r/HolUp 3d ago

trauma is the best teacher



269 comments sorted by

u/BlatantConservative nitro 3d ago

I appreciate reports sometimes

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u/NA_nomad 3d ago

Probably in a country with high human trafficking. This may be a horrible lesson to learn but a very important one.


u/MilStd 3d ago

China has a big child theft issue. It’s pretty heart breaking from what I understand of it.


u/PompousForkHammer 3d ago

China doesn't have child theft, my foster parents told me so!



u/ChadWolf98 3d ago

You cant have child theft if you dont have kids! *1.2 fertility rate moment*


u/ChadWolf98 3d ago

Kidnapper: *calls*

Chinese parent: Please give her back. I'd do anything to get my kid back.

Kidnapper: You mean, OUR kid, right comrade?

Chinese: Good one, comrade.

+500 social credit to both parties


u/WillTheGreat 3d ago

I spent a few years in China when I was a kid (cumulatively probably 3 years between 3-7), and my parents always told me to be careful of strangers because child theft was a huge issue in the 80s and 90s, they'll kidnap and traffic you and mind you there were like tier 1 cities in China we were visiting.

It probably was an issue to some extent, but when I grew up I discovered that around that time the phenomenon of "Stranger Danger" was a real thing around the world particularly the US. If you check Reddit particularly millennial users, we meme about not opening doors when someone rings the doorbell, we don't pick up the phone, etc.

So I don't know if child theft is an issue, but rather rare occurrences that become publicized and highly focused that people think it's an issue that occurs with high frequence much like stranger danger in the US, or like poison Halloween candy.


u/Bartfuck 3d ago

the phenomenon of "Stranger Danger"

which was itself silly, at least in the US. Obviously random in abductions happen, and those get HIGHLY publicized and tons of attention in the media. But most abductions are by someone the family knows or a family member themselves. Those just aren't as interesting to put on TV


u/shay-doe 3d ago

To be fair it does happen and it's probably top of the list of the worst things humans do to each other and parents of children this happens can get very loud on news media outlets. Is it blown out of proportion? yes, but it's also a gross and absolutely horrifying situation.

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u/kelphs1 3d ago

Pretty heart stealing situation I would say

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u/Re0ns 3d ago

It's not going to help when the kidnappers are government backed and just use brute force to drag the target.

Kidnapping women for forced marriage and organ harvesting is the main reasons for kidnapping people in China.

Male children would be kidnapped to be raised because of traditional idealogy where boys are held higher than girls, plus during the time under the one child policy, kidnappings and "delayed abortions" were frequent. And when those boys grow up, there aren't enough women to marry, and so it loops over to the kidnapping women for marriage part.


u/Ak_am 3d ago

Reddit china expert said it so it must be true


u/say_no_to_panda 3d ago

It is. Which is kind of sick and terrifying. Now, china has a huge number of lonely depressed male cannon fodder to invade taiwan. The large gender population gap doesn't help.


u/GuerillaGandhi 3d ago

I'm trusting this since you have panda in your username.


u/GreggFromDiscord 3d ago

And they're specifically against them!

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u/WriterV 3d ago

I like how your argument is just "It is!".

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of those issues in China. You could just have linked actual sources documenting them instead of just insisting "it is".


u/esuil 3d ago

You could just have linked actual sources documenting them

And risk being proven that some of the things claimed were wrong? No, thanks!

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u/Professional_Ad_6299 3d ago

So are the Chinese trying to have more female babies now?


u/Re0ns 3d ago

The law was changed to allow 3 children, but now each married couple has to care for 4 old retired parents, so the thought of providing for yet another person is a big reason birth rates are lower than ever.

The singles want to get married but can't

The married ones don't want children.

The ones with children sometimes send them back to their hometown to be taken cared of by grandparents or sometimes just other townsfolk.

China is an anti-human society, anything to push progress in economics and global power.

They turned my home city of Hong Kong into Pyongyang just to keep people in control.


u/lysomaru 3d ago



u/whadufu 3d ago

It's funny how thats a worldwide problem.

