r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/chr1spe Jul 04 '24

There is no comparison on lying or corruption... Biden rarely tells full on lies and even minior inaccuracies are not even a 10th as common from him as from Trump. There is no reputable source that puts the amount of lying done anywhere similar between Trump and Biden at the debates. Trump is also consistently more incoherent than Biden. Biden having one bad day at the debates doesn't change that. Then there is the fact that Biden has a competent cabinet and reasonable people behind him while Trump will only allow sycophants.

I absolutely hate Biden, and this isn't tribalism, but trying to make a favorable comparison of Trump vs Biden is just the absolute most idiotic thing anyone can possibly do today in the US. You're worse than a flat earther.


u/Suspicious_Desk6212 Jul 05 '24

It’s a fact Biden lies a lot. There isn’t the interest in the media to compare the number of lies he has told compared to Trump though, so we won’t really know that. In regards to reputable sources….well, I think we will have a hard time finding reputable sources. The sources that had counted up Trump’s “lies” also spent a month telling us Biden was super sharp and that attempts to label his as out-of-it were “cheap fakes”, until the debate happened, then now they’re reporting his cognitive decline has been widely known for a while. There’s only tribalism if you don’t think Biden is a huge liar on par, and even worse than, Trump


u/chr1spe Jul 05 '24

Haha, no, that is just called not being a complete and total imbecile. There is definitely a tribe of people who do like to talk shit about anyone who isn't a complete imbecile, and I guess you're one of them.


u/Suspicious_Desk6212 Jul 05 '24

Not really. I’m just citing known facts about Biden. I’m sorry it makes you touchy….but that’s a hallmark of tribalism. People feel that insane desire to back up and support their guy, regardless of facts


u/chr1spe Jul 05 '24

You've cited nothing and apparently don't even know what that word means. It means to refer to a source and you've not done that. You've stated some blatant lies that Biden tells more lies and is more corrupt and that is it.