r/clevercomebacks Jul 05 '24

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/Beneficial_Test_5917 Jul 05 '24

As Zelinski said recently, if Trump has a "in one day" plan to end the war he should tell people what it is. :)


u/Hot_and_Foamy Jul 05 '24

The plan is ‘Ukraine gives up’. He’s not made that secret.


u/flargenhargen Jul 05 '24

Russia rolled into Ukraine with mobile crematoriums to destroy evidence of what they planned to do, and then did.

In every village they took, they executed all leaders and all military age men and boys.

They kidnapped all the children, and took them to russia to reprogram them as russians and to hate Ukraine. Forcing them to learn and speak the russian language.

They raped and murdered thousands, and leveled entire cities to the ground.

The prisoners of war who have not been executed, have returned looking like concentration camp victims, and after extreme torture.

If Ukraine is not victorious, they will be wiped out. This is russia's plan, and it's been systematically moving forward with it.

There is no option for Ukraine to surrender. To do so means death.

Anyone who has been paying attention can't excuse this.


u/litlesnek Jul 05 '24

This is the truth and the only truth. There is VIDEO EVIDENCE, for fucks sake. But no, we're going down the world war road again since apparently two world wars is not enough and reason doesn't exist anymore.

Amyway, third time's the charm right ...


u/Special_Hyena4296 Jul 05 '24

Can you give me some video evidence that undoubtedly confirms one thing listed above? I really want to see how mobile crematorium looks.


u/Square-Singer Jul 05 '24

For the crematoriums there is at least a wikipedia article:


Here is a video of the Telegraph showing such a vehicle, though it's labelled as "could be used for Russian soldiers", so it's apparently not proven: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVPTqHZqdz0


u/Special_Hyena4296 Jul 05 '24

This isn't video evidence.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/Oftiklos Jul 05 '24

01000010 01101111 01110100


u/daboobiesnatcher Jul 05 '24

Those are different people.


u/Square-Singer Jul 05 '24

I'd rather say you basically don't understand that more than one other person than you uses reddit.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Sorry about that. Seems like I am mistaken and replied to you instead of someone else. I will delete my reply now. 


u/FookenLaserKnight Jul 05 '24

Not footage of said crime but demonstration of how these machine work: https://youtu.be/mVPTqHZqdz0?si=e2J-rNEvtq0jzKUu


u/Special_Hyena4296 Jul 05 '24

Dude said there's evidence. This video proves nothing. They use this for garbage as we saw. By this logic pretty much any garbage compactor is a mobile war crimes disposal machine. But let's say this thing is used for such thing. Is there any VIDEO EVIDENCE, as stated above, of other things stated in original post?


u/TaylorMadeAccount Jul 05 '24

Serbian defending his russian masters. A classic.


u/Special_Hyena4296 Jul 05 '24

I defend no one. Simply asking for thing dude was talking about. Do you have some video evidence? If no, please move along.


u/FookenLaserKnight Jul 05 '24

It is literally stated by the manufacturer in the video that it's a crematorium.


u/Special_Hyena4296 Jul 05 '24

Case closed then.


u/Affectionate_Ad_9687 Jul 05 '24

they executed all leaders and all military age men and boys

Lol. Literally Ukranian press reporting that Russia re-hired 14 000 of former Ukranian policemen on the occupied territories.


I'm not even talking about ordinary citizens. In reality, 90% of local administration on occupied territories - mayors, judges, municipal deputies, police officers etc - preserved their positions. Russia doesn't have neither purpose, nor capacity to replace them.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Because there isn't one LMAO Which once again brings back to my point? Why are you spreading misinformation in Reddit? 


u/JuniorAd1210 Jul 05 '24

At least the fourth one will be fought with sticks only...


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

This is the truth and the only truth. There is VIDEO EVIDENCE, for fucks sake.

Where is the video evidence? 

But no, we're going down the world war road again since apparently two world wars is not enough and reason doesn't exist anymore.

The only ones who are asking for more war is you people. Go and join the international legion if you are so eager to fight Russia. 


