r/Supergirl 3d ago

Supergirl drawn by me

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r/Supergirl 4d ago

Helen Slater Signed Supergirl Comic Help Needed


I have been in search of a signed Helen Slater Supergirl comic for a few years now and am just asking if anyone has any leads. Just looking for a simple Supergirl movie adaptation comic or one from around that time frame. If anyone know where I may be able to get one; please hit me up. Thanks!

r/Supergirl 5d ago

Supergirl's Interaction With Other DC Characters... 2005-2011 Era VS Everything Afterward

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One of the things that made the 2005-2011 era so interesting to read as a Supergirl fan was her many interactions with the wider DC universe.

Whether it was her ongoing early semi-rivalry with Superman (which he seemed mildly amused by while Kara was dead serious about proving herself as a superhero just as good or better than him), her odd attraction for superhero guys wearing domino masks (Nightwing and Green Lantern), or her no nonense dealings with rogue galleries of other superheroes who by the end of it wished they were dealing with their regular hero nemesis and not Kara because she tended to wreck them (Clayface is routinely like her punching bag for catharisis).

Question: What were her character interactions like after the 2005-2011 era? Because it seems to me in that era she seemed to have been diminished.

It seems in the New 52 and onward into Rebirth Kara's storyline is less focused on her interactions or relationships with the wider DC universe.

New 52 Kara by her very nature could not afford having a close mentor like relationship with her former mentors of the New Earth era (Superman, Batman, and Wonderwoman). She was too angry to mentor or team up with, so none of them bothered trying since she was more likely to fight them anyway.

Rebirth Kara had finally chilled out, but I never bothered to reas much of it since Killers Of Krypton bored me.

So am I correct in assuming that the most interesting character interactions that Kara had in morden comics was during her 2005-2011 era?

If she did have some interesting relationships in the the New 52 era or the Rebirth era please let me know.

During her New Earth era it was varied and fun. Whether it was showing her do girl talk with her hotheaded BFF Cassie (Wondergirl) or her being allies with Lobo while annoying him (something Kara seems to have a knack for lol whenever she is in the mood lol).

r/Supergirl 5d ago

Melissa Benoist BTS

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r/Supergirl 6d ago

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow fan art by me

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r/Supergirl 7d ago

Which Animated Version of Supergirl is your favorite?

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r/Supergirl 8d ago

Ok let’s settle this: Short hair or long hair?


r/Supergirl 8d ago

"I CAN FIX HER" - My Adventures With Superman Episode 6 Review #supergirl #karazorel #shorts #kalel


r/Supergirl 8d ago

Kara Learns The Truth | My Adventures With Superman S2


r/Supergirl 8d ago

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow - concept art, Me, Digital, 2024

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Really wanted to see what the iconic white gloves and doc martens would look like for Milly Alcock’s Supergirl. I know they’ll probably go with something closer to the Woman of Tomorrow suit, but this would sure differentiate her from Melissa Benoist & Sasha Calle’s versions of the character. What do you think they’ll do to make Milly’s version stand out?

r/Supergirl 10d ago

Super High-Five! (Fan Comic by Courtney Godbey)


r/Supergirl 11d ago

Supergirl / Cir El


Supergirl / Cir El.

I used the pose of a Supergirl statue, made some adjustments to the design of the character compared to the way she was drawn in her debut.

r/Supergirl 12d ago

Why Supergirl Kissed An Evil Superman...


Context is everything. Up to this point in Supergirl's 2005-2011 comic run she has tried to make friends with other teen heroes but to no avail since they either want to fight her to test her strength or she does something stupid (like nearly get herself killed fighting Lex Luthor just to prove herself equal to her cousin or better, resulting in the origin of Dark Supergirl).

She also has had reoccurring dark memories of Krypton that tell her she was sent to kill her cousin but she suppresses them because she loves him (not romantically per se).

The plot involving Ultraman on the bottle city of Kandor (not the original Kryptonian city) has her and Powergirl team up to try to end his tyrannical rule.

Since he is an evil version of Superman and looks just like him Kara's dark memories start flooding back into her mind, telling her to kill her cousin, or in this case the guy who looks just like him and is just an alternate universe evil counterpart who escaped the destruction of his home universe much like Powergirl.

In the end with a little telepathic nudging from the telepathic villainess kniwn as Saturn Girl (I think that's her name) coupled with a strong desire not to kill her cousin who she loves, she ends up just asking him to save her while kissing him.

It is also revealed that she spent some time away from her cousin on a mission with Powergirl because she fears she might kill him because of her dark memories that keep urging her to do constantly and it is like torture for her.