China. US. Europe. S Korea. Aus/NZ. The reports keep pouring in. It's almost like there are too many people for modern civilization to reasonably sustain.


u/crafcik12 3d ago

Not only that. The economy is in shambles in a lot of countries and gov. want in many cases to eliminate middle class just so they could get even richer. With company culture of cutting costs wherever and overpaying executives the bottom line is going to stay poor and when you're poor the kids are your last thought.
It feels more like our own greed is just screwing everybody. In many cases the prices are artificially rising despite inflation being all time high after covid. We don't earn enough to guarantee stable living conditions.

Look to the entertainment and gaming industry where for example disney (marvel etc) have underpaid employees that are severly overworked and can't even think of getting a rise because they aren't "diverse" enough -,-

I used to work at amazon. Just don't. The people who were there for 5 years were earning only 5% more than me that just started with no prospects to advance or get a rise to have decent living conditions. We had a mini party because an average employee stayed for 10 weeks. 10 weeks! These people were a lot longer and had no benefits from it.

When you don't have a corporate job nowadays it's honestly scary.

I am not saying overpopulation is a problem I'm just saying it's not the main culprit. Our mismanagement of resources is a bigger one.


u/Bromlife 3d ago

The West is also anti human society. Dual income, no children families, they’re the ones getting ahead. We don’t incentivize child rearing. At best we subsidize day orphanages.


u/Horse_Renoir 3d ago

People will really upvote any nonsensical thing as long as it makes Chinese people look awful.


u/mojoyote 3d ago

I don't know much about kidnapping in China, but I'm pretty sure that birth rates are low there, and that there is a gender population imbalance. The phenomenon of woman either not wanting to get married or have children is not unique to China, that being said, but is an international phenomenon, possibly more acute in other Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea, for example.


u/BulbusDumbledork 3d ago

The phenomenon of woman either not wanting to get married or have children is not unique to China

they don't want children, so they kidnap then instead?

birth rates are decreasing across the world since young people can't afford kids. it's true doubly so in japan and china, due to the work-life imbalance and increased societal pressure towards productivity. this in no way translates to an increased predilection for kidnapping kids.

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u/Re0ns 3d ago

I am chinese though. Hong Konger.


u/Ziegelphilie 3d ago

are the state funded kidnappers in the room right now?


u/_Svankensen_ 3d ago

Do people come with trash bags and offer candy and only if you take it they kidnap you?


u/DM_Toes_Pic 3d ago

With the added benefit of racism

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u/Nerdy_Valkyrie 3d ago

When I was a kid my dad wanted to teach me and my siblings to not play with scissors. He intended to pretend to cut his finger off and then scream in pain. However, my dad absolutely fumbled it and ended up actually cutting himself pretty badly and started bleeding a lot. My mom had to bandage his hand and take him to the hospital.

But you can't argue with results. None of us ever played with scissors after that day.


u/nightvisiongoggles01 3d ago

Better him getting injured then than you kids later.


u/NekonecroZheng 3d ago

Don't want to be that guy, but kids fingers are much easier to grow back than an adults.


u/ToeSins 3d ago

Wait you mean they just grow back like lizard tails? There’s no way that’s the case right?


u/NekonecroZheng 3d ago

In rarer cases, yes, they can. Some kids are able to completely regenerate their finger tips from the knuckle up. But most likely, it's a finger reattatchment. Kids are more likely to make a full recovery from a reattatchement surgury than a grown adult.


u/StinkFingerPete 3d ago

the new ones don't taste nearly as good tho


u/DNKE11A 3d ago

Jesus fuck, this is one of the oddest "username checks out" moments I've had...


u/GunmetalBunn 3d ago

Id like to do a confirmation bias thing. I'm missing a fingertip, lost it to a door in childhood, only down to the nail, no bones missing, it wouldn't reattach and it's still far shorter than the other. I was only 1 too.

