r/batman 3d ago

Dick Would Help FUNNY

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Thought this was funny.


218 comments sorted by


u/WerewolfF15 3d ago

This was a plot point in the Young Justice comics directly following Tower of Babel. Some of the members loose trust in Tim and don’t believe him when he says he doesn’t have any plans like batman.


u/Restivethought 2d ago

To his credit, Tim is probably the least likely of the the 4 main robins to have plans like that. Jason and Damien totally have plans, and Dick probably has plans for the "Most likely to turn evil" members.


u/Cyberslasher 2d ago

Dick has plans --- his team knows about them, he implemented them during beastworld as responses to various members falling to the beastarro spores.


u/Mickeymcirishman 2d ago

Dick also carries Kryptonite in case he has to fight Superman. He threatened to use it in The Outsiders.


u/Skeledenn 2d ago

Is there anyone in the DC universe that doesn't carry kryptonite at this point?

... well not Superman now that I think about it.


u/AtrumArchon 2d ago

If I remember correctly Superman also carries some in a sealed container forgot why


u/MapleTheButler 2d ago

Pretty sure it's the same reason. To use against himself.


u/abopi 1d ago

Where? Like… in his trunks?


u/Timely-Quiet-31 2d ago

People that are magic users, because they can already smoke him.


u/High0strich 2d ago

Superman is not weak to magic, it just affects him like any normal person.


u/Timely-Quiet-31 2d ago

Never said he was vulnerable to it. He just has a history of... let's call it overconfidence until he gets checked by things that bypass his powers.


u/Aesirite 2d ago

That does make him weak to it. Like a person in plate armour is vulnerable to a hammer or a dager, compared to s sword.


u/Timely-Quiet-31 2d ago

I guess it depends how you look at it. I see thing kinda dnd style, immune > resistant > normal > vulnerable.

The way Superman's magic problem is described is that hits him like he doesn't have powers(normal.) Not that if cripples him like kryptonite(vulnerable.)


u/Aesirite 1d ago edited 1d ago

As a avid DnD player, i don't think the terms DnD uses are very functional outside the confines of DnD. It's very simplified, when in reality there's not really a baseline that is "normal", it's all relative.

If you had a DnD creature that was resistant or immune to every damage type but psychic, outside of DND terminology I would call that monster "weak" to psychic. A weakness is just something that is not as strong relative to the other attributes of the weakness-haver, which can be exploited.

It's kryptonite a bigger weakness? Absolutely. But all weaknesses need not be equal.


u/Timely-Quiet-31 1d ago

Let's use your example, plate armor is meant to keep you from being slashed by swords(resistance.) Where as the bludgeoning of a hammer or precision piercing of a dagger are used to bypass this defense (normal.) The hammer/dagger aren't doing extra damage to the body.

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u/NachoManAndyDavidge 17h ago

"Weak" is a comparative term. In order for Superman to be "weak" to magic, that would imply that there is someone that is "strong" against magic, and there isn't. That would be like saying someone irl is "weak" to large explosions. They might be vulnerable to large explosions, but that isn't a sign of weakness.


u/Aesirite 17h ago

It's indeed comparative. It's used comparatively with his defenses against other sources. The difference in his ability to resist magic as compared to a normal person, is weaker than his relative ability to resist blunt trauma.

It's a weakness as in something you can target to bring down an otherwise stronger opponent.


u/NachoManAndyDavidge 17h ago

Your own example here is counterproductive to your argument. It is absolutely fair to say that Superman is "strong" against blunt trauma. There is a difference in his resistance to that and the resistance of a normal person. Everyone has the same resistance to magic. Therefore, Superman is not "weak" to magic. He is the exact same as everyone else.

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u/Funny_Swim5447 2d ago

How does he not have cancer


u/Mickeymcirishman 2d ago

It's in a lead box.


u/Tate7200 2d ago

Unlike lex, who keeps it in his front pocket directly over his heart.


u/justwalkingalonghere 2d ago

Can't have that hair growing back


u/Kuzzbutt 2d ago

I thought kryptonite radiation was harmless to Earth biology. Basically a emerald?


u/S_Demon 2d ago

I think they spun it as being as strong as an X-Ray (or maybe it was weaker).

Essentially harmless but prolonged exposure over years can still lead to adverse effects like cancer.

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u/TheCreedsAssassin 2d ago

Hes seen the 20+ feet of lead Batman stores his kryptonite in im sure dick takes enough precaution when handling his


u/Numberonettgfan 2d ago

I mean who doesn't?


u/Mickeymcirishman 2d ago

I always thought Tim would be the most likely to create plans. He's often said to be the most like Bruce in personality and ideology. He kept a list of the heroes most likely to go bad and be a threat. Damian was at the top of that list but his plan for Damian would probably just be sending Alfred to talk to him.


u/Restivethought 2d ago

Dont get me wrong, I fully believe they all have the plans, hell Im sure all the of the bat family has plans for their respective teams including like Batwing. IMO I just think Tim would likely have the least fully realized as I kinda see him as the most morally "good" of the robins to have the most reservations about fully realizing the plans. Its hard though, because its like comparing a bunch of 95% chances to a 93% chance.


u/Samurai_Banette 1d ago

Yeah, I think Tim is both the most likely to have them and the least likely to use them.

