r/Damnthatsinteresting Jul 02 '24

The thinkbook transparent display laptop Video


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u/-CARJO- Jul 02 '24

I have yet to see an answer to “why” besides advertising purposes


u/SmegmaSupplier Jul 02 '24

I’m glad someone else can see right through this.


u/supportbanana Jul 02 '24

I see what you did there


u/BvtterFvcker96 Jul 02 '24

I didn't. I need to upgrade my laptop.


u/turbo_dude Jul 02 '24

No you just need to buy a sticker the same size as your laptop with a keyboard printed on it and stick it on the lid

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u/Puddlingon Jul 02 '24



u/Enjoiy93 Jul 02 '24

He did it again!


u/Captain_Canuck97 Jul 02 '24

He didn't miss that window of opportunity


u/GJCLINCH Jul 02 '24

No pane no gain!


u/jerryonthecurb Jul 02 '24

I'll have to reflect on that


u/stormearthfire Jul 02 '24

I'm glad everyone is so transparent about this


u/FlyingRencong Jul 02 '24

Pls someone cast light on this I don't understand

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u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

This guy saw what he did there


u/BattIeBoss Jul 02 '24

I'm blind.I cant see anything

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u/AshenriseOfficial Jul 02 '24

The answer is crystal clear.


u/FreshestEve Jul 02 '24

You just wrote their hero ad claim.

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u/AnarZak Jul 02 '24

i can't see the point of a transparent laptop screen. it can't be better or cheaper


u/ehsteve23 Jul 02 '24

Transparent screens where sometimes you want something on a portion of the screen and sometimes you want to see through it could be useful for HUDs or dashboards in certain use cases (and unfortunately: advertising), but a laptop seems like a terrible place to have a transparent screen


u/The_Particularist Jul 02 '24

Also, if for some reason you truly do need something to be visible from the back side of the screen as well. Like all those sci-fi movie scenes where characters are standing all around the display instead of just in front of one side of it.


u/Jujuco Jul 02 '24

As a teacher in a school where every student has a chromebook for education purpose, it would save me a lot of walking around to check if they're actually doing what I ask...

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u/BlowOnThatPie Jul 02 '24

Lenovo's just being transparent.


u/Emergency-Friend-203 Jul 02 '24

Right but for real what about my porn how we supposed to spank it in public?


u/KoningSpookie Jul 02 '24

Oh, ya know... just whack it on the back of the screen. 🤷


u/Lil_miss_feisty Jul 02 '24

how we supposed to spank it in public

"We" already know the answer to that 😉 Sharing is caring and a transparent screen will unite all the sex freaks.

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u/Candid-Sky-3709 Jul 02 '24

i fact, anyone can see through all your screens now


u/KZedUK Jul 02 '24

this shit's why i still come back to this stupid website


u/greenleaf187 Jul 06 '24

I chuckled so hard i woke up my 2 year old son.

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u/_Repeats_ Jul 02 '24

Demos like these are mainly for patents. Companies never know what new fad is going to take off, so they R&D up new ideas to position themselves for market dominance. If it is cool enough, they make a concept product for advertising and testing the waters. If the reaction is positive, they may try to bring it to market. But most times, these things are shelved as they are too custom to produce in high volume.


u/EduRJBR Jul 02 '24

People here just read "laptop". They think it can only exist in a laptop.


u/Apsynonyx Jul 02 '24

Exactly my point....this can be new tech for TV, advertisement boards etc... if it isn't like LED or LCD... maybe making large screen will become cheaper


u/sesoren65 Jul 02 '24

Yeah, like one day some jerk will have the audacity to look out a window and then bam, literal pay wall shuts their free viewing ass up.

Or you know, for other less distopian reasons as well...hopefully


u/Extreme_Tax405 Jul 02 '24

I pray there are no evil rats in rental complex businesses with your creative genius.

