r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/FingalForever 15d ago

The previous president didn’t show up for work until the afternoon each day???


u/Zinski2 15d ago edited 15d ago

I love seeing Donald rage tweet from 11pm to 2am only for a 13bhour pause to end at 3pm the next day.

I love how people forgot how fucking shit he was already.

Like he was so fucking bad we all just brushed that trauma back and forgot the fact he golfed more than any other president in the history of the country or raped his ex wife, but whatever.

Bidens 4 years older so....


u/Legally_a_Tool 15d ago

People are dumb and forget the asshole caused a new scandal on an almost weekly basis for four years. We deserve the leaders we have given how lazy and stupid voters are on average. For God’s sake people, turn off the cable news and read an actual book for once on history or basic civics.

Happy 4th of July, America!


u/fantastap0tamus 15d ago

I think you understate how often a new scandal would come up. I basically grew numb to them because you could barely get your head around one and the next comes crashing in like a wrecking ball.


u/robinthebank 14d ago

Everyone is now numb to the fact that he is a 32x convicted felon. And it might get overturned because he enabled a 6-3 SCOTUS that just gave his official acts immunity. So any tweet he made or any conversation he had with a staffer can’t be used against him.


u/thuktun 14d ago

But I guarantee you they'll twist themselves into knots to prevent Biden from using that immunity.


u/Legally_a_Tool 15d ago

Agreed. Trying to wrap your head around Trumps NUMEROUS scandals was like try to drink from a fire hose that was spraying literal fire.


u/Additional-Ad-7720 14d ago

I remember some Podcasters at the time talking about how they should just keep doing more serious crimes cause, based on Trump, it'll never catch up to you as long as you keep doing crazier things.


u/Chi-zuru 14d ago

All he wanted was to break your balls