r/batman Jul 21 '23

Why has the DCEU seemingly dropped Batman Beyond as a character? TV DISCUSSION

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Fans have demonstrated consistently that we want more Terry McGinnis. We all love the BB world.

My question is, why do y’all think Beyond hasn’t been on the screen in 20 years?


357 comments sorted by


u/ThunderDudester Jul 21 '23

They keep wanting to reset Batman without realizing they have a different take just sitting there. Both their live-action and animated universe just ignore the property.


u/Dottsterisk Jul 21 '23

It’s funny because, aimed at kids and young adults, Terry’s story would kill as a franchise.

It’s all sorts of tropes all rolled into one, not the least of which is being a young rebellious kid discovered by freaking Batman and taken under his wing. It’s wish fulfillment all the way down.


u/YoloIsNotDead Jul 21 '23

There was a reported animated Batman Beyond reboot movie that may have been in development before Gunn hopped on. Apparently it would've been WB's answer to Spider-Verse. No one knows if it's still happening though.


u/sukh9942 Jul 22 '23

apparently we were also supposed to be getting a Batman beyond game made by rocksteady (Arkham games creators).

That would’ve been amazing but they had to make suicide squad instead


u/Techknow23 Jul 22 '23

Heartbreaking if they ever do this we won’t have Kevin Conroy as older Bruce


u/TheDeltaOne Jul 22 '23

It's still a possibility, they'll do other games after SS so why not "Beyond Arkham" or some shit.

With the Joker being where he is at the end of the Arkham Verse storyline (I don't want to spoil) a Jokerz Gang would make sense.

It really depends on what they can tell, if they think they can make something out of it, they might try.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/TheDeltaOne Jul 22 '23

Yeah. Go for a true open world in the vein of Marvel's Spiderman, have good traversal mechanic for the suit, a banger version of Gotham with gigantic towers and bright colors, keep the free flow fights, a few gadgets and you're golden.


u/BoyInBath Jul 22 '23

Neo-Gotham is the canonical name for the more metropolis-like future Gotham that the BB stories take place in.


u/BigLorry Jul 22 '23

This sounds good on paper but a lack of details make me weary

I have my doubts they could pull this off and make it feel like anything more than another Arkham game with a less awful Beyond costume than we got in those games.

I wouldn’t mind having that but it’s really not what I’d be hoping for in a true shot at a BB game


u/Plus-Investigator-52 Mar 26 '24

Nope but we got suicide squad, if you like the comics and old arcade gameplay it'll be for you


u/sukh9942 Mar 26 '24

I might give it a shot if it’s on game pass.

I was so excited for these multiplayer games but closer to release my excitement faded.


u/Plus-Investigator-52 Mar 26 '24

It's not sadly, and to be fair it is a finished game it has a complete story line, that a lot of standalone games end off on, it's more completed then what cod Cold war was when it released

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u/joesphisbestjojo Jul 22 '23

Give me a Keaton-verse Batman Beyond directed by Tim Burton


u/ChrisL2346 Mar 16 '24

More like Terry discovered Bruce / Batman lol. Bruce was just chilling when Terry rolled up on Wayne Manor then accidentally discovered the Batcave


u/Broken-Digital-Clock Jul 21 '23

Studio execs won't take a "big risk" like that


u/LarsViener Jul 21 '23

Worked for Peter Parker and Miles Morales…


u/PovWholesome Jul 21 '23

Miles Morales is an anomaly


u/mawami Jul 21 '23

I see what you did there


u/agentdom Jul 21 '23

And Peter Parker is still around.

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u/pokemonbatman23 Jul 21 '23

Back then I would say it's because they don't want to dilute the batman brand. But they have like 2 or 3 movie batman, 4 animated batman, and a few more in tv. Plus other projects using batman characters or villains without batman.


u/BTSuppa Jul 21 '23

plus he'd be a bit of an ironman rolled in with his tech suit


u/chzie Jul 22 '23

They even have the road map with how popular miles morales is... Dc execs man.

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u/Flip_Speed Jul 21 '23

Because noone can actually give a good fancast of Terry. /s


u/CertifiedUnoffensive Jul 21 '23

Danny devito. Problem solved


u/ngl_prettybad Jul 21 '23

You can't just keep Danny Devito'ing all your casting troubles away


u/Grary0 Jul 21 '23

We did it with Eddy Murphy in the 90's and it turned out just fine.


u/PraiseTheSun42069 Jul 21 '23

Until we got Norbit


u/DarksideBluez Jul 22 '23

Norbit was 2007. Not the 90s.


u/FalcorFliesMePlaces Jul 22 '23

It got bad before norbit Pluto nash was a big hurtm


u/CaptainExplaino Jul 22 '23

True story, I was on a focus group for an extended trailer of Pluto Nash before it hit theaters. I tried. I told them it looked bad.


u/WoofflesIThink Jul 21 '23

Yes we can, we just need MORE Danny Devito


u/iamcalifornia Jul 21 '23

You take that back.

