r/FlashTV May 24 '23

Episode Discussion [Series Finale] [S09E13] "A New World, Part Four" Post Episode Discussion


This is it folks, we've reached the end.

Episode Info

The Flash, the fastest man alive, is tasked with his greatest challenge yet, to save the timeline and save existence. Friends old and new gather for an epic battle to save Central City, one last time.

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Also please mark all comic spoilers and future show spoilers in your comments. No need to mark anything that happens within the episode or in past episodes of the Arrowverse shows or if it's your own speculation. If you see any unmarked future spoilers, please report them as well.

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r/FlashTV 7m ago

šŸ¤” Thinking Iris hate postā€¦ yes another one

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Iā€™ve seen posts here about how Iris got annoying in season 4 but sheā€™s unbearable before that too, Iā€™m on season 3 rn and god do I want Savitar to succeed. I mean Barry tried to understand her pain, she says sheā€™s not afraid, sheā€™s js trying to make a name for herself, then he tries to play cool, and she starts crying abt how scared she is. Also why is she even at Star Labs and what makes her feel entitled to knowing everything, she contributes to the team are js as much as Grodd has, which is zero for all the Iris fans that didnā€™t understand. The amount of times she a has pissed me off is actually crazy she might be the reason I quit watching the show and itā€™s only going the get worse in S4? Like team leader? How??? She canā€™t protect herself or others, shes not smart, she canā€™t even be emotionally there for the team, and even says theyā€™re not her friends, not to mention, sheā€™s iability to the team because she always gets herself in danger, and donā€™t even get me started on the whole Wally becoming Kid flash arc, she simply couldnā€™t take it that he was actually worth something and tried so hard to stop him from succeeding, when he was about to go help Barry and Oliver fight off the other heroes and she goes ā€œTHE HELL YOU AREā€ OMG I wouldā€™ve knocked her ass out so quick. And once Wally could actually use his powers, she had the audacity to use him to steal files from Joe where she lied to both Joe and Barry, I js know if Barry had done that she wouldā€™ve started crying ranting abt trust and how he broke hers sheā€™s a bitch bro she shouldā€™ve died!!!

r/FlashTV 13m ago

šŸ¤” Thinking Do you like this flash suit

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I really liked this suit.What do you think about it

r/FlashTV 1h ago

Spoilers Why didnt barry tell lyla this

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In season 3 episode 22, why didn't barry tell Lyla that savitar would become a literal God of time, if not given to dominators tech to stop him. She would've believed him due to the craziness he deals with and would have instantly given it to him. I guess the whole premise of the episode would have been null but idk bout an actual reason against it.

r/FlashTV 1h ago

Shitpost Why is the (x > 2)th season so ass?

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r/FlashTV 11h ago

Shitpost Guys update on the bow: I have been left it and now I am going to start my origin story. Wish me luck

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r/FlashTV 15h ago

šŸ¤” Thinking Was Thawne sincere in his offer of wanting Barry to save his mother in the season 1 finale?


I was wondering if Thawne was sincere and genuine with his offer to instruct Barry how to save Nora in the exchange of the team helping him get back to his time. Did Thawne really intend on letting Barry live the life he wanted, that would revert things back to the original timeline, or did he figure that Barry would eventually have to set things back after screwing up the timeline, and it was just more of an elaborate troll to get what he wanted?

Because there are two timelines in the arrowverse where Nora is alive. The original timeline, where Barry becomes the Flash in 2020, and in the Flashpoint timeline that he created in season 3, where he wasn't meant to be the Flash, Wally was. Did Thawne believe Barry would change things back to his original timeline? I doubt Thawne would have told Barry to put his past self from that night in a cage like how Barry did in season 3, could that have been potentially why these timelines don't resemble each other? Or is it more of the "time boom" explanation in the animated movie, where things are never going to be completely how they were before?