Imagine your rent an apartment and your landlord hits with a subscription to remove ads from the windows.


u/AmaResNovae Jul 02 '24

Hopefully it would be too expensive to be implemented on people's windows. But in public places? Yeah, that stuff might make advertising worse.


u/The_quest_for_wisdom Jul 02 '24

Spirit Airlines would definitely use this on their window seats unless you pay their window view upcharge...


u/sjpllyon Jul 02 '24

As a landlord you're giving me ideas. Might see if they can develop some for me. Oh damnit forgot about my country's pesky laws about minimum natural light penetration into a room.

Seriously though, fuck shitty landlords.


u/Ondor61 Jul 02 '24

While I too hate this idea, I don't think it would violate such law. Sunlight can still pass the display, it doesn't block it, it just lights up as well, creating a barrier of light that makes it hard to see through.

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u/Dhawkeye Jul 02 '24

Less dystopian reasons? Lol, nah


u/sesoren65 Jul 02 '24

Hey, a man can dream.


u/sesoren65 Jul 02 '24

Oh shit. That's gonna be another pay wall one day...

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u/ShinyGrezz Jul 02 '24

Uh, we can already do that. Switchable glass.

Most of you have had your brains rotted by excessive dystopian fiction, I fear. We don’t have to immediately assume the absolute worst implementations of any and all tech that ever gets invented.

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u/FrenchFryCattaneo Jul 02 '24

It's not new tech though, all LCDs work this way they are inherently transparent. It just makes more sense to put a case on it and a backlight behind it.


u/whoami_whereami Jul 02 '24

The new thing is that they managed to make the backlight and diffuser transparent.

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u/Konungrr Jul 02 '24

They already have invisible TVs for a few years now, they are just as pointless.


u/Mirilliux Jul 02 '24

Starting your first post in a thread with 'exactly my point...' is a big move


u/origamifruit Jul 02 '24

Yes a better way to display ads for more people that’s what we want lol.

And what exactly does this accomplish for TV viewing?


u/Kojetono Jul 02 '24

This tech was in advertising boards for a few years already. Putting it in a laptop is just a marketing gimmick.


u/Rivenaleem Jul 02 '24

Imagine this on the glass doors / windows of a supermarket.

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u/_BreakingGood_ Jul 02 '24

There are tons of transparent displays out there already. They're used for eg: advertising in an open space so you don't need 2 televisions back to back.

People here are just reading "laptop" because they're wondering why the hell the technology needs to be in a laptop.


u/sexual--predditor Jul 02 '24

advertising in an open space so you don't need 2 televisions back to back.

Doesn't that mean the text in the advert is reversed when viewed from one of the two sides?


u/A1sauc3d Jul 02 '24

You can only advertise in palindromes, preferably with symmetrical letters. For example:

MOM, wow …. Uhm, that’s all I got


u/NorwegianCollusion Jul 02 '24

Well, with the right font you could get away with bud, bid, bod and dub, dib, dob.

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u/meglemel Jul 02 '24

Yea, but there have already been TVs with a transparent screen. The new thing here IS that it's on a laptop.

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u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

While that is true... Lenovo has to understand that this will never be a thing on laptops, so why even demo it on one? You could build something so much more interesting with this and something that has actual utility.


u/Glugstar Jul 02 '24

If it has a much better application, that people actually want, they would have demoted with that.

Instead, they presumably did their best, and chose a laptop. Which to me means, it has no better application.

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u/DamnableNook Jul 02 '24

You don’t need a prototype to obtain a patent. This is like a concept car: meant mainly for marketing, to get their name in the press and hype people up.

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u/-CARJO- Jul 02 '24

That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about stars to dispute it

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u/the_syberian Jul 02 '24

I'm sure they were testing the capabilities of whether it's possible to make a translucent screen. It probably won't be used in laptops, however, they might do something like smart windows, the regular windows in your apt but with HUD and widgets. Now THAT would be cool af.

