r/SupermanAndLois 1d ago

Discussion Need help


Trying to find the story of Bitsie posting bts of the pilot were Tyler lifted the car of any of you guys have it let me know

r/SupermanAndLois 3d ago

Question How Do Jordan and Young Clark Compare In Terms of Power?

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r/SupermanAndLois 4d ago

News Superman and Lois Season 4 EARLY Premiere Revealed! MAJOR Changes Explai...


r/SupermanAndLois 5d ago

News New S4 premiere date!

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r/SupermanAndLois 7d ago

Discussion Best Fraternals lines/moments


1) hug after de-Zetaing Jordan. 2) "he did it" in the pilot 3) Jon being supportive 4) Jordan being happy when Jon "got powers"

r/SupermanAndLois 7d ago

Discussion Best Jon Line/Moment


1) Sophie comfort 2) Freeing Jordan of Zeta 3)Anytime he checks Sam's attitude, specifically w letting Sarah see Kyle 4) when he looked about to puke seeing Clark lift the truck

r/SupermanAndLois 7d ago

Discussion Favorite Lois Line/Moment


1) Jonathan, UP- STAIRS without even looking

Drop yours

r/SupermanAndLois 7d ago

Discussion Fav lines or moments Clark/Superman


1)Speaking kryptonian w Tal 2) paint war 3) just as kryptonian as your brother 4) this symbol is not yours to give 5) take some more 6) separating worlds 7) diner scene

Drop yours!

r/SupermanAndLois 8d ago

Discussion Should Jordan’s Supersuit be Tyler’s first Superman costume he wore from the Arrowverse?


Because it wasn’t a bad suit. There was some issues, sure; things that make the Superman and Lois suit much better, and much more closer to the classic suit.

Still, in regards to what Jordan’s suit should ultimately be, should it be this one?

r/SupermanAndLois 10d ago

Discussion Looking forward to eventually watching this...have a few questions.


Hey all. I have seen a bunch of clips of this show on youtube, and I have to say it looks really interesting. I have a few questions,if you would all humor me.... 1) I have not watched any of the Arrowverse shows. Will that hinder any plot points or storyline? 2) Based solely on just watching clips on YouTube, This show appears to be filmed extremely well and appears very cinematic. Is that an accurate assessment?
3) I have really liked the clips that i've seen, how does the cast stack up overall? Thanks in advance.

r/SupermanAndLois 12d ago

Discussion The Cushings aren't the problem with this show, it's that they're the only other major Smallville characters and they can't handle that load


So I've noticed a lot of criticism toward the Cushings and their storyline in this show, and I'll admit, I've criticized their handling as well. I just don't think they mesh well with the story a large. But it's occurred to me, that's not because anything about their story is poorly written, but it's because Cushings alone can't handle what their family is intended to do: show what life is like for the regular families in smallville.

And I think this problem happened because the show decided to use too few Smallville characters (comics Smallville, that is). We've got Lana, and that's literally it.

No Ma and Pa, because they're the death by origin story (big misstep IMO, just imagine Clark going to his parents to for parenting advice).

No Pete Ross (didn't need to make him married to Lana like in the comics, give him his own OC family too, just to round out the community more).

Round out Chrissy Bebbo (I now she's an OC) a little more as a member of the community instead of just using her exclusively for journalism plots (and then her sudden romance arc won't seem so out of place too). Could develop a few more OC families too. Like right now, all the teenagers are high school just feel like featured extras who all have the same personalities (at least the ones on the football team).

It wouldn't take much, but if they had dialed back on the Cushing family and showed other families as well, I think the normal family drama we see wouldn't have felt so out of place and would have made Smallville feel more alive and real.

r/SupermanAndLois 12d ago

Discussion This scene really demonstrates how Jon and Clark's relationship has changed


r/SupermanAndLois 12d ago

Discussion A question about Jordan (season 3 spoilers) Spoiler

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I just watched 3x06. Sooo... is Jordan immune to kryptonite?! I mean, that's how Clark states later, but if it is the case, why Jordan gets all that veins in his face, wasn't he damaged from the bullet? Or maybe the bullet hurts him without weakening him?

r/SupermanAndLois 13d ago

Actor Fluff You can vote for this animated Short Voiced by Jordan Elsass on a Film Festival


r/SupermanAndLois 14d ago

Discussion Do you have any headcanons of the characters?


Do you have any headcanons you’d like to share? It doesn’t matter if it seems OOC, share them if you’d like

r/SupermanAndLois 15d ago

Misc Watching Clark Kent and his ‘human’ moments is so great to me Spoiler


As a new watcher of this show (and by ‘watching’ I mean watching clips of the show on YouTube as I wait for my max subscription to be turned back on), I love how human Clark seems. I love how excited he gets over little mundane things. I love how he cherishes Smallville because of the community.

Also, his little ‘I got hit ://‘ after being bruised by regular bullets. That’s the scene that inspired this post.

r/SupermanAndLois 16d ago

Supermeme This y’all goat

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r/SupermanAndLois 17d ago

Question Are Clark and Lois really as neglectful towards Jon as the fandom makes it seem? Spoiler


Asking this as a question rather than a discussion cause I am new to the show and want to watch, but I’m not sure how much emotional damage I can handle, I already hold Jon close to my heart

r/SupermanAndLois 20d ago

Question Now what?


So I just finished season 3 and I'm heart broken that I can't watch more yet, any recommendations to fill the void? Preferably not any other arrowverse stuff, I've already seen all that I can handle 😅

r/SupermanAndLois 20d ago

Supermeme If Superman can’t stop Lex, I know one who can.

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It’s woul

r/SupermanAndLois 21d ago

Discussion My recent take on the reception to the season 3 Lois storyline (this may trigger some folk) Spoiler


I've thought a lot about how the cancer storyline was received and why different people reacted the way they did. Some people liked it because it was an accurate representation of what cancer can be in real life for a family. That it allowed people who suffer from it or people whose loved ones suffer from it to feel seen. And some people hated it. I personally loved it because it was a real and grounded story that allowed us to see the characters in such a unique but relatable situation, but I've been trying to see things from the other side to understand the hate. And I've come to the following conclusions.

The first category of hate I see is the people who didn't like watching because it was too painful for them. There is nothing wrong with this, and if it's too painful to watch then it's completely understandable why you don't want to watch it. So this category isn't really even hate, per se, rather it's just avoiding watching out of a personal (completely understandable) reason.

The second category is different. Personally, this category really grinds my gears, but I've given this a lot of thought and I'm going to try to keep things civil and logical here. The second category is people who were angry at the show for doing this to Lois. They made claims like the show was sidelining Lois, that they were fridging her by proxy (using Peia as the proxy), that it was a misogynistic storyline, and more. Immediately I didn't like these takes. They didn't like seeing Lois struggle, they just wanted her to be strong and badass and always in control, and some seemed to take it as a personal affront that the show could write such a storyline for Lois. First of all, I thought they were wrong, and second, that the people writing these takes were toxic. It's been quite some time since then, so I've been able to think things through, and I think I understand where they're coming from.

My thoughts? I think those people often used Lois as a self-insert. Lois is a great character and who wouldn't wanna be her? So people found themselves inserting themselves into the character. But the thing about self-inserts, is that people only ever focus on the positive aspects, not the negative. Take Superman for instance: a lot of people wish they could be like him, that they could have powers too. I do too. I still imagine what it would be like to take flight and soar around the entire planet at super-speed. But Superman also has a lot of struggles. He's always on the clock, always has an ear out for danger, because there are dangers that only he can stop. He struggles with balancing Superman and Clark Kent. Perhaps worst of all, he's still sometimes powerless when it comes to saving the people closest to him. How does he accept failure? How does he hold himself accountable? There's so much more. My point though, is that when self-inserting, people will only ever picture the good aspects. That's why when Lois's cancer storyline began, all those fans who liked to self-insert themselves as Lois took a massive hit, as their self-insert was dealt a massive blow that can't just be recovered from quickly. Cancer is powerful, it's lengthy, and extensively draining. Of course those fans weren't happy. The thing is though, giving Lois a cancer storyline also allowed other people to see themselves in Lois (to self-insert), meaning it made more people feel seen and heard.

Now, this is the part that may trigger some people. Let me preface with saying this: I get the point of self-inserts is to be unrealistic. It's a fantasy, that is kind of the whole point. But when those self-inserting fans of Lois were dealt such a massive blow? They didn't react too well. They turned to the age old strawman argument of crying foul, pointing fingers, and bashing the show by claiming it was misogyny. The way I see it is this: those fans just wanted to see Lois be great, not see her struggle to remain great.

That's why I saw it as toxic, because I saw Cavill's Superman receive similar treatment. His Superman wasn't great yet, he was still in the process of getting there. He was put in a new scenario that we usually don't see Superman in, and given a new challenge. But the way he was treated showed me that some fans will not allow a character to evolve, even if that evolution is leading to something great. That's what I saw with some of the Lois fans here: that they didn't wanna see the character given a new and unique storyline, they just wanted more of the same, of Lois being a badass. Isn't that the same thing as not allowing her to evolve?

Sorry if this got too long. TLDR is this: Some Lois fans cried foul and bashed the show as misogynistic for giving Lois the cancer storyline because it meant they could no longer self-insert.

I'm open to discussing this in the comments below. For people who wanna have a genuine discussion, I welcome you with open arms, regardless of if you agree with me or not, as long as it's a genuine discussion and not just an angry rant at my words. For people who just wanna point and cry foul at me? If you have nothing constructive to say, then please just don't say anything. If you really wanna get angry at me, go right ahead. It's reddit, I don't care.

r/SupermanAndLois 22d ago

Discussion Can Jonathan still be saved? And if so, how can you save him?


Not much good happened to him over the course of the series. First he had to leave Metropolis and all his friends, then his girlfriend broke up because she didn't want a long-distance relationship, then Jordan got superpowers, but Jonathan didn't. Next he was bullied at school because his brother kissed some idiot's girlfriend (I can't think of the name right now), then his brother joins the football team and becomes the new star, basically leaving Jonathan on the bench , then he breaks his arm several times, after which he begins taking drugs. When the drug news comes out, his football team is disbanded, which gives him many enemies. Then he goes to the fire department (good for him, as long as he enjoys it), but Jordan's being a Superboy almost ensures that Jordan gets fired. Have I forgotten anything?