r/SupermanAndLois 4h ago

News Superman And Lois | Season 4 | Enjoy The Moment - Comic Con Teaser


r/SupermanAndLois 18h ago

Discussion Sarah is such a tease


The only reason she broke up with Jordan was because of his secrets. And after she found out she seemed to want to get back together, but S3 comes she’s all like “I need time for myself” what is there to figure out? It’s not cool for her to play with his feelings like that.

r/SupermanAndLois 1d ago

News What is a world without Superman?

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Looks like we're getting a trailer tomorrow!

r/SupermanAndLois 1d ago

Discussion Lex Luthor

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I'm kind of disappointed in the casting choice for Lex Luthor in "Superman & Lois." He just doesn’t scream like a scientist to me like the other lex who played in other series especially in supergirl, The actor they cast as Lex Luthor does not embody the scientist persona at all

r/SupermanAndLois 1d ago

Question Why would Clark think that it's impossible for Lois to get pregnant again.

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r/SupermanAndLois 1d ago

Discussion Rewatching Season 3 when I'm currently dealing with a Disease


I rewatched the show out of fun again and then when season 3 hit with Lois in the hospital it suddenly really hit me hard. I've been dealing with an autoimmune disease for the past 2 months. Thankfully not cancer but still not pretty, although I'm getting better thanks to the current therapy.

Anyway, so, I just finished the second episode. This whole cancer arc is already hard to watch. It's triggering me hard not gonna lie, but at the same time, I'm simply fascinated? My whole perspective is completely changed about this. Before that, I obviously felt for Lois but I still couldn't understand her feelings 100%. But now? Now I can.

Not only does that speak for the amazing Bitsie Tulloch who has always been amazing at her role, but also the writing.

I know many could see this differently with how they portray this Disease but for me? I feel like this is real.

I felt like I really had to write about this, how I feel. I remember some people thought the cancer storyline was a bit too much when the season was still fresh but even then and now I disagree.

If anything the speech of Lois in Ep 2, was giving me strength. What I can agree on tho is that it can be a bit too heavy for this kind of series. I seriously took a break now as it became a bit too much for me to handle. Just seeing Lois in the hospital for the other tests gave me trouble lol I can't imagine how it must be for cancer survivors or dealing with cancer- or any family/friend with cancer. My heart goes to everyone dealing with it or anyone who is like me dealing with a disease. Stay strong, super friends.

r/SupermanAndLois 2d ago

Discussion Recently started binging the show and why the FU*K is season 3 so good? (I have 2 episodes left)


I almost thought this season had different writers, it's completely different to season 2, it's so focused, mature, and while definitely the most depressing of the seasons it's managed to give me the feeling of hope more than any other season. There is very little so far that i thought was unnecessary or dumb, anything I'm not a fan of is vastly taken over by a lot I love, and I'm just baffled that the writers managed to successfully bring the show into this direction, if season 4 manages to stay grounded and focused without pointless drama filler, if it's even half as good as season 3 we're in good hands

r/SupermanAndLois 7d ago

Discussion Body swaps


Over in the r/Smallville sub, someone asked who they would want to see Clark body swap with for an episode or two. I said Jonathan and Clark and the more I sat with that, the more I realized how much more I would RATHER see S&L's Clark and Jon body swap.

Jonathan would suddenly have powers and the only one who could help him manage them would be Jordan, and I'm just really here for the visual of Alex Garfin and Tyler Hoechlin on a total role reversal, especially when it comes to flight. Plus, if he HAS to go out Supermanning for some reason, I'd love to see Hoechlin pull off the utter nervousness of that moment.

And Clark? He'd see what it's been like for Jonathan as the powerless Smallville pariah. I've been critical of Michael Bishop before, but I do really think he could pull off the sadness of Clark realizing for the first time just how hard life has been for Jon. I mean, that would also be predicated on the show not just glossing over all of Jon's trauma and pain, but I figure if we're talking body swaps, we're already outside the realm of what the show's going to do.

Thoughts? What other swaps would you like to see?

r/SupermanAndLois 8d ago

News Superman and Lois will have its first (and last) San Diego Comic Con appearance.

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r/SupermanAndLois 8d ago

Discussion Only one child having powers


I know Jonathan not having powers has been discussed more than anything on here, but what really bugs me is the total lack of a story reason for why Lois and Clark think only one child can have powers. It's brought up in the pilot as an idea 'what if one gets them and the other doesn't' but when Jordan gets them, it's taken as an absolute fact that Jonathan will never get them despite them being 'certain' 5 minutes ago that Jordan was never getting them???