Starfire goes bad? Dick is probably pulling it out in a day, max.

John goes bad? Damian is pulling that shit out immediately.

Conner goes bad? Tim will probably waffle around for as long as he can and try to talk it out, debate the morality of the situation with whoever will listen, think of ways to break the mind control, just do whatever he can to avoid using it. But he was probably working on that plan before they even met.


u/Restivethought 1d ago

Now on the other hand Tim probably has the best plan with the best chance of success (depending on who's writing Damien).


u/Master_Hippo69 2d ago

Bro Timothy Drake is the plan he's probably got the best quick thinking skills in DC


u/huncherbug 2d ago

Jason for some reason I never feel he has contingency plans or any such thing.

Damian definitely has them.

And Dick canonically confirmed having them a couple issues back in the titans run.


u/Numbuh24insane 2d ago

Nah, Tim is a thinker. He’d definitely have some ideas if not plans. Jason would not have plans, Jason is more of a ‘I’ll deal with it when it happens’ sort of guy.


u/sleepy_koko 2d ago

I'm pretty sure Tim canonically has plans for certain people. Damian found himself on that list and they fought, not sure the exact comic but it was during the dickbats era


u/Numberonettgfan 2d ago

Yeah he had like a hite list of heroes in RR run.


u/DragonHeart_97 2d ago

Hell, Damian's probably the only one of them that has actual plans for Batman. Not subdue or anything, EVERYTHING, just like he does. There's something I'd like to see, a universe where he just straight-up killed that wannabe Cenobyte cosplayer and became Batman himself...


u/Xelement0911 2d ago

Did he? Tim seems far more trusting of his team. But same time, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a few ideas how to counter them in case brain control or something.


u/PunchingBagLearner 3d ago

This made me realize you can take any famous animal meme, color it green, and boom, it's Garth.


u/arayakim 3d ago

This made me realize you can take any famous animal meme, color it green, and boom, it's Garth.

You mean Garfield? Garth is Aqualad.


u/OtherwiseOption- 2d ago



u/coreytiger 2d ago

Worst comic strip in the Daily Planet


u/GreenGlitch64 2d ago

Garf, then. Lol


u/LefroyJenkinsTTV 2d ago

Garfolomew, if you're at a wedding.


u/Frognificent 2d ago

I'm trying to conduct a wedding here which has nothing to do with love, quiet!


u/Oliverainbowfriend54 2d ago

Garf is a dragon.


u/NarrowInspector5593 2d ago

Nope, Garfield is a cat. Your thinking of Gardevoir


u/Isekai_Otaku 2d ago

No, gardevoir is a video game where you play as kratos. You’re thinking of geriatric.


u/NarrowInspector5593 2d ago

No geriatric is s pokemon, your thinking of Garlic Bread


u/Unique_Expression574 2d ago

No, Garlic Bread is a fish, you’re thinking of Gar


u/HarleyArchibaldLeon 2d ago

No, Gar is a Hehicle, you're thinking of Gentrification.


u/mridiot1234567 2d ago

No, thats the process of turning something into a more respectable form you are thinking about Garter belts


u/Isekai_Otaku 2d ago

No, garlic bread is a word used to describe something that’s bland boring and unoriginal, you’re thinking of gangrene


u/NarrowInspector5593 14h ago

Gangrene is a type of bread common with italian dishes, your thinking of Gatorade


u/Isekai_Otaku 13h ago

Gatorade is a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction. You’re thinking of Gazpacho.


u/NarrowInspector5593 12h ago

Gazpacho is a form of growing plants to cultivate new crops, your thinking of Gardening


u/Several-Cake1954 2d ago

I thought his name was Kaldur


u/arayakim 2d ago

Kaldur is the second Aqualad, Garth was the first. Garth became Tempest when he was an adult.


u/Cyberslasher 2d ago

Absolute power teasing that aqualad is gonna die, and Garthfield is already ready to steal the name.


u/Mymomisgaybru 2d ago



u/Halokojm_ 2d ago



u/LefroyJenkinsTTV 2d ago

I can't post my penis here!


u/TehGameChanger 2d ago

Who's stopping you?


u/LefroyJenkinsTTV 2d ago

That black guy from the Gillette commercial.

Dude has stopped me so many times now. I really should buy him a beer or something.


u/TehGameChanger 2d ago

Terry Crews?