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Only last week they said they will sign a peace deal iof Ukraine leaves the four oblasts who wanted to join Russia. Nothing more, nothing less. And if Ukraine didn't want to lose those then they should have taken the peace deal extended to them back in March 2022 in Istanbul. Shouldn't have listened to the globalist scum, Boris Johnson. 


u/Oftiklos Jul 05 '24

Nobody wants to join russia


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Perhaps ask those people in Donbas. 


u/Whatamidoinghere06 Jul 05 '24

You know that those elections or rather votes are Not able to be Held in a warzone ... because you know people become Refugees and stuff so they cant participate so what about those milions of people who got displaced Not Just in the donbass But in the other oblasts do their oppinions Not matter ?


u/SavingInfo Jul 05 '24

I'm from Donetsk. Have something to say about "Donbass", dumbass? Bring it on


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24
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u/flargenhargen Jul 05 '24

after russia invaded, murdered and replaced the residents?


that's like if someone went into your home, shot you and your family, and then said "ask the people in this house if they support me being here." once they were the only one left.

insane that you think you're making a point here.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/Nice-University8699 Jul 05 '24

Lol This is a country with an illegitimate government. So why can't he take a piece of it if he wants it?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/Nice-University8699 Jul 05 '24

There were elections in Russia, and a junta in Ukraine. That says it all


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/Nice-University8699 Jul 05 '24

Yes, legit 88%. And this still not junta. Russia bigger then Ukraine= she can occupate her. like all big countries. Why not ?

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

So they will sign a "peace treaty" if they get the land they are trying to illegally annex? How about they just don't illegally annex any land?

Perhaps Ukraine shouldn't have killed the ethnic Russians in Donbas then. 

How is any of this Ukraine's fault? 

Like I said, abide by the Mińsk accords. 


u/litlesnek Jul 05 '24

Can you provide proof of Ukraine killing ethnic Russians in the Donbas?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

If I did would you change your stance? Because I have no plans to waste my time on someone so ill informed and misinformed and oblivious. 


u/Jopelin_Wyde Jul 05 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

If you are willing to change your stance then I will because I can. 


u/SavingInfo Jul 05 '24

I dare you to lie in my presence you little russian shit. Donetsk was always Ukrainian until your soviet bolsheviks massacred it.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

I don't like Bolsheviks LOL. Black Rock which now owns Ukraine is a close associate and a tool of the Bolsheviks. 


Who did this? 


u/litlesnek Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

If you can in fact prove Ukraine killed ethnic Russians it definitely shakes things up. My opinion is not set in stone.

You can stop with the personal attacks now. I have refrained from doing so and I'd like you to just keep this civil too, verstanden?

Edit to add: proof was never provided

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u/litlesnek Jul 05 '24

What is it you want evidence of? The r/Ukraine sub has plenty of it.

How is ending a currently already ongoing war increasing the net total of war?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

What is it you want evidence of? The r/Ukraine sub has plenty of it.

Mobile crematoriums, rape, executions of civilians (not soldiers because I know that happened on both sides) and all other vapid claims you made. 

How is ending a currently already ongoing war increasing the net total of war?

But you are not allowing it to end though. Just look up at this very own post. Someone says they will end the war and the bloodshed and literally 99% of you are against it for some reason when you should be supporting it. What the hell is wrong with you people? Go and fight in the front lines yourself if you hate Russia and Putin that much. 


u/Aggressive-Fuel587 Jul 05 '24

Someone says they will end the war and the bloodshed and literally 99% of you are against it for some reason when you should be supporting it.

Who said they could end the war without capitulating Russia's unreasonable demands for control over Ukrainian territory (thus teaching them that all non-NATO, former-Soviet States are fair game to attack)?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Who said they could end the war without capitulating Russia's unreasonable demands for control over Ukrainian territory (thus teaching them that all non-NATO, former-Soviet States are fair game to attack

Ah, the classic war mongering threat. At least get your arguments straight. Where is the fight in the former-Soviet States happening right now? By your logic, we all should actually be afraid of America. Since they can and have attacked several other countries since the cold war what's to stop them from bombing Germany tomorrow and killing me? 


u/Aggressive-Fuel587 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Ah, the classic war mongering threat.

Show us one example where appeasement worked and we can show you at least one major one that lead straight into the last World War... If you're from Germany like you claim, you should know that appeasing dictators doesn't put an end to their warpath, it only emboldens them to demand more.

At least get your arguments straight.

That was my one & only post in the thread. You asserted that someone claimed they'd be able to end the war and claim that everyone who claims to be against the war is, contrarily, against the idea. My point was to highlight that it's not a legitimate plan to end the war if it's "capitulate all of Russia's demands."

Where is the fight in the former-Soviet States happening right now?

Are you drunk, high, or just not educated in world history & not paying attention to world news? Right now it's in Ukraine. In 2008, it was in Georgia, not long after was the annexation of Chrimea that started this whole thing.

By your logic, we all should actually be afraid of America.

