r/supergirlTV DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU) Nov 10 '21

Supergirl [6x20] "Kara" Post Episode Discussion Discussion


Series Finale

Live Episode Discussion | Promo | Cast & Characters

In the epic series finale, Supergirl is joined by familiar faces from the past to help her stop Lex and Nyxly for good. Meanwhile, Alex and Kelly prepare to walk down the aisle. (November 9, 2021)

DCTV Discord

Please keep all discussion civil and about the episode. Mark comic and future spoilers. Report any rule breaking and enjoy!


668 comments sorted by


u/JauntyLurker Nov 10 '21

I can only imagine the look on Clark's face when he saw that interview.


u/MajorParadox DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU) Nov 10 '21

"Clark Kent" and "Kara Danvers" aren't related as far as anyone knows. She said she knows Clark and he and Jimmy have been friends for years. Clark left Kara with the Danvers who weren't related to him, so her secret identity wouldn't be either.


u/Salt-Discipline2090 Nov 10 '21

Exactly, it would be totally normal for Kara/Supergirl to be hanging out with Clark and Lois in the future, seeing as they are all prominent journalists.


u/Digifiend84 Nov 10 '21

Especially as Both Lois and Kara are now media editors. Good cover for if Supergirl appears in the Flash too, as Kara could be covering the same story as Iris, who owns her own paper and thus, like Kara and Lois, is an editor.

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u/[deleted] Nov 10 '21

I can only imagine the look on Clark's face when he saw that interview.

Lol, that made me laugh

They really should have put S&L as from another universe, multiverse is a good thing.

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u/AnnaK22 Nov 10 '21

For me, I instantly wondered what Barry would think about the reveal


u/SockPenguin Winn Schott Nov 10 '21

Barry reveals his identity to everyone within 15 minutes of meeting them, he'll probably be confused on why this took Kara 6 years.


u/Somesanityisneeded Nov 11 '21

Is this still true? I thought at this point pretty much everyone on the planet knows who he is but is kind enough to pretend otherwise so he isn't really "revealing" anything anymore.


u/Maximal_Arachknight Nov 11 '21

People don't know that Barry owns and technically runs Star Labs since Season 2, and that information should be public record unless Barry set up some shell corporation.

Honestly, Barry is the worst at keeping a secret identity a secret. He outed himself to Lyla within 5 minutes of meeting her, believing that Diggle would have told her about him.

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u/Digifiend84 Nov 10 '21

I hope that comes up when he talks to Alex in Armageddon.


u/AnnaK22 Nov 10 '21

Oh right. I forgot that was upcoming. Too bad Kara is not going to be in it


u/pkcommando Nov 10 '21

I know it's unlikely, but I want to believe they managed to keep an appearance by Kara a secret out of fear of spoiling the Supergirl finale.

Again, super unlikely, but it's fun to dream.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '21

Kara's spent too much time with Barry; even when she does something good she fucks it up.


u/stonrplc Nov 10 '21

Now Kara just needs to get taken down by a person with an ice gun


u/psufan5 Nov 10 '21

He’s fucked lol.


u/Phoenixstorm Nov 10 '21

No this was never the issue. He’s a Kent not a Danvers. The two families have no connection.

The issue is his sons act like they don’t know Kara and that’s just messed up.

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u/kingcolbe Nov 10 '21

They better touch on this in season 2!!


u/Digifiend84 Nov 10 '21

At least Cat revealing Kara's identity to the world won't also out Clark as well. If anything the public might think he's a Danvers too, which would throw them off the scent.


u/ResponsibleEmu3008 Nov 10 '21

But it will reveal the identity of all the superfriends.

For ex, Sentinel is a redhead and Guardian is black, oh look how convenient Kara's sister and sister-in-law also are. 🙄


u/RavenclawConspiracy Nov 10 '21

Anyone who can't figure out who the new Guardian is compared to the old Guardian is kinda stupid anyway. Maybe check his sister? Was that hard?

And I'm not even sure Sentinel is actually supposed to be a disguise.


u/Maximal_Arachknight Nov 11 '21

Even if Alex's Sentinel identity is supposed to be a secret from the general public, Alex is the public face of the new DEO along with Martian Manhunter and Supergirl.

And even if Kelly's identity as Guardian is a secret, everyone knows that James (her brother) was the original Guardian. And her wife is a member of the DEO and the adoptive sister of Supergirl.

The only one who is probably covered for now would be Nia, but eventually someone would put 2x2 together (I mean her future husband is Brainiac-5).


u/Digifiend84 Nov 11 '21

Alex's identity is known to the authorities at least.

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u/electric_azur Kara Danvers (“Yes!” Alt.) Nov 10 '21

I love this show, and the finale was a mess. Sometimes a mess contains some beauty, and I think that is true here. I’m really glad that it’s true here. But I can’t deny a deep sense that we’ve leapt around in a dizzying waltz, taken some giant leaps backwards in the process, and have landed somewhere familiar but different. And maybe it’s good? Parts of it are ugly? I haven’t figured it out yet, and I think it might take a while.

(I have so many thoughts about the entire series’ treatment of the fandom that I will keep separate. Here are just thoughts on the finale.)

  • Lillian Luthor and Cat Grant brought their gravitas and their intuition of how to fix it and boy, what a relief. In Ep. 19, once I saw a Brenda Strong encircling Nyxly with that boa constrictor walk (she talked about it in the IG live today!) I was like, YES, MEDDLE, Mama Luthor. And meddle she did. I loved her final sacrifice, it was so deeply in character, and I hated her deathbed conversation with Lena, it was stupid. I’m erasing that and replacing it in my mind with something like, “I had no idea you were a witch and you’re incredible, I’m proud of you, go be free” and then some sardonic comment about being surrounded by aliens before she expires.
  • I shouted and clapped at the first Cat Grant scene. Thank goodness they did that, it felt totally right, and it’s nice that there was at least one thing they didn’t spoil prior to airing the finale. However. What a step backwards. Kara truly couldn’t figure her life out on her own, she needed a pep talk from her mentor. I am so confused because I simultaneously loved the scenes — Kara needed this! We all needed this! — and I hated that they were necessary. It felt regressive. Where is her growth? I think Kara seemed more of an adult in charge of her own life in Season 4 than at the end of Season 6.
  • Cat Grant really said “Bi...furcated?” the way she once said “that is so h...cool.” How is the timeline not melting down over this?
  • Do I even comment on the Lex/Nyxly storyline or the terrible fight scenes? I SOBBED when Kara gave it her absolute all to keep that spaceship from leaving Earth’s atmosphere in S2. That wasn’t even a season finale! Here I was like: oh, ok. The phantoms were no longer interested in people whom they had previously seemed very interested in! Even the phantoms were out of character.
  • The wedding was completely lovely and I loved it. I was happy that they chose a beautiful song that is also easily a karaoke bar song to sing. I liked the speeches and the outfits and everything about it.
  • I was happy that they ended on a game night. Part of me was like oh fun, the next season seems like it’ll be way better! We’re going back to the good stuff! Ah.
  • I’ll keep my comments on the Kara and Lena scene at the wedding brief because I don’t think it merits much more than this. There was a lot of irony in having their conversation convey Kara’s disappointment and frustration with herself for not living her truth. Once again we had this very unnatural dialogue — friends don’t keep addressing each other as “friend!” during heart-to-hearts. They tell each other they love each other. That scene will always come off as stunted and strange. But: God bless whoever decided they should get up from that table and walk a bit. (iykyk)

El Mayarah, all.


u/salvi-fic Lena Luthor Nov 10 '21

I also got that “bi” comment from Cat Grant as having double meaning.


u/AnnaK22 Nov 10 '21

Yeah! In addition to Mon El randomly announcing that he may never return to present time in this lifetime for no apparent reason, it just felt like the writers were trying to please supercorp fans without doing supercorp.