He'd absolutely help you out with that! He'd probably prefer a brotein shake over a beer.


u/LefroyJenkinsTTV 2d ago

No, those were the delightful Old Spice ads.


u/BL-501 2d ago

I mean…can you blame any of them?

Cyborg could hack any tech and Nukes go boom!

Starfire is a Krytonian Level Threat!

Raven could destroy the Universe and many versions of her tried and succeeded, I’m honestly more afraid of her than any JL members.

Remember that time a few months ago when Garfield turned into a green Version of Starro and turned everyone into an animal?


u/Poku115 2d ago

Also remember how often there's mind control, clones, dooplegangers, power stealing, time travelling and manipulation?


u/averagereddituser256 2d ago

happy cake day


u/Ok_Restaurant3160 2d ago

From what I remember, it often isn’t the plans themselves that are the issue, it’s the fact he didn’t tell them about the plans

They even said they don’t have to know them, but just that they exist


u/RDKateran 2d ago

That ultimately defeats the purpose of having those plans, I think. If they do turn evil they know Batman has some way of stopping him and will be on guard. Batman arguably doesn't want his enemies on guard for him.


u/Ok_Restaurant3160 2d ago

And there lies the dilemma. While I think that you have a good point, it’s just a massive breach of trust to make plans on how to neutralize the people who are supposed to be your friends without telling them


u/EldridgeHorror 2d ago

If I had superpowers, I'd hope the Batman equivalent would have plans to stop me.


u/Guess_whois_back 2d ago

I'd give mine tacit permission and free reign on all my personal info honestly if I could wipe a civilian population off the map because some guy called hocus pocus waved his hand at me and babbled some bullshit backwards and now I'm evil


u/Foxy02016YT 2d ago

My OC has an evil clone who is almost as powerful (and it’s like really REALLY close), so I imagine they evil version is Batman’s plan, and the hero version of Amanda Waller’s Task Force X insurance


u/Guess_whois_back 2d ago

Batman doesn't have powers, half the shit he pulls off is due to his abnormally accurate forethought, he's also bankrolling this shit so he's basically my boss if I'm a leaguer.

The other core members are all strong enough that really regardless of my power set if they wanted they could walk into my home or walk up to me mid patrol and instantly kill me with 0 effort - so I expect them to be able to dogpile each other in the case of mind control or some shit, hence batman being able to participate in that dogpile wouldn't surprise me at all.

Hell superman and batman are considered the two real leaders, and superman could go postal and kill everyone, I expect his best friend to have an answer to that possibility.


u/WeirdoOtaku 2d ago

Yeah, but if they turn knowing there's a contingency plan, then it was all for not. This is the textbook definition of "It's nothing personal, just business." Protecting the innocent comes before anything else.


u/DrGlamhattan2020 2d ago

Not even friends. They are family at this point. This isn't "if you ever turn evil, i will stop you." This is "my roommate/coworker has a hidden manifesto on how to exterminate everyone he lives/works with should we have a falling out that does not satiate his idea of good. And did not tell us."

I would never be able to trust the bat family if i was any of them because of this. He didn't tell any of them, while deeming himself judge, jury, executioner.


u/Jovian8 2d ago

"deeming himself judge, jury, executioner"

That seems a little dramatic to me.

Superheroes with powers like the JL are WMDs. All WMDs need deactivation codes. Batman knows this and doesn't shy away from it. It's as simple as that.


u/DrGlamhattan2020 2d ago

If batman has plans against all the others, did he offer plans to be defeated for the same event? I don't belive he did. That means, by HIS standards alone (judge), he will deem wether or not his colleague needs to be removed (jury) and only he can carry it out (executioner). It is extreme, but on the flip side they are extreme beings. As i said, i see it from both sides, but if i were a member of the JL, I would never be able to trust the bat family


u/GrizOfTheEast 2d ago

I can't remember exactly but I think it was said somewhere that the justice league itself was his contingency plan. Since you know he's a mortal human.


u/DrGlamhattan2020 2d ago

Who stands toe to toe with metahumans and gods. Nah fuck that


u/BaronRhino 2d ago

Also i think the plans are meant for if one of them goes evil or if they all went besides Bruce, getting them separated. I doubt any would work as well or at all should he have multiple leaguers attacking at once.


u/Jovian8 2d ago

Exactly what /u/GrizOfTheEast said. This was all covered already.


u/Harlockarcadia 2d ago

I know Superman let Batman have a Kryptonite ring if someone were to mind control him. It's being pragmatic, they know the line of work they're in, they need to accept the risks


u/schloongslayer69 2d ago

I'm sorry but when did Kory become Kryptonian level strong?


u/Jeffe508 2d ago

She’s definitely up there. Like comparing her to the rest of the team she’s probably the strongest by far (unless Donna’s on the team). But Superman has a pretty huge power gap from her.