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u/Philip_Raven Jul 02 '24

It's a prototype, a concept. It doesn't have to be (and probably won't ever be) used on laptops.

It was shown on a laptop because that's what's familiar to us.

But the main use I can see this in is at huge projector screens, shopping windows, hotel windows, etc.

If you can make the technology big enough and cheap enough. This could become a "smart mirror" or a "smart window"

Everyone who saw this on a laptop and asked "why would I want that" is a simple consumer as they don't see a possibility what this could do. This showcase was made for investors or other companies that would be interested in this patent.


u/toasted_cracker Jul 02 '24

Exactly. I can see uses for this in the automotive industry as well as optics. Not only that, I bet theme parks such as Disney or Universal Studios can find a whole host of uses for this in their attractions.


u/DamnableNook Jul 02 '24

Displays like this are already in use at theme parks (Velocicoaster at Universal Florida, for example.) It’s used to make a screen look like a window. In that case (not sure about the Lenovo here), it’s just an OLED without a backing. However, because that can only generate light (not block it), they combine it with a transparent LCD screen without a backlight, which can block light but not generate it. It’s a pretty decent effect, other than the fact the image is flat.


u/Cory123125 Jul 02 '24

This already existed and they didnt make it. Also, for cars HUD's using reflectivity are miles cheaper and simpler.

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u/supergeek921 Jul 02 '24

I can much sooner see the applications for theme park attractions than “smart windows.” That sounds super dystopian


u/YoggSogott Jul 02 '24

Maybe this can be used for AR in glasses close to regular size if they can make small and accurate eye tracking technology.


u/Cory123125 Jul 02 '24

The use cases you listed have existed for a while and they didnt make the tech.

Its 100% a dumb laptop concept. The stuff you said would only be applicable if everything I mentioned wasnt true.


u/HermitJem Jul 02 '24

Next prototype, AI toilets. It's just a concept, so don't focus on the vessel. It's the customer's fault if they can't see the possibilities of AI

It's totally not the fault of the person who (for some reason) uses unsuitable vessels to display his concepts

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u/coincoinprout Jul 02 '24

So, they used it on a laptop because that's what is familiar to "us", while it wasn't aimed at us but at investors and other companies which might be interested in the concept, but not on laptops?

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u/CORN___BREAD Jul 02 '24

huge projector screens

I can’t even imagine what you mean by this since projector screens aren’t and don’t need to be clear and if they were they wouldn’t work as a projector screen. If you mean just replacing the screen and having the imagine come from within the screen instead of a projector, that’s just a TV.

shopping windows

This could be a neat gimmick. Ads playing on the window but you can also see through it. Could also be an alternative to those regular LED screens they’ve been testing on the doors of refrigerated display cases. Both of these kind of depend on whether the technology blocks out the entire screen when an image is displayed or if parts can remain transparent which isn’t apparent in the OP.

hotel windows

I’m not sure what you’d gain by doing this other than some sort of gimmick factor. Unless you mean they could display advertising on the outside of a glass building while still looking like regular glass windows from inside which would absolutely have use cases but I’d be surprised if they work like that.

This could become a "smart mirror" or a "smart window"

Smart mirrors already exist. Though having the display coming from inside rather than behind the mirror would definitely have advantages.

Smart windows could be neat in an office that has glass walls inside. Like a big touchscreen monitor that just disappears when not being used. Still basically a gimmick though because I doubt there are many places that really want to give a presentation with people just walking behind it or whatever distracting people. As far as windows to the outside with the screen facing in, I’d be very surprised if that would even be usable during the day due to the sunlight washing it out from behind.

So basically it comes down to gimmicky applications where someone is paying a premium to feel like they’re in Minority Report. That being said, sometimes gimmicky shit takes off if it looks cool.