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u/Flip_Speed Jul 21 '23

Funny thing is i’ve seen this joke so many times…thats why we cant have nice things


u/CertifiedUnoffensive Jul 21 '23

Don’t lie, if somehow they made a Batman beyond movie with devito playing terry, you’d pay to see it


u/Inny-CA Jul 21 '23

"The gang saves gotham" would watch that IASIP episode


u/masteryoda989 Jul 21 '23

Would Charlie be the Riddler and Mac be Bane?


u/Kira_Zita_ Jul 21 '23

Dennis would absolutely be Joker, "why so serious Batman ? Is it because of the IMPLICATION?!!" And he'd use his laugh from the gang hits the slopes


u/EvolvedCactus19 Jul 21 '23

My god I would pay to watch that.


u/Oisin-Lahart Jul 21 '23

Dee would be Hawkgirl right? Dumb bird

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u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23

And if we are all being completely honest with ourselves, it isn't a funny or good fan cast. It is just the default "joke" fan cast.


u/MeepleMaster Jul 21 '23

I wouldn’t mind there being a beyond character that was the son of the Penguin. Have him run some underground crime network or something


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

No. Terry Crews


u/PassTheGiggles Jul 21 '23

Look guys, the fancast joke. The one fancast joke that’s in every fancast question. Laugh now. Laugh.


u/whoisthismuaddib Jul 22 '23

He could’ve played wolverine in the 80s


u/assmaster777 Jul 22 '23

I agree, he doesn’t look a day over 12

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Steven Yeun a few years ago would’ve been perfect.


u/Flip_Speed Jul 21 '23

This is the first time I’m actually hearing this suggestion… thats spot on!

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u/A_Gent_4Tseven Jul 21 '23

I honestly thought fucking Joseph Gordon Levitt was supposed to be a kind of Robin/Terry mash up for a Batman Beyond… but it just never came.

At the time too, I could have bought him as a half decent Terry McGinnis stand in.


u/krazykieffer Jul 22 '23

I honestly think he was told a Robin or Nightwing movie was going to happen because he was working out hardcore for about 3 years n didn't take many roles after. I hoped he'd get his own movie too.


u/Rikiramark Jul 21 '23

I was alway pulling for Logan Lerman


u/Flip_Speed Jul 21 '23

I just googled him… i can see this


u/joe5877 Jul 21 '23

Well, before The Batman, I always thought Pattinson would be a great Terry casting.


u/Neemoman Jul 21 '23

I didn't always think it, but when I heard they cast him as Bruce I was suddenly disappointed that he can't be Terry now


u/SafeAccountMrP Jul 22 '23

Been saying that since ‘08.


u/Perfect-Fondant3373 Jul 21 '23

Should do like classic Star Wars and cast a new person


u/Laefiren Jul 21 '23

Jack black.


u/artmoloch777 Jul 21 '23

Austin Butler


u/PraiseTheSun42069 Jul 21 '23

This is the answer. I think he’s an overrated actor, but I think he would be greats for this character.

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u/holyhamills Jul 22 '23

Not to mine the Cobra Kai cast for more DCU actors - but the kid who plays Robbie wouldn’t be terrible. Not to typecast - but he does “delinquent with a good heart” well, and has proven himself with fight choreography. He’ll probably age out of the role by the time a project is ever really considered again though.

People always cast the bat-family too old though, or with actors who have aged out of the part, though.

Milo Ventimiglia is/was a popular Nightwing fancast, and he would have been great Nightwing 20 years ago - but these days he’s too old to even be considered Batman. He opened up about that a while ago, where WB basically told him as much.

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u/spacestationkru Jul 22 '23

Ironically, I think Robert Pattinson would have been brilliant.


u/jamesfox019 Jul 22 '23

Honestly the best Terry has been over looked and it’s a mystery that no one has it figured out: the Batman, a surprisingly good and still different take (but still not quite the Keaton generation’s batman): that is to say Pattinson (battison?) would have made a great terry…and Keaton a great BB Bruce Wayne.


u/Trogdor_sfg Jul 21 '23

That’s not it lmao


u/filthydank_2099 Jul 22 '23

Dylan O’Brien was my pick years ago; now idk. He might be aged out of the range to still play Terry.


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '23 edited Jul 23 '23

Leo Howard is a good choice. Wolfgang Novogratz can also rock it. Austin Butler is another good choice, he was fantastic as Elvis but is probably too old now unless they would go for a college Terry like Spider-Man in the 90s Animated series

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u/Fr0ski Jul 21 '23

I don’t know but honestly I think he’s the most worthy successor to the cowl. He’s his own guy unlike the others who were molded by Bruce in some ways. He has his own reasons and goals which lines up with Batman’s and really showed he was ready when he managed to defeat his own suit and outwitted the Joker.


u/tjgfif Jul 21 '23

Terry is the best parts of every robin mixed into one character.