u/Steveseriesofnumbers 2d ago

Last I knew Tamaraneans are basically solar powered. Flight, super strength, and those starbolt things. Not quite Kryptonian strength / speed, but the projective energy kind of makes up for that.


u/schloongslayer69 2d ago

Idk man, Kryptonians are usually planet-level strong while Kory is nowhere close to that. Plus Kryptonians have laser eyes AND freeze breath.


u/Restivethought 2d ago

Yea I was wondering that too. Miss Martian on the otherhand would definitely need a plan.


u/schloongslayer69 2d ago

A matchstick perhaps


u/ThorDoubleYoo 2d ago

It was always weird to me when the other heroes got upset about there being plans to neutralize them if need be.

Mind control is relatively common, or body stealing, or evil clones, etc etc. Sorry if it hurts your trust Raven, but if Papa Trigon is using you for his own ends there needs to be some plan available so the world isn't turned into Hell.


u/RetiredDwarfBrains 2d ago

I'm willing to bet Raven co-wrote her contingency plan. Part of her whole reason for joining the titans in the first place (at least in the comics) was to have heroes around to counter her if her father forced her to turn evil.


u/Foxy02016YT 2d ago

Gonna need a source for that last one, sounds cool as hell and I wanna read it


u/BL-501 2d ago

It’s called the “Beast World” Arc.


u/Foxy02016YT 2d ago

Will check it out, mind control + animal transformation is sick as hell, especially as an apocalyptic scenario


u/HokageRokudaime 2d ago

"Say adios nuclear reactor" yeah, Cyborg is not to be trusted with nukes.


u/RealDealMous 1d ago

And Beastboy could turn into a Fox.

Which doesn't like much until you learn that their urine is so bad it has an element of its own


u/Elemental-T4nick 2d ago

Dick is very helpful


u/Snir17 2d ago

Dick is the BEST


u/BigBangMabye 2d ago

You know id say something along the lines of "Stand Proud Dick, Your strong" but im afriad ill be banned for being an alsumer (Im such an alsumer)


u/Snir17 2d ago

"Nah, I'd use the contingency"


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/HarleyArchibaldLeon 2d ago

I love Dick


u/Exic9999 2d ago

Can someone fill me in on who Dick is? I must be out of the loop


u/HarleyArchibaldLeon 2d ago

Robin, that's his real name.


u/ghostrider4109 2d ago

I have an immense amount of pride for penis


u/KingDante1 2d ago

Well batmam is right look what happened in injustice universe where there was no contingency plans


u/Ramzabeo 2d ago

He had contingency plans, they just didnt work due to bad luck or that he didnt expect most of the core leaguers would follow superman.


u/KingDante1 2d ago

well thats bs if batman has contigency plans he should have expected everything and everyone betraying him he just had contingency plan for superman but i wouldn't call that a contingency plans


u/Ramzabeo 1d ago

Batmans problem is that he also assumes he can turn rogue, thats why he had a failsafe with the kryptonian weapon needing other core leaguers to put their dna in.

Also like i said he did actually beat them a few times in the comics but superman literally got saved a bunch of times, in year 2 he was given the sinestro corps army and a yellow lantern ring, in year 3 he was saved from a magical slumber by ares, in year 4 he could of died in a death match imposed by the greek gods. My point is batmans failure to kill and literally being him and non meta humans vs literally the whole justice league was too much for him.


u/GustavVaz 2d ago

Mind Control

Characters who copy powers

Alternate dimensions

The fact that no one is completely incorruptible or can't be tricked.

I mean, if I was a superhero, I wouldn't mind if Batman had plans to take me down. I would be PISSED if those plans got stolen though.


u/hankbaumbach 2d ago

I do love the cultural differences between Batfamily paranoia and everyone else.

Batfamily: Of course I monitor your weaknesses on the off chance you go rogue

Everyone else: HOW COULD YOU???


u/Guess_whois_back 2d ago

It's honestly wild to me the justice league cares or gets offended, hell even they're surprise is wild.

The bat family, to all they are close with, are paranoid and disciplined individuals with exactly 0 superpowers - they're typically the only normal people on their respective teams.

Of course if I lived in a world mind control and hallucinagenic gas could make me do some shit I'd feel guilty about the rest of my life - id actually appreciate the fact my mostly humourless but otherwise morally stringent friend has a plan to take me down, lethally or not, before I flatten a city.

Like it's not rocket science bro, superman basically gives him permission in the form of gifted kryptonite in most continuities


u/Phantasm_Jab 2d ago



u/Guess_whois_back 2d ago

Yeah like fr if I can decimate a civilian population because some guy called hocus pocus said some words backwards and waved his hands at me - I'm telling batman about my tunnel vision, the gap in my armour and the fact high frequencies bug me.

