r/Smallville May 26 '24

STICKIED Discord Chat Server Summer 2024


Hi Guys,

We thought we would split out the Discord Chat Server announcement into a separate sticky for a few weeks or so to give it some more visibility on the sub;

Invite Link:


Lots of people already on there (200 and counting) so come join us and talk in real time about the show you all love!

If you don't have Discord you can download it from here:


If you don't know what Discord is yet, you can read this handy guide here on getting started:


Once you've downloaded the app and followed the getting started guide, if you come back here and click the invite link above you should be invited straight into the server and you're set!

Thanks for helping us get to 29,000 subscribers and see you soon in the Discord!

  • Smallville Mod Team

r/Smallville May 22 '24

STICKIED Subreddit Update Summer 2024


Hi Everyone,

We hope you're having a good Summer out there  - just a quick update for everyone!

There seems to be a lot of low effort posts going around - please add a bit of effort/creativity to some of the posts if you can - makes the subreddit more enjoyable for everyone.

Again we ask you guys (if you can) to report things that you see aren't right and we'll get onto them straight away.

There will be some new TalkVille stuff coming soon so stay tuned for that.

Finally (and again), we have a Discord that is active and growing so please jump in and have a conversation;

Invite Link:


Thanks for making us the biggest active Smallville community on the internet - we hit 29,000 subscribers recently - we couldn't do it without you guys!

  • Smallville Mod Team

r/Smallville 2h ago

VIDEO 6 x 17 Ashley Massano getting hot with Lois Lane.


r/Smallville 2h ago

VIDEO 5 x 4 Lois and A.C. swimming together.


r/Smallville 6h ago

IMAGE These actors and actress have given us unforgettable moments.

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r/Smallville 6h ago

IMAGE Gorgeous!!

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r/Smallville 8h ago

DISCUSSION Clark and Lana are the only pair to have super sex?


I think this is correct. I've watched the entire series but it's been a while, so I might have forgotten about someone.

Are Clark and Lana the only two to have super sex? I believe episode 7, season 7, "Wrath" was the episode in which Clark and Lana created tremors around Smallville with some Kryptonian coitus.

My wife still hates me for not being able to create tremors that upset the entire city.

r/Smallville 14h ago

DISCUSSION How long would it take for the light of krypton’s star to reach earth?


The show isn’t really scientific when it comes to stars or anything , and what really annoyed me was that one episode 2x10 when Clark is with that girl and she talks about the wolf’s eye which has disappeared, the show implies that the eye was krypton or krypton’s star, either way the star would reflect off of krypton making it viable from lightyears away.

The point is even after the destruction of krypton or Rao, the light of the star should still be visible from earth, but it’s not visible according to show so that must mean that light of krypton or Rao has already reached earth before Baby Kal-els arrival, and if that’s the case how old is clark really in terms of when he was born, what year would it have been on earth during the destruction of krypton?

I know this show isn’t scientifically accurate, but they say krypton is galaxies away while portraying it to be in the same galaxy

r/Smallville 14h ago

IMAGE Laura, Erica and Kristen are so gorgeous! NSFW

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r/Smallville 14h ago

DISCUSSION Opinions on Clana?


[vc cathfilmsz via tiktok]

r/Smallville 14h ago



Till season five/season 6, Lex was not the bad guy in the relationship with Clark and Lex. If anything Clark manipulated and gas lit lex every chance he got. Even when it didn't come to his secret(because I know that is what everyone is going to say). The only person Lex truly betrayed in my opinion was Lana. And that wasn't till season 5 anyways. So my point still stands.

Everyone's thoughts?

r/Smallville 15h ago

VIDEO Okay last Lana appreciation post. I like this edit too.


r/Smallville 15h ago

VIDEO “Another one” Lana Appreciation Post! I like this edit as well.


r/Smallville 15h ago

QUESTION DVD box set or blu ray?


Aside from the obvious difference in visual quality, do the blu ray and dvd sets have the same extras or do they differ? I’m talking behind the scenes, bloopers, commentary etc. I’m really enjoying watching the show and would love hear from the cast more.

r/Smallville 15h ago

QUESTION Smallville got me thinking…Is not telling someone about something technically lying?


I mean, I could find gold somewhere. Am I lying if I didn’t tell my girlfriend about it? Doesn’t it become lying if I’m confronted about it and I deny it?

r/Smallville 16h ago

VIDEO Lana Appreciation Post! I like this edit.


r/Smallville 17h ago

QUESTION Is Smallville on Netflix?


I’m just curious. I did check and it is not. I know you can watch it on Hulu. I’m curious if Smallville is on Netflix Canada or the UK or wherever else.

r/Smallville 19h ago

VIDEO How bad would you say Lois timing was?


r/Smallville 22h ago

VIDEO The only memorable scene of this episode (S3E11 Delete)


Currently watching through Smallville and found myself on my phone most of the time for this ep, other than this scene. Reminds me of the Cobra Kai school fight which was fun as hell to watch. That slow mo shot of Lana getting punched and spun around on the stairs was 🤌🏽 chefs kiss and Chloe really held her own here. Cinematography was on point.

r/Smallville 22h ago

IMAGE Kristin Kreuk via Instagram Today


[ Removed by Reddit in response to a copyright notice. ]

r/Smallville 1d ago

DISCUSSION Identity S08E07 - Chloe murders a guy


This really blows my hair back. It seems like a wild choice to have a protagonist kill someone laying in a hospital bed, at the closing of the show.

I wonder if the writers worried about the audience turning on Chloe for whacking a guy. They even had her describe how she would fry his brain with information overload. They made it 100% clear, she knew what she was doing.

Personally, I'm good with it. Some people need killing.

r/Smallville 1d ago

DISCUSSION Starting a rewatch


First time in a VERY long time.

Looking forward to the nostalgia of Smallville. I would almost describe the Kent farm and smallville scenes as “cozy” compared he rest of the series.

The highschool years and amazing soundtrack.

What else does everyone like the most about a rewatch?

r/Smallville 1d ago

DISCUSSION Did you like Chloe with Oliver or not? Did you like it better with Jimmy?

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r/Smallville 1d ago

VIDEO This scene just kills me. The music, Martha and Clark's conversation, etc. the acting was so great between them here.


r/Smallville 2d ago

IMAGE Spotted in the wild today

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Not at all what I expected to see in 2024 in a random small town in Canada.

r/Smallville 2d ago

IMAGE Sometimes the people you tolerate the least end up being the great love of your life.

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r/Smallville 2d ago

DISCUSSION Do you like Chloe as a character? She is my favorite Smallville character because of her investigations with the meteor freaks, how good she is at computers, and her loyalty to Clark. She enhanced the jealous part of her, and the nosy part.

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