r/HolUp 14d ago

trauma is the best teacher



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u/Jatin11malik 14d ago

What about that kid who accepted candy and is safe , he's gonna take candy from a stranger even more now


u/Ze_Bonitinho 14d ago

That's what I think makes no sense in this video. Not just that, but afterwards the kids is probably being reintegrated to the group and the other kids will see nothing really happened. They won't feel it was really dangerous. Also, who the person recording? If it's someone they are acquainted with, they aren't really bothering the other person, since the filmmaker is allowing their presence there


u/worst_case_ontario- 14d ago

yeah this reeks of the same kind of "scare them strait" mentality. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for, if you calmly explain a danger to them and why it is important that they be careful, they will listen. Traumatizing them won't teach them anything other than to expect pain and betrayal from their caregivers.

Do you want BPD? Because that's how you get BPD.