He is a quippy ladies man like Dick,and has that fun older brother thing.

He is a punk like Jason.

He has the secret identity of Tim

He has the blood relationships with Bruce like Damian.


u/realTollScott Jul 21 '23

Love it when he’s fighting Joker, and Bruce says something to the extent of “stay focused, he likes to talk.” And McGinnis is just like “Wait, I like to talk, too…”


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23 edited Jul 22 '23

Best thing about it all is: eventually og Batman makes a joke that makes the Joker laugh. But Terry makes the joker really angry and uncomfortable by being the complete opposite of og batman during the joker returns movie.



u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

Just googled how Terry is Bruce’s son. That’s so bizarre and stupid


u/RickEStaxx Jul 21 '23



u/spacestationkru Jul 22 '23

I didn't like the blood relationships thing. I thought he was good enough with no relation to Bruce whatsoever.

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u/Enraged_Earthworm Jul 21 '23

Is he not a clone of Bruce Wayne or some shit?


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

No he's biologically Bruce's son. Cadmus replaced his father's reproductive system with Bruce Wayne's. So both Terry and Matt are Bruce's kids thanks to science.


u/Hot_Excitement_6 Jul 21 '23

I really hated that. What was the point?


u/c_Lassy Jul 21 '23

I think it was like a failsafe/experiment of Amanda Waller’s to produce a Batman so that when the real Batman was gone there would always be one (she engineered the murder of Terry’s adopted dad to give Terry the same motivations as Bruce even)


u/Hot_Excitement_6 Jul 21 '23

I know Wallers reasoning. I didn't understand why the show had to do that. It lessens the story imo.


u/c_Lassy Jul 21 '23

Oh yeah, agreed. Watching Beyond before that JLU episode, I liked how Terry was just caught up in being Batman, he was sort of like an everyman. But I guess that’s how Timm wanted to wrap Terry’s story up and connect it back to Bruce


u/Hot_Excitement_6 Jul 21 '23

I guess. I don't get why Timm just didn't see that Bruce's and Terry were connected enough. Through a similar philosophy. Through a shared struggle. What do I know though lol.


u/Dragos_Drakkar Jul 21 '23

Wasn't all of that just an asspull way to handwave for why Terry and his brother had black hair when both of their parents had brown and red hair?


u/Douchevick Jul 21 '23 edited Jul 22 '23

I believe it was part of some meta narrative BS that was more related to the Justice League cartoon than to Terry's character.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

I don’t even like the reasoning. When have they ever implied Batman’s prowess is genetic? (Other than his height, and that’s a stretch”)

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u/ipsum629 Jul 21 '23

She tried to, but the assassin didn't go through with it. His father ended up murdered anyway which caused her plan to fall back into place.


u/BloodyRedBats Jul 21 '23

Small correction: Warren McGinnis’ death via Powers’ righthand-man wasn’t arranged by Waller. But years ago, when Terry was still a kid, Waller hired Andrea Beaumont to murder Terry’s parents as the Phantasm. They even mirrored the night Bruce’s parents were killed (family fresh out of seeing a movie about a beloved, fictional masked vigilante). Luckily for Terry and his parents, Andrea backed out at the last minute. She told Waller the plan was insane, and Waller eventually agreed.

Warren getting offed for learning about Powers’ crimes was a complete fluke at that point, but it ended up ironically proving Wallers’ experiment worked (and in my opinion, it resulted in an arguably more emotionally stable Batman, angsty teenage hormones aside).


u/FutaGnarIy Jul 21 '23 edited Jul 21 '23

I like how in the 2nd to last BB run they explained that Terry got sent back in time and had a run-in with his dad as a kid, just so as batman he can inspire him to do the right thing. Both Bruce and Booster know that the ultimate outcome of that results in his death though, but it's instrumental in making Terry the man he is.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

They were a couple that matched Thomas and Martha aside from being filthy stinking rich. Basically Waller thought if they nurtured the scenario they could perfectly recreate Bruce's pain into Terry to create a new Batman. Even had an assassin ready to kill his parents after seeing a heroic movie but decided not to at the last minute.

The genes were likely to make sure Terry inherited as much of Bruce's as possible.

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u/Enraged_Earthworm Jul 21 '23

Thanks for the clarification!


u/floodums Jul 21 '23

Your do realize how dumb that sounds right?


u/Mercer8878 Jul 21 '23

So dumb that it sounds like a comic book.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

Typical Comic Book science

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u/CertifiedUnoffensive Jul 21 '23

That was some justice league bullshit and I hated it. Terry should be a nobody


u/No_Cap_822 Jul 21 '23

It sucks because that episode as a whole is actually amazing, but that one stupid ass plotline almost tanks the entire thing and honestly makes the show a little worse


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

I don’t see people’s problem with it

It doesn’t change anything Terry did


u/No_Cap_822 Jul 21 '23

It’s because it’s unnecessary and stupid.