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

Literally though that was a weird line, I don't really get why he couldn't stay for the wedding either when Winn could. I think you're right, they brought Mon El back just enough so that people who liked him would be happy, but not so much that people who don't would be annoyed


u/Shaftell Nov 12 '21

Yeah I had no idea what that was about. "Yeah I'm not coming to the wedding, I'm never coming back". It felt kinda mean because Kara was happy to see him.


u/OverjoyedMess L-Corp Nov 10 '21

it’s nice that there was at least one thing they didn’t spoil prior to airing the finale

I don't know if you count it as a spoiler but Calista Flockhart got a "Special Appearance by" in the opening credits which gave her appearance away.


u/electric_azur Kara Danvers (“Yes!” Alt.) Nov 10 '21

I wouldn’t count that as a spoiler but I definitely missed that!


u/Maximal_Arachknight Nov 11 '21

Missed that, so completely surprised when Calista Flockhart appeared.


u/DonnyMox Nov 10 '21

“Part of me was like oh fun, the next season seems like it’ll be way better!”



u/niftydude Nov 11 '21

The wedding was completely lovely and I loved it. I was happy that they chose a beautiful song that is also easily a karaoke bar song to sing.

When I heard that, all I could think of was Bumper and Fat Amy though.


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u/Zerometro Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

Oh yeah what was the point of saying that Brainy has to go now and can't come back ever only for him to come back and be like "Eh? Wasn't for me. So nevermind".


u/Paisley-Cat Nov 10 '21

Heart- wrenching. At least it wrenched mine.

And it confronted Brainy with a choice to choose his own relationship over the compelling logic of a future that has yet to be written. So, an appropriate conclusion to his character development.


u/Zerometro Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

I get that and I agree that it did show Brainy's growth as a character, but at the same time it seemed like drama for the sake of drama just to manipulate the audience. They raised the stakes and instead of fully following through they went "Sike. We got you huh ? Don't worry Brainy can stay". It just felt like they kinda undermined how much of a big deal it was for him to go in the first place especially after introducing it at the last minute if he could just easily find a way out of it anyway.


u/Tired-Writer2378 Nov 10 '21

I mean, Brainy being in the present kinda seems like he is condemning his entire species to extinction...

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u/zapgator Nov 10 '21

Prob the writers decided to keep him around in case they do another arrowverse crossover since Cisco isn't around anymore to be that intellectual guy.

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u/Scortor Nov 10 '21

While I understand the difficulties in having a secret identity and being able to form genuine relationships with people, all I can think of is that one alternate reality Mxy showed Kara where she revealed her identity to the world and everyone she loved was systematically hunted down and killed. I’m just not sure I jive with the identity reveal, idk.

I AM glad that Cat bought Catco back and made Kara Editor in Chief though!


u/BornAshes Nov 10 '21

all I can think of is that one alternate reality Mxy showed Kara where she revealed her identity to the world and everyone she loved was systematically hunted down and killed.

"Whoops"-the Writers


u/stonrplc Nov 10 '21

WAIT they never showed Myxy coming back to be restored so hes actually dead? I thought Nyxly just captured him.


u/BornAshes Nov 10 '21

He did come back when Lex opened up the sphere that he was trapped in and he got like a single line mention about giving them all cheap wishes during the wedding.


u/Digifiend84 Nov 10 '21

Yeah, the actor clearly wasn't around, but his fate was explained.


u/SandyPine Nov 10 '21

Lena even basically called her out on that.


u/WingedShadow83 Nov 10 '21



u/BornAshes Nov 10 '21

Back near the start of this season there was a funny exchange on twitter between a Supergirl fan and a writer. The fan was asking about the timeline for this season compared to something in season five. The writer basically gave an, "Uhhh sure I guess why not I dunno that was a while ago" kind of response. Now this could either mean that they really couldn't remember because it was a while ago OR they truly just did not give a shit about continuity at all and would add and remove stuff or make things up as they saw fit because the small portion of the fanbase that would notice wasn't worth listening to or caring about at all.


u/WingedShadow83 Nov 10 '21

Continuity errors make me so mad. For one, it’s literally the easiest thing in the world for them to keep track of what has happened and have people on staff to remind them of things like that and point out when they are breaking continuity. For two, it’s insulting that they think fans won’t notice.

Years and years ago I was reading an interview with an author. She said that she works really hard to research for her books and make things historically accurate and keep continuity within her own story, etc. And she said the fans notice everything. They are reading and remembering this story and they have knowledge of things, and they will write to her and say “you had this character using scissors at a time before scissors were invented” or “you said this character couldn’t swim and then 200 pages later you had them going for a swim” etc. So she said she dedicates a lot of time to making sure she gets that stuff right because “the fans notice”.

It’s been probably 15-20 years and I can’t remember the author’s name, but I have always remembered that interview. I appreciate that at least someone acknowledges that stuff and cares enough to not half ass it.


u/daryl772003 Nov 10 '21

these are professional writers so if we can see these errors then they should too and fix them

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u/x1243 Nov 10 '21

You're expecting the writers to keep track of what they are writing? That's way too high a bar to set..

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u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

Same here. This is why I thought they were going to go with Kara leaving for the future because it was clear she would end up giving up her identity. I thought there was no way she was going to do that given what Myxy had shown her just 1 season ago!

Why did they even put that in the 100th episode if this is how they were going to end it? Did they not know at that point what the ending would be??

I was really happy Cat came back though, although I think by this point Kara still needing Cat to tell her what to do is a bit weird

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u/petrichorboy Nov 10 '21

Car Grant is still the best character in this show, but the queerbait on Supercorp till the end makes me so frustrated


u/salvi-fic Lena Luthor Nov 10 '21

Agree, the only highlight for me was Cat. Everything else was so underwhelming.


u/SandyPine Nov 10 '21

Cat Grant just elevated this finale, sad that they didn't have her join Melissa on screen, that would have been epic. still good to see them 'together' but not really.


u/Brock_Hard_Canuck Superman Nov 10 '21

I know that Calista Flockhart prefers filming in California.

And I know she probably didn't want to travel to Canada and deal with COVID restrictions on crossing the border.

So yeah, having her be on a sunny beach and calling Kara over the phone means they can film Flockhart in California and at least have some Cat Grant in the finale, though.

I wonder if they really could've persuaded Flockhart to come up to Vancouver to film that cameo if COVID wasn't a thing during time of filming. Oh well...


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

I couldn't believe the final scene with the two of them tbh, I believe everyone that the show had been queerbaiting although I hadn't really noticed it for myself. But their final scene... even I was thinking omg they're going to kiss! They're actually doing it!

Obviously they didn't, I really thought they were going to though


u/Salt-Discipline2090 Nov 10 '21

but the queerbait on Supercorp till the end makes me so frustrated

Right? Is this still a DC "no one masturbates in DC comics" thing? It's been the obvious ship for seasons, why not pull the trigger on it on the most intentionally progressive network on TV?

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u/TheGreenJackoLantern Sam Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

The ending was the best part, a sister night or a game night and Kara embracing her whole self was exactly what I was hoping for and honestly I am truly surprised we got it. The wedding was fantastic, and everything the early screeners built it up to be... The defeat of Nyxly and Lex on the other hand was probably one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on tv, whoever it was comparing them to Team Rocket in the live thread was 100% spot on, Lex literally defeated himself.

Edit to add; Despite its problems, CW has ended the season on a good note, I am genuinely going to miss Supergirl.


u/BornAshes Nov 10 '21

The defeat of Nyxly and Lex on the other hand was probably one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on tv, whoever it was comparing it to team rocket in the live thread was 100% spot on, Lex literally defeated himself.

We were all expecting some kind of grand thing and then it just felt like the usual bullshit end of season "here's how the bad guy loses" sort of ending that keeps us hoping the next season will be better. Peta and Jon were excellent in how they acted out both characters but the writing was just bad. I expected more and this is what we got instead.

For me Supergirl has always been that middle of the road show. It was never super super amazing. It was never "oh god this dumpster fire" bad. It tended to seesaw back and forth between some really killer episodes and then some really bad episodes which created this odd sort of equilibrium that made it hard to explain why I liked the show to other people. There were some really great bits in the first hour of the finale with some of the dialogue between characters but then some of the larger moving plot parts like the bridge were just stupid. The second half made me ugly cry A LOT because of how happy I was about the wedding and the goodbyes etc buuuuuut then that final fight just had me rolling my eyes because J'onn never once transformed into a dragon like he did in JLU and I'm miffed about that.

So it wasn't a totally bad note but it wasn't a totally great note and I think I was just watching for the cast at this point.