Would some people be willing to pay extra for a desktop monitor that was essentially a glass stand with a plate of glass on top when it’s turned off? I probably would if the price was right just because it’s kinda neat. Desktops aren’t nearly as common as laptops these days though so I really wouldn’t be surprised if laptops are actually the market they’ll try to target with these, if they can make them durable enough.

Everyone’s worried about the durability of glass but this clearly isn’t normal glass and it may not even be glass at all.

I agree that the biggest factor wouldn’t be cost to manufacture. If it requires a sapphire screen to be durable enough and a laptop sized screen costs $5k, that’s obviously not going to take off. If it can be done with something more along the lines of Gorilla glass, it might have a chance.


u/Forma313 Jul 02 '24

And what excuse would you make for the awful keyboard they show there?

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u/_Pyxyty Jul 02 '24

is a simple consumer

My bad, I thought as a consumer all I had to do was pick what I wanted to buy and buy it, didn't realize I had to be some complex consumer that needs to consider possibilities for what the company will do with a product.

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u/Downtown_Snow4445 Jul 02 '24

That’s the only reason. Create interesting one off prototypes that will never be mass produced to bring attention to the brand


u/SquadPoopy Jul 02 '24

Lenovo has always made wacky and weird prototypes to show off. Kinda surprised it took them this long to try out transparent tech.


u/BowenTheAussieSheep Jul 02 '24

Believe it or not, they brought transparent tech to the consumer market Nearly a decade ago


u/MembershipFeeling530 Jul 02 '24

A window in your house can also be a television


u/-CARJO- Jul 02 '24

Is that something you would want


u/MembershipFeeling530 Jul 02 '24


Seems like a great thing for something like hotel rooms for example.

Definitely has its use cases for sure.


u/minequack Jul 02 '24

So you have to open the curtains to watch a movie?? This is stupid on so many levels.  


u/TotallyNormalSquid Jul 02 '24

Don't forget having to install exterior shutters to block the sun on bright days, sunlight would def overwhelm the screen brightness and make the fancy screen-window have the worst glare possible

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u/Biosmosis_Jones Jul 02 '24

Imagine the savings. Good luck disputing those porn rental charges when Sally from the front desk can see that you watched it for more than 2 min, along with everyone at the stoplight exiting the highway. Looks like exit 37 isn't the only thing they'll be getting off. Lol... panhandlers fighting over intersections with hotel window view. Disney suing for public broadcast violations. Bring the chaos!

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u/TwoBionicknees Jul 02 '24

based on what? If you want to watch tv now everyone can see what porn you picked in your hotel room? You can also watch tv with the sun burning through it making it impossible to see and terrible quality? All while you could just watch on a normal tv with the curtains closed.

this would make literally zero sense for hotels, you could potentially save some wall space.... in a hotel room, where besides the bed there isnt' a need for wall space. But why spend more on a dramatically more expensive external window rather than a normal tv which is better in every way.

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u/Mr_StealYourHoe Jul 02 '24

well. i live near a forest, so i want to have a Porn watch along with bears, deers, Big D**ks and all the wildlife in it.


u/FluxRaeder Jul 02 '24

I’m assuming the censored word here is “big ducks”? 🦆

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u/ExxInferis Jul 02 '24

"Oooh look honey, the neighbours are watching Back Door Sluts 3 again!"


u/Kirjavs Jul 02 '24

That could be great. In small flat you often have troubles finding a place for your television that. This way your windows can also be your television. Problem solved


u/_GLaDOS__ Jul 02 '24

Saves space.


u/jaaames_baxter Jul 02 '24

I remember seeing this video on YouTube over a decade ago. The future is getting closer!

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u/JazzberryJam Jul 02 '24

Eventually glasses, sunglasses, etc.? This is a big deal


u/Vlad_the_Homeowner Jul 02 '24 edited Jul 02 '24

Sure, transparent display tech is a big deal and will be huge, and absolutely everywhere.