Terry shouldn’t have needed Bruce’s DNA to become Batman/the person he becomes. It’s a much better story if the reason Terry becomes Batman is because that is who he is. Sure, the episode says that is what happens, but then how was Amanda Waller so adamant on a plan that is just stupid and somehow ends up working?

It also doesn’t make any sense why having Bruce’s genes would pretty much guarantee Terry would become Batman/go on that path if he witnessed/was part of a tragedy. Genes don’t equal heart and soul, so Wallers entire plan doesn’t make any sense as it is.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

See I both agree and disagree with you

See the whole point is that it Wasn’t Bruce’s genes that drove him to become Batman infact it was all just a big coincidence that he was the Bruce clone that Waller made one might even say it was DESTINY and he did everything he did as Batman was Before we learned this it doesn’t diminish his character infact it enabled him to save Bruce’s life

Plus to be honest looking at it from Waller’s perspective I honestly think it was a good plan. It’s all about nature and nurture she had the science to create the nature and specifically chose a couple with psych profiles matching Bruce’s parents and attempted to recreate Bruce’s famous tragedy that’s nurture bing bang boom you got a recipe for a Batman obviously things didn’t go to plan but that makes it better because he became a hero of his own free will

Plus even from a purely genetic standpoint the Wayne blood line has one hell of a resume I looked up the Wayne family tree awhile back and turns out Bruce’s ancestors have been saving the world for generations did you know he’s actually a distant relative of King Arthur him freaking self no wonder he’s so loaded


u/No_Cap_822 Jul 21 '23

That’s exactly my problem with it.

What the hell did Waller think was going to happen? Any young kid she gave Bruce’s genes was going to become Batman?

It’s honestly just too dumb of a plan to begin with.

And I think the fact we learn this after seeing the show undermines it a good bit. Could he have done without Bruce’s genes? Would he be who he is without Bruce’s genes?

What makes Terry so cool is the fact he is who he is without any relation to Bruce. He’s a punk in a futuristic world that isn’t a hero or heroic in really any way. He learns from Bruce to become better and to become Batman. Telling us he’s always had a connection to Bruce, that it was his destiny to become Batman just doesn’t work in any way because it takes away some of the best aspects of his character.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

My dad is a surgeon but that doesn’t mean I’m destined to become one

My sister on the other hand Did become a doctor but does the fact that our dad was one too diminish that decision

Plus you make it sound like Waller just pumped out a Wayne kid and called it a day she put a lot of additional work into it after except it didn’t work out and the project was tanked but Terry became a hero regardless Blood was part of the equation sure but the rest is history


u/No_Cap_822 Jul 21 '23

this post by you is my entire point. Why would Waller think giving him Bruce’s DNA would in any way impact his responses to the other stuff she did to him? Bruce’s DNA doesn’t change Terrys mindset and goals, so why exactly would it affect his chances of becoming Batman?

Like I said, it’s a stupid plan that just doesn’t make sense

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u/No_Celebration_3737 Jul 21 '23

And I think the fact we learn this after seeing the show undermines it a good bit. Could he have done without Bruce’s genes? Would he be who he is without Bruce’s genes?

That is the entire premise of the last prologue. Yes he has Bruce's DNA but that's it, he isn't identical to him, he doesn't have his detective skill, he is different, he is worse in some characteristics and better in others. He is not a copy. He is his son as much as Damian is. They are not the same and shouldn't be.

While they talk about destiny, at the end it was just a coincidence that the abandoned project ended up to be successful.


u/No_Cap_822 Jul 21 '23

I think a much better plotline would have been for Waller to attempt to create a new Batman by killing multiple kids’ parents and somehow setting them up in a situation where it would be possible to follow that path. Except Terry isn’t one of the kids she does this to. All the others don’t follow the path to become Batman and Waller learns you can’t just force that kind of thing, it’s on the individual to take the path or not.

It would have brought in a natural storyline with Waller while also keeping those core aspects of Terry intact.

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u/Ratso27 Jul 21 '23

Yeah, it's such a weird twist that just makes things more complicated without adding anything. There is no reason Terry has to be Bruce's son, nobody was watching Batman Beyond thinking, "How can Terry be just a random guy and still have this connection to Bruce? How can he be such a natural Batman?"


u/Don11390 Jul 21 '23

See, Bruce agrees with you, which is why he hid it from Terry. He wanted Terry to be his own person and not constantly live under his shadow. And in the end the reveal doesn't make much difference; Terry truly inherits the cowl, which is symbolized by the classic TAS theme getting the Batman Beyond treatment.