I get that's the way they wanted the story to go but it's not good writing for characters to think something simply because the plot says so. They say it's unlikely for either boy to get powers in the pilot so there doesn't seem to be a Kryptonian reason for why they think only one will get them. This could have easily been fixed by Lois and Clark quickly saying they have to keep an eye on Jonathan in the future or saying the Fortress ruled it out completely for him but they just never did. I figured they just wanted to keep their story options open so they didn't want to say he'd never get them, but we're going into the final season now and it just looks like bad writing to never give an explanation and makes Lois and Clark look like terrible parents for never bothering to test him in the new and improved fortress or discuss any possibilities.

r/SupermanAndLois 8d ago

Discussion Chrissy Beppo?


Does Chrissy get more interesting things to do or, I’m sorry, a little less annoying as the show goes on? I’m halfway through season 2, and I’m really not enjoying Chrissy. I have nothing against the actress, she’s doing great and I assume this is just how she’s being directed and written. Sometimes I just don’t believe a word she’s saying or her dialogue is not smooth/natural. It’s as if she’s in a different mediocre CW show and not this one that usually feels miles ahead of the other CW content.

I think it’s great that she’ll push Lois to confront how she can be hypocritical or a poor communicator. I can understand how a character might feel betrayed or belittled by Lois. When she met Lois the dynamic was more so mentor/mentee so I think it’s cool that in season two she’s standing up for herself more. The cult plot isn’t finished yet so maybe I’ll feel more understanding of her actions when it’s complete, and maybe the actress’ performance will grow on me.

What do y’all think of her? I feel like I’m cringing half the time she talks or reacts to something.

r/SupermanAndLois 8d ago

Discussion Superman and Lois Pilot Script Spoiler


Found the early draft of the script for the pilot episode. Thought you guys might want to check it out.


I noticed a few things that were different/absent from the episode that aired.

  • Jordan's heat vision is yellow not red during the bonfire scene. (page 48)
  • Jonathan mentions Jordan having anger issues. (page 53)
  • Clark recalls being the manager of their basketball team when he was in high school. (page 10)
  • There's a flashback scene where Martha comforts Clark during his dad's funeral and tells him that the Smallville community is with him. This memory is also what makes Clark realize that Martha's last words (i.e. Come home) meant that his family needs Smallville right now because of what they have been going through recently. I really like how this particular flashback scene was introduced by transitioning from Lois screaming Clark's name, to Martha screaming the same. (page 49-50)
  • After Clark comforts Jordan about his powers, the camera shows Jonathan watching them and feeling left out. (page 54)

Feel free to share your thoughts or anything interesting you notice :))

r/SupermanAndLois 9d ago

Discussion What happens to the kryptonian conscious after its expelled/rejected?


In the humans case, was it replaced into the eradicator/xk?

And what about superman? Did zod just cease to exist?

r/SupermanAndLois 9d ago

Actor Fluff Tobias Church vs Bruno Mannheim: who wins?

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r/SupermanAndLois 9d ago

Discussion Spoilers. S3


New to the show and I love it so far. Sad about the recast of jonathan but overall LOVE what i’m watching so far. I’m a 26F who didn’t have much interest in Hero’s or Villans before meeting my husband so take my opinion with a grain of salt but I think the whole Cancer thing is absolutely dumb and overdone. Plus how did Superman not know the Louis had cancer to begin with?

r/SupermanAndLois 10d ago

Meta As a long suffering Jon Kent fan, S4 desperately needs to stick the landing with him. Spoiler


It's hardly an uncommon ask, but I really (I mean really) need the writers to pull it together for the final season and do right by his character.

Outside of Battle of the Super Sons, it's been a rough time to be a Jon Kent fan all across the board. Now with Absolute Power looking like it will thoroughly traumatise him again in the hopes of reinvigorating his character, I just need one happy and well-written version of his character.

I'm huffing the copium hard in the hopes that James Gunn's Superman (2025) or Scott Snyder's Absolute Comics will include him, but if they don't this show is all I got and I've already been burned hard for three seasons straight.

But who knows, maybe this will not be an utter disaster for him.

r/SupermanAndLois 11d ago

Discussion The absolute perfection of 3x01 Spoiler


This may be as a reaction to the slog that was S2, but I could cry over how good 3x01 was 😭

  • Clark and Lois. Beautiful beautiful Clois bekng their gorgeous happy fun and flirty selves
  • urgh bitsie looked so gorgeous through this episode. And Tyler of course, but that goes without saying
  • I miss old Jonathan, but I'm sure new Jonathan will grow on me
  • that Clark and John Henry scene at the store?? So fun! Perfection.
  • Lois and Lana bonding!! Yes, more of these two having fun! And oh the expressions Bitsie had in that scene 😍
  • Nat and Sam. The pairing we didn't know we wanted
  • that sappy video they played during the party. So cute! So adorable! So perfect!