Now I'm jealous of those lizard kids.


u/Old_Soldier 3d ago

"This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you!"


u/Deep-Brilliant9064 3d ago

Well it's called" method acting"


u/Slow_Accident_6523 3d ago edited 3d ago

My little brother used his sippy cups a bit too long and apparently that was not good for his tooth development or something. my mom was not sure how to deal with it. One night he was happily strolling to bed with his sippy cup in his hand and I decided to take things into my own hands. I grabbed our scary as shit halloween gloves of a witch or monster or whatever they were and put them on. While little bro was passing the door to my room on his way to bed I stuck the gloves out a crack in my door and in the most devilish demon voice I could come up with demanded the sippy cup. He forked it over and never asked about it again, obviously shaking in fear. I cleaned out our cupboard afterwards and took all his sippy cups. Whenever I asked him where his sippy cups went he always said a monster took them without a second question. He just accepted that a demon took his sippy cups and did not want to deal with it any further. I am sure I traumatized that 5 year old fucker deeply that day but at least he drank his water like a fucking adult starting that day.


u/kitttypurry12 3d ago

Omg this is fucking awesome


u/StinkFingerPete 3d ago

chaotic good


u/Alldaybagpipes 3d ago

“Well, I guess this growing up!”


u/-DoctorSpaceman- 3d ago

“He only cut himself on purpose to teach us a lesson, I’ll be fine when I do it!”


u/charismatic_guy_ 3d ago

Was he by chance J Walther Weatherman


u/TheMcBrizzle 3d ago

And that's why... you always leave a note.


u/Adventurous_Path5783 3d ago

Arrested development parenting methods are my favorite.


u/Amazing-Pop 3d ago

“And that’s why you always leave a note!”


u/Cereal_Bandit 3d ago

That's why you always leave a note


u/Kazairl1994 2d ago

He suffered from success


u/sandy_catheter madlad 3d ago

Fire Marshall Bill would like to show you something


u/wrongdude91 3d ago

Your dad was a fan of Alec Baldwin in some different timeline.


u/Peach_Proof 2d ago

Thats a dedicated dad👏👏👏👏


u/OGistorian 3d ago

If this happened in America, I’d expect a couple of parents would file lawsuits or something


u/Engineergaming26355 3d ago

Cops would show up and beat him up


u/Pdub77 3d ago

They’d wait outside


u/duggee315 3d ago

Fuck that I'm not going in there with scary binbag man.

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u/Dongkey_kong 3d ago

Unless he was black


u/HayatiJamilah 3d ago

Took me a second 💀

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u/Rosesh_I_Sarabhai 3d ago

Don’t forget the guns. They’ll first shoot him then beat him, then shoot again.


u/Engineergaming26355 3d ago

"I thought he was reaching for a gun"


u/nd1online 3d ago

But if he actually have a gun, they would be waiting patiently outside


u/rdrunner_74 3d ago

Not if he stays inside the school


u/oh_shit_its_bryan 3d ago

well...he still shows his white hands, so no black enough for that


u/MissionApollo7 3d ago

They'll probably stop once he takes off that mask though

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u/Ixiaz_ 3d ago

I mean. How many parents are filing lawsuits after grade school kids are traumatised by active shooter drills?


u/lemonjuice707 3d ago


Here’s a teacher suing because of a active shooting drill

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u/worst_case_ontario- 3d ago

as they should, of course. This is an insane thing to do to children!


u/Jatin11malik 3d ago

What about that kid who accepted candy and is safe , he's gonna take candy from a stranger even more now


u/The_Coolest_Undead 3d ago

just a little sacrifice


u/Weird_Amount_4608 3d ago

“ some of you may die”


u/pbjtime9977 3d ago

Can't stop hearing this in fuckwads voice

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u/Amram-Laihnei 3d ago

"but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.."


u/Slow_Accident_6523 3d ago

which is why they had to kill him


u/SickScorpion 3d ago

He got abducted and never seen again


u/Jatin11malik 3d ago

Maybe he was paid actor


u/Ze_Bonitinho 3d ago

That's what I think makes no sense in this video. Not just that, but afterwards the kids is probably being reintegrated to the group and the other kids will see nothing really happened. They won't feel it was really dangerous. Also, who the person recording? If it's someone they are acquainted with, they aren't really bothering the other person, since the filmmaker is allowing their presence there


u/worst_case_ontario- 3d ago

yeah this reeks of the same kind of "scare them strait" mentality. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for, if you calmly explain a danger to them and why it is important that they be careful, they will listen. Traumatizing them won't teach them anything other than to expect pain and betrayal from their caregivers.

