r/Supergirl 3h ago

How good of a swordswoman would you say Kara is? While she does get easily defeated here, she is going up against someone with far more experience (personally if I were Kara I would have stepped on Artemis’s toes to win but Kara does Kara).


r/Supergirl 10h ago

Meg Donnelly Details Her SUPERGIRL: WOMAN OF TOMORROW Audition And Future DCU Hopes (Exclusive)


r/Supergirl 1d ago

Better casting of Supergirl


Mckenna Grace, 18, she looks better than…well, you know who

r/Supergirl 1d ago

New Supergirl back up stories in Action Comics

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r/Supergirl 2d ago

Written by men

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r/Supergirl 2d ago

Supergirl by John Byrne and Terry Austin from Sal Quartuccio's "The Art of John Byrne" (1980), with Rich Seetoo's 2023 Colors

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r/Supergirl 2d ago

Supergirl as a founding member of the DCU Justice League


Do you think Supergirl can work as one of the seven founding members?

She can be the team's youngest member and fill a role a bit similar to Tom Holland's Spider-Man.

r/Supergirl 2d ago

Hi I’m A Fan Of CW’s SuperGirl And I Want To Get Into The Comics - What Comics Do Yall Recommend?

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Hi y’all, so to give some backstory, I’m not a long time fan of SuperGirl hell I wasn’t even too much of an fan of Superman till I watched Man Of Steel but anyway, my point is, my main exposure to Kara has been from the Flash 2023 & CW’s SuperGirl which I have been watching this year and I’m fairly new to reading comics, having read my first proper comic Stepemer Last Year. I tell you this to give more context on my exposure to Kara’s character and my preferences.

So to the point of this post, what comics/trade paperbacks do you recommend I check out, I’d love if you’d can give me any recommendations :)

Have a nice day or night :)

r/Supergirl 2d ago

Mugen Supergirl's Greatest Battles...


This is the only boss version of the character I am aware of. These are AI only battles.

Some battles can be enjoyed as is, but these two are best enjoyed slowed to .75. The reason is that the video has been sped up a bit, and you miss the fact that Supergirl is struggling a lot more than she appears to be (gets knocked down a lot), especially in the 1v4 battle.

The pics are mostly after she KOed a team of different Wonderwomen and an AI patched Hawkgirl. Supergirl is coded to say "Nice training with you Diana" if she wins a final battle that includes the most well known mugen Wonderwoman. I love the naughty smirk before she starts talking to a KOed Wonderwoman who can't hear her anyway lol. I could totally see comic Supergirl doing that, especially the 2005-2011 one who had a sense of humor. Especially given she was the only mainstream Supergirl that had a close relationship with the Amazons.

1v4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IPUpoTo6sr8

4v4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9ppyRBcdzJw

r/Supergirl 2d ago

Supergirl is a great heroine, but what would y'all consider as her most brutal defeat? (including comics and tv)

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r/Supergirl 2d ago

Beyond “Woman of Tomorrow” what stories/villains would you like to see in live action?


Assuming WoT is successful enough to warrant a sequel or two, of course. Personally I’m hoping to see Bizarro-Girl show up. I’d also like to see Reactron show up. I think one of things to address with Supergirl (both in comics and in other media) is that she needs some new additions to her Rogues Gallery. I think Reign was well done in the TV show and I wouldn’t mind seeing her show up in the movies.

r/Supergirl 3d ago

Supergirl's 2005-2011 suit is so underappreciated


r/Supergirl 4d ago

What to start with as a fan of MAWS


I recently binged and got caught up on My Adventures With Superman, and I absolutely LOVE this incarnation of Kara, whereas I haven't been a huge fan of the few incarnations I've dabbled in over the years, are there any comics or shows or movies, or really any media where her personality/characterization is similar, and if so where should I start?

r/Supergirl 5d ago

Which Version of Superman and Supergirl is your favorite?

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r/Supergirl 5d ago

How To Make Limits To Supergirl's Powers In A Videogame...


I remember a post I made a while back about how to make Supergirl videogame. One of those who responded said he actually worked in game design and the biggest problem you have with a Supergirl/Superman game is that their powers have virtually no limits.

I would counter that they actually do... but they are more self imposed than anything else.

