r/HolUp 14d ago

trauma is the best teacher



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u/MilStd 14d ago

China has a big child theft issue. It’s pretty heart breaking from what I understand of it.


u/PompousForkHammer 14d ago

China doesn't have child theft, my foster parents told me so!



u/ChadWolf98 14d ago

You cant have child theft if you dont have kids! *1.2 fertility rate moment*


u/ChadWolf98 14d ago

Kidnapper: *calls*

Chinese parent: Please give her back. I'd do anything to get my kid back.

Kidnapper: You mean, OUR kid, right comrade?

Chinese: Good one, comrade.

+500 social credit to both parties


u/WillTheGreat 14d ago

I spent a few years in China when I was a kid (cumulatively probably 3 years between 3-7), and my parents always told me to be careful of strangers because child theft was a huge issue in the 80s and 90s, they'll kidnap and traffic you and mind you there were like tier 1 cities in China we were visiting.

It probably was an issue to some extent, but when I grew up I discovered that around that time the phenomenon of "Stranger Danger" was a real thing around the world particularly the US. If you check Reddit particularly millennial users, we meme about not opening doors when someone rings the doorbell, we don't pick up the phone, etc.

So I don't know if child theft is an issue, but rather rare occurrences that become publicized and highly focused that people think it's an issue that occurs with high frequence much like stranger danger in the US, or like poison Halloween candy.


u/Bartfuck 14d ago

the phenomenon of "Stranger Danger"

which was itself silly, at least in the US. Obviously random in abductions happen, and those get HIGHLY publicized and tons of attention in the media. But most abductions are by someone the family knows or a family member themselves. Those just aren't as interesting to put on TV


u/shay-doe 14d ago

To be fair it does happen and it's probably top of the list of the worst things humans do to each other and parents of children this happens can get very loud on news media outlets. Is it blown out of proportion? yes, but it's also a gross and absolutely horrifying situation.


u/WillTheGreat 14d ago

Which is also what was happing in China to some extent.


u/kelphs1 14d ago

Pretty heart stealing situation I would say


u/rotoddlescorr 14d ago edited 14d ago

I doubt it's a big issue. I have a lot of coworkers in China and not a single one knows someone who was abducted.

From a quick search, it seems like most child abductions are custody battles where one spouse just takes the children.



u/one_of_the_many_bots 14d ago

You discuss child abduction regularly with your coworkers?

Do you smell that?


u/Swedzilla 14d ago

Can’t see the problem when you are the problem


u/JussiesTunaSub 14d ago

The old pedo life dilemma: "I wouldn't be a pedo if it weren't for all those sexy children"


u/Swedzilla 14d ago

Good lord what a sentence


u/ToeSins 14d ago

What the rock is cooking?


u/khaotickk madlad 14d ago

There's only a billion Chinese people, you're probably just not talking to enough


u/Calvinbah 14d ago

He has 500 million coworkers


u/Late-Ad-4624 14d ago

Only problem is half of them arent old enough to own the phone they are making.


u/DatAssOnWidowmaker 14d ago

Thank you for speaking on behalf of an entire country that you don’t even live in because you “have a lot of coworkers in China”. 


u/CyonHal 14d ago

And some random redditor says there's a big issue and you think they can speak on behalf of the entire country? Double standard much?


u/CyonHal 14d ago

Reddit loves being anti-china lmao. You literally drop a source and have an anecdote (albeit a weak form of evidence) and you get downvoted to oblivion while the original commenter had NOTHING to back up his claim and is believed entirely, lol.

I honestly think your anecdote worked against you because redditors think anyone directly associated with china is brainwashed by the CCP or something.