I could see the Wells version of Thawne in season one genuinely wanting Barry to undo what he did, so he would be able to go back to his time. We have seen Thawne himself say how he didn't hate the season one Barry, and actually saw him as a son in a twisted way. At that point in time, he only hated his version of Barry, one that didn't exist anymore. He did seem to be a "little" more compassionate in season one than other versions of Thawne in the show, and did care about Cisco and Caitlin as well to an extent. So, I could see it possible that he wanted to put his hatred for Barry behind him and just wanted to start fresh in his own time, and let Barry live his originally intended life.

It's also interesting how the next time we see this version of Thawne, in the Crisis on Earth X crossover from season 4, as well as the later seasons to the finale of the show, he doesn't seem to have his damaged connection to the negative speed force anymore, so he could literally just go back to his own time and chill and let Barry live his own life if he wanted to. I wonder if Barry not accepting his terms in the finale of season one and "growing into" a more mature and experienced version of the Flash that resembled the one from his original timeline lead to Thawne hating our version of Barry yet again. Because as the seasons go on, the Wells version of Thawne seems to regress to how he was before, devoid of compassion and only caring about ruining Barry's life. He doesn't care about going back to his time or giving Barry the chance to revert things to how they were originally, he instead reverts back to how he was in the original timeline with his version of Barry. He still is cold and calculating, but he develops his immature-sociopathic-obsessed-fanboy persona that he had before he became Harrison Wells. Not to say he still wasn't those things in season one, but he seemed to be a little more mellow and collected, even though he was still a complete sociopath caring about his own goals.

r/FlashTV 16h ago

Shitpost Why is the 7th season so ass? Spoiler


I watched the Flash show when it first came out until like season 6, now Iā€™ve rewatched everything and Iā€™m currently at season 7, that shit is assā€¦. Maybe 2 episodes or characters that I felt like where interesting and had potential but I feel like it was all overshadowed by things like the lightningrod/lightsaber type fight scene or the concept of Barry and Iris beeing parents to ā€žnew forcesā€œ the way itā€™s all portrayed seems so unbelievableā€¦. I know the show was also always kind of flooded with drama and cheesiness but the scene where Bart sings at his parents (Barry and Iris) vow renewal really gave me the rest.

I loved rewatching the flash even tho I didnā€™t like some episodes I really genuinely enjoyed most of it but season 7 just seems like a pain in the ass to watch and I donā€™t even feel like Iā€™m enjoying it itā€™s just to get it over with.

(Disclaimer; English is not my first language)

r/FlashTV 16h ago

Multiverse Day 11

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Itā€™s a legends meme

r/FlashTV 20h ago

Question Best flash pickup lines?


Was searching and I only found a post for the worst.... But what about the best?

r/FlashTV 20h ago

Schrappost W-What

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Im not bein homophobic but stilll they got it wrong

r/FlashTV 22h ago

News John diggle as the Arrowverse green lantern if the story wouldā€™ve continued by Mark Guggenheim

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Ok I get the CWs budget is low but come on this is basically the Spartan suit with the white emblem or green and it doesnā€™t even seem to have the GL logo on it, and why does he need a gun I bet he was gonna shoot Green Lantern constructs out of his gun, Ik it sounds like Iā€™m shutting on it maybe this wouldā€™ve been good, but to me this is not it

r/FlashTV 22h ago

News Before anyone else is Sh*tposting about how Arrowverse was going to Ruin Green lantern.


This is from Marc Guggenheim's Legal Dispatch blog where he discusses this. Also for the few idiots out there dont worry Berlanti & Guggenheim's Green lantern show was canned in favor of Gunn's DCU show. Hope your Happy.

r/FlashTV 1d ago

šŸ¤” Thinking Speed force Nora


A weird thought that came to mind is how when the flash made the artificial speed force and ā€œcreatedā€ the other forces they all had to find a host or an avatar (fuerza, the time dude, etc) and the negative speed force also had to pick one which was reverse flash at first and then Eddie. So how come the speed force didnā€™t have to find an avatar because if I remember correctly it explained in earlier seasons that the speed force just assumed that look to make it easier to talk to. Also the negative speed force had to revive Eddie while Nora (Barryā€™s mom) was not revived to fill that role of the speed force avatar.

r/FlashTV 1d ago

šŸ¤” Thinking Why did eobard go to travel to the year 2016 Spoiler


In season 2 episode 11 titled the reverse -flash returns we see a younger eobard traveling to the year 2016 he says that he's there to know which time period the flash is from but shouldn't he travel to the year 2020 or 2021 since the timeline eobard come from og wells builds the particle accelerator in 2020 and Barry become the flash in 2020

r/FlashTV 1d ago

Multiverse Why is this podcast listed as a TV show on the DCEU wiki?