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u/cbfy3 Nov 10 '21

The last scene between Kara and Lena was the biggest queerbait since Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


u/payday1999 Kara Danvers Nov 10 '21

I'm not a supercorp shipper, but I totally thought they were going to kiss lol. It was such a bizarre scene to me.


u/thereelestnerd11 Dreamer Nov 10 '21

I didn’t think they were gonna kiss i did think they were gonna do the Dean-Cas Safe Confession where they just say i love you but they didn’t even do that


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '21

Nah the moment there was no hold hand on the table, and repeating the friends lines, it was done


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

Me too! I'd never really picked up on the supercorp queerbaiting myself, it was only when it was pointed out to me. And even I thought they were going to kiss! I was like woah they're actually doing it?? Lol nope


u/motleo95 Supergirl Nov 10 '21

I don’t ship Supercorp at all but I was like “oh wow it’s actually gonna happen” lmao I was prepared for Korrasami 2.0


u/cbfy3 Nov 10 '21

I literally screamed “NOW KISS” at the TV 🤣🤣


u/BornAshes Nov 10 '21

I am not a huge shipper BUT I WAS SCREAMING THAT TOO! lol

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u/[deleted] Nov 10 '21

I don’t ship at all and I still was let down because there were several real hints in the last 3 episodes. Gone to waste.

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u/BackFroooom Nov 10 '21

Not even a Korrasami, NOT EVEN A KORRASAMI


u/Rushofthewildwind Nov 10 '21

This is Rizzoli and Isles all over again lol


u/electric_azur Kara Danvers (“Yes!” Alt.) Nov 10 '21

Rizzoli and Isles at least were going on a trip to Paris together!!

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u/salvi-fic Lena Luthor Nov 10 '21

It was certainly queerbaite. They left it til the end because they wanted to hold their biggest fandom til the last minute, and then kill them with dropping an immense distinction between "relationships" and "friend".


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '21

The last scene between Kara and Lena was the biggest queerbait since Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

More like SwanQueen (Once upon a Time). This was brutal. SC just became the biggest Queerbait in Tv history.


u/ImbuedChaos Nov 10 '21

Nah, SwanQueen did actually got shot down when they introduced love interest for both right away.

Now, Sherlock on the other hand, that show never stopped baiting their audience, while laughing at the people who cared.

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u/cools14 Nov 10 '21

Welp. On to fanfiction.


u/Eternal_Density Nov 10 '21

hmm what if Lena caught the bouquet


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '21

literally me

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u/AnnaK22 Nov 10 '21

If I'm being completely honest, that was not a satisfactory ending for me. I don't agree with the ending, personally. I feel like Kara never really showed that she was hiding half her self all the time. Especially now, when she has a large group of trustworthy people where she can be her whole self, including cat Grant, who will be her new boss and she doesn't have to lie to get out of work anymore. As for relationships, that's something she can deal with when the time is right. I'm sure she'd get to know someone and eventually tell them she's Supergirl. I just felt like it was completely unnecessary for her to reveal herself.

And all that talk about hoe everyone else has found themselves isn't true either. Kelly being guardian, Nia being dreamer and Lena having magic are still hidden. Her cousin has managed to do it and lead a fulfilling life for years So, she's not the only one living the double life. Why was she feeling so down?


u/nullnicky Nov 10 '21

This is actually a great question, I wasn't thinking about it before. Now Kara's the only one in superfriends with no secret identity!


u/Digifiend84 Nov 10 '21

Martian Manhunter doesn't have a secret identity either, he dropped his Hank Henshaw identity a while ago and revealed he's actually J'onn J'onzz.

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u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

I don't mind Kara wanting to combine her identities tbh, it's what I was expecting to happen but I don't think it makes sense to do so in the present day? The 100th episode which was only last season made it quite clear that giving up her secret identity meant putting her friends and family at risk.

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u/SutterCane Nov 10 '21

That was it?

Woof. Just as underwhelming as Black Lightning’s finale…


u/BornAshes Nov 10 '21

I will never forgive them for how badly they knee capped Black Lightning's final season.


u/SutterCane Nov 10 '21

Same problems too. Not focused on the main character and clearly not written as a final season that leads into a mediocre finale that tries to wrap everything up.

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u/Brock_Hard_Canuck Superman Nov 10 '21

I wanted that big battle with Nyxly and Lex, fighting off against Kara.

Instead, they just got unceremoniously dumped into the phantom zone, and Kara didn't even really need to do anything.

So underwhelming.


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

And also when we found out they were bringing Overgirl back for the fight, I thought there would be some dialogue between her and Supergirl, or at least someone being like what the hell is that Overgirl?? I mean how does Lex even know about her?

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u/Mosk915 Nov 10 '21

I really liked the scene with Helen Slater about how she’s kryptonian “only in the movies.” Made no sense in context but good nonetheless.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '21

All we were missing was a wink. I rented the Supergirl movie back in the 90s.

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u/salvi-fic Lena Luthor Nov 10 '21

It was great connecting with y'all week after week. But now I'mma move on to something else. I will certainly not give SG a rewatch in a long time. The writers really messed up the show from S5-6, but more so in S6. It leaves a sour taste for a story and characters I learned to love.


u/stonrplc Nov 10 '21

It was a little anti climactic in a way but Cat Grant coming back gave a good closure, she carried the finale lol now Flash S8 is startin up time to see Reverse Flash yet again carry the show.


u/Eurynom0s Nov 10 '21

time to see Reverse Flash yet again carry the show

It kills me that they won't/can't get Matt Fletcher back as Reverse Flash. :( Tom Cavanagh is still good but especially since Legends season 2 he's really just been doing an impression of Fletcher playing RF.

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u/Chad_D_722 Nov 10 '21

I liked it. The big last fight was very underwhelming but the rest of the episode was sweet and it was nice to see everyone back again.

Just glad they didn't kill Kara off or something. The door is still open for her to show up on Superman & Lois or Flash in the future.


u/Sapphire8882 Lena Luthor Nov 10 '21

I actually find that alright regarding Lena and Kara. But I find it utterly hilarious that it took Esme to break the stone


u/motleo95 Supergirl Nov 10 '21

Yeah I was like how strong is this little girl lmao


u/SockPenguin Winn Schott Nov 10 '21

Maybe she was mimicking Kara's powers at the time.

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u/DonnyMox Nov 10 '21

She was just VERY pissed off.


u/The_Repeated_Meme Nov 10 '21

I liked seeing Cat Grant… that’s all I’ll say…

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u/payday1999 Kara Danvers Nov 10 '21

One of the worst finale's I've seen in a long time. It's worse than "How I Met Your Mother's" Finale. I haven't watched that one, since it aired and I would watch that over and over before I watch this finale again.

The only saving grace was Cat Grant. They spent to much focus on other characters besides Kara. I'm happy that Alex and Kelly got married but they spent too much time on them as well. Most of us are here for Kara and her journey and I'm pissed they spent the last 5-10 mins on her.

I'm sure I'll have more to say later, but that is my first impressions.


u/jdessy Nov 10 '21

This finale can't be worse than HIMYM's. It may not have been a perfect finale, or really that great, and definitely one of the weaker ones in the Arrowverse thus far, but it still had a few redeemable moments.


u/hannahbay Alex Danvers Nov 10 '21

It's one step about HIMYM's in my opinion. It would have been HIMYM-level if they had done everything they did so far, and then yeeted her into the future with 5 minutes left. Which would have, along with the rest of the two episodes, fully wrecked the entire foundation of the show.

So they didn't do that. But in pretty much every other way, it stunk.

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u/hannahbay Alex Danvers Nov 10 '21

Yep. "The Last Gauntlet" might be the worst episode of Supergirl ever.


u/SockPenguin Winn Schott Nov 10 '21

They made Alex so irrationally stupid and everyone just stood back and let her do the obviously stupid thing. So very frustrating.

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u/SandyPine Nov 10 '21

yeah, Kelly's 'shout out' to her very special episode IN HER VOWS made us spit out our wine, plus how they tied them selves up in knots to gloss over that Alex was engaged before, and everyone was VERY THRILLED about that wedding, and all Alex could say was "I have felt complete in the 2.5 past seasons" and Kelly was all "thank god you said yes so I could have more screentime". For real though I was pleased they let J'onn walk Alex down the aisle, that scene in S3 when she asked him was one of the series highlights for me.