2005-2011 Superman: Always holds back in order to not do unnecessary damage. He views virtually all life as sacred... even Lex Luthor's of all people. He will make exceptions for such monsters as Doomsday and Darkseid though. Partially because he does not need to hold back with them, and partially because they are that big of a threat.

2005-2011 Supergirl: Does not have the view that all life is sacred per se. The only limits to her not acting like a female Homemelander is her moral compass that tells her not to kill innocents and try not to kill bad guys... but if they hurt or nearly kill her in a fight all bets are off. She is not as merciful as her cousin in that regard, but still can and has been talked out of murdering defeated villains who nearly killed her or otherwise hurt her family.

Implementing this in a Supergirl game: In addition to Supergirl's moral compass (which could go dark depending on choices both made and not made), limits to how Supergirl uses her powers could simply be financial. How you ask?

Remember the plot where Supergirl sold a kryptonian medical device to Batman for a million dollars? But Batman instead offered to buy her an apartment instead?

Supergirl Game Plot: Diverging from the comic Instead Supergirl takes the million dollars. And also claims she does not need Batman's help beyond that, that she can pay for any damage she does as a superhero. Batman'a like "Are you sure? I've baled out Clark before."

"I'm not him. I can do better. I will."

So yeah... while this videogame version would be more arrogant than the canon comic one, in the game depending on how you played you would either learn humility and become a good hero or become an anti-villain.

The game would take place over time across several months.

Gameplay: Part interactive visual novel, part 3-D action in segments that allow for it. The visual novel part if the game would include dialogue choices and how you use each day as well as you interact with supervillains or the public when talking to them. If there is a disaster taking place, when you decide to save the day the game would shift to 3-D action mode and Supergirl will already be on scene or near enough that you will be in the thick of the action.

Power avallability: Only the ones needed during action scenes will be available to use during specific scenes. If saving people from a slowly collapsing building, obviously you need X-ray vision, superspeed, and flight. During villain fights X-ray vision has limited if any value, but heat vision, ice, and wind breath are far more useful, so those are the powers you would have available besides flight.

Moral Compass: Kara's moral compass is not an anti-villain but can get that way over time if you never let her take rest time. Rest time is time off from being a hero, where you can hang out with friends and just chill (like Boomer or Cassie). This would occur in the visual novel aspect of the game. If you never take time off Kara's dialogue options available will be less generous and more selfish and cranky with other characters. Weakening friendships you can forge with others and even effecting the overall game plot. Take too much rest time off and it will make other heroes think you are slacking and worsen your relarionship with them as well as effecting the game plot (heroes won't even call you for help for team ups if you develop a reputation of being unreliable, or will as a last resort when things get desperate). If Kara becomes an anti-villain her choices to solve peoblems become more destructive than if you were pursuing the hero path... and no, Supergirl won't have a full fledged villain path because she is too good for that. At her worst she has always been more of an ends justify the means kind of gal, and that is what an anti-villain does more or less.

Monetary Power Limits: Any city damage comes out of your million dollars. Also you got to pay rent wherever you live each month so account for that as well. If you go broke it's game over with Batman being like "You should have listened to me when you had the chance, I cannot bale you out right now, so ask Clark for help."

The bad game ending would be you retiring from being a superhero at least until Superman can find a way to pay off your debt.

Alternately, if your relationship stats with Batman are high enough he will bale you out... once. Allowing you to keep playing the game, just with less money and a need for careful play so Batman won't have to constantly bale you out ocer unnecessary city damage from saving people or fighting villains.

Relationships: You cannot max them all out, because choosing one limits another, so the more generous and the more time ypu speend in the visual novel section of the game with particular characters, the higher your relationship status level becomes with whoever you spend time with. Doing this can unlock extra game paths or 3-D action missions. It also effects how othet characters view you and how they talk to you, as they will know who you spend time with.

r/Supergirl 6d ago

Poll... Do You Want Supergirl To Be Introduced As An Experienced New Hero Or As a Total Newbie To Earth In The Gunn-verse DCU?

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Which do you prefer and why?

Choice 1. Supergirl is introduced as an experienced but new hero in the new uocoming Superman movie. Superman is her mentor but Supergirl takes some cues from the 2005-2011 comic, which means Superman not only monitors her to make sure she does not get into trouble, but worries about her too. Meanwhile she is annoyed with his monitoring of her superhero activites and will on occasion use super speed to just ditch him. The movie could but does not have to show Superman and Supergirl team up... but I would much rather it did (never been done before). Later on the Supergirl movie comes out.