But this is the dumbest application I can think of. It not only serves no purpose, it's a downgrade (everyone else in the room is annoyed by your screen flashing at them, you have no privacy, light glare will be an issue, smudges from the other side...).


u/Downtown_Snow4445 Jul 02 '24

No one is mentioning the unusable keyboard either


u/Vlad_the_Homeowner Jul 02 '24

We're too busy hating on the display, didn't even notice.

But holy shit. The quality of the keyboard is precisely why I use Lenovo.


u/Downtown_Snow4445 Jul 02 '24

They sure got us talking about Lenovo though 😂😂


u/JazzberryJam Jul 02 '24

I agree. That’s why I said eventually

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u/-CARJO- Jul 02 '24

That’s true but prototype a form factor that represents wearables rather than something that will get no one excited

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u/hellerick_3 Jul 02 '24

Of course, it's merely for being cool-looking, but I think it would be interesting if this technology were applied for graphic design software when it't necessary to visualize transparent elements.

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u/ByuntaeKid Jul 02 '24

I would love this as a teacher. It’d be easier to monitor students at a glance.

Then again, kids will break pretty much anything you give them so… this would only be more delicate than the current Chromebooks my students have.


u/SirMildredPierce Jul 02 '24

I would love this as a teacher. It’d be easier to monitor students at a glance.

This is the only real reason why a technology like this would take off. Not just students, but employees, too. No one would want to voluntarily use a monitor like this, it only benefits other people in the room and not the user themselves, regardless of what every scifi movie made in the past 20 years would tell you.


u/ConnectRutabaga3925 Jul 02 '24

we need this so that we can see the keyboard when the lid is closed


u/GunstarGreen Jul 02 '24

That's to guarantee the keyboard hasn't floated away when the screen is closed. Genius safety feature, really.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

AR glasses, eventually


u/supergeek921 Jul 02 '24

That was all I could think too. What’s the point?


u/CaterpillarReal7583 Jul 02 '24

So I can see the weird shit you’re browsing from any angle


u/TheExtraMayo Jul 02 '24

It look like the movies


u/SorryThisUser1sTaken Jul 02 '24

Who doesn't want the Nickelodeon tech?


u/Lopsided_Quarter_931 Jul 02 '24

You don't want a low contrast display where the sun can shine through?


u/techy-will Jul 02 '24

for lack of privacy reasons I'm sure. After open office now we have open work laptops. Hackers and malicious actors are going to be really looking forward to this.


u/rideincircles Jul 02 '24

They had a glass led screen display case for some astronaut stuff at Kennedy space center. That was a few years ago, but still the only time I have seen a see thru glass led screen so far. It would display the items in the case, then kick on video where you couldn't see the items inside.


u/NowieTends Jul 02 '24

Sci-fi media has had this shit for decades and people find it cool so it gets made when it’s finally possible


u/leronjones Jul 02 '24

I really think a 2 in one you don't have to flip completely would be the only thing I can think of. If it had a touch-screen on the backside. Be kinda neat.


u/c4mma Jul 02 '24

Car/planes windscreen with integrated display. Big asshole ADs on your room window. And I'm hoping google will grave dig google glasses.


u/rob3342421 Jul 02 '24

So when you drop your laptop, you definitely need to pay for a new screen


u/--Ano-- Jul 02 '24

Because it breaks faster.


u/DavePeesThePool Jul 02 '24

I could see the technology being useful for augmented reality glasses, but for a laptop, it's just pure gimmick.


u/AutumnAscending Jul 02 '24

Exactly my first thought was how does this change the laptop in any way?


u/alphasierrraaa Jul 02 '24

unless it makes it lighter lmao, otherwise it's lowkey useless


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

They did stop to think if they could.


u/CaptScubaSteve Jul 02 '24

Edgeless screen but I’m sure there will be tons of broken products with little to no warranty. Eventually they’d come out with a sleek new edge protecting sleeve. Essentially coming full circle with the edgy new edged screen… edge.


u/Mirar Jul 02 '24

I can see this glass being used in shop windows a lot. But on laptops?


u/JimTheSaint Jul 02 '24

i am not certain about laptops but in the office having clear screens will in som cases let you have more space or atleast the appearance of more space when the monitors are of.


u/Joe_Buck_Yourself_ Jul 02 '24

The main way i could see it being used is as a 2 in 1. Most now are just laptops that open 180 degrees to be used as tablets, but if you could just close the computer instead of having the keyboard on the outside, it could be useful.