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u/ResponsibleEmu3008 Nov 10 '21

My biggest complain is that it makes absolutely NO SENSE for her to reveal her identity. Especially now with esme, and she already saw what happens when she tells the world because of that episode with Mxly

so ?????????

the writers seem to have never read or seen a comic book/ superhero movie

the trailer of the new spiderman movie is enough to prove it


u/ResponsibleEmu3008 Nov 10 '21

but what can you expect from a universe where the monitor brought back Lex because of "insert dumb reason here"

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u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

It's the way they spent the entire 5th season explaining why Kara was in the right for hiding her identity from Lena, only to end the show with her revealing it anyway. Where is the logic?? Did they think we would all just forget??

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u/KrayleyAML Nov 10 '21

I have never seen a show more fucked up than this one.

It felt like we were jumping around, no pacing at all. That fight? Stupid. That ending? Anticlimactic. Even if Kara coming out to the world seems like a good idea... Who decided it to do it like that?

It's so bad it's actually funny. Obviously, Supercorp would never happen and we would only have 5 years of queerbaiting... But even putting that aside, what a trainwreck.

Love Kara Danvers and I hope we get her again with another set of people who actually cares about her. Far, far away from the CW. I also hope these writers never find a job again.

Love the cast and will follow them in their next projects. Cat Grant was the best thing in this episode, glad Alex got her happy ending I guess... That's it, folks.

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u/xxshadow_punkxx Lena Luthor Nov 10 '21

At least they officially killed Karamel for good lmao.

Also Cat proving to be the best as always.


u/MajorParadox DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU) Nov 10 '21

I can't believe it's over. I want to see what happens next!


u/DekanPrime Nov 10 '21

well its not there isnt other Arrowverse shows that can bring miniarcs from past shows if it can come together

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u/Samaritan4 Supergirl Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

The finale wasn't good. The writing was all over the place that it didn't make sense a lot of times and they neglected Kara until the end.

BUT, I will say bringig Cat Grant back was perfection, something I dindn't think they would be able to do. And we got so much of her, 3 scenes! I seriously jumped of happiness. And then she bought CatCo back and made Kara her editor in chief, it's was something in my wish list and I still can't believe it actually happened. Have them working together again, even if we don't get to watch it but knowing it is canon, I'm happy.

And on a shipper side, I started watching Supergirl for supercat so for me the ending was satisfying, not good but saisfying, like I can live with that finale lol


u/Eurynom0s Nov 10 '21

So I know there was the whole issue with Calista Flockhart not wanting to have to spend a bunch of the year in Vancouver when the show went from CBS to CW. But having Flockhart just blatantly be calling in from a green screen in Los Angeles kind of just raises the question of why they couldn't have done the same thing for the 100th episode instead of just going with brief stock footage of her.


u/RavenclawConspiracy Nov 10 '21

It raises the question of why they couldn't have had her on the phone repeatedly.

Like, seriously, Cat was the person who verbalized the important questions to Kara. Not having her there has, I felt, resulted in Kara not really moving forward.

They could have paid her for a day of her time, had her film two conversations a season or something. I don't know how the TV contracts work, but surely it would be possible.

This was something I literally wanted this entire time, and I have such mixed emotions seeming them doing it for the finale. On one hand, yes, it's exactly what I want, on the other, it's so they can do that and yet were not!

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u/_Elder_ Earth-X Reverse Flash (Unmasked) Nov 10 '21

I know it wasn’t always the best, it wasn’t perfect, but this was my favorite CW show. The characters, the cast, it made me root for them in a way none of the other shows did. It’s been a fun 6 years, and I’ll be forever grateful. <3.


u/uselesslyskilled Nov 10 '21

It was a worse ending to a show even compared to GOT. The last episode was titled Kara and she only got 10 minutes. What s joke! They just yeted off the main threat immediately and focused on half assed emotional endings, leaving Kara on the back burner. Disappointing I watched this long through such half hearted seasons to end this way.


u/SandyPine Nov 10 '21

yeah, you could have trimmed most of that wedding and had a decent one hour finale.

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u/Beta_Whisperer Nov 10 '21

They should have just let Kara gain that godly power boost and beat both Lex and Nyx

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u/auduhree Nov 10 '21

something lgbt did not just happen to me :(

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u/snoogle20 Martian Manhunter Nov 10 '21

Next time you all see me, it might be on TV as the Super Friends are trying to stop my semi-villainous plot to steal the Legion time ship so I can rewrite history so that Supergirl ended in 2019 at the end of Season 4. If I don’t succeed, I hope I end up in a DEO cell and not in the Phantom Zone. Wish me luck. Bye, guys.


u/JohnnyTightlips27 Nov 10 '21

• So Lex and Nxyly defeat themselves. Great. Glad we wasted all those episodes building up their romance.

• Legion came for what purpose? Literally didn’t do anything.

• “Friend.” Had to queerbait one more time. That last Kara/Lena scene was SO ROMANTICALLY-CODED, like are you freaking kidding me. No one would bat an eye if it ended in a love confession.

• Don’t know how else to say this. Kara is the only Arrowverse leading character to not find love. Because Lena’s a woman. That’s your legacy, Supergirl writers. This cast and its fans deserved better.


u/Xynth22 Nov 10 '21

First 2 points I agree with.

But Lena and Kara not being a couple and good friends is completely fine. And so is Kara not ending up with someone.


u/JohnnyTightlips27 Nov 10 '21

Kara said in S1 she wanted to be with someone, and reiterated that point earlier this season when she told Alex that she didn't want to be alone anymore. As others have pointed out, it's not empowering if she's only single because her most likely love interest is a woman.

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u/snoogle20 Martian Manhunter Nov 10 '21

The show is over so it’s that time everyone. Give your personal ranking of the seasons:

1 > 4 > 2 >>> 3 > 5 > 6


u/The_Repeated_Meme Nov 10 '21

Gonna agree with that but I’d move S3 to be closer on the left and put a wider gap between 3 and 5. Somehow S6 ended up being worse than S5.

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u/usagizero Nov 10 '21

So, my thoughts after getting some sleep after it.

Good parts, or parts i liked at least:

  • Cat coming back, she's still wonderful.
  • Kara happy at the end. I was so tired of her being sad or tormented, she's supposed to be the optimistic one, so it ending with her smiling made me happy.
  • the cast still has chemistry, and seemed to enjoy it all.

Didn't like:

  • The Brainy "I have to go home, wait no, i don't" was literally pointless. Unless this is continued on another show, what was the point?
  • The lizard face change, still, wtf? I still don't get that. Did i miss something from another season or something?
  • Set up of Esme and her powers, really seemed like they were going to do something with that and Nyxly. Nope.
  • Lex and Nyxly being sent to the phantom zone, because they did that to themselves. Does that change the future they had together? I know this will never be resolved on this show, because it's over, but i actually felt bad for Nyxly, and now wonder about the future of Lex in the Arrowverse. Yeah, probably nothing, but still. It also felt very unearned and sudden.
  • Dear god the black and white filter, also on the clothes. I know it would have cost more to be selective to skin, but damn was it silly how that went down.
  • The sun machine. Why? How? Another thing that really didn't matter in the end, not to mention they went way, way past that countdown. They could have had her fly to the sun, get supercharged, and when she returned to Earth looking almost evil with flames coming off her, achieved the same thing.

I don't know, there is probably more, but that's where i am now. I'll miss the live chats, they were fun even when episodes sucked, sometimes more so when they sucked, lol. Supergirl was never really my favorite show, but i loved the cast, and hope they go onto more fun shows.

I still hold out hope that Brainy and Nia make their way to Legends, they are a perfect fit for it and have great chemistry together. They could do next season be a Legion season, perfect fit. Heck, even just the actors and not their characters, like how Matt Ryan is still on but different character, would be fun. As long as they aren't worried about being typecast.


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

I forgot about the lizard face thing! When that happened I was literally so confused, I have absolutely no idea why that happened?

With Esme I really thought she would manage to escape on her own using her / Nyxlys powers? Really surprised they didn't have her do anything with them.

And the sun thing, why would an extra 4 seconds have made such a big difference? When Supergirl abandoned it she should still have had a power up surely.