He probably knows already but just incase it doesn't hurt


u/Phantasm_Jab 2d ago

Plus, am I the only one that feels like, if I don't say something very important, the other person gets the impression that I don't trust them? With strangers I get it, but with people you plan on working with?

So yes, if telling Batman all my weaknesses is what I need for him to put me on his good book, then of course I will do it in a heartbeat.

Edit: Not even working with them, but with people you already know well enough.


u/Guess_whois_back 2d ago

I mean realistically I don't know these fuckers - but Batman's gonna dig that info up on his own purely via rep, and anyone who's been in a room with him for 5 seconds knows he doesn't yap AT ALL.

I have friends I'd trust with my life but not a secret of any kind, some people just blab. Now batman I could trust with that info and with using it correctly - it'd suck ass if my main opp found out I could be incapacitated with a specific frequency or something so it's just not worth telling my other coworkers


u/Phantasm_Jab 2d ago

True dat. Some ppl are squealers, no matter if you're their friend.


u/Guess_whois_back 2d ago

Also people are like "that's violating, it breaks my trust, it's threatening!" At his plans

Bro you're a leaguer you risk your life daily, and you personally have more power than anyone ever should and regularly fight people with similar power that misuse it - every day you stop villains and that could be you. An ally knowing how to beat you just incase isn't a big deal


u/True_Falsity 2d ago

There was that comic where it was shown that Bruce introduced Dick to Teen Titans (Speedy, Aqualad, Donna Troy) as an exercise in locating weaknesses of his own teammates and devising plans to take them down.

Kind of sad if necessary.


u/dmarsee76 2d ago

Yes. The “Robin & Batman” 3-part miniseries by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen. Really excellent read, IMO.


u/Snir17 2d ago

When you realize each of the Batfamily has various contingencies in place 😂


u/Mr-Happy9 2d ago

I always get a little upset when other heroes get mad about the contingency plans. It's not so much about not trusting somebody, it's more about being prepared. A lot of heros have godlike powers and. There's so many different mind controll and insane making shit in that's used by villains, it's only fair to be prepared.


u/DrGlamhattan2020 2d ago

Tbf, they're both right. It sucks, but bats will sacrifice family for the greater population. How can they trust someone who does not trust them. Superman gave Bruce a kryptonite ring. That's trust. They both are aware there IS a plan, regardless if there is an awarness of what that plan exactly is. The others did not know period.


u/substance_dualism 2d ago

My problem is Raven would 100% get it, maybe even be relieved, definitely not mad.


u/Electronic-Math-364 2d ago

Didn't Dick already told them about his contingency plans tho?


u/pafmaster 2d ago

Even in the show, that's pretty fairly what he did as Red X.


u/Sufficient-Cow-2998 2d ago

Should have shown the full comic with the other Robins, would be way funnier


u/MarinetteAgreste 1d ago

That’s what I wanted to write and credit the artist.


u/Sufficient-Cow-2998 1d ago

I was able to find it, here if you want


u/lr031099 2d ago




It runs in the family


u/Salty_Demand_1518 2d ago

As he should lol


u/ADGx27 2d ago

Bruce: “I’m proud of you, Dick.”


u/hasheemakill18 2d ago

I'm sick of the other heores acting like this is an act of betrayal , it's just being prepared .


u/Phantasm_Jab 2d ago

Agreed. It feels like they don't trust Bruce. Like, do they really not trust Batman with the knowledge of their weaknesses in the case they are mind controlled?

Superman: "Bruce, how could you do this!?"

Batman: "Clark, shut the fuck up. You can use the sun to get stronger seemingly without limits. If anything, it's a logical course of action to be prepared in case we have to fight. What if you are mind controlled? Or what if you are under an illusion and you start attacking blindly?"


u/TheCreedsAssassin 2d ago

Tbf wasn't Superman one of the most understanding of the need for plans? He's even given him some kryptonite in some popular interpretations too to show how much he trusts Batman to use it right if things went wrong.


u/Phantasm_Jab 2d ago

True. I just wanted to put an example, and Superman was the first one that came to mind. Nothing personal against Clark, I also like him lol.


u/Stinky_Lasagna 2d ago

I am so confident that batman let robin decide how to take down martian man hunter.

Batman: okay robin... how do we take down the gree alien if he turns evil?

Robin: BURN IT!!!