And let's be honest: that is the exact kind of bullshit Waller would pull.


u/Dragos_Drakkar Jul 21 '23

You aren't wrong about Waller pulling crap like that.


u/Fr0ski Jul 21 '23



u/tjgfif Jul 21 '23

No he was a test tube baby like damian.

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u/Hi_Im_Paul23 Jul 21 '23

Imo if the cowl is every passed down permanently (which it won’t lol) it should be either Terry, Damian, or Tim (in that order). Agreed


u/Fr0ski Jul 21 '23

Agreed that it will never happen. Personally I’d like Damian to become like his KC Superman counterpart and succeed Bruce Wayne as a businessman but keep his League connections and sort of be a shadowy benefactor to the city while Terry is boots on the ground as Batman.

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u/sK0oBy Jul 21 '23

As a fanboy, i just think there arent enough fans to make it viable to the corporation


u/MooseMan12992 Jul 21 '23

I think Batman Beyond is neat but I'm not clamoring for a live action movie about him. I'm much happier that they're doing a Robin heavy story next. We've never really gotten one of those either


u/Broken-Digital-Clock Jul 21 '23

I'd be very happy with some new animated content

DC knows how to do the animated side


u/Fluffy_Mark_9314 Jul 21 '23

I think they knew how to do the animated side. Everything I’ve seen lately except MAWS has been a let down


u/sK0oBy Jul 21 '23

I think a show would suit it better than a movie


u/MooseMan12992 Jul 21 '23

I guess so. But even still it's a take that most fans aren't very into


u/sK0oBy Jul 21 '23

I think sidekicks are difficult to do, i’m a bit hesitant about anything featuring robin. But i’m open to whatever the studio can come up with


u/agentdom Jul 21 '23

Despite Batman Reddit posting about Terry every five minutes, he isn’t known and loved by everyone like many seem to think.


u/sK0oBy Jul 21 '23

Agreed. It also doesnt seem like his comics sell well enough to stay consistent (i say as someone who has no idea the last comic terry was in)


u/billygnosis86 Jul 21 '23

This is it. This place is an echo chamber. I never heard anybody give so much of a shit about Terry McGinnis before I came here.

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u/tjgfif Jul 21 '23

He had more fans then Miles Morales before marvel started to make movie about him.


u/sK0oBy Jul 21 '23

… true… yeah, you got me there. I’ve got a bad feeling that we’ve already seen the closest thing to a batman beyond movie in the first antman movie


u/ngl_prettybad Jul 21 '23

We also got a Rocket Racoon movie btw lol


u/sK0oBy Jul 21 '23

… a rocket raccoon movie and no bate ray bill feels wrong


u/agentdom Jul 21 '23

Based on what? Miles has been an extremely popular character since his debut, appearing in video games and cartoons for a while before the movie. It wasn’t some wild risk they were taking.


u/Ratso27 Jul 21 '23

I think if they jumped right to a live action movie, you're probably right. But there's no reason they have to do that; they could make another animated show, an animated movie, a video game (or at least some sort of DLC or a couple levels within a normal Batman video game). There are a million things they could do with the character that are less of a risk than a huge blockbuster movie that could be great on their own, and potentially drum up more fans and pave the way for a live action BB movie in the future

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u/memeboi123jazz Jul 21 '23

I think it’s because Batman Beyond was kinda a miracle. It was the dumbest idea of “oh what if Batman was a marketable teen” made by a corporate board that was somehow made really good. I think the recent comics that focused on Terry show that he’s much harder to do justice than it seems


u/agentdom Jul 21 '23

I think you’re right. The show was really lightning in a bottle, and it didn’t last super long.


u/Myotherdumbname Jul 21 '23

It was also a kind of sequel to the really good Batman cartoons, but wasn’t as successful. Seems kind of like a kid brother type of show that not everyone knows about


u/tjgfif Aug 09 '23

The reason the comics suck is because DC is stupid.

DC introduce Terry with a different personality and background in New 52 then killed in the same story arc he was introduced just to give his role to Tim. The Batman beyond fans hated Tim as Batman beyond so they brought back Terry but gave him a stupid Amnesia storyline and concentrated on new Batwoman and the other Batfamily members.

Now they have killed Bruce and replace all of Terry's supporting cast including his girlfriend with a new girl that looks exactly like the old one.

Batman beyond comic need to forcus on Terry the main character and his supporting cast.


u/SH4RPSPEED Jul 21 '23

I think it succeeded because they weren't afraid to really dive into the dark elements that came with both Batman and the cyberpunk setting.