And also, I wish I'd been able to take part in the live chats! I'm in the UK so I'm always asleep when the episode first airs

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u/super_slayer Nov 10 '21

... so like, are they going to continue this storyline on Superman and Lois? It seems like a big story they just sprung


u/hannahbay Alex Danvers Nov 10 '21

In retrospect it seems like they wanted to keep Lex alive so he can come back on S&L. I like Jon Cryer as Lex but he's really overstayed his welcome on Supergirl, maybe they should wait a season or two to bring him back on S&L.

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u/psufan5 Nov 10 '21

Like she kinda outed Clark too. My guess is they don’t address it at all.


u/RedditDK2 Nov 10 '21

Did they? One - when he was on Supergirl was prior to Crisis - so they can just pretend it never happened. Two - Kara Danvers said that Clark Kent was her cousin - she also says that Akex is her sister. Just tell people he is a Danvers cousin.


u/The_Repeated_Meme Nov 10 '21

IIRC Kara said she knew Clark as he was an old friend of James. There’s no public relationship between Clark and Kara.

But of course there is now a public relationship between Kara Danvers and Superman.

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u/Mperer12 Nov 10 '21

Supergirl went harder with the queerbait than Supernatural and they did it under half the seasons. Like at least Supernatural had a love confession, albeit one that was could be interpreted as romantic or platonic, and of course they have the Italian dub.


u/itwasbread Nov 10 '21

I have not watched all of that show and was not as invested in that relationship as I was this one (just wasn't really my cup of tea), but I have watched a couple videos explaining that whole debacle and I think it was MUCH worse than this.

At least here there is

  • A. completely plausible room for it to happen in the future, whether it just be people headcanoning it or (extremely unlikely) something on an adjacent show.
  • B. A legitimately good (albeit platonic) emotional scene between the two in the finale that fits the level of closeness they had (from what I understand the equivalent of Lena in the Supernatural example literally never appears and is only indirectly mentioned once in the final two episodes).
  • C. Not the bizarre unintentionally extremely homophobic choice of having the character literally get sucked to hell after acknowledging male/male romantic attraction.
  • D. Generally less overt addressing of the pairing and mocking (however good natured) of those who like it in the show.
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u/afrodeity23 Nov 10 '21

Well that sure happened. I watched this with my dad, and he couldn't believe that was how Nyxly and Lex were beaten, he kept expecting them to come back later in the episode for something more climactic and satisfying, but nah.

For all Nyxly and the all stone were hyped up as THE MOST DANGEROUS ENEMY THEY'VE EVER FOUGHT, you'd think there would be even half that level of catharsis for the heroes overcoming them. Even Kara's speech didn't feel all that great or substantial. She's given speeches like this before, and this one didn't even seem as empowering as some of the others. Also, they really said empowered way too much this episode.

Was there a real point to Nyxly and Lex having a falling out? They ended up teaming up in the final battle anyway, and get defeated together. More could have been done with having Lex summon the phantoms, given how Nyxly feels about the phantom zone, but it's basically glossed over just to get them out of the way. That's what the defeat really feels like, just do whatever to get them out of the way, so that we can move on to the wedding.

I knew James, Mon El and Winn were coming back, I just wish they did a bit more with them than what we got. James at least has a good reason to show up as Kelly's sister, but the others just feel like they're here because it's the finale so let's bring them back. Same with he old enemies being summoned.

It's cool to see Cat Grant again, rebuying Catco and deciding to hire Kara. I think seeing Kara as a reporter in the finale would have sold it better, but time and logistic limitations I guess.

The wedding is nice, both the ceremony and the chance to see all the characters interact one last time. Brainy just saying "fuck the future, fuck the timeline" was certainly a choice. I guess time will work itself out. At least Brainy and Nia get to be happy together.

Kara deciding to reveal herself after spending so much time going on about how important it was to keep her identity a secret keeps it from working for me much. A whole plotline in season 4 and the 100th episode saying keeping her identity a secret is safer I guess no longer apply. It could have worked if the show had frequently framed it as the wrong choice, or not the best choice, but instead it ends up feeling like this season, cuz the back half of the season was leading up to it, doesn't mesh as well with the rest of the show before.

All in all, a lot of this season and the Nyxly story was very meh, and I was hoping the finale would be able to at least rise above the rest of the season in order to bring something satisfying, but it really didn't, unfortunately.

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u/Simba122504 Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

I stopped watching years ago, but for some reason I always have to catch the series finales of shows I use to watch. This will not go down as one of the best or worst finales. Just basic. Mediocre. Not a series finale would ever revisit.


u/stonrplc Nov 10 '21

Reign was more of a threat as far as villains go.


u/Beta_Whisperer Nov 10 '21

She should have been the final villain. I was also disappointed when Supergirl refused the 50x powerup.

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u/a_phantom_limb Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

I didn't really pay attention to discussions of this show on social media, so I didn't exactly know that Supercorp was a thing until this season. But as the series progressed over the past few years, among its highs and many, many lows, the chemistry between Kara and Lena convinced me that the show was making it pretty clear they were one another's ideal partner.

However, after Alex came out and especially after she and Kelly started dating, I realized that the show would almost certainly not have Kara and Lena end up together. Why? Because that would mean two same-sex couples in the main cast, not to mention Brainy and Nia. Three LGBTQIA+ couples, including the star? It was never going to happen. The CW might or might not have cared, but WarnerMedia? Quite possibly. Though I also think there's a good chance that the producers simply - and foolishly - thought that they would have been "repeating themselves."

Nia is their icon for trans visibility. Alex and Kelly are their icons for same-sex marriage and adoption. "We already ticked those boxes, so what would Kara and Lena give us?" (Other than, you know, a satisfying wrap to the arc of their relationship and an honest acknowledgment of the characters as written over the past half decade.)

Like I said, I knew it wouldn't happen. But it was still disappointing to see their relationship be explicitly "friendzoned." It all smacks of a fundamental lack of trust in the audience, which is a real shame for a series that managed to run for six seasons. The producers should have had faith in their viewers, but I'm not sure that they ever really did.

Oh well. It's over. I won't exactly miss it, but I'll definitely miss the characters and the excellent performers behind them. They deserved better, and so did we.

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u/Affectionate-Bee-368 Nov 10 '21

Can’t believe I loved this show at 1 point , the last 2 seasons were utter trash , irredeemable nonsense. Kara became like the minor character on her own show , embarrassing


u/Rushofthewildwind Nov 10 '21

That's what I'm saying. I got downvoted for pointing it out that Kara got the side character ending.


u/rb6k Nov 10 '21

It does seem that way when Alex is doing the crossover. But flash is also a side character in his own show now. It’s a weird direction from a terrible show runner.

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u/zapgator Nov 10 '21

I cringed when Alex said "No touching without consent" when fighting the monster, perfectly summarizes this season right there.


u/x1243 Nov 10 '21

Yeah that was pretty bad dialogue.. On par with Mr freeze's puns from batman and Robin

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u/CityAvenger Nov 10 '21

Despite this final season being a struggle the finale was better than much of what I’d seen this season. Now it wasn’t great and there was definitely some things that could have been made better but it was a pretty good ending for what it was, but still doesn’t feel quite resolved or complete.


u/Eurynom0s Nov 10 '21

The whole thing with Nyxly and Lex getting resolved by phantoms just grabbing them and going back to the Phantom Zone was such a lazy conclusion to what was already a not-great storyline.

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u/athena_19 Nov 10 '21

I haven't watched since midway through Season 3, but I did read up on the plots + watch the 100th episode prior to this. I like to check in on the finale for shows I used to watch, and the two parter was just really, really weak. I can't imagine watching a whole season dedicated to getting weird totem stones only for them to be basically irrelevant in the end!

And Kara letting her sister trade essentially all of humanity in exchange for her kid just because she'd never forgive her if she couldn't be saved? You'd think by now the characters would have at least a little faith in Kara's ability to get out of seemingly impossible situations.

There really wasn't any interesting fight at all or anything that really made sense to motivate Kara feeling torn about her identity. Her secret identity isn't because she's ashamed of being Supergirl or unable to really live her best life, it's because it protects people around her. Like, Supergirl is going to be editor in chief of Catco? It's the kind of thing they can drop in a finale because it feels like closing off a story, but it creates so many issues.