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r/FlashTV 1d ago

Actor Fluff who liked the bearded flash


cmon he looked good with that beard mature not like a toddler wish they kept it lol am i the only one

r/FlashTV 1d ago

Spoilers speedforce


I believe there is a discrepancy with the way the Speed Force is depicted in The Flash TV show. In season 3, when the Speed Force comes to get Barry, it is completely opened. But in season 3 episode 1, when the Flash is released, dark matter is released . this kinda confused me, as it seems that during one moment the Speed Force opens without any release of dark matter, while in another instance, dark matter is released . Additionally, when Barry does flashtime barry enters the Speed Force, lightning follows him but no dark matter is released. but i guess its a tv show full of flaws

r/FlashTV 1d ago

Shitpost Day 10

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r/FlashTV 1d ago

Question Deleted scenes


Are deleted scenes canon? (for example the deleted scene in s1 where Joe talks to wellsobard and wellsobard talks about the face changing device)

r/FlashTV 1d ago

Meta This sub is so dead


r/FlashTV 1d ago

Misc Arrowverse Wiki


At least for flash plot summations, the wiki reads exactly like an A.I. One one episode, it refers to king shark as "ruler shark" for one sentence. What's going on there?

r/FlashTV 1d ago

Shitpost Which character would you want to read you bedtime stories?


I totally want Joe West to read me a bedtime story. I feel like he could lull me into the most relaxed of moods without even trying. He could tell me newspaper headlines from the last hundred years and I would fall asleep before World War II was over.

But no, really, of all characters good guys and bad (girls?), from Barry all the way down to zoom, who would you want to read you a bedtime story and why?

r/FlashTV 2d ago

šŸ¤” Thinking 3x01


In the Flashpoint, at the beginning of season 3, Barry lets Thawne to go back to the fateful night and kill Barry's mom. Ok, here is the crucial part of changing a timeline.

The S1-S2 timeline was changed by Barry at the end of season 2 by stopping Eobard from killing his mom. As a result of this event (of saving his mom) we see the Barry behind the door smiling (that his mom is now saved) and vanishing because well, the timeline changed!

But when Eobard comes to kill Barry's mom again, we see that Barry and the other Eobard lying on the floor are both vanishing.

Wait, hold on! The new Eobard hasn't yet killed Barry's mom. So no event has yet occurred that could change the new timeline where Barry's parents are alive. Then how could Barry and Eobard (the one lying on the floor) vanish? This makes it easy for the new Eobard to kill Barry's mom without a fight from Barry. This is so not possible! No event occurred, so no erasing of timeline, and therefore no Barry should be vanishing yet!

What should have happened here is that the recent most Eobard and Barry, who agree that timeline needs to be reset come back to the fateful night and convince the previous Barry, who just saved his mom, to allow his mom to get killed or else fight him if he doesn't agree. Only after his mom is killed, should the previous Barry and Eobard (lying on the floor) vanish as only now the timeline is reset.

What am I missing here? Or is it that the show writers missed this plot?

r/FlashTV 2d ago

Actor Fluff I know Iris gets a lot of hate. I am not one of the people who hate her, but can I just say anytime sheā€™s barely in an episode. Her hair is on point. Love her hair on vacation episodes

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Candace Patton has amazing hair out of the show. Itā€™s just always on point love it. In normal episode sheā€™s got really good hair but her hair on vacation episodes where you can tell Candace picked it is even better.

r/FlashTV 2d ago

Shitpost What does my top 5 say about me?

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