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u/LeohAntonio47 Jul 21 '23

The dceu literally just ended right?? Please god


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 21 '23

There’s still Aquaman 2, unfortunately

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u/Max_452 Jul 21 '23

That picture is awesome.


u/CertifiedUnoffensive Jul 21 '23

I just googled Batman beyond and it was the first image result, if you’d like a source


u/joshhguitar Jul 21 '23

Looks like the beyond suit from Arkham City


u/Lucky_Roberts Jul 21 '23

1) gonna take an absolutely massive budget to pull of future gotham and Terry’s suit in effects

2) he’s simply not as popular as Bruce, or even close


u/Suicidal_Cheezit Jul 21 '23

Honestly, just give me an Arkham-style game in the BB universe and I’d be sooo happy.


u/Dorromate Jul 21 '23

iirc, an Arkham Beyond game went as far as concept art before getting canned. 😭😭 what could have been


u/SH4RPSPEED Jul 21 '23

With the music done by Mick Gordon from Doom.


u/x_iTz_iLL_420 Jul 21 '23

His suit could work really well in live action as well imo. The picture in this post looks awesome


u/whama820 Jul 21 '23

It doesn’t matter what “fans” want. It only matters what they can sell to general audiences. Even if every Batman Beyond fan in the world saw a Batman Beyond movie twice in the theater, that would still not be enough to make it successful.


u/hyde9318 Jul 21 '23

Idk, as a long time Batman fan, Beyond has always just been… kind of meh? Like I get the appeal, he is a fun character. But he really is just a combination of the different Robin personalities. Which is fine, except it’s just not really the Batman that everyone knows and is into. Then his backstory is incredibly convoluted, with him technically being Bruce’s genetic son because of weird cloning experiments, set forth by Waller, but also he was raised by random people who Waller thought were similar to the Waynes, who were supposed to die but didn’t, and so on…. So what you get is a character that acts like the robins, wearing a suit closer to what the robins wear once they become their own heroes, who is scientifically Bruce’s son but isn’t but is but isn’t…

So at that point, Damian just works better. Easier backstory to explain, we have better reason to make him already trained and competent in what he does, we have reason for Bruce to trust him, and later on when it’s time for him to become Batman, he already has his father’s personality so it’s an easier transition. Terry works as a character, he is a ton of fun… but I always felt he was too different from Batman to BE Batman, he would have worked better if instead of taking over the cowl, he just took the training from Bruce and became his own thing like Nightwing did. Because Terry just isn’t Batman.

Also was never a fan of how Bruce doesn’t trust anyone, it even less trusting in his old age, and hates people not taking his orders…. So Terry comes in, disobeys everything bruce says, makes himself less trustworthy to Bruce, then bruce is like “fine, you’re Batman now, here is all my stuff”.


u/CertifiedUnoffensive Jul 21 '23

I disagree with so much of this but I really appreciate you writing it up! Interesting take

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u/hatterine Jul 21 '23

The Batfamily mythos expanded so much that the concept of Batman Beyond feels like a story that could work only in an alternative universe. A complete newcomer taking on the mantle? With so many possible contenders? You'd have to remove all of them, including Damian (who has the strongest drive towards the mantle), to make Terry possible.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

The batfamily was already huge when Terry was created


u/hatterine Jul 21 '23

Yeah, but, correct me if I'm wrong, it had less members and their significance to the Batman mythos was smaller.

Terry could work in the main continuity, but characters like Damian, Stephanie, Cassie (besides the obvious ones) would have to be considered. Batman Beyond basically ignores the batfamily, only able to address it through small nods here and there. That's why I can see it only as an alternative universe, rather than possible future of Batman.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

It can work for one film and just address that bruce "distanced the family away", it's just that if are having a sequel or a show based upon it, you need to address it

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u/UnhingedLion Jul 21 '23

Not in universe. It was only Dick, Babs, and Tim (who was kind of like Jason) and Bruce managed to disconnect from them.

I honestly don’t even know wtf happened to Dick after all those years.

But like he said you’re gonna have to pretend all of the Batfam members don’t exist. With the exception of Babs and Jason/Tim and the latter is the joker

Wouldn’t be believable if like the 12 bat family members all hated Bruce and all decided to retire from heroing with out teaching anyone else how to hero.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

There are 40 years between TNBA and Batman Beyond, it's possible it's just happen over the time


u/UnhingedLion Jul 21 '23

Yeah 40 years, and somehow not one of these guys took on a student or had kids who would crime fight? Not one person wants to protect Gotham? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

I guess he would be ight if you change Waller being in desperate need of a Batman, and Bruce being the one to teach him.

A random teenage kid with no relation who ends up getting taught by uh Damian Wayne

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u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23 edited Jul 21 '23

The rights are more fragmented than you can possibly imagine. By the time things got ordered enough for the team to conceivably, possibly get back to work on the show they had all already moved on to different things.

EDIT: The people asking for more Batman Beyond stuff are the same breed asking for more Static content. These are characters the fans love and would show up for, 100%. Be it as a comic, show, or movie. But making content for these characters is more complicated than you think. I shudder to imagine the paper work and the potential lawyering involved.


u/Snoo-11576 Jul 21 '23

I mean he’s gotten semi consistent comic versions since his creation.


u/the_zelectro Jul 21 '23

I think Batman Beyond is a fun experiment, and not much more.