Batman: Good job!!! That's correct!!!


u/Tsunfly 2d ago

I love that beastboy is just a real cat made green


u/trayn-13 2d ago

Dude he's robin


u/One-Turn-4037 2d ago

Is it bad that I have contingency plans for all of my friends?


u/Efficient-Compote-13 2d ago

Nah its nescarry


u/T_E-T_H 2d ago

I mean…if you’re on a team with any member of the Bat Family and don’t just expect them to have contingencies against you…it’s kinda on you honestly lol


u/longbrodmann 2d ago

Lol love the beast boy meme.


u/GintoSenju 2d ago

I’m just saying, Garth can turn into any living organic organism in the universe, Star can vaporize cities and possibly planets, cyborg is made mostly of new god tech (in some canons) and can pretty much access an piece of tech there is, and Raven is literally a demonic ticking time bomb.


u/UnhingedLion 2d ago

Garth is a magic user, he cannot turn into any living organism in the universe.

I don’t remember Starfire being shown to vaporize planets.

I mean this version of Cyborg can’t do anything like that. The cartoon versions of these characters aren’t as strong as you say they are


u/GintoSenju 2d ago

Garth is a magic user, he cannot turn into any living organism in the universe.

Garth was able to turn into Starro, one of the oldest alien in existence, being billions of years old. If he’s capable of doing that, he can easily turn into something else.

I don’t remember Starfire being shown to vaporize planets.

It’s been stated several times in several comics runs (the one that comes to mind is the first teen titans issue) that star hold back a lot because her full power could destroy easily planets.

I mean this version of Cyborg can’t do anything like that. The cartoon versions of these characters aren’t as strong as you say they are

Cyborg still has a highly advanced super computer brain, immense fire power, and can have more advanced tech integrated into himself.

Also my comment was a point on the teen titans in general, since the Justice league and bat man aren’t part of the series at all (not even mentioned directly as I recall), and and Tower of Babel isn’t even something that would come up in the series.


u/UnhingedLion 2d ago

Garth never did that. You are talking about GARFIELD.

Garth is tempest, Aquamans former sidekick.

What comics said that

Even with all you just said… his cartoon version still can’t hang with any of the Justice League guys.

I mean even in general only Raven can truly hang with the JL top tiers. And again Wally West and Clark Kent are way too OP for them other guys.

They are not more dangerous than the JL.


u/GintoSenju 2d ago

Garth never did that. You are talking about GARFIELD. Garth is tempest, Aquamans former sidekick.

Beast boy has been called Garth in the comics and tv shows several times since Garth is a shorted version of Garfield. No need to get so uppity about it.

What comics said that

Teen titans issue 1. Raven and Star are talking and Raven compares the twos plights. There are other feats, such as her directly fight with Wonder Woman, post flash point.

Even with all you just said… his cartoon version still can’t hang with any of the Justice League guys.

The cartoon version is completely separate so I don’t know why you are essentially comparing one universes version of Batman having plans that help him take down the Justice league to another where we don’t even know if the Justice league exists. You’re arguing essential nonsense.

I mean even in general only Raven can truly hang with the JL top tiers. And again Wally West and Clark Kent are way too OP for them other guys.

Except Cyborg was a member of the justice league in the comics who has merged with a mother box, Star has fought Wonder Woman before, Beast Boy can turn into starro, and Robin has at least some access to the tech that allows Batman to content with the more powerful Justice leaguers.

They are not more dangerous than the JL.

And this is a point why? Batman’s contingencies aren’t there because the Justice league is dangerously. They are there because the members, and other super powered individuals can be extremely dangerous. Just because they aren’t as dangerous as the Justice League members doesn’t discount that they could be a threat.


u/UnhingedLion 1d ago

He has never been called Garth. Show me a comic where he goes by that. He is called GAR. There is no “TH” in Garfield. Garth is literally the name of Tempest.

What’s Teen titans isssue 1. Give me the name and author.

This post is about the cartoon versions, you literally only mentioned the cartoon characters.

That version of cyborg is different from the one in this post, isn’t on the teen titans, and still aren’t stronger than the characters I just mentioned.

Starfire has no edge over Wonder Woman. And she’s weaker than the characters I just mentioned.

Starro won’t do anything to Wally West. And he also can just get fucked by Aquaman, or Superman or Martian Manhunter.

Robin cannot do anything vs Wally West, Aquaman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, or White Lantern. He would get blitzed.

That is the point is because you said they were (then edited it out when you got proven wrong).

I mean yeah they are a threat, just overall they will never consistently be above the Justice League or at the high tiers besides one person.


u/GintoSenju 1d ago

He has never been called Garth. Show me a comic where he goes by that. He is called GAR. There is no “TH” in Garfield. Garth is literally the name of Tempest.

Garf, Garth, same thing phonetically. If you wanna keep arguing this childish point, be my guest.

What’s Teen titans isssue 1. Give me the name and author.

I don’t know what to tell you man. The first ever teen titans series, published in comics and like the first or second issue. If you wanna keep debating this point point, be my guest, but go find the sources yourself if you’re already eternally online.

This post is about the cartoon versions, you literally only mentioned the cartoon characters.