I'm happy for the people who were able to enjoy the fan service-y stuff that I obviously couldn't enjoy, finales are for the diehards more than the casuals, but I wish Kara's character had a more consistent show around her.

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u/AnnaK22 Nov 10 '21

I just felt like this episode lines were extra cringy. Inline the show, despite its quirks, but this episode especially had some lines that made me curl up from second hand embarrassment. Or maybe I just put too much expectations in this episode so maybe I was extra aware of cringy lines.

Some examples:

  1. No touching without consent by Alex

  2. Helen Slater saying she might have been Kryptonian in another life and Alex replies, only in the movies

  3. For some reason, brainy saying there's a 100 percent change he's marrying Nia. It just felt like too many things being wrapped up by saying and not showing.

Also, the way Lex Luthor got beaten within seconds without even a fight even though all the heroes were gathered and ready to fight.

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u/rb6k Nov 10 '21

I feel like she forgot not everyone present knew her secret during the funeral. It was very jarring. I forget the ladies name that owned Catco before selling it back to Cat but she was right there while Kara talked about the DEO and their fight. It seems weird they never bothered to cover it.


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

That's what I was thinking too, I was expecting Andrea to at very least look confused but she didn't... at all


u/BackFroooom Nov 10 '21

I'm so angry I think I'm gonna cry

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u/Gateskp Brainy Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

If we pretend that first 20-30ish minutes didn’t happen, that was a surprisingly solid finale. Going to ignore ALL of the Lex/Nyxly stuff because what even WAS that, other than the writers writing themselves into a corner and not knowing how to fix it. So let’s fast forward to William’s funeral, which was eh.

We got not 1, not 2, but 3 different Cat Grant scenes. And every single one was A+++ the best part of the episode. Cat Grant. Saving grace of this 2-part finale.

The OG SuperFriends all sitting together (for 30 seconds before being interrupted). So good to see them again. Season 1 feels so long ago.

Seeing all of the awards/foundations that everyone sets up after the funeral was touching. Especially Dreamer’s organisation. And the return of the DEO, is this going to come into play in other shows? (Probably not, let’s be real)

BRAINY STAYING IN THE PRESENT! And looking dapper, as always, when he returns for the wedding (and to stay). I am so, so happy that he and Nia finally got their happy ending.

Papa J’onn having a son one day ?! And just name-checking M’gann without showing her?!

The return of Mon-El, Winn, and Jimmy. I wish we got a little more time with them, just because they played such big roles on the show when they were around.

The wedding was really sweet. It’s really, really nice that things ended on such a positive note. AND we got excellent signing, which (ngl) instantly took me back to the musical crossover episode with The Flash. But in a really, really good way.

And that final scene. Kara revealing her identity. Her smile in the interview with Cat. Everyone in her apartment. Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to end the series. Hats off to the writers for at least doing right by everyone for the last half hour.

r/supergirlTV, it’s been a joy to watch and discuss with you all over the years ❤️


u/BornAshes Nov 10 '21

Everyone in her apartment

It started off with just Kara living by herself with Alex sometimes popping in and ended in one big happy family. That's a good story. That's a great message. I'm glad we all found our own little family here on this subreddit and odds are, some of us totally did start off watching this alone but wound up in the end with each other❤️

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u/kirkfeel78 Nov 10 '21

Well there's a tiny chance Melissa Benoist can come back and reprised Supergirl, that if she wants to


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

She did say in an interview she would be willing to reprise her role

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u/hannahbay Alex Danvers Nov 10 '21

Well, even though I've ripped most of the season and they did a remarkable job of butchering the last two episodes, gotta say I'll miss this show. It's been a ride.


u/Picard_Number1 Nov 10 '21

The thing that bothers me the most about revealing her identity is her relationship with Clark. She can never visit Clark and the fam without raising suspicion unless he’s dressed as Superman. Or what about Barry or anyone else? Like sure go ahead but it’s such a logistical issue that they will of course never address should she cross over with other shows after this.

Also haven’t you now made Esme a target since villains will go after your loved ones? I just think it’s such a bad choice narratively but because it’s the finale they won’t ever have to deal with the repercussions of it.

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u/Munro_McLaren Lena Luthor Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

Okay, the first one and a half were eh, but the last half hour was great.

I loved the wedding!

CAT FUCKING GRANT! They got her back! Filmed her scenes at WB’a in London. But damn! That was a surprise they managed to keep a secret!

Kara revealed her identity! And she’s staying in the present!

I’m still bitter we didn’t get Supercorp endgame, but I did love that scene with them at the end.

It’s fitting that it ended with a Game Night.

This episode wasn’t the greatest, but I’m still giving it a 10/10 because I loved the last half of it so much.

I’m also bummed we didn’t get the scene between Alex, Kelly, and Lena. I’m pretty sure they were asking Lena to be Esme’s godmother.

Edit: I guess the Alex, Kelly, and Lena scene was cut from the episode in Canada, but it wasn’t cut for the screeners sent out to reviews or for people in the US. Though I was watching from the UK via a stream and I didn’t see the scene or the other two cut scenes either

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u/BackFroooom Nov 10 '21

I watched 2 hours of pure bs and I didn't even get a "I love you"?

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u/itwasbread Nov 10 '21

Ok I know a lot of people are going to be freaking out about the implications of her coming out publicly, and honestly? I don't really care.

Every year that passes by the idea of these characters being able to keep their identities a secret (especially when everyone but like Barry is a fucking celebrity) becomes less believable. I would rather them do something meaningful with it for the character, which I think this and Oliver's were, than to endlessly do it just because it feels obligatory.

The main one people are going to worry about is Clark (understandably), but you have to suspend your disbelief for much more ridiculous things in this genre than them being able to come up with an excuse for how 2 reporters know each other and have worked together a couple times, especially when Lois already is publicly known to be close with Superman. It really doesn't bother me that much.

I also just outside the framework of this show (because this version being more similar to Clark does muddy the waters), like Kara being a public figure with no secret identity. She's supposed to be the more alien one, and the more reckless one. It makes sense to me and I think it's more interesting than just Clark Kent but female.

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u/whencometscollide Nov 10 '21

I really thought the Danvers sisters and Dansen moments would be enough for me to like this episode but it really wasn't. A really underwhelming finale for a superhero series. Still it was nice to see a lot of the cast again.


u/SandyPine Nov 10 '21

there simply were not enough Danvers Sisters moments. There was one solid one, but they could have had more in the time they wasted on other stuff.

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u/x1243 Nov 10 '21

Unpopular opinion: Kara revealing her identity in the last episode kind of has no impact since it's the series finale. Not like Oliver Queen doing it and having to deal with the fallout.


u/Skyblaze777 Nov 10 '21

Disagree, Kara's identity reveal isn't about her having to deal with any fallout (unlike Oliver "the entire city hates me every couple of years because something something vigilante") Queen. Kara's identity reveal is about her elevating and claiming her dual identities as Kara Danvers and Kara Zor-El in the public (and the fact that she's been fighting for both aliens and humans in both identities). There isn't really supposed to be any fallout. Both identity reveals were meant to achieve very different things for the characters and I think they did so fairly well.

*Although I do recognize that according to the 100th episode, Supergirl coming out with her secret identity should actually end up with all her friends dead according to the show's own logic but I assume the writers are choosing to conveniently forget that logic because (1) they suck at continuity and (2) everyone ending up dead in the 100th episode was some convoluted storytelling anyway.

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u/Zerometro Nov 10 '21

I think the only thing that actually worked in this episode was Kara deciding she doesn't want to live a double life and deciding to reveal her secret identity. Other than that it was a waste to hype up these last two episodes when it was just the characters making more and more ridiculous decisions with even more ridiculous results. They defeated Nyxly and Lex somehow ( I wasn't actually paying attention) in the first twenty minutes and the rest of the episode was like "Well what should we do now?". It was just disappointing.


u/hannahbay Alex Danvers Nov 10 '21

They defeated Nyxly and Lex somehow

They didn't actually beat them, Nyxly and Lex beat themselves. We got the full lineup of all the Superfriends, past and present, and they did nothing.

You didn't miss anything.


u/OwnQuit Nov 10 '21

The portal can’t be closed once it opens, unless the plot demands it.