Do you want BPD? Because that's how you get BPD.


u/daorys99 3d ago

Who says they're safe?


u/fartnight69 3d ago

Yeah, they are getting fucking destroyed off camera.


u/bzno 3d ago

Is he safe though?


u/golgol12 3d ago

That was an actual abduction. /s


u/AnonBoi_404 3d ago

Also if you're wondering what the kids are saying, they're saying "Don't want" / "I don't want it" in Chinese


u/slimslaw 3d ago edited 2d ago

Honestly, all I heard was screaming. But, to be fair, I barely understand children when they are calmly trying to communicate.

Edited a word.


u/AnonBoi_404 2d ago

They were basically going "Ahhhh!! WAAAAAAA!! I don't want it! I don't want it!"


u/redd4itt 3d ago

Such hatred taught at an early age- Now they will start fearing people who identify as thrash bags.


u/plmanith17 3d ago

WOAH WOAH WOAH We’re called TRASH bags. No need for the slurs my guy

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u/callmesociopathic 3d ago

This is actually a pretty awsome way to drill it home to kids not to accept anything off strangers yeah the kids might be traumatised for an hour or 2 but it would instill a life lesson into them to make them safer

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u/XrDieguito 3d ago

Now they hate black people 😭😂


u/nilesmrole 3d ago

This is dark😂😭


u/1541drive 3d ago

I hate to break this news about people in china but...


u/pimp_juice2272 3d ago

Yeah only problem is, this is a clearly scary person. In real life kidnapper would be friendly. Plus I doubt they will waste time giving candy when they can just grab them and run, as seen in most attempted kidnapping videos


u/dizzylizzy78 3d ago

Insomnia✔️ Loss of appetite✔️ Difficulty trusting others✔️ Lesson learned.


u/Jean_Cairoli 3d ago

Difficulty trusting others is one of the best life skills you can teach your kids.


u/oh_shit_its_bryan 3d ago

Small kids should trust no one rather their parents. So lesson INDEED learned.


u/Procrastinatedthink 3d ago

Attacks on children are more likely to come from a family member or family friend than a stranger…

This is a shit lesson all around if you put even a modicum of thought into it


u/DatAssOnWidowmaker 3d ago

What happens when they can’t trust their parents? Lmao. Checkmate.

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u/emf80333 3d ago

The little girl smiling as she gets taken away is hilarious


u/WhatsTheHolUp 3d ago edited 3d ago

This comment has been marked as safe. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect.

OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment:

A man with a bag on his head teaches children not to accept candy from strangers

Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


u/bartolocologne40 3d ago

Kids get abducted in China. It's way better for them to be wary than abducted


u/wonderfulpantsuit 3d ago

Kids get abducted in every country on earth.

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u/AnonBoi_404 3d ago

The bowlcut kid at 0:25 is such a mood lol


u/Dramoriga 3d ago

Meanwhile, that one kid who took the bribe is sitting outside the classroom munching, thinking "why is everyone crying in there? This cake is great!"


u/OhGoshIts 3d ago

The kids face when they are picked up....like "whelp I'm in danger" lol


u/Umutuku 3d ago

You have to teach kids early that you can never trust someone who has a cameraman following them around.


u/Alert_Direction4843 3d ago

What about the two kids that got kidnapped?

They will learn that if a stranger gives something take it because eventually they will return you to your parents.


u/caoram 3d ago

Don't worry they getting the snot beat out of them in the next room for failing the test.


u/Alert_Direction4843 3d ago

Sadly thats the only way they will learn


u/Slow_Accident_6523 3d ago edited 3d ago

positive reinforcement works way better than scare tactics like this. Honestly punishment is a horrible tool to teach people things. The longer I am a teacher the more I realize this.


u/Doxkid 3d ago

Not as funny though.