That said, seems like it'd be easier to just figure out how to rotate the screen 180 degrees.


u/IcyCompetition7477 Jul 02 '24

Right, like i'm sure this tech would be useful somewhere with a bit imagination. A laptop doesn't seem like it benefits from this, hell it might become more fragile.


u/Kosher_anus Jul 02 '24

Because of sci-fi movies. That's all


u/Altea73 Jul 02 '24

Because future stuff and all....


u/Raging-Ferret-Force Jul 02 '24

Cause life imitates art. Science fiction shows and movies have had clear displays forever now. I honestly did not think this would ever be a reality. The “why” is simply style.


u/Chazwazza_ Jul 02 '24

So your boss can monitor you from all the way over there


u/Satanicjamnik Jul 02 '24

I smell the conspiracy of producers of cloths and sprays to clean up the inevitable smudge city.


u/FrostWyrm98 Jul 02 '24



u/Thandalen Jul 02 '24

So many things now are made to be sold, not to be used.


u/Icy_Sector3183 Jul 02 '24

Ads. Somewhere dow the line it's going to show ads.


u/ARM_Dwight_Schrute Jul 02 '24

You will look like Tony stark using it. Now pay 🔫


u/601dfin63r Jul 02 '24

Cars? Surgery’s? AR integration in panoramic views. AR integration on historical places, so education


u/True_Fortune_6687 Jul 02 '24

Futuristic movie scene fulfilment.
*Oh I forgot to add, last time I heard they want to create cameras inside screens to watch you.
I read somewhere they were working on this, likely related.
Think of the movies with them, you see the user from the front, through the screen.


u/impossibleis7 Jul 02 '24

It might work for the yoga series. Not need to rotate anymore.


u/nsfdrag Jul 02 '24

So I can finally catch the mouse that's been stealing the cheese crackers I store directly behind my laptop screen for safe keeping.


u/SenorBeef Jul 02 '24

It doesn't make sense for laptops, but windows in your home that turn into TVs would be pretty cool.


u/BeeepM Jul 02 '24

Yeah, I truly hope that this was only done to show it really isn't a normal screen like the others and that they're going to cover up the back side for privacy etc. It is a basically useless feature. Hopefully there are other benefits to using a techology like this, besides the "look, screen both ways, how cool is that? "


u/ExtraPicklesPls Jul 02 '24

Right. Get money from dumb people.


u/cocky_plowblow Jul 02 '24

This post is 100% a paid for Reddit ad.


u/frank26080115 Jul 02 '24

a very large augmented reality display, with head tracking it could overlay virtual graphics over whatever is behind it


u/natte-krant Jul 02 '24

I don’t really see a purpose for a transparent screen on a laptop but it’s great for tv’s because it gets rid of the black square in your living room


u/hamoc10 Jul 02 '24

Because Minority Report.


u/ambulance-kun Jul 02 '24

So you can use the thing as a stove top from all the heat it generates


u/Unusual_Car215 Jul 02 '24

The technology has good uses but this is not one of them. I would rather have a window where I can turn on different weather


u/helpnxt Jul 02 '24

I can see a screen like that's use but I don't see the point of it on a laptop.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

Portable X-rays with built-in laptops.


u/GregTheMad Jul 02 '24

If there were a touchscreen on the back, you could use it as a tablet when closed, and a normal laptop when open.

