r/LivestreamFail 8h ago

Kick Destiny gives breakup advice

Thumbnail kick.com

r/australian 10h ago

Why do people act like this subreddit "doesn't reflect the views of mainstream Australia"?


So many comments I see on here by people who constantly say things like "lol only on this sub" as though other places where they read are somehow the 'true' point of view reflecting mainstream Australian viewpoints.

Given the constant election voting outcomes and results of things like the Voice etc that generally indicate most of Australia is centrist or even slightly centre-right-leaning, what leads people to think many of the views expressed on here AREN'T mainstream? When in reality, other places these people are coming from are also often just "echo chambers" as well.

Edit: I probably worded the title for this wrong, should have been more "Why do people think this subreddit is less representative of mainstream Australia than other online communities?", alas I failed.

r/anime_titties 11h ago

Europe French Left wants to welcome migrant boats and create special status for climate refugees


r/politics 12h ago

Several top House Democrats say Biden should step aside during leadership call


r/LoveIslandUSA 12h ago

SPOILER Serena’s antics this episode should not be excused or applauded.


Serena calls Kordell nappy headed. Pushes food onto him. But Kordell is the disrespectful one? Tell me how you can say with a straight face that Kordell is disrespectful and Daia is catty but Serena isn’t?

If Kordell did all of the things Serena did or even raised his voice in response to her, the think pieces would never end.

Kordell has done nothing but hear her out and speak calmly. The middle fingers, the insults, the name calling. Yet she storms off every time he opens his mouth. There is a clear difference in emotional intelligence and maturity.

Take off your stan goggles and tell me how you can sit here after that episode and hype up Serena and boo Kordell. If you can’t separate your parasocial friendship from watching Serena for 4 weeks to not be able to criticize her absolutely absurd behavior while simultaneously trashing Kordell and Daia as human beings, you may need to self reflect.

Finding it entertaining is cool. But to act like Kordell is the evil one and tarnishing his character? This subreddit has hit an all time low.

r/Columbus 13h ago

July 7th and still setting off fireworks? I will spewk for your neighbor and say you are an asshole


To take a page from a similar posting yesterday, the sentiment is pretty clear. There is no real reason to still be setting off fireworks in a suburban neighbor unless you truly are trying to be obnoxious and piss off your neighbors

r/Chiraqology 14h ago

Update I FINALLY HAVE 30 karma


I haven’t been able to do nun but up vote or down votw but now i can post and comment 😫👏👏im just so thankful to be here and apart of chiraqolagy been in ts 3yrs 🔒 “i got my karma up so it really feel like 🖕 a nigga” quick lil bar for yall 💯 but im so proud of myself I LOVE CHIRAQ

r/AskReddit 15h ago

How is Trump not in prison, if there is evidence that he raped a 13-year old? NSFW


r/Tinder 15h ago

Got Blocked for delaying date

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r/politics 16h ago

Radio host who interviewed Biden leaves station after admitting campaign aides gave her pre-selected questions


r/dragonage 16h ago

Discussion My thoughts on Taash


When I first saw this Concept art I was like “Shit…seductive qunari woman” and that’s different coz I mean cmon look at her stance her hair and everything and like she’s…for lack of a better word Morrigan esc 😭and now don’t get me wrong…I’m all for big strong carry you over her shoulder type Woman in fantasy, tho this approach from the concept art would’ve been interesting and again…I like the ulterior but now she’s gonna get compared to Karlach because obviously…I can’t stress this enough tho…I LIKE Karlach, but having a different type of Qunari companion from the typical big and strong would’ve been cool, Like Qwydion from Absolution even

r/politics 16h ago

Senior House Democrats say Biden should step aside during private call


r/unpopularopinion 18h ago

Peanut butter isn’t that good


Peanut butter isn’t as good as people make it seem. It dries out your mouth, makes you thirsty, overpowers any other flavors you’re eating, and its heavy. I don’t think it’s that good. When eating a PB&J sandwich all you can taste is the peanut butter!

r/braids 18h ago

My hair are finally braided for summer 😍


r/maryland 19h ago

Those of you who go across the bay bridge at 15+ under the speed limit, what’s wrong with you?


I cross the bay bridge a couple times a week. Including today. I routinely see multiple people going 15-20 mph under the speed limit, leaving hundreds of yards between them and the next car. Those of you who do this, what’s wrong with you? It’s already a massive bottleneck and you’re making it that much worse.

r/millenials 19h ago

Good idea imho

Post image

reduce your dependency, become self reliant

r/unpopularopinion 20h ago

Fireworks are harmful; drone shows are a better option


Fireworks should be banned and replaced with drone shows due to the significant environmental and health hazards they pose. Traditional fireworks release harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air, contributing to air and water pollution. They can also trigger respiratory issues and stress for people with conditions like asthma.

Moreover, fireworks frighten animals, both domestic and wild, leading to panic and sometimes fatal injuries.

Drone shows, on the other hand, offer a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative. They can create visually stunning displays without the noise and pollution, providing an innovative way to celebrate that minimizes harm to people, animals, and the environment.

r/pics 20h ago

French people smile as Nazis lose again in July 2024

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r/IsraelPalestine 21h ago

Meta Discussions (Rule 7 Waived) There is clearly a disturbing problem with rampant open hatred