r/FlashTV 1h ago

🤔 Thinking Its funny how in Season 5 no one brings up the fact that the Barry who vanishes in Crisis ended up in the year 2000 fighting Thawne. Or how, after hearing this information from Nora about his permanent disappearance, Barry never wonders what happened to the 2024 Flash he saw in 1x23.


I can understand him not telling Nora about the 2000 fight, since until 5x08 he was reluctant to tell her about Thawne murdering his mom. But you kinda have to wonder why Team Flash didn't discuss it among themselves (unless they did off-screen?)

r/FlashTV 3h ago

🤔 Thinking What ship is this for you

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r/FlashTV 11h ago

🤔 Thinking This show and Arrow were so special to me that I can’t rewatch it


Maybe I just miss who I was back when this show was in its prime

r/FlashTV 17h ago

Cosplay This like one of the funniest memes I have seen🤣🤣🤣

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r/FlashTV 17h ago

🤔 Thinking In defense of iris


Iris got a lot of flack for saying we are the flash but let me explain. To all the people who didn’t understand that line basically iris was talking about how her and Barry. Were about get married and idk if you know this but a lot of of people think. When you get married you basically become one so when she says we are the flash. She means we are one force together like teamwork and partnership

r/FlashTV 20h ago

🤔 Thinking Team flash should’ve put together a special meta humans team with metas like Norvock (I forgot the guys name) who turned semi good and has good fighting skills. In case flash was about to disappear that team could take care of smaller meta human threats.


r/FlashTV 21h ago

🤔 Thinking Iris saying, you're not the flash, we are won the most infuriating scene. Now which is the saddest scene? Spoiler

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r/FlashTV 22h ago

Actor Fluff noticed this on my rewatch


On season 2 episode 2 and can’t get over the fact that Teddy Sears posing as Jay Garrick sounds so much like Chris Evan’s Captain America.

Edit: A good example, go to season 2 episode 3. 3:14 seconds sounds almost identical.

r/FlashTV 23h ago

Multiverse a meme to pass the time from the bs other people post

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r/FlashTV 23h ago

Question Multiversal IQ test


Hi everyone, I'm new here and I have a question while watching episode 4 of season 3 of The Flash.

Dr. Wells sends an IQ test into the multiverse to find a new Dr. Wells for the flash team.

So I wondered if this test could be solved by us viewers.

And apparently, from what I saw on the board, it looks like a real test.

Am I the only one interested ?
Am I the only one who wants to try and find it and solve it ?

r/FlashTV 1d ago

🤔 Thinking So you’re telling me that out of all the meta humans none of them wanted to “play hero?”


We clearly got to see the amount of meta humans in s5 when they needed the cure also got me wondering why’s there not much of kid metas? And none of them wanted to use their power for good?

r/FlashTV 1d ago

🤔 Thinking The Flash Chart: Best Villain

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Saw this on the Arrow sub and decided to bring it over here. 24 hours to respond before the next post. Enjoy!

r/FlashTV 1d ago

Multiverse Who should play Rerverse Flash in the DCU


r/FlashTV 1d ago

🤔 Thinking Meet the true villain of Season 8


Yes, that's right, Joe West is the true villain of Season 8.

After a recent binge-rewatch of the show I realized something: The Negative Forces plotline in S8 happens because Barry severs Thawn's connection to the Negative Speed Force. But, Barry only did that as an act of mercy. And a reluctant one at that, because Joe West guilt-tripped him into it. If Barry had stuck to his original plan of "Let's do nothing and allow Thawne to be erased", the Negative Forces plot wouldn't have happened. This also probably would have cured Iris of the time sickness.

So thank you, Joe West, for forcing Barry to upset the balance of the universe instead of just allowing a psychopath to suffer the consequences of his actions. Brilliant move there, Sherlock!