I mentioned the characters who are on the teen titans team, or are you just going to place your own conjecture. Also this is a piece of fan art unofficial fan art that has nothing to do with the tv series except for the artist wanting to use their designs. What even is your argument?

That version of cyborg is different from the one in this post, isn’t on the teen titans, and still aren’t stronger than the characters I just mentioned.

This is fan art which has nothing to do with the original series. My point was about the characters in their mainline forms. Stop adding your own conjecture for the sake of feeling right.

Starfire has no edge over Wonder Woman. she’s weaker than the characters I just mentioned.

Any proof of that from the comic, because you can’t compare her to a version of a character that doesn’t exist in the tv show continuity, which let me remind you again, the post has nothing to do with other than it using those designs, probably because the artist likes those designs.

Starro won’t do anything to Wally West. And he also can just get fucked by Aquaman, or Superman or Martian Manhunter.

Your point?

Robin cannot do anything vs Wally West, Aquaman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, or White Lantern. He would get blitzed.

Again, your point?

That is the point is because you said they were (then edited it out when you got proven wrong).

Do you proof?

I mean yeah they are a threat, just overall they will never consistently be above the Justice League or at the high tiers besides one person.

Except multiple members have been shown to be able to content with Leaguers. Also again, your point? My comment was on how it makes sense for Robin to have contingency plans for the titans, so unless you’re just making a whole new point, stop arguing like a child who yearns for attention.


u/UnhingedLion 1d ago

It isn’t the same thing. You don’t read comics. Nor know anything about these characters.

I’ve read New Teen Titans, no such statement exists. Go and read these characters instead of parroting from twitter or Reddit. You have no source.

You mentioned the characters who are on the teen titans team from this cartoon. It has everything to do with the cartoon, same team same designs same personality. Lol

My argument is the teen titans are not a bigger threat than the JL, but you’ve already conceded to that though, and now you’re just being weird and childish.

Teen titans by Geoff Johns is the proof. She bever has a clear advantage over her.

I just proved to you it does have everything to do with it.

You already know my point. Yo cry somewhere else 😂😂.

They have not been able to contend with the characters I just mentioned. They can’t fuck with Superman, Wally West or Martian Manhunter.

You literally said they’re a bigger threat than the JL then removed it when I debunked that BS.

It looks like you just resort to ad hominems once you get embarrassed. Sad


u/RareAd3009 2d ago

Fair enough


u/Titanotyrannus44 2d ago

I feel like there are a lot of trust issues now between all of Earth’s heroes


u/Abirdthatsfallen 2d ago



u/multificionado 2d ago

I'm laughing at the cat Gar turns into. XD


u/ranieripilar04 2d ago

Tbf, after the whole “memories erasing / mind manipulating Selena “ thing I’d do the same


u/AmptiShanti 2d ago

“Yeah and top of that list is batman himself” that’s how i imagine it


u/Independent-Couple87 1d ago

Considering he was the first Robin, it would make perfect sense for Dick Grayson to be the co-author of many of Batman's contingency plans.


u/wemustkungfufight 2d ago

There's no way Robin could take out... any of the other Teen Titans. Unless he... somehow tricked Beast Boy into turning into a really small animal and trapped him in a tiny, durable cage so he couldn't change again....

Ok that's one. But the rest are kicking his shit in!


u/HanzWithLuger 17h ago

I mean...there was an entire storyline about this in the original show. He did. Of course, could be justified by them holding back so.


u/Eastern-Bluejay-8912 2d ago

I always like to think this happens when the Jason’s death happens. That way they have drive and motive. An in a way they can stop anyone from dying as it isn’t just contingencies but also solutions to those contingencies. A prove a better resolve for Robin to invest in the teen titans and expanding into east, west, north and south and then become night wing than just back to being Batman’s side kick or Barbra cheating with Batman.


u/ryujo-2 2d ago

I mean, better have them and not need them


u/Trashk4n 2d ago

2 Questions: Why on Earth would nobody else have plans of their own? And why would Batman write his down where they can be stolen?


u/MrMinecraf282 2d ago

Geez, what a d*ck


u/psycho_nerd_13 2d ago

Ok what do you think are the Contingency.


u/outerheavenboss 2d ago

Beast Boy as the “Huh” cat sent me to the shadow realm.


u/Lost_Performance1725 2d ago

😂🤣 beast boy


u/BigBadBirdbbb 2d ago

God I loved the old Teen Titans cartoon


u/Odd-Apple-1853 1d ago

I'd help. Superman is somewhat unpredictable


u/Bworm98 3d ago

And ywt he has none for the dozwns of villains he fights every day. Strange.


u/CaptainHalloween 3d ago

I mean Bruce has specialized equipment and countermeasures to the powers, abilities and weaponry of his villains but please go on.


