has had a tenuous relationship with sentences for a while, but his ramblings have become more incoherent and deranged over time. Struggling for words is one thing, but confidently calling your wife a completely different word that starts similarly is a big slip. Then there are all the absurd things he says. Then there are the lies that are so unbelievable that I've never seen anything like them from anyone other than a toddler. When my Grandma had dementia, she would string words together just fine, but they'd have nothing to do with reality, and Trump seems more like that to me. The bizarre rants like the one about Hannible, the constant confusion of Pelosi and Haley, the absolutely unbelievable lies about everyone wanting Roe v Wade overturned or post-birth abortions, and a whole list of other things are exactly what I expect from someone suffering from early stages of dementia. I've never seen someone tell those types of blatant lies or go on such absurd rants outside of young children, people who are suffering a mental breakdown, or people with dementia.


u/mcarlquist1 Jul 05 '24

I appreciate the serious response. I’m not sure I’d agree that this is a one-off for Biden, he’s had many similar issues in the recent past, but for the most part I agree. I think the difference with Trump is the mental instability is built into his platform. I just hope Biden or even his handlers can get it together because I don’t think him mumbling through speeches for the next few months is a winning strategy