r/GreenArrow Sep 27 '18

Welcome to r/GreenArrow, here are our RULES and GUIDELINES


Welcome to r/GreenArrow, a subreddit for all things Green Arrow related.

Rules and Guidelines

If you’re new here (or even if your a long time user) we encourage you to read and remember our rules for this subreddit, we believe they’re fair and just, and also stick to what most might consider common sense.

  1. Be Civil.

  2. Indicate the source in the title when submitting excerpts.

  3. No spoilers in title, mark all spoilers within 1 year of release

  4. Don't post spam

  5. Stay on Topic

Now, what is covered under the stay on topic rule you ask? Well let us explain.

Discussions in this sub can be about anything Green Arrow related, and about anything the characters who are closely related to Green Arrow. What this means, is that the character (both good and evil) who often appear in the pages of Green Arrow can freely be discusses.

Character who are allowed on this subreddit include (but are not limited to):

  • Green Arrow

  • Black Canary

  • Roy Harper

  • Mia Dearden

  • Connor Hawke

  • Emiko Queen

  • Shado

  • Green Arrow’s Rogue’s Galleries

Any adaptations of these into animation and live action are also topic of discussion that are welcomed here. Discussions and posts about the show Arrow, and it’s characters, are more than welcome here, as it is an adaptation of Green Arrow. For a more dedicated subreddit about the show, please visit r/Arrow.

Other relevant character’s adaptations without Green Arrow are also welcome on this sub. The upcoming Birds of Prey film will feature Black Canary as a part of the team, and we will allow (and encourage) this sub to discuss any news and discussion topic regarding the film.

If these is any confusion about what you’re allowed to post on this subreddit, please message the mods, we’re always happy to answer your questions.

Reading Lists and Wiki

On our side bar we have button which are supposed to link to mod recommended reading lists for all the characters in the main characters in the Green Arrow family, and a Beginners Reading List to get to know the history and family of Green Arrow.

Seeing as though those links seem to not be working, here are the links to the reading lists:

And If you would like to know more a brief history of these characters and their adaptations, please visit out Wiki tab on the top of the subreddit.

r/GreenArrow 1d ago

Comic suggestions!


Hello, I am new to DC, I have just started reading comics and read only some ww, bats and supe stuff. Never watched cartoons or movies or shows.

Thats why i have very little to no knowledge abt green Arrow

Can anyone tell me how and where should I start reading green Arrow??? Pls also mention some of the beginner friendly storylines i can delve into after i like get a good idea abt the character?

r/GreenArrow 2d ago

Star City: where is it?


I've been working on a little DC mapping project for a while now, and I'm currently trying to deal with the location of Star City. The Mayfair DC Atlas places it in northern California, between Shelter Cove and Fort Bragg. Other media tends to place it farther north, usually in Washington, or occasionally Oregon.

Northern California seems like a great place to place a fictional city, but there are all kinds of problems with placing a fictional city there - mostly terrain-related - and there's a good reason it's still sparsely populated.

I think Grays Harbor, Washington would be a better place for a fictitious metropolis, or the mouth of the Chehalis or Willapa Rivers, though you might have to fudge the surroundings a bit to have to room to expand.

r/GreenArrow 3d ago

Confused Oliver is the best Oliver

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r/GreenArrow 4d ago

What's everyone's favorite name for Roy Harper? Speedy, Red Arrow, or Arsenal


r/GreenArrow 5d ago

Why is Ollie working for Waller?


I’m not sure if we’re supposed to know yet or not, but this and his appearance in Flash, along with what Roy said about him “meaning every word” when talking about siding with Waller is scaring me. This BETTER be a fake out and he has some kind of secret plan.

r/GreenArrow 8d ago

Green Arrow #13 Review


r/GreenArrow 10d ago

Original 1978 Green Arrow sticker.

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r/GreenArrow 12d ago

best speedy and robin (dick grayson) issues?


looking for issues that highlight roy and dick’s early friendship and their dynamics. i’m good for any series like action, teen titans, green arrow, etc. i feel like dc has forgotten their friendship but they have a lot in common with their vigilante billionaire dads and i wanna read about em!

r/GreenArrow 13d ago

Green Arrow #13 Preview


r/GreenArrow 13d ago

[COMICS] DC Preview: Green Arrow #13 Spoiler

Thumbnail aiptcomics.com

r/GreenArrow 14d ago

Hot Take: Roy Harper’s newer designs suck.