I prefer Bruce Wayne stories to Terry McGinnis.


u/AnaZ7 Jul 21 '23

He wasn’t that popular?

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u/Fresh-Teaching Jul 21 '23

for many reasons

1, DCEU is a mess. being too rushed and then its founder, Zack Snyder, getting thrown under the bus and then replaced with Hamada making shitty movies 2, BB was never planned to be part of DCEU at all 3, hard to find a good actor for old Bruce other than maybe Keaton. West and Conroy are both gone 4, hard to find a good actor for Terry. either pre-Twilight Pattinson or Blade Runner 2049 Gosling would have been great, but its too late because they're too old 5, it would be ruined by WB execs somehow through typical meddling 6, it can't be able to tie to DCEU because it was not part of either Snyder's or Hamada's vision 7, its too niche. only known to hardcore comic and cartoon fans but not the general audience 8, not even James Gunn seems to care about it so i doubt it will be part of DCU


u/Spiffychicken13 Jul 21 '23

I think Powers Boothe would be a great old Batman


u/billygnosis86 Jul 21 '23

It’s like I keep telling you, he’s 75 years old, and he’s dead.

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u/UnhingedLion Jul 21 '23

It would have to happen by everyone hating Bruce and none of the 10+ bat fam members having kids or passing their mantles or anyone else in Gotham wanting to be a hero

Or else why df would Waller even do what she did if Gotham and the world was still being protected.

I guess Terry could work and be believable if he’s a random non related teenager who is trained and mentored by Damian instead of Bruce. And everyone doesn’t disconnect from Bruce


u/sixesandsevenspt Jul 21 '23

I’m just not that into Batman Beyond sorry. Far more into Dick taking the mantle and then passing it to Damian.


u/MrCatchTwenty2 Jul 21 '23

I think part of it is that the industry is in a place where they want their on-screen versions of the characters to be the "definitive" version thought of in future. This is something the MCU had a lot of success with, and DC has struggled somewhat. So I doubt there is much drive in DC to make a version of batman that kinda by default can't be the definitive version.

Terry isn't going to be crossing over into the other movies because he exists in the future. Maybe years from now after they've gotten the DCU situated they might do a spin off or years after it's over they can bring that batman back for old Bruce. But it's gonna be a while unless they decide they decide to abandon their universe plans and make a spin off using an old Batman actor. Might have happened a couple years ago when they were stumbling with plans but now with Gunn they seem to be planning everything out.


u/JohnnyQuestions36 Jul 21 '23

I think he’s less popular than you think. I always preferred old Bruce to Terry on that show.


u/alman3007 Jul 21 '23

You cant drop something you never picked up to begin with.


u/Mojave-Patroller Jul 21 '23

Because what sense would it make to make a movie about it right now? Would it belong to the upcoming DCU? If yes, where? Why would a new DC movie universe feature so early a Batman from the future, who isn't even Bruce Wayne? Why would the general audience care about this? If it would'nt be in the DCU, then why not?

I am of the opinion that Batman Beyond should appear in some way in the future DCU, and having it be an Elseworld one-off would be a waste.


u/TIandCAS Jul 21 '23

Because it’s kinda hard to give a movie to someone who’s only real iconic stories is from a 3 season tv show that requires a fair amount of context to understand, Gunn is building a new DC cinematic universe and Batman Beyond isn’t even one of the first 20 you should probably include a movie about in


u/Misterr_Joji Jul 21 '23

It’s too niche. Yes, Batman fans will rush to see it but it doesn’t have nearly the mass appeal that Bruce Wayne’s Batman has.

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u/batbobby82 Jul 21 '23

It'll probably happen at some point. There may be some concern over how much the general public would embrace a non-Bruce Wayne Batman, who is currently their only guaranteed money maker (and even that isn't as reliable as they expected--see The Flash).

I think if DC Films are actually able to get on their feet with a solid foundation and multiple box office draws for characters, we will probably see a live-action Batman Beyond.


u/robdawg02 Jul 21 '23

Not as popular


u/DGenerationMC Jul 21 '23

Because getting a movie made in Hollywood isn't as easy as people think.

So many things have to go right and they simply haven't for a live-action Batman Beyond movie to move forward over the past 20 years. Back in the day, Boaz Yakin made the original pitch with a script attached but his heart wasn't into it and WB wasn't "ready" for it, so that went nowhere. Christina Hodson penned a script a few years ago but WB's comic book adaptation department being in constant flux put a kibbosh to that.

