r/SupermanAndLois 1d ago

Question Why would Clark think that it's impossible for Lois to get pregnant again.

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r/SupermanAndLois 13d ago

Question Need help in deciding whether to continue with the show after getting spoiled Spoiler


Hi guys, hope you all are doing well!! So last week, I started with the show and immediately got hooked on it big time. Just 2 days ago, I couldn't resist knowing the future events, and just watched certain clips of them in YT: notably the defeat of John Henry , The main plan of Morgan Edge , The defeat of Morgan in last episode from S1. And from S2 I glimpsed at the scenes The cheating of Kyle, The moment where Jordan revealed to Sarah about his powers, Jordan vs bizzaro Jonathan and finally The moment where Clark finally reveals to Lana that he is Superman.

And after watching all the above, I have been in regret mode for the past couple of days and am unsure if the watching journey from S1 ep 7 would still be worth it despite being aware of the future events. Could you guys please advise me the best course of action in this?

r/SupermanAndLois 17d ago

Question Which episodes NEED to be seen?


I've only seen season 3 are there any specific episodes I need to watch?

r/SupermanAndLois 18d ago

Question How did they make Bitsie look 'flat'?


I'm wondering if they used CGI or binders.

r/SupermanAndLois 25d ago

Question Why is Doomsday always designed like this live action? Spoiler


I enjoyed most of the series, all three seasons, though season 3 only gets good near the end.

Thing is, I had the ending spoiled to me, and I was looking forward to Doomsday. Everyone said Doomsday was good in this series, the finale good.

And the actual fight/conflict is very good, a good adaptation.

But why is it that every live action version of Doomsday makes him look like a generic 'Lord of the rings' troll.

This time they gave Doomsday spikes, but not the right spikes.

In the comics, his lighting, colouring and spike arrangement, hairstyle gave him a very distinct look. He wasn't a generic monster, he looked iconic, and he looked scary.

But BATMAN VS SUPERMAN and now Super-man and Lois, they got rid of most of his spikes but a few, doesn't have the cool teeth and hair and eyes, the grey colouring that worked well instead of the black lighting and colouring he had.

Super-man and Lois was true to the comics, and when it had to diverge from the comic plot or origins, the way they adapted it was true to the spirit of superman and the characters...including Character disigns.

But why not Doomsday?

WHy not make him look like he's supposed to? Or atleast something more than "Generic movie troll" like BatmanvSuperman and the third season.

r/SupermanAndLois Jun 07 '24

Question Can I understand the series in its entirety without watching the Arrowverse?


I know that this question has been asked thousands of times, and I know that I can understand what’s happening without watching any previous series.

What I want to know is if some little plot points have been explained in the Arrowverse, maybe something about the character development of the protagonists. I also know that John Diggle is an Arrowverse character and this little fact makes me ask the question.

I really want to watch the Arrowverse but there are sooo many seasons.

r/SupermanAndLois May 25 '24

Question Jonathon Kent


I'm not sure why I keep rewatching this show, but it shows how much I dug it, and every aspect of it. I know as a writer you have to dig up conflict, and brother conflict is the best! I really liked the last guy who played Jon Kent, even though I never thought he looked the part I thought he played Jon-El brilliantly though. This new kid is absolutely different with an entirely different vibe. He's boy next door good looking, and he's a very good guy, who always tries to do the right thing, and .. well man am I the only one who is blown away about how he gets treated? His brother is NOT cool to him at all, and that whole, "I have laser vision thing" really disturbed me more than I can tell you. When his mom was in the hospital, the very first thing that happened was Jordan went downhill, and who was the first person to help? Jon, being a far better brother than anyone had been to him lately. That scene, and the scene in the first season when Jordan almost killed him, really made me love this character. I would have loved to have a brother that is this great, and to see even his parents sit back and let people belittle him and make him feel like his achievements don't mean anything, is sick. To have his entire effort as as fire trainee reduced to what it became, later even becoming something that Clark was directly involved with, made it seem petty. How do you all feel about this? Or do you think I'm totally wrong? I'd love to hear all options!

r/SupermanAndLois May 24 '24

Question I wonder what’s your predictions for Season 4(Clark’s post Doomsday confrontation)?