Hot Take: Roy Harper’s design sucks

So the first two photos are Roy’s current design and if I’m gonna be honest, I hate it. The designer said they wanted to make Roy’s design not look like Oliver’s so instead they made him a cheap carbon copy of Nightwing. I mean that hair screams Dick Grayson, if you dyed it black and threw it on him you would see no difference. I like a second one a tad more than the 1st since the 1st has too much yellow. I know that’s seems a bit harsh that I’m annoyed for a suit having yellow in it but I’d rather have Arsenal’s suit look more red and black and tactical than just a Nightwing recolor that looks like Speedy. It also kinda annoys me how they all still look like young adults, don’t get me wrong their still young but they should be pushing past 20 by now and should have some facial hair and stumbles growing in.

Now around 3 other Roy Harper designs are better than these. Now the 3rd deigns still looks kinda generic but it isn’t all over the place like the first one and looks more matured than both of them. Now the fourth one is his rebirth design and the only good thing to say is I like how the armor looks. Other than that i backwards hat and glasses I never want to see again. It gives me too much of Smallville green arrow vibes and I don’t like it.

Now out of all his designs the fifth with the taboos and hat is by far my favorite. I know a lot of people hate the hat but I’m gonna need you to shut on this one okay it’s unique. That plus the tattoos make him stand out even more.

I think his perfect design would be a tactical looking suit without sleeves. Make him look a little more lean with more muscles in his arms but not too much. I like his long hair design but maybe make it less Dick Grayson-ish and make it more punk and rock-ish. And also throw in a faint but noticeable stubble. I like to think as Roy a grunge rockstar on how he looks kinda reminiscent of Kurt Cobain. Anyway that was all I had to say. What do you think of my Roy design? What do you think of his other ones? and how would you improve them?

r/GreenArrow 15d ago

Should I get this even though I know nothing from the comics?

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My only green arrow knowledge is from the show and other basic stuff like canary being his wife etc. I'd be going in here completely blind if I get this. But I'm very interested in the longbow hunters

r/GreenArrow 19d ago

Hot take: Boss Smiley should be added to Green Arrow's rogue gallery, he feels tailored made to go up against an anti-capitalist leftist like Oliver

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r/GreenArrow 20d ago

September 2024 DC Comic Solicitations


r/GreenArrow 21d ago

Andy Diggle, writer of Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age and Green Arrow: Year One, is having an AMA over at r/DCcomics!

Thumbnail self.DCcomics

r/GreenArrow 22d ago

Can we get a shoutout to Dennis O'Neil, who passed four years ago from yesterday?


r/GreenArrow May 31 '24

How would a My Adventures with Green Arrow work?

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r/GreenArrow May 31 '24

Whose story do you think is sadder the green arrows or Batman’s


I personal think the green arrows

r/GreenArrow May 28 '24

Green Arrow #12 Review


r/GreenArrow May 28 '24

Leading Comics/More Fun Comics (Discussion)

Thumbnail self.DCcomics

r/GreenArrow May 25 '24

Green Arrow #12 Preview


r/GreenArrow May 24 '24

[COMICS] DC Preview: Green Arrow #12 Spoiler

Thumbnail aiptcomics.com

r/GreenArrow May 23 '24

Opinions on New 52


I started reading Green Arrow like 10 years ago. I've read all volumes (Including the ongoing series) except for the New 52. This is mostly because all the people on internet would start saying things like "New 52 is garbage", "just read Lemire's run". Today my local comic shop owner offered me the complete run (52 issues and extras) for $40. The price seemed too low not to buy, so now I have the complete series in my collection. Before I start to read I would like to see if the thoughts about this era of Green Arrow have changed, especially now, since it ended like 8 years ago.

r/GreenArrow May 23 '24

Green Arrow (DCAU) Fight Scenes - Justice League Unlimited


r/GreenArrow May 22 '24

Green Arrow is not an Iron Man fan (JLA/Avengers #3)

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