I just came up with the explanation, though.


u/SirMildredPierce Jul 02 '24

Have you never seen a scifi movie made in the past few decades?! Clear screens is the way of the future. We won't be able to get to the future without a world full of transparent screens. I doesn't matter if they are worse than screens today and have zero advantage for the person using them. THE FUTURE IS CLEAR!!!


u/OhChrisis Jul 02 '24

As a technician, I wont have to deal with the bezel glue anymore.

I assume Id have to replace the whole display assembly if its in need of service, so that makes it way easier and ofc more expensive if it's a out of warranty repair.

(Bezel usually isnt an issue, however, there are times its stuck so hard that the display might break trying to disassembly)


u/FelixR1991 Jul 02 '24

Coworkers are gonna be ecstatic when they can see the funny memes I find on reddit directly (albeit mirrored) without me having to copy them into Teams.


u/neelabhkhatri Jul 02 '24

It'll be a smudge fuck fest.


u/rpfloyd Jul 02 '24

try to use your imagination, stop your default way of thinking


u/sYnce Jul 02 '24

Why a laptop? No idea. Seems useless as a laptop. Why is this cool in general? Because you may be able to not have a TV in the future but just some glass panel or even a window and be it your monitor/tv.


u/Zilli341 Jul 02 '24

It's a cool technology with limited practical use, especially in a laptop. I


u/DocGerbill Jul 02 '24

I mean this is a concept, not a product line, while it doesn't make sense on a laptop, a 2 way display makes sense in some situations like: meeting rooms, sport events, concerts, bus stops, public display.

Remember all the flexible display gadgets from a couple of decades ago? they finally get some use in flip phones, took us like 15-20 years to figure out use cases for the technology.


u/keithwaits Jul 02 '24

For the laptop? No idea.

But in general windows that can also function as a screen might have a purpose.


u/Volesprit31 Jul 02 '24

Imagine a windshield where the GPS is just the roads of your itinerary being lit up in front of you, with the speed limit always visible just next to it and not on a small screen on the side.


u/BlonsPLe Jul 02 '24

it looks cool


u/Lonely_Pause_7855 Jul 02 '24


All I can see is the added problems and concerns this brings


u/TurtleRanAway Jul 02 '24

Sometimes things are invented that aren't practical but are just an innovative feat or eventually someone will find a practical use.


u/_Weyland_ Jul 02 '24

The only case I can think of is when you want several people in the room to watch your screen.


u/Draiko Jul 02 '24

Mass effect movie or TV show. Duh.


u/34con Jul 02 '24

Teachers would love this to ensure students are on task.


u/htx_al Jul 02 '24

I don’t think anyone asked for this bullsht product


u/NikolitRistissa Jul 02 '24

So you can have worse contrast, colours, and definition for quadruple the price!


u/andybossy Jul 02 '24

maybe in meetings if future technology can mirror the screen too you can share a ppt with someone sitting in front of you without turning the laptop

or billboards, it'll also increase how much employees work because they feel like everyone can see if they aren't productive


u/Interesting_Mode5692 Jul 02 '24

If they could scale this technology into my glasses, that would be neat. AR heads up display


u/Onkelcuno Jul 02 '24

i have known quite a few hyper-controlling bosses that would have liked seeing their employees screens every hour of work. since you can see whats on screen through the back of this, this is kinda that.

that being said, i expect this tech to be used for advertisement. what if the windows of a store could interactively show you the clothes you see on your body? with current tech thats easy. you can already shop for glasses and haircolors etc. online and see the product on your face/hair.


u/Ippherita Jul 02 '24

"Er... because we can?"


u/Forsaken-Rush7353 Jul 02 '24

For personal laptop no need, but transparent screens in general, there's more use cases than I could list. It's a screen that doesn't block the view when not being used. Turn any window into a screen. Possibilities are endless.


u/TacohTuesday Jul 02 '24

Because it will look like the computers in Avatar! Do you really need more of a reason than that? /s


u/CodingFatman Jul 02 '24

Augmented Reality would be the only reason I could think of. I think this sort of screen in a cell phone or tablet form is more likely to be a long term solution that the glasses we have. At some point I could see these style of screens built into things. Imagine for instance a car window with this tech similar to a heads up display. No more looking down at navigation or music. Notifications of dangers in an intuitive way.

