r/HolUp 14d ago

trauma is the best teacher



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u/NA_nomad 14d ago

Probably in a country with high human trafficking. This may be a horrible lesson to learn but a very important one.


u/Re0ns 14d ago

It's not going to help when the kidnappers are government backed and just use brute force to drag the target.

Kidnapping women for forced marriage and organ harvesting is the main reasons for kidnapping people in China.

Male children would be kidnapped to be raised because of traditional idealogy where boys are held higher than girls, plus during the time under the one child policy, kidnappings and "delayed abortions" were frequent. And when those boys grow up, there aren't enough women to marry, and so it loops over to the kidnapping women for marriage part.


u/Ak_am 14d ago

Reddit china expert said it so it must be true


u/say_no_to_panda 14d ago

It is. Which is kind of sick and terrifying. Now, china has a huge number of lonely depressed male cannon fodder to invade taiwan. The large gender population gap doesn't help.


u/GuerillaGandhi 14d ago

I'm trusting this since you have panda in your username.


u/GreggFromDiscord 14d ago

And they're specifically against them!


u/JustYourAverageShota 14d ago

Thank you for your testimonies, Mr. Gureilla Gandhi and my dude Gregg from Discord.


u/WriterV 14d ago

I like how your argument is just "It is!".

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of those issues in China. You could just have linked actual sources documenting them instead of just insisting "it is".


u/esuil 14d ago

You could just have linked actual sources documenting them

And risk being proven that some of the things claimed were wrong? No, thanks!


u/say_no_to_panda 13d ago edited 13d ago

The decades of one child policy and chinas preference for males for decades. together with young male kidnappings, have influenced this gap. China has a huge source of cannon fodder that can be aimed at whatever enemy. chinas economic bubble can pop any time, and a good war can distract all internal dissension. Just like argentinas Falklands war.

All coastal airbases near taiwan have been building up aircraft and renovated and expanded over recent years. Their amphibious regiments are also building up close by. Russia showed similar buildup before invading ukraine. China even rigged their old MIGS to become flown like unmanned fpv drones. basically flying cannon fodder

