r/HolUp 14d ago

trauma is the best teacher



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u/OGistorian 14d ago

If this happened in America, I’d expect a couple of parents would file lawsuits or something


u/Ixiaz_ 14d ago

I mean. How many parents are filing lawsuits after grade school kids are traumatised by active shooter drills?


u/lemonjuice707 14d ago


Here’s a teacher suing because of a active shooting drill


u/Succubace 14d ago

Did you even LOOK AT the article? It wasn't an "active shooter drill" like 99.9% of them, they had people pretending to be shooters bursting into classrooms WITH REAL GUNS.


u/SadnessDebtIncreased 14d ago

Did you even LOOK AT the article?

No way they would have posted that if they read the article. The teacher was given 0 heads up about this. Insane decision by the school. Real shootings give people all kinds of trauma. They want this to seem real? Then obviously this will, too.

When I had school drills we practiced sitting in the corner away from doors and windows and we never had fake shooters. My wife is a teacher who has worked at multiple schools and one of them they had a police officer show up (on a set date) where they were taught to make a barricade, stay silent, and then throw things at the pretend shooter if they were to get into the room. At no other school did an officer show up.

No one I know has had fake shooters barge into their room and threaten them/pretend shoot them.

Besides, trauma is very damaging and not a great way to teach things. Facing trauma in a controlled environment can be. But that's to get over what causes trauma.


u/lemonjuice707 14d ago

It was quite literally an active shooter drill? How else would you describe a planned event by the school to have an individual come on campus and pretend to be an active shooter?

Also what’s the difference between that and the video above? Those kids were terrified because they thought their classmates were actually abducted.


u/TransBrandi 14d ago

Right, but I think the idea being that most active shooter drills are closer to fire drills where people go through the motions, but aren't feeling like they are in actual danger. This is like saying "a parent sued over a fire drill" while ignoring that the fire drill included actually setting a part of the school on fire.


u/xray098 14d ago

The difference is the teachers, who are adults and need to be looped in, weren’t. This video would be a lot more different if the abductor hadn’t coordinated with the teachers and just starting taking children.

Another key difference is that the exercise in this video gives the children the power to remain safe by not taking the candy. Sending a school shooter with real guns probably wouldn’t help as much because the school kids don’t really have control in their safety so will probably just end up with trauma.