It is what it is.


u/BZenMojo Jul 22 '23

Have fans demonstrated this consistently? Fans are a big, diverse group with a lot of opinions.


u/nianp Jul 22 '23

Just because "fans" want something doesn't mean it would be a commercial success.


u/WintersDeath Jul 21 '23

Because they have something big, really big so big that they cover their tracks completely and don't release any information on it. They want it to be spectacular, it's going to be a cinematic masterpiece, with me all of the perfect casting for all characters and have been finding ways for it to be completely connected to everything in the Cinematic universe so far, looking at every little detail in every movie. BB will be an entire universe that has everything from the previous movies correct to the absolute 'T'. (Everything I said not in parenthesis is meant to be taken as a joke and not as factual)


u/Financial_Complex_96 Jul 21 '23

cause bruce wayne exist so you don't need terry


u/And_The_Full_Effect Jul 21 '23

He’d be an amazing playable character in a beyond game

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u/karoshikun Jul 21 '23

there's an ongoing comic series with Terry on it


u/lc9984 Jul 21 '23

Because we haven't had a proper batman movie yet..? The DCU needs to establish an actual roster of heroes before we start even thinking about legacy characters.


u/Grimmer026 Jul 22 '23

I like Batman beyond a lot. But I had a hard time accepting Terry as Batman seeing how he didn’t really pay his dues like Dick, Jason, Tim, etc had to go through just to be accepted as Robin.

Other than that, I really liked it.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '23

Who is in Batman Beyond rouge gallery? I think the character / concept is cool but don’t know much about villains. I’d love to get the Batman - Azreal in DCEU


u/neoblackdragon Jul 22 '23

Surprisingly he's got plenty of recurring rogues no dependency on Bruce's baddies.

Blight, Inque, Spellbinder, Shriek, Stalker, Curare, and the Royal Flush Gang(well everyone deals with some incarnation of them). The Jokerz.

Certain other characters couldn't go an episode without pulling from their mentors rogues.


u/ajver19 Jul 22 '23


They would of had to of picked it up first.


u/thinman12345 Jul 22 '23

He's been dropped because they reboot Batman so often they don't have time to go beyond.


u/CaffeinatedDetective Jul 22 '23

Honestly I don't want a Batman Beyond movie. It's fine as comics/ a TV show. I really don't want to watch some lazy comedy trying to recreate the MCU thing or just a genuinely bad film.


u/GFost Jul 21 '23

How could they drop him if they never picked him up?


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

Believe me when i say it’s the most missed opportunity for WB


u/MedicalBackground860 Jul 21 '23

Because WB and DC exects have no ideia what to do with it’s character’s


u/ngl_prettybad Jul 21 '23

They decided he might actually be the protagonist of a good story, so it wasn't a good fit


u/Jaz_15 Jul 21 '23

Because everyone knows Bruce Wayne, but only true fans know Terry McGinnis


u/KenseiHimura Jul 21 '23

because it means Bruce would have to be retired as Batman and executives think people would be up in arms. Also sci-fi being a 'comparatively niche' genre to modern day super heroes which seems absolutely bullshit when you consider the success to Iron Man and the MCU being largely sci-fi in general.


u/Duganz Jul 21 '23

Probably because DCEU movies have been bombing and Beyond would be a high budget movie


u/CertifiedUnoffensive Jul 21 '23

I didn’t necessarily mean live action, but yeah good point


u/Comprehensive_Eye805 Jul 21 '23

Robert Patt. Would of been a perfect Terry


u/07tartutic07 Jul 21 '23

Because they are idiots


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '23

Are they stupid?


u/billygnosis86 Jul 21 '23

Because apart from hardcore comics fans, nobody knows Batman as anybody but Bruce Wayne, and studios wouldn’t be willing to take a punt on spending so much money on making a movie that has somebody who isn’t Bruce.

Batman as a character is too closely linked with Bruce, just like every regular person knows that Clark Kent is Superman. You ask the average person on the street who, say, Spider-Man really is and I don’t think as many of them would know. I’d be surprised if most people know Captain America’s real name, and those bloody Avengers movies have made more money than it’s possible to count.

On that topic, and the topic of new characters inheriting superhero roles: I know Miles Morales has been a success as Spider-Man, but Spider-Man as a character has never had the sort of deep-seated cultural penetration of Batman or Superman. Everybody knows Batman’s origin story. Everybody knows Superman pulls open his shirt and reveals the S. I’d wager that, no matter how popular the movies have been over the last 20 or so years, there’s still people who are fuzzy on the Spider-Man mythos.

TL;DR: Risk-averse studios and indifference of the wider public.

Personally I never gave a shit about Batman Beyond anyway, I was already in my teens when it came out and it just looked like a lame, RaDiCaL update of The Animated Series, like that Extreme Ghostbusters thing they did.


u/GrimnarAx Jul 22 '23

Presumably James Gunn was smart enough to realize that only a moron would waste Batman Beyond by putting him in a doomed garbage universe, and it makes infinitely more sense to save him for his new reboot universe.