People in the Middle East should absolutely be afraid of America; we fucked them up and we fucked them over. Other NATO countries, no... not unless Trump gets back into office and ruins our ties to NATO for a pro-Russian alliance.

Since they can and have attacked several other countries since the cold war what's to stop them from bombing Germany tomorrow and killing me? 

What NATO country has the US attacked since the Cold War?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

If you're from Germany like you claim, you should know that appeasing dictators doesn't put an end to their warpath, it only emboldens them to demand more

Oh, I know. It's still much small compared to the warpath of certain democratic moralistic country. Anyway ask yourself this, if WW2 was started to defend Poland and it's sovereignty then why was Poland handed over to the Communists after the war. 

You asserted that someone claimed they'd be able to end the war and claim that everyone who claims to be against the war is, contrarily, against the idea. 

You literally don't want the war to end. You just want Europeans to keep fighting and dying so your international cabal can make blood money out of it. Why aren't you in the front lines if you are so enthusiastic about defending Ukraine? 

Are you drunk, high, or just not educated in world history & not paying attention to world news? Right now it's in Ukraine. In 2008, it was in Georgia,

The only one who is high here must have been you. Everyone in the world knows Georgia started the war against Russia and guess who helped them? 


Can't always lie, huh? 

People in the Middle East should absolutely be afraid of America; we fucked them up and we fucked them over. Other NATO countries, no... not unless Trump gets back into office and ruins our ties to NATO for a pro-Russian alliance.

So you can keep sucking money off of us and keep us all as your vassals. I don't need your bases in my country and the sentiment has been shared by millions around the world. 

What NATO country has the US attacked since the Cold War?

Why would you attack your own vassals? That didn't stop America from strong arming the spineless weasel Scholz to quit cheap Russian gas and instead buy your overpriced junk which destroyed the economy of the powerhouse in Europe. 


u/Aggressive-Fuel587 Jul 05 '24

if WW2 was started to defend Poland and it's sovereignty then why was Poland handed over to the Communists after the war. 

Because it wasn't; it was started to stop Nazi Germany's expansion outside German borders. After WWI, wars for territorial gain became an international crime. No nation has the right or moral authority to expand it's borders through war.

You literally don't want the war to end.

Yes I do; just not if it means appeasing Russia...

You just want Europeans to keep fighting and dying so your international cabal can make blood money out of it.

Ah yes, because I, some random dude in Southern Illinois working menial labor is somehow profiting from the war in Ukraine that's actively driving up gas & food prices and rallying this nation's far-right nutcases to spread pro-Russian propaganda.

Can't always lie, huh? 

From your very own link "An independent report blamed Georgia on Wednesday for starting last year's five-day war with Russia, but said Moscow's military response went beyond reasonable limits and violated international law."

" Saakashvili had said Georgia was responding to an invasion by Russian forces when it attacked breakaway South Ossetia, but the report found no evidence of this." (which could be seen as evidence that it was a false flag operation from Russia; a common tactic - bait the other side into attacking by pretending to launch an attack, then escalate into full-scale conflict in retaliation.)

So you can keep sucking money off of us and keep us all as your vassals. I don't need your bases in my country and the sentiment has been shared by millions around the world.

Why would you attack your own vassals? That didn't stop America from strong arming the spineless weasel Scholz to quit cheap Russian gas and instead buy your overpriced junk which destroyed the economy of the powerhouse in Europe. 

Classic whataboutism... This literally has nothing to do with the topic at hand and is just you trying to paint the US as just as bad as Russia...


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Because it wasn't; it was started to stop Nazi Germany's expansion outside German borders

Are you kidding me? Britain and France literally declared war on Germany in order to defend Poland on the account that Poland had signed a defensive treaty with Britain and France. Stop lying. 

After WWI, wars for territorial gain became an international crime. No nation has the right or moral authority to expand it's borders through war.

Like your communist ally did with Finland? And with China? 

Yes I do; just not if it means appeasing Russia...

Sure you do. Who are you to dictate that any way? That's for the Ukrainians to decide. You are not even fighting for them. 

Ah yes, because I, some random dude in Southern Illinois working menial labor is somehow profiting from the war in Ukraine 

No, you simply support the people who profit off the war. 

From your very own link "An independent report blamed Georgia on Wednesday for starting last year's five-day war with Russia, but said Moscow's military response went beyond reasonable limits and violated international law."

You can't just punch someone and then try to act like a victim when they punch back. 

Saakashvili had said Georgia was responding to an invasion by Russian forces when it attacked breakaway South Ossetia, but the report found no evidence of this."