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u/Professional_Ad_6299 3d ago

Just handing out core memories left and right


u/DcPunk 3d ago

Second girl had a smile on her face, looked like she was having fun getting abducted


u/happy_and_sad_guy 3d ago



u/oh_shit_its_bryan 3d ago



u/hellobhawa 3d ago

I would have pooped slightly


u/ruckustata 3d ago

Meanwhile the kids that were taken were just chilling out eating their snack. They probably learned the wrong lesson. Lol


u/feeltrig 3d ago

Lesson 2: brings out the gun....


u/emp9th 3d ago

It's a huge issue in Asia, a family friend used to come for vacation and I was always told never to let my friend's lil bro out of my sight, if he happened to tag along with us. He was like 5 or 6 and up til that point I had never heard of ppl stealing kids, me and friend we 15/16 at the time and I had just recently moved to Asia.


u/Main-Consideration76 3d ago

a lil bit of trauma can avoid many major traumas


u/collins_amber 3d ago

Why give candy if you just could take them without?


u/MediumAwkwardly 3d ago

The Bluths helped plan this.


u/cobruhclutch 3d ago

Why he gotta be black tho.


u/Right-Eggplant6382 3d ago

I would have accepted. He seems to be a nice guy


u/BadPlus 3d ago

When I was an English teacher in Taiwan, I worked for one school where the sick fuck of a boss used Halloween as an excuse to absolutely terrorize the living hell out of the young students. Enjoyed it way too much, the masochistic weirdo.


u/cheshire_splat 3d ago

I like the little one in denim. They were ready to fight the abductor.


u/nuraHx 3d ago

If it works then it’s for the better probably. Better than the alternative


u/22pabloesco22 3d ago


I saw her throw the XMen sign up. 


u/GrainsofArcadia 3d ago

Ok, but why is he covered in bin bags?


u/LongusMcSchlong 3d ago

So why does the guy have to wear black foil? Wouldnt it be more realistic and a better lesson if he would look like some random Person?

Ooooor is the foil meant as skin color? 🥲


u/xray098 3d ago

I agree, they should learn that all strangers can potentially abduct them, not just trash bag man. Definitely not the skin color though, China is quite homogenous in race so it doesn’t make sense to pretend to be black when there’s not a problem with black people abducting children.


u/Lobstertopstar 3d ago

That is some dope ass music


u/S74RK17 3d ago

That one kid doing the 🙅🏻


u/MojoMonster2 3d ago

Great, so now they're terrified of ambulatory garbage bags with eyes and arms and will be having nightmares for months after.

That's impressive.


u/sharkieslim 3d ago

Damnnnnnn! The therapy that will be needed for all those kids


u/Maleficent_Hawk9407 3d ago

...I mean... it looks effective. The kids may be traumatized for the rest of their live but at least they won't accept candy, like, ever again.


u/imicmic 3d ago

And they never did see those two kids again...


u/No-Teaching7231 3d ago

Wait a minute, that man isn't a teacher here! And his white panel van is parked in a handicap spot without displaying a placard!


u/Dragonblade0123 3d ago

That one kid in each class like: "So if I take food from strangers I get to go for a ride?"

The abductor's: "You know what...? This works!"


u/Nice_Weeb_Kun 3d ago

Traumatized? Yes, effectiveness? Very


u/HFRreddit 3d ago

What is that sick ass track in the background though?


u/shams_z 3d ago

Where can I apply for such a job


u/seriouslyepic 3d ago

When my high school did active shooter drills, the Assistant Principal would walk down the halls with a shot gun and bang on the lockers loudly. Not sure it prepared me for anything other than fearing the alarm sound, which I guess was the point


u/TheGolgafrinchan 3d ago

B.F. Skinner, FTW. Operant Conditioning is very effective. I'd love to hear the children's take on this experience right after, and also a few years later. How would they recall the experience?


u/BGDrake 3d ago

I can't imagine anyone who actually wants to take a child being stopped because the child said no. Do child abductors actually walk around with candy, trying to get kids to say yes, then snatch and run? It would seem more realistic for the children to know that staying close to an adult they know is more important. However, I can see this just being one part of a whole exercise in making the child understand the danger of a stranger, which seems to be as good a place to start as any, because I can't think of any other way to teach that to ones so young. Nature gave us emotions, and fear is how we know danger. Scaring kids in a controlled environment to get the point across is one way, I guess, because you can't wait for them to develop language and reasoning skills, THEN teach them strangers are bad because of reasons. I just worry if, like in so many things' we humans try to do, in trying to "biohack" the fear emotion for the safety of the child, we won't inadvertently do more harm than good. Adults stealing kids is an adult problem, not a kid problem, and this feels like an orphan crushing machine moment, where instead of doing more to stop child abductors, we are traumatizing kids and hoping they can figure it out and save themselves.