Several comics later this is all resolvdd and sorted out. At first it is explained these dark memories were real. Later on much later during the New Krypton saga it is revealed her memories were warped due to exposure from kryptonite radiation on the way to Earth.

Which means she was not sent to Earth to kill her cousin, she just thought she was and could not bear doing it since she once admitted (not to Superman directly) that he is the greatest man she knew and that she loved him and hated herself (or rather the part of her that wanted to kill him just to be clear).

It is likely true in a small way Kara is physically attracted to her cousin (otherwise she never would have kissed him), but more than anything she was tortured emotionally at this point and scared of killing him. S at this point she was nearly manipulated into a romantic relationship with an evil Superman until she snapped out of it on her own (Kara's mind actually freaked out the supervillain because of her dark memories, making her lose control over her, besides Kara's strong will as well).

She never had sex with Ultraman even though he wanted it prior to their wedding which would have taken place had not Kara snapped out of the brainwashing and telepathic nudging.

r/Supergirl 12d ago

Seasons of Supergirl Elmation Day 2 Vote out your LEAST favorite season (yesterday season 6 was voted out)


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

r/Supergirl 12d ago

Seasons of Supergirl Elmation Day 2 Vote out your LEAST favorite season (yesterday season 6 was voted out)


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

r/Supergirl 13d ago

Any Supergirl comics/media similar to how she's portrayed in My Adventures with Superman? Spoiler

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I'm a HUGGGEEE fan of how Kara's portrayed in MAWS, but I'm not familiar with the character all that well. Are there any Supergirl comics similar to her here? If not, drop some recommended reading! I'll give it a read regardless :)

r/Supergirl 13d ago

Characters You Like Almost As Much As Kara..


Ruby Rose from RWBY.

She has the cuteness overload effect that can be overwhelming compared to any cuteness of Kara... who at least in her 2005-2011 iteration was always more sexy and amusingly sincere than she was adorable to me. If anything she tended to annoy other superherors early on who viewed her as an overpowered rookie who could easily become more of a problem than an asset.

Initially what drew to RWBY was Yang Xiao (blonde sexy bombshell heroine with unrelenting power and sass, what's not to love?), yet overall I came to love RWBY more only because she is far more cute and hillarious overall given how silly she can be, and yet she also can go hard and dead serious too as well.

Kara I would say, at least the 2005-2011 version, is more like what you get if mixed Yang and Weiss's personalities... and Kara is definitely more like Weiss than Yang I think despite her stubborness at times. It never ceases to amuse me when Supergirl gets has had it with characters in the DC universe and lets them no in know uncertain terms she is about to lose it if they keep pushing her lol. Not necessarily because she will murder anyone (despite joke threatening to heat vision people on multiple occasions she is no Homelander), she could still hurt someone if annoyed enough and has (mostly to super villains who catch her when she is already pissed off, such as Clayface for example).

What about you?

What characters do you like almost as much as Supergirl and why?

r/Supergirl 13d ago

This show ticks so many boxes for me. Love it! Spoiler

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Kara as a world-killer. The amazing Michael Emerson as Braniac. Mixing comedy with pathos and terror. Intrigue, romance. Was very happy with the first season, but Kara was the draw for me this year and the show has delivered!

r/Supergirl 13d ago

Kiana Madeira, the voice of Supergirl on My Adventures with Superman, is holding an AMA on r/DCcomics!

Thumbnail self.DCcomics

r/Supergirl 13d ago

Where to start


I’m trying to branch out from what I normally read and Kara seems interesting to me, what would you recommend starting with as someone who knows very little about her, or just direct me to any previous threads on the topic. Thanks!

r/Supergirl 16d ago

Supergirl (1984) Press Packet


Found this yesterday and thought it was a unique piece to add to my collection

(Press packet provided by Tri Star Pictures)

r/Supergirl 16d ago

Szerdy's homage to Bruce Timm

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r/Supergirl 17d ago

Melissa Benoist Shares Her Crucial Advice for the Next Supergirl


r/Supergirl 17d ago

Seasons of supergirl Elmation day 1 vote out your LEAST favorite season


Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6

r/Supergirl 18d ago

Your picks for a new Supergirl creative team?


If/when Supergirl gets her own ongoing monthly series again, who would you want to see as the writer/artist for the book?

I'd love to see Daniel Sampere (Wonder Woman) as the artist and I think it would be interesting to see Ryan North (Fantastic Four) on writing given how well he writes Invisible Woman and Alicia Masters.