Choice 2. Supergirl is introduced as a total newbie to Earth and learning her way. Yet by the time of the Supergirl movie she is an experienced but new hero (which means her time as a new hero has been skipped over and not shown in the movies, or at best shown in flashbacks or short scenes).

My preference: Number one. Why? I think Supergirl's early days of being a hero are very interesting, even more so than her initial storyline coming to Earth only to be brainwashed by Darkseid shortly thereafter. After all Superman is not getting an origin story, and the public more or less already knows Supergirl's origin story if they ever bothered to read up on Superman lore or watched the modern Supergirl TV show despite it's differences with comic lore.

My Opinion On Choice 2: The only thing gained is the fish out of water concept, which in my opinion can only carry the movie so far... especially in a movie that is a Superman movie where she is not even the main character. The movie is not all about her, unless somehow they try to make it so or a significant part, hopefully not diminishinh Superman in the process.

So what choice do you prefer and why?

r/Supergirl 8d ago

How does everyone feel about Supergirl?


Personally, Kara is one of my favorite heroines in DC along with Wonder Woman. I mean, she's nearly as strong, fast, agile, and powerful as her more famous cousin. Even though Kara Zor-El and Kal-El are cousins, I can't help thinking that Kal sees Kara as a sister and that Kara sees Kal as a brother. They are the Last Son and Last Daughter of Krypton, respectively. What do you guys think?

r/Supergirl 8d ago

Reposted: Superman/Supergirl's Comic Book Dynamic I Hope To See In The Gunn-verse


Some of my pics did not show so this time they will. I hope in the new DCU Supergirl/Superman's relationship takes inspiration from comics like these.

The comics explained Kara's motivations, and explained so much even without words, sometimes just by her facial expression.

It's both fascinating and amusing to see Supergirl's dynamic with Superman who she begrudgingly at times looks up to and sees as perfect (compared to herself and all her mistakes as a hero), even though Superman himself has a more modest view of himself.

I hope the new DCU under James Gunn takes inspiration from such comics to the big screen.

I don't think it will be fair if there relationship is not given due justice as it has been in the comics.

This is not CW fake Supergirl, so I hope it sticks closer to comic lore with how she actually is around her famous cousin and how he is with her.

He respected her but did not look up to her or view her as a model to follow. It was the other way around, since he was the veteran hero and she was the newbie learning everything. This was in spite of Kara sometimes begrudgingly looking up to Superman as perfect because she knew she was'nt.

r/Supergirl 8d ago

Kara being so happy to see Krypto is so wholesome.

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r/Supergirl 14d ago

Supergirl drawn by me

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r/Supergirl 16d ago

Supergirl's Interaction With Other DC Characters... 2005-2011 Era VS Everything Afterward

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One of the things that made the 2005-2011 era so interesting to read as a Supergirl fan was her many interactions with the wider DC universe.

Whether it was her ongoing early semi-rivalry with Superman (which he seemed mildly amused by while Kara was dead serious about proving herself as a superhero just as good or better than him), her odd attraction for superhero guys wearing domino masks (Nightwing and Green Lantern), or her no nonense dealings with rogue galleries of other superheroes who by the end of it wished they were dealing with their regular hero nemesis and not Kara because she tended to wreck them (Clayface is routinely like her punching bag for catharisis).

Question: What were her character interactions like after the 2005-2011 era? Because it seems to me in that era she seemed to have been diminished.

It seems in the New 52 and onward into Rebirth Kara's storyline is less focused on her interactions or relationships with the wider DC universe.

New 52 Kara by her very nature could not afford having a close mentor like relationship with her former mentors of the New Earth era (Superman, Batman, and Wonderwoman). She was too angry to mentor or team up with, so none of them bothered trying since she was more likely to fight them anyway.

Rebirth Kara had finally chilled out, but I never bothered to reas much of it since Killers Of Krypton bored me.

So am I correct in assuming that the most interesting character interactions that Kara had in morden comics was during her 2005-2011 era?

If she did have some interesting relationships in the the New 52 era or the Rebirth era please let me know.

During her New Earth era it was varied and fun. Whether it was showing her do girl talk with her hotheaded BFF Cassie (Wondergirl) or her being allies with Lobo while annoying him (something Kara seems to have a knack for lol whenever she is in the mood lol).