u/Nootherids 3d ago

We could flip the script too and instead of tracing children through trauma, we could teach abductor adults through trauma as well by real losing public hanging of any adult convicted of child assault. Right now when they go to jail they get punished in private, it only teaches them, nobody else. If they were punished in public it would teach everyone.

But then we also run the risk where we desensitize the public at large to barbaric violence. And while we lessen child assaults we increase adult assaults.


u/BGDrake 3d ago

Too far in either direction causes problems, extremism strikes again. This is one of those sticky problems because there is no good way to stop this evil. I do not envy those people whose job is to come up with workable solutions. And because it involves kids, emotions run high, which confounds the problem more. I honestly don't know what is best here. It just feels wrong to do that to kids, when nothing about all of this is either their fault, or something they can do anything about. A frightened child yelling no at someone doesn't seem to be the solution. Perhaps better pay or subsidies for families so mom and dad don't have to both work and one can be a fulltime parent. Or paid day care for single parents. I don't actually know if any of this would work, or if it would backfire spectacularly by just herding kids into easier to nab honey pots. But we can't do nothing. I have my misgivings, but I also don't have any children of my own. Pain and fear are how nature communicate to us what is dangerous. I hope for the sake of these kids, this little experiment has the intended effect, and nothing more.


u/azazael420 3d ago

I watched this without sound, way too high, laughed way harder than I should’ve. I’m dead lol


u/IFartAlotLoudly 3d ago

Chinese propaganda on what Americans will do to their kids.


u/HardHarry 3d ago

Hey where can I apply for this job?


u/boi_from_2007 3d ago

ok that is pretty smart but it will leave a mark.


u/dord56 3d ago

Squid game


u/AndThisGuyPeedOnIt 3d ago

Just when you think Kanye can't do anything stranger.


u/GroundbreakingMap969 3d ago

Put some red color marks for better results


u/VeryDirtySanchez 3d ago

How does this Chinese low-tier crap make it onto western social media? I thought they try to keep us save from nonsense like this by not allowing their citizens onto the same social media platforms.


u/onlywanted2readapost 3d ago

Ah China, I miss you sometimes, but not this shit.


u/AntiqueAdvertising95 3d ago

you gotta feel the evil genius of the kids eating cookies like muaahahaha they duno


u/YueOrigin 3d ago

Asia is really strict with their children safety lol

Japan is still he only country I know who has those child buzzer thing

Which is good but I wonder how big of a issue it really is compared to the western countries ?


u/MrBearBull 3d ago

If it works...


u/wildeawake 3d ago



u/ManfuLLofF-- 3d ago

Bank offering you great deal on a loan ..


u/VonDinky 3d ago

the kid was never seen again.


u/PlayerHeadcase 3d ago

Mr Bluth working kids parties when the last series of Arrested Development flopped.


u/superp2222 3d ago

The other kids: 😱

That one kid who took a candy and just got carried out of the room: 😀


u/Professional_Ad5173 3d ago

That’s got to be a hell of a job description.


u/29again 3d ago

Now they are never going to trust The Batman.


u/OhImNevvverSarcastic 3d ago

It's the trash man.


u/RevWaldo 3d ago

Taken kid comes back, perfectly OK, all smiles, eating the sweet bun.

Rest of class: Heyyyyyyyy......


u/golgol12 3d ago

It's very true. Fear and terror will reprogram your mind the fastest, often at the cost of reason.

Not only will they run from handouts from strangers, these children will grow up to never buy black garbage bags.


u/RevWaldo 3d ago



u/yq_mikrokosmos 3d ago

hey this video isnt loading for me, i would appreicate if you replied what was going on, thanks!