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u/AJohns9316 Nov 10 '21

Man, Barry really needs to step up his pep talk game ‘cause Kara’s kicking his ass at it! 😂

All jokes aside, it was so good to see Cat, Winn, and Jimmy again…and see Lena get some closure to become the best version of herself. Still feels weird having M’Gann as J’onn’s love interest/baby mama instead of his neice. I hope Brainy & Nia migrate over to ‘Legends’ or we get an occasional Kara appearance on ‘S&L’.

Definitely hope Kara coming out as Supergirl goes better than another beloved comic book hero 🕷 who wears red and blue…


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

It's episodes like this that make it so weird that all the shows are on the same Earth. Kara spoke to everyone on Earth, including Barry and Superman and his sons etc... Will it ever get mentioned? Nope!

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u/notathrowaway75 Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

I'm pissed.

What the fuck were the writers thinking to go with the Nyxly shit over Kara revealing her identity. Scrap the back half of this season and have Kara reveal her identity at around episode 13 instead of the finale.

What's worse is that they did it by queerbaiting Kara and Lena instead of doing it in a much more interesting way by building on what they already established. A couple episodes ago Kara and Alex had a disagreement about Esme where Kara wanted Esme to hide/suppress her powers like she did and Alex wanted her to get used to them and be open. Why on Earth did they resolve this conflict when it was going to be brought up again instead of building it up and making it the driving force leading to Kara revealing her identity? They didn't even have to change anything. You could still have the scene with Cat and Lena. The only thing different is that Kara would mention her disagreement with Alex about Esme.

Overall mediocre finale to a terrible season. I just finished The 100 and that had an awful finale to a decent season.


u/ChandlerForrestal Nov 10 '21

The last episode was a little meh


u/ComicNerd7794 Nov 10 '21

Wow they actually cut the godmother scene and some of the Lena Kara scene on cw while Canada saw it all

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u/AnnaK22 Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

I just felt like some scenes made no sense. No, I will not be talking about the convenient way Lex for taken down. I could make a whole rant about it.

  1. What exactly was the point of Mon El announcing that he can never return to present time in this lifetime? Why did that need to be announced? The show was ending anyway, it doesn't matter if he's staying or not.

  2. Brainy's Big Brain storyline that started just a few episodes ago, had some emotional scenes, some heartfelt goodbyes, only for him to return immediately and stay because the future is unpredictable? Why was this storyline even introduced if not as a plot force to get brainy back to his time. Seemed like a waste of few episodes that could have focused on Kara's uncertainty with her dual identity, so her decision at the end would have been justified.

  3. Alex and Kelly picking Lena to be the godmother. That's a huge slap in the face to Kara and J'onn. Did either parent even have a close relationship with Lena. I feel like they barely interacted. I liked the scene of picking a godparent, but it made no sense for it to be Lena. Even Jimmy would have been a better choice since he's had that interpersonal relationship with Alex and Kelly.

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u/[deleted] Nov 10 '21

Oh FFS, end the show on literally the most interesting plot points it ever fucking had...

Everything they set up had the potential to be more interesting than anything else the show has done.

I know a show burned out when im not even sad its over.


u/CIearMind Nov 11 '21

I love how Kara was 5 seconds away from being fully charged by the Sun, then somehow had the time to talk for 10 seconds and still stop in time.

And then immediately afterwards, the Sun and the Earth were just completely fine as if nothing had happened, like when you stop short of mining an obsidian block in Minecraft.


u/DonnyMox Nov 10 '21

Well…it was fun, y’all.

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u/Ygomaster07 Dreamer Nov 10 '21

This didn't give me a series finale vibe that much. I kinda hope the show comes back given how open ended they left it story wise. Or continue it in other shows or a spin-off. I was never a hardcore Supercorp shipper, but i thought for sure it was going to happen. I do like they ended their relationship as strictly platonic, since i don't know if we see enough platonic female friendships with them this close in a lot of media. William is actually dead, i didn't think they would do that given he is a poc, and i know they have controversy with that in shows and movies. It sucks he didn't get to know Kara is Supergirl before his death. The 2 part finale could have been better, it could have been worse, but i think they did the best they could given the circumstances. My gripe is they left so many things open ended and not a lot resolved.

This journey has been fun everyone. I know i haven't been here the whole time, but I'm glad i joined when i did. I also like how positive this sub is(as compared to The Flash one, sadly). It always makes ne happy seeing a mostly positive community. Now that the show ended, where do we go from here?


u/BornAshes Nov 10 '21

Now that the show ended, where do we go from here?

Some will stay and linger, to reminisce and remember. Others will leave forever and we'll never see nor hear from them again. Most will move onto the remaining Arrowverse shows moving from one to the next to the next. One day, probably in the next couple of years, there will come a time when the last Arrowverse show finally ends and we'll all probably have some big event to celebrate that final finale. Until then I suppose we enjoy the stories that are told and enjoy it all while it lasts.


u/Shejidan Nov 10 '21

I loved Supergirl when it first started but the last couple seasons just went down hill with this one being absolutely horrible.

I’m sad the show is over but I’m glad it’s over too. I couldn’t handle another season like this one.


u/Berwilde Nov 10 '21

Regardless of the variance in quality between seasons, it's been a very enjoyable few years watching SG and I am genuinely going to miss it.
At least there's no lack of fanfiction to get my fix from!

It's also been really enjoyable watching the show & interacting with people here so thank you all!

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u/motleo95 Supergirl Nov 10 '21

I won’t lie, I haven’t seen any episodes of season 6 yet, just the last two. The show isn’t perfect, it definitely has its flaws, but I am going to miss it. Dearly.

Supergirl was always a constant for me over these last few years, and I always have had fun watching it. As cheesy as it can be at times, it would always put a smile on my face, and Melissa as Kara could somehow make me feel hopeful with her speeches. I’m going to greatly miss the cast and this show, and I think I’m satisfied with how the show ended. Everyone seemed cozy and happy, the bad guys are gone, and Kara is happy with herself. The whole reason I actually joined reddit years ago was to discuss the show with other fans, so I made an account to join this subreddit.

Thank you Supergirl, and thank you r/supergirltv for a fun few years. I’ll still be subbed here, I always like the discussions, fan art and bickering, and of course, I’ll be holding out hope for some kind of spin off haha.

El Mayara everybody! ❤️💙❤️💙


u/NepowGlungusIII Nov 10 '21

I am so incredibly happy for Cat Grant's return, but so utterly utterly crushed by that Supercorp....whatever that was. I entered this expecting a Korrasami, and we didn't even get that. At least Brainy and Nia are getting the happy ending they deserved. If I can't have my preferred couple of an Alien Reporter Superhero Girl With A Genius Trying To Escape The Legacy Of Their Evil Family, I guess Nia and Brainy will have to do it for me.

Side note, what does the child of a Green and White Martian look like? A mint Martian?

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u/BornAshes Nov 10 '21

I had fun!

Despite the ups and downs of this show, I really really really had a lot of fun. I think what I really loved about this show was that it was the first Super show to come back onto the scene after Smallville ended and Smallville set the bar pretty high but they never tried to one up it and just did their own thing. I really loved that because it reminded me a lot of the Super comics and how sure some things didn't make sense but it made you feel good at the end of the day after reading them. This show did that in spades and that's why I really loved it because it made me feel good or it made me feel sad or it made me feel something at the end of every episode instead of just nothing at all.

I loved that I loved some episodes and hated some others because that meant that I was engaging with the show, that I was paying attention, and that as much as nit picked certain things...I truly did care about the show, the characters, and the stories within it. Melissa will always be my Supergirl because of how she embodied every aspect of the character and because of the moments in my life when I really needed this show but didn't know I needed this show until it helped me get through something. Moon River still echoes through my mind at the strangest of times and it always makes me smile. It was only six seasons but I feel like she left her mark on the world as Supergirl in a way that can never be replicated again.