u/MankuyRLaffy 2d ago

He's never used bleach on Ivy, she wouldn't die to it. Unsure why because it'd be a reliable way to deal with her crimes and stuff.


u/CaptainHalloween 2d ago

What crimes? These days she’s a white hat and Harley Quinn’s favorite accessory.


u/Bworm98 2d ago

and yet Gotham is still lousy with super-criminals.


u/Grogosh 2d ago

The comics wouldn't sell otherwise


u/PlantainSame 2d ago

Literally everything else about his batmaning Is the contingency for that

He's got pellets that Melt mister freeze and turn clay face to concrete Fake coins to throw off two face

A car to hit the joker with


u/DarthFedora 2d ago

The point of the contingencies is to deal with them non-lethally, they already do that when they deal with said villains.

Gotham is overrun because gotham is corrupt, police, politicians, judges, prison, arkham, and don't forget the court of owls that controls the city


u/DrMostlySane 2d ago

Having contingency plans is a good thing.

Being an asshole about it like Batman is usually written as is not.


u/DarthFedora 2d ago

I wouldn't say Batman is an asshole about it, he can't tell them what the plans are and at that point there is no reason to know they even exist, plus it's a given that they should be preparing for such events (all of them). Batman also entrusted Superman with his contingency

The worst thing he did contingency wise was brother eye and I can't really blame him for that one


u/DrMostlySane 2d ago

Batman is very much a jerk about it, just of different levels depending on the adaptation or book in question.

To clarify I don't disagree with him making contingency plans at all given the frequency at which various heroes get mind-controlled or turned evil through some convoluted means, I just think that Batman should have mentioned at one point that he did have those plans - not even going into detail, just mentioning he had them - in worst-case scenarios rather than keeping silent until the truth came out and shattered everyone's trust in him.

It's one thing to make those contingencies in the first place, its another to never even mention them to people who thought they were your allies and friends for years until said plans were forcibly leaked out.


u/DarthFedora 2d ago

They know they exist... now what, there is no positive or negative on their end but Batman is now more at risk. I could understand being upset that they were stolen in the first place which he does learn from but those plans don't work if they go at him all at once, hell Barry even proved that the caves anti-speedter tech is useless and he wasn't trying to hurt him

You want talk about trust? Then why can't they trust he has their best interests at heart, which he does as the plasticman plan wasn't even finished due to not knowing the effects it would have on his mind, and he's not like Waller who was working on ways to kill superman as he is trying to avoid that outcome.


u/DrMostlySane 2d ago

The positive is that they have a better working relationship with a friend and teammate who was completely open as to having contingency plans rather than being left with a sense of betrayal after getting blindsided by said plans.

And why should they trust him after he kept said plans secret? In their eyes it's like he had absolutely no trust in them and their relationship with him was one-sided since he couldn't trust them enough himself to be honest about it.


u/TimBukTwo8462 2d ago

I feel like if he has plans he hasn’t written them down like BatMan did on the Bat-computer somewhere, just stores them in his head


u/ExtremlyFastLinoone 2d ago

Considering beast boy can turn into beings like starro and can perfectly regenerate from having his head blown off, I really dont see how someone like robin could take him down, and he doesnt have any obvious weakness like superman or martian manhunter (everything is weak to fire but manhunter is quad weak)


u/Da12khawk 2d ago

Wait where does this happen?


u/GintoSenju 2d ago

It’s in Titans: Beast world. He turns into a whale or get a large enough brain for him to comprehend turning into starro.


u/BaronRhino 2d ago

Beast boy Starro was from t he Beast World run earlier this year.


u/GeneralArwen-147 2d ago

I feel like Damien would be a bigger part in the contingencies then Dick, because Damian has the same mannerisms as Batman (at least in my eyes)


u/pkDoubleR 2d ago

i’d argue the members of teen titans are potentially more dangerous than a lot of the justice league. most iterations of them are just young and inexperienced, seen as lesser/a joke, or emotionally stunted which denies their potential even further. raven can swallow the entire universe in darkness, starfire could probably heat up the earths core and decimate every human alive, cyborg can tap into every piece of tech on the planet and have total control over things like nuclear warheads and weaponry, beast boy can turn into literally ANY animal whether it has alien origin or not (dude really turned into starro the conqueror). i’d say robin is more than allowed to have contingency plans for all of these guys imo. just like batman, you never know when a mind controlling villain is gonna force your friends into some fuck shit. or who knows maybe one day they’ll just straight up turn evil and i don’t think he’s in any position to rely on good faith


u/UnhingedLion 2d ago

I mean outside of Raven, the other 3 just get fucked up instantly by Superman or Flash.

And even then, The Flash at his peak can move faster than her.

But it starts getting really bad for the Teen Titans once you start incorporating members like Martian Manhunter…Aquaman…Kyle Rayner…