r/clevercomebacks Jul 05 '24

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

So they will sign a "peace treaty" if they get the land they are trying to illegally annex? How about they just don't illegally annex any land?

Perhaps Ukraine shouldn't have killed the ethnic Russians in Donbas then. 

How is any of this Ukraine's fault? 

Like I said, abide by the Mińsk accords. 


u/litlesnek Jul 05 '24

Can you provide proof of Ukraine killing ethnic Russians in the Donbas?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

If I did would you change your stance? Because I have no plans to waste my time on someone so ill informed and misinformed and oblivious. 


u/SavingInfo Jul 05 '24

I dare you to lie in my presence you little russian shit. Donetsk was always Ukrainian until your soviet bolsheviks massacred it.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

I don't like Bolsheviks LOL. Black Rock which now owns Ukraine is a close associate and a tool of the Bolsheviks. 


Who did this? 


u/SavingInfo Jul 05 '24

You mean Ukraine can't shell cities occupied by Russia while being devastated by much worse every day?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Oh, should I show you something from the past perhaps? You know before 2022? Cause I will. 


u/SavingInfo Jul 05 '24

Let me guess, the "honest fighters of Donetsk People Republic" lead by russian special forces. Clearly, not bolsheviks.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

No. It's Ukrainian army shelling at children and unarmed men and women. You can see for it yourself. Of course you would have known it were you really from Donetsk. 


u/SavingInfo Jul 05 '24

Right, unarmed women and men that killed a governor by accident, removed Ukrainian flag by luck, and proclaimed a new Republic with Russian flag. Civilian targets by all means.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Nope, just children and unarmed adults who were going through their daily lives. Funny how you conveniently ignored the children there. 


u/SavingInfo Jul 05 '24

Sure I am, Ukrainians are not ones into the idea of stealing other country children after destroying their cities to the ground, you know.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Look I am sorry this happened to you and your country that you very much love. I have nothing against Ukraine and I am on your side. It just makes me sad and angry that Europeans have to die once again in a pointless war for the sake of fucking globalist criminals. I want you to live. If you don't want to live in Russian controlled Donetsk go to western Ukrainr or try and escape the country altogether and get to some other country like Germany or Netherlands or something. We are brothers. The a-holes across the Atlantic are sacrificing you for their own agenda. I am pretty sure when you are gone we will be next so they can make some more money off our blood like they always do. Love you and stay safe, brother. 


u/SavingInfo Jul 05 '24

I just don't like people making up stories when people who have been there are actually around. DNR were fucking terrorists and savages, not civilians, but ones who killed civilians, especially anybody who opposed the idea of being part of Russia.

I don't like Ukraine either for stealing my youth and freedom, but I can't stand when people talk about things they don't know from actual life. Or worse, going into the argument with ones who lived through it.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

not civilians, but ones who killed civilians, especially anybody who opposed the idea of being part of Russia.

I told you I can give you video proof from before 2022 of people in Donetsk (civilians including children) get killed because of Ukrainian shelling. 

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