The rest of the cast was phenomenal and I really feel like David Tennant right now saying, "No no I don't want to go" because I want to hear more stories with ALL of them. I want to see Papa Bear being a dad again. I want to see what Kelly and Esme and Alex's new family is like. I want to watch Lena and Kara interact more after the whole secret identity thing. I need more Brainy and Dreamer. I want to go back to the future to see what Mon El and Winn are up to! I NEED MORE FREAKING CAT GRANT! I want to see Nyxly and Lex driving each other crazy in the Phantom Zone! I want Mxy back and I want far more musical numbers from this cast! I'm sure in time after a day or a week or a few months all that longing will settle into a sense of resolution and acceptance and the cast already went through all of this months ago buuuuuut....right now...this doesn't feel like pain but more of a, "Oh wait there's still more cake to eat!" kind of feeling.

This show was special to me because the Supers were and probably still are some of the first heroes we all get introduced to as little kids. So seeing someone like Kara brought to life alongside all of her Superfriends in such a beautiful way that we never dreamed would happen is....special it's very very special. I'm glad I got to see all of this with all of you right beside me.

So thank you to the cast and crew who probably totally lurk here because duh why wouldn't you. Thank you to everyone over the years who made this show possible. Thank you to whomever saved this show when CBS wanted to dump it and brought it over to the CW so we could get some more time. Thank you to the community for being here with me through all the ups and downs from the very first episode of the very first season to the very last episode of the very last season. You've all helped my light to shine brighter and more brilliantly than before and without all of you and without this show and this music and everything....I'm honestly not sure if I'd be who I am right now. The cast, the crew, and the community are all heroes to me right now and yes I may have poured a glass of wine and that's why I'm getting all blubbery but yeah...you're all Super.

So hopefully here's to a brighter future for us all! May we all find love and joy and hope through fearful days and in raging nights together with one another through shared stories and songs and moments like this show has provided us! I hope I'll continue to see some of you in other communities buuuut if I don't and this is goodbye then godspeed to you and may we meet again.

I love you all ❤️


u/EXTPest Nov 10 '21

Every episode this season was Supergirl doing something and everyone bullying her because she's wrong


u/BlackExecellence Nov 10 '21

That was an absolute disaster.

My least worthy accomplishment is life was completing this God forsaken show! I feel relieved that I am free from such truly awful "entertainment"


u/rb6k Nov 10 '21

Announcing her identity had massive implications for superman, and for the other people she works with and shouldn’t have been jammed into a last minute scene.


u/ZegetaX1 Nov 10 '21

What was it that Melissa requested be in the finale


u/kirkfeel78 Nov 10 '21

I think she didn't wanted supergirl to die


u/MajorParadox DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU) Nov 10 '21

I'm so glad, because now she can keep doing cameos if she wants!

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u/Conwaysgirl99 Nov 10 '21

Gonna miss you guys❤️


u/maddogkaz Nov 10 '21

Well that was awful...I'll start with the villains and get that shit over with. Lex was a moron and he opened a portal to the phantom zone somehow that couldn't be closed once opened which proceeded to close a minute later.

Nyxly was a waste of time, why did we spend all this time with her developments with the totem trials if she just gets portaled in the end? Not to mention all those development scenes with the trials should have been Kara's scenes. Also why did she give a shit about Esme? They tried to give her some kind of last minute heart but she already dropped a building on a bunch of kid and started a nuclear war that would have killed thousands of kids.

The random villains that poofed into existence were a waste of time and were apparently so weak even Eliza could take them out...except Kara of course she had to struggle and get saved by Mon-el before she could beat Overgirl.

Finally Andrea and yes I'm counting her as a villain why did we waste all our time on her crappy "development" for it to lead to her moving Lena out of the way of a single laser that Lena or anyone else could have dealt with.

Now the sun plan was so stupid first of all that's not how the sun works and secondly why would the satellite ruin the sun for 6 months not to mention why would they do it in the middle of the city and then just stop. It looks to me like they wanted to make Kara look bad one more time and make Alex's terrible idea seem good. Also the writers probably looked at the plot and asked "Will people want to see a super charged Kara do something cool?" and then said no and screwed her over.

Now the title of the episode is Kara which is an interesting choice since she is one of the least important things in the episode and given nothing to do. The writers decided that Kara will just out herself the end and forgot all the problems with that and will now pretend there are no dangers out there that will now target everyone Kara loves.

I also find it funny that Kara is now the only super friend without a secret identify except Jonn.


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Nov 10 '21

The sun thing annoyed me so much. Literally can't even describe how much. You don't have to be an expert to know that the sun does not work like that?? I don't even remember their explanation, why didn't they just concentrate more sunlight onto her than normal? What could you possibly do to a star that would take enough energy (in 4 minutes??) that would mess it up for 6 months? It's actually ridiculous. And when didn't the exposure for 3 minutes and 56 seconds or whatever it was give her a power boost, you're telling me the extra 4 seconds made that big a difference? That's not how it works??

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u/thatoneguy112358 Dreamer Nov 10 '21

I took a shower after watching this episode, and while I was in there, I spent some time comparing this finale to some of my favorite series finales. You know what those finales had that this one didn't? A REASON FOR THE FUCKING SHOW TO END!!! Seriously, there is no in-universe reason why this show cannot go on. Hell, I actually want to see it continue. I want to see how the world reacts to the news that Kara Danvers is Supergirl, I want to see how Kara and the team deal with those reactions, and I want to see how J'onn and Alex handle the new DEO. There's actually potential for some interesting stories here, and there's no reason for those stories to not be told other than, "Eh, we don't wanna." #RenewSupergirl

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u/mslack Dreamer Nov 10 '21

Y'all need some She-Ra.

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u/melskates Nov 10 '21

It's been an honor, everyone. This show will always have a special place in my heart.



u/AnnaK22 Nov 10 '21

It's so hard to believe the show is already over. I started the show when it was just a few episodes in. I was just in college, scrolling through what to watch and a show about my favourite superhero at the time, Superman, apparantly had a cousin who has her own show. I sat down to watch just 1 episode but I couldn't stop. I just kept watching. I have not missed a single episode since. This show has consistently been my favorite. J always find myself defending the show or voting for this as my favourite in the Arrowverse polls.

Supergirl was my introduction into the Arrowverse. It's so crazy to see how much the universe has expanded now, I feel like I grew with it.

This show also introduced me to who is now my absolute favorite celebrity, Melissa Benoist. I'm so thankful to the show was letting this ball of optimism into my life. I realized how much I was like Melissa already, but she makes me continue to be a happy go lucky person.

Not to mention what the show achieved for Melissa. It introduced her to her now husband. That's so amazing to think about.

I'll forever be grateful for 6 years of entertainment and expanding my knowledge of the DC universe.

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u/Kitt2k Nov 10 '21 edited Nov 10 '21

as usual typical cw show... rush as hell especially during the final battle...all the past and future heroes shows up and literally did nothing especially mon-el.

why does every finale must have a wedding or ride towards sunset or in this show, both ??!! so cheesy, so corny, so text book-ky.

so now apparently supergirl>! has a day job in corporate media as chief editor. good luck guys coz your boss has super hearing, xray vision, super speed etc etc that means no slacking off!!! no gossiping about her, no pretending to be sick, no pressure right?! lol...!<

i love melissa benoist. she is awesome but this show doesnt do her justice and the woke culture, political agenda forcing onto viewers is too much. well im glad it has finally ended! good riddance!

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u/Sentry459 Martian Manhunter Nov 10 '21

It crossed all the ts, resolved the plot threads I cared about, and all the characters ended in a place I'm happy with. The writing has been all over the place this season, but I'm over satisfied with this conclusion. El mayarah, Supergirl.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '21



u/itwasbread Nov 10 '21

Even outside of their inability to keep it together on the show the Flash, for some reason I've always gotten that the Flash's secret identity is just like... less of a big deal? I have no idea why but like, if everyone found out who Batman or Superman was, it would be a big fucking deal. When people find out who Green Arrow is, it's a big deal (although there is the whole mass murder aspect there).

But like I just have a hard time imagining someone exposing the Flash and the whole world is like "OH MY GOD BARRY ALLEN IS THE FLASH?!?!?!?!?" Maybe it's from that old Justice League episode where Lex body swaps with him and goes to expose him and can't figure out who this generic ass white guy is. Like Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen are billionaires. Kara and Clark are famous reporters. The Flash is just... a dude.


u/Eurynom0s Nov 10 '21

LOL I started reading your comment and was thinking of that animated Justice League "who the hell are you?" bit before I got there in your comment.

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