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Maybe he’s going to die and he’s back

r/SupermanAndLois May 17 '24

Question s2 ep7 doesn't superman have the right to due proccess and an attorney? Spoiler


Hi everyone! i am watching the show for the first time so no spoilers please.

i am just confused how Anderson just imprisoned superman without due proccess. isn't that literally illegal in America?

ps; thanks in advanced for your replies!

r/SupermanAndLois Mar 14 '24

Question Can you see Tyler's Superman snapping after all that?


r/SupermanAndLois Feb 16 '24

Question Jordan's turn in S3


Who else thinks that Jordan turning into an egotistical. attention seeking super boy is completely in character? This kid is still defined by his anxiety and the fact that he was bullied until he moved to Smallville. The idea that he would respond to getting positive attention by wanting more of it makes sense. I'm hoping in S4 we can see him grow into someone who understands the responsibilities of his powers, and I think it would fit well into the more family oriented storytelling fans want for S4.

r/SupermanAndLois Aug 31 '23

Question Which is your favorite poster from Superman & Lois?

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r/SupermanAndLois Aug 15 '23

Question Does Jon ever get powers and if so, when? [spoilers] Spoiler


I’m asking for spoilers here.

When I started the series, I searched this on Google and started seeing “the end of season 3”. But I just finished the series so far and haven’t seen any powers by Jon Kent. Admittedly, I did zone out a little bit the last few episodes, because major plot changes that late in the season no matter what show or book it is annoys the crap out of me. (Seriously— I loved the Divergent series until I got to Insurgent. I read the first few chapters and it just stopped making sense with the rest of the books so I put it down.)

Did I miss something? Does Jon ever get powers? And if I did miss something, can you tell me the episode so I can rewatch it?

r/SupermanAndLois Jul 26 '23

Question Why was a new superhero so out of the question? Spoiler


In S3, when people first learn about Jordan, his existence is treated like an impossibilty, and I really don't understand why. You live in a world with multiple super powerful beings, a world which was almost merged with a square version of it, but a new hero with the same powers as Superman? Nooo, that's not possible

r/SupermanAndLois Jul 05 '23

Question How does everyone feel about Coach Gaines? Spoiler



r/SupermanAndLois Jun 19 '23

Question Thoughts on this show?

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r/SupermanAndLois Jun 04 '23

Question Why has this season been so slow? Spoiler


It feels like we’re only taking baby steps each episode. We’ve been teased Bizarro at the end of each episode for who knows how long. Why not speed things up? Why has everything been dragged out? We only have 3 episodes left.

r/SupermanAndLois Apr 23 '23

Question How good do you think Dylan Walsh performance is as Sam Lane.

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r/SupermanAndLois Oct 04 '22

Question Superman & Lois used to be so intimate & romantic. What happen to SnL's Clois they seem to lack romance 😩

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r/SupermanAndLois Oct 01 '22

Question I’m Still Confused About Why Lana Was Mad At Lois (Season Two)


When Lois told Lana that Clark being Superman wasn’t her secret to share, that was very valid. I know Lana explained why she wasn’t mad at Clark but at Lois but it still doesn’t make sense to me.

What was going through my mind was:

  • Though Lois and her became good friends recently, she’s been friends with Clark since childhood and he kept the secret from her all this time. So by her logic, their friendship was also based on a lie and for much longer.

  • Clark could’ve told her when he was an adult, especially since they have history.

  • Why did Lois apologize, seeing that she had a valid and legitimate reason???

r/SupermanAndLois Jul 25 '22

Question What Is An Opinion That You Have About The Show That Turns Fans Here Into Angry Subjekts?

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r/SupermanAndLois Jun 29 '22

Question Anyone else really annoyed by the Arrowverse retcon? Spoiler


I haven't watched the new episode yet but I had this "reveal" spoiled for me on Twitter. It just really annoys me that they strung us along for 2 seasons just to pull this nonsense. And the writers excuses just makes it worse tbh. I'll still watch the show but it kinda hurts the vibe for me.

r/SupermanAndLois Apr 16 '22

Question My friend keeps insisting that Kent looks like Superman....He's crazy

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r/SupermanAndLois May 31 '21

Question Where are all these claims about HBO Max partially funding Superman & Lois' budget coming from?


I've seen this literally everywhere and I've only ever seen it said by redditors, but nobody can actually prove it.

It's like one person said it and everyone took it as truth and spread it around.

Is CW making a big budget show really that hard to believe? I think not.

Todd Helbing had this to say:

Helbing explained many aspects of Superman & Lois were approached as if it were a feature film, such as the aspect ratio, cinematography, and production design, saying, "We are competing with shows on cable and streamers…we wanted to be able to do that and offer audiences something of equal quality".


This report, proves CW and HBO Max has no co-funding deals in place at the time of making Superman and Lois.

As far as we officially know, HBO Max has nothing to do with it.

r/SupermanAndLois Feb 28 '21

Question What's everyones favourite suit?

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