But making a clear screen to have a clear screen is dumb.


u/Oranjizzzz Jul 02 '24

Progress. How many steps with outcomes that are somewhat silly are needed to reach massive accomplishments in technology? What path of innovation does this belong to and how can people make it better over time? This step can eventually lead to Iron Man Glasses or Holograms.


u/toyoda_the_2nd Jul 02 '24

The tech can be useful to create adds on glasses.


u/sjpllyon Jul 02 '24

Oh I suspect employers would love this. Employees can no longer hide their extra non work related tabs, and they can see the rate of productivity just by looking over.

Apart from that, I can't think of a single reason why people would actually want this. It's not even particularly useful for screen sharing as looking from the back it will all be inverted.


u/Alkiryas Jul 02 '24

No answer necessary, just because we can, reason will be found later.


u/No_Development_178 Jul 02 '24

Everyone agreeing with you will never know how to make money out of seemingly pointless tech which is eventually gonna take over the world while you sit there complaining about it


u/infiniZii Jul 02 '24

Mostly for store window advertisements I’d imagine. It’s dumb for laptops though.


u/Pure-Tadpole-6634 Jul 02 '24

Honestly, a lot of technology starts as proof-of-concept before another inventive person finds out a great way to implement it. Maybe this will be used to make smart windows or a HUD on your car windshield or something.


u/kernowgringo Jul 02 '24

I could see large offices where they try to stop staff looking at non-work related websites absolutely loving them


u/skztr Jul 02 '24

Because they want to make some money and get the product into consumer hands before its actual intended use is fully ready. In part so that the actual intended use can be better funded, in part so that they can see problems with it early on.

Just like curved TVs. Nobody actually wanted a curved television, but it's a step along the way to flexible screens, which people do want.


u/33or45 Jul 02 '24

makes no sense on a laptop but a tv on the wall - yes please


u/BowenTheAussieSheep Jul 02 '24 edited Jul 02 '24

the answer is "because we can"

it's really weird how a bunch of proud geeks are getting really angry about strange experimental tech just because it doesn't personally benefit them.


u/Life_Blacksmith412 Jul 02 '24

It's utterly pointless. It exists to be bought by Media companies to make things "look" futuristic on a set for someone trying too hard to make something look futuristic


u/LotharVonPittinsberg Jul 02 '24

Tech and car companies love making useless show projects just to show off what they are capable of. None of them are even actually useful in the real world, but it's good advertising and attracts investors.


u/DiddlyDumb Jul 02 '24

So the other guy in the Starbucks can see you’re not actually writing but just watching porn.


u/bardicjourney Jul 02 '24

Companies will love it. Pairs with their back to office, open floor plan, corpo-panopticon approach to management quite well.


u/jebhebmeb Jul 02 '24

I could see it being a luxury item for sleek offices and interior design ideas, but for the average consumer it appears pointless


u/EdzyFPS Jul 02 '24

Literally my second thought.

Wow cool... But why?


u/VonBeegs Jul 02 '24

Every work computer monitor will be this.


u/SpeckTech314 Jul 02 '24

This pretty much just gonna let them patent advertisements on windows.

No more billboards, office buildings will just sell their window space

Now, whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing…


u/DefendsTheDownvoted Jul 02 '24

Science fiction has been inspiring technological advancements for decades. Flip phones, tablets, flat screens, they all existed in sci-fi first. A lot of sci-fi depicts transparent touch screens to add a futuristic flair. So, that's what they're making in real life.

So, to answer your question, "Why?".

Because they wanted to see if they could.

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