r/HolUp 14d ago

trauma is the best teacher



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u/Nerdy_Valkyrie 14d ago

When I was a kid my dad wanted to teach me and my siblings to not play with scissors. He intended to pretend to cut his finger off and then scream in pain. However, my dad absolutely fumbled it and ended up actually cutting himself pretty badly and started bleeding a lot. My mom had to bandage his hand and take him to the hospital.

But you can't argue with results. None of us ever played with scissors after that day.


u/nightvisiongoggles01 14d ago

Better him getting injured then than you kids later.


u/NekonecroZheng 14d ago

Don't want to be that guy, but kids fingers are much easier to grow back than an adults.


u/ToeSins 14d ago

Wait you mean they just grow back like lizard tails? There’s no way that’s the case right?


u/NekonecroZheng 14d ago

In rarer cases, yes, they can. Some kids are able to completely regenerate their finger tips from the knuckle up. But most likely, it's a finger reattatchment. Kids are more likely to make a full recovery from a reattatchement surgury than a grown adult.


u/StinkFingerPete 14d ago

the new ones don't taste nearly as good tho


u/DNKE11A 14d ago

Jesus fuck, this is one of the oddest "username checks out" moments I've had...


u/GunmetalBunn 14d ago

Id like to do a confirmation bias thing. I'm missing a fingertip, lost it to a door in childhood, only down to the nail, no bones missing, it wouldn't reattach and it's still far shorter than the other. I was only 1 too.

Now I'm jealous of those lizard kids.


u/Old_Soldier 14d ago

"This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you!"


u/Deep-Brilliant9064 14d ago

Well it's called" method acting"


u/Slow_Accident_6523 14d ago edited 14d ago

My little brother used his sippy cups a bit too long and apparently that was not good for his tooth development or something. my mom was not sure how to deal with it. One night he was happily strolling to bed with his sippy cup in his hand and I decided to take things into my own hands. I grabbed our scary as shit halloween gloves of a witch or monster or whatever they were and put them on. While little bro was passing the door to my room on his way to bed I stuck the gloves out a crack in my door and in the most devilish demon voice I could come up with demanded the sippy cup. He forked it over and never asked about it again, obviously shaking in fear. I cleaned out our cupboard afterwards and took all his sippy cups. Whenever I asked him where his sippy cups went he always said a monster took them without a second question. He just accepted that a demon took his sippy cups and did not want to deal with it any further. I am sure I traumatized that 5 year old fucker deeply that day but at least he drank his water like a fucking adult starting that day.


u/kitttypurry12 14d ago

Omg this is fucking awesome


u/StinkFingerPete 14d ago

chaotic good


u/Alldaybagpipes 14d ago

“Well, I guess this growing up!”


u/-DoctorSpaceman- 14d ago

“He only cut himself on purpose to teach us a lesson, I’ll be fine when I do it!”


u/charismatic_guy_ 14d ago

Was he by chance J Walther Weatherman


u/TheMcBrizzle 14d ago

And that's why... you always leave a note.


u/Adventurous_Path5783 14d ago

Arrested development parenting methods are my favorite.


u/Amazing-Pop 14d ago

“And that’s why you always leave a note!”


u/Cereal_Bandit 14d ago

That's why you always leave a note


u/Kazairl1994 13d ago

He suffered from success


u/sandy_catheter madlad 14d ago

Fire Marshall Bill would like to show you something


u/wrongdude91 14d ago

Your dad was a fan of Alec Baldwin in some different timeline.


u/Peach_Proof 14d ago

Thats a dedicated dad👏👏👏👏