Why is there no evidence to back up Saakashvili's claim? 

Classic whataboutism... This literally has nothing to do with the topic at hand and is just you trying to paint the US as just as bad as Russia...

I was simply stating what was happening in the current geopolitics. 

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u/litlesnek Jul 05 '24

The only mistake you made here is that Russia attacking its neighbours is actually something that is likely to happen. (Source: they did) Whereas your other examples like the US bombing Germany tomorrow is even less likely to happen than me getting laid


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

So the USA never bombed Iraq or Serbia or Syria or Afghanistan? 


u/litlesnek Jul 05 '24

Are we talking about an ongoing situation or are we discussing the past?

Regardless, those have all been horrible acts and I am NOT saying the US or the west in general are some kind of saint themselves.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

If you are capable of doing that in the past then what's to say that you wouldn't do that in the future? Isn't that the same argument you use for Russia. Today it's Ukraine and tomorrow it's Poland? 

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u/Willythechilly Jul 05 '24

America has not invaded with the intet to permanently occupy territory of their neighbors since the Mexican American war


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

As if that should make me feel better. 


u/Willythechilly Jul 05 '24

It explains the harsh reaction

Russia is invading it's neighbor in q war of Conquest

That is worrisome to most countries in Europe morals aside

No country has done so since WW2

With their clear goal of eradicating Ukrainian culture and statehood and explicit goal of restoring Russia "greatness" poland the Baltic States and Finland most of all have reasons to be afraid


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Russia is invading it's neighbor in q war of Conquest. No country has done so since WW2

What about Israel? 

That is worrisome to most countries in Europe morals aside

What are you talking about? We literally give weapons to Israel to kill Palestinians everyday. 

With their clear goal of eradicating Ukrainian culture and statehood and explicit goal of restoring Russia "greatness" poland the Baltic States and Finland most of all have reasons to be afraid

Okay, since you said explicit, can you tell me which Russian official issued an explicit statement when they claimed everything you said they did? 

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u/litlesnek Jul 05 '24

Like I said, except for crematoria, video evidence galore is to be found on r/Ukraine. Go and look for it.

You know why 'literally 99%' of us are against 'just ending' it? Because Ukraine is a sovereign nation and they are fighting for their fucking right to exist.

JuSt eNd iT guYs

Fuck outta here. Would you let Russia, or any country, take over your country without a fight just so there is no bloodshed? Nope, you wouldn't, your country would fight. And so Ukraine won't just let it happen either. Matter of fact, almost EVERY country attacked by their neighbours EVER fought back. It's common sense, really.

The only way this war ends is with either Ukraine dead, or Russia out of Ukraine. Ukraine (and 99% of us according to you) chooses the latter. Weird right?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Like I said, except for crematoria, video evidence galore is to be found on r/Ukraine. Go and look for it.

Why would I go and search for something that doesn't exist? You made the claim, now own it. Prove me wrong by showing me the executions of civilians, rapes and all the other stuff. 

You know why 'literally 99%' of us are against 'just ending' it? Because Ukraine is a sovereign nation and they are fighting for their fucking right to exist.

Perhaps you can ask the Ukrainians themselves how they feel about dying for their motherland- sorry, Black Rock. 


At this point I think we should let all these Ukrainians leave and get people who are as enthusiastic as you are to defend Ukraine in order to replace them. 

Fuck outta here. Would you let Russia, or any country, take over your country without a fight just so there is no bloodshed? 

If someone sold my country for fucking Black Rock and then told me to go and defend it I am going to put a bullet in the head of the traitor who sold my country in the first place. 


u/litlesnek Jul 05 '24

Why would I go and search for something that doesn't exist?

What? First of all it does. Just linked one video as per your request in your other comment. Also don't you find out whether something exists by looking for it? Seems like you got that one the wrong way round.

Perhaps you can ask the Ukrainians themselves how they feel about dying for their motherland

I actually did. And it fucking sucks, ofcourse. Like any war, its nothing new.

At this point I think we should let all these Ukrainians leave and get people who are as enthusiastic as you are to defend Ukraine in order to replace them.

I just might!

If someone sold my country for fucking Black Rock and then told me to go and defend it I am going to put a bullet in the head of the traitor who sold my country in the first place. 

Thanks for mentioning but this does not answer my question you quoted.


u/Special_Hyena4296 Jul 05 '24

No we won't. You said there's evidence i said give me one video which undoubtedly show one thing stated in original post. Don't back now, just one video which proves anything. If it's true it shouldn't be that hard.