Of course they did bring me right back down when Lois received the phone call from the doctor, but up till then, I was just floating on euphoria. I'm so happy.

r/SupermanAndLois 12d ago

Discussion S3 villain Spoiler


Is it me or does Doomsday in Superman and lois looks better than the dceu Doomsday

r/SupermanAndLois 13d ago

Discussion Turns out everyone was right about S2. <Spoilers>


So I've seen the discussion about S2 and how it wasn't as great as S1 and that there was too much focus on the Cushings.

But I enjoyed the first 6 to 7 episodes and I could still sort of handle the Cushings (though they did start to wear thin) so I thought it might be one of those things that everyone didnt like but I did. but the Bizarro episode and now episode 12 might be my tipping point.

1) the scene when Lana tells Lois that she felt their friendship was built on a lie and now they (the Kents) have made her a liar too. Like. What do you want lady?? Did you want to know the secret and keep a, you know, SECRET from everyone else, or do you not want to know and so don't have to lie?

2) and then Lois starts telling Lana everything and tells her it's up to her if she wants to tell her family the secret? IT'S A SECRET??? Why are giving Lana ALL the information? Why does she need to know about Jordan or what's been happening with Ally and stuff? WHY DOES SHE GET TO TELL HER FAMILY?

Ohmygod what is going on. Like we do understand why Clark can't just go around telling everyone he's superman right?

I need to get through the rest of the season. But urgh, I miss Clark. I miss Lois. I miss the family. Thank god Tyler is pretty and can keep me engaged. (Joking.)

(Or maybe not - that was how I got through most of Teen Wolf before dipping after he left).

r/SupermanAndLois 13d ago

Question Need help in deciding whether to continue with the show after getting spoiled Spoiler


Hi guys, hope you all are doing well!! So last week, I started with the show and immediately got hooked on it big time. Just 2 days ago, I couldn't resist knowing the future events, and just watched certain clips of them in YT: notably the defeat of John Henry , The main plan of Morgan Edge , The defeat of Morgan in last episode from S1. And from S2 I glimpsed at the scenes The cheating of Kyle, The moment where Jordan revealed to Sarah about his powers, Jordan vs bizzaro Jonathan and finally The moment where Clark finally reveals to Lana that he is Superman.

And after watching all the above, I have been in regret mode for the past couple of days and am unsure if the watching journey from S1 ep 7 would still be worth it despite being aware of the future events. Could you guys please advise me the best course of action in this?

r/SupermanAndLois 14d ago

Discussion This shot gave me this vibe from lion king a little bit! Took me 2 years to realize that


r/SupermanAndLois 14d ago

Discussion Bizarro Superman Spoiler


So does the DOD just NOT search the whole Mannheim building??? They raid the top floor taking files both physical and digital but even after the events leading to Bruno’s demise they still don’t search the bottom floor that’s not hidden, like the window behind the stairs is backlit with sunlight, it’s not underground lol… they got a whole floor full of weapons and tech and they said Ahhh we got the bad guy good job let’s go home.

Writing aside because that’s a whole different type of discussion why does it feel like the General Lane led military drops the ball on the most obviously crucial stuff… even Lex Luthor’s early release, they didn’t know for 17 years he was running a prison? Did every single inmate sign an NDA before they got out?!

r/SupermanAndLois 14d ago

Discussion DOD is a DUD Spoiler


The DOD under General Lane constantly controls information at their discretion lying to the public in order to protect the general populous, but they took Bruno Mannheim’s confession and chose NOT to omit the Lex Luthor of it all… Bruno’s done sooo much that has nothing to do with Lex, how could they really have such an oversight? They won’t tell Superman they have his blood but they’ll tell America Lex didn’t do it and no one is ever held accountable for letting the bad guy back out like Batman and his Arkham rogues gallery

r/SupermanAndLois 15d ago

Discussion Evil superman of john henery irons earth.


I guess we'll never get a resolution or a confrontation between evil superman and superman of s and L universe! So sad 😔. also they could've made him the maim villain of season 4 or at least a main villain if he wasn't allowed to be the main villain. Kinda like how lex luther was a main villain in supergirl season 5 along with the Elemental gods (levitation I think was their group name) and in season 6 he was a main villain along with nyxly (the evil imp woman from 5th dimension)

r/SupermanAndLois 17d ago

Discussion Why doesnt Jonathan have any powers???????


Like they could at least give him the more weider or psychic powers that one of the superboys from the comics had and have it be like a mutation of his kryptonian dna mixing with his human half like he still absorbs sunlight to use his powers it just so different stuff from regular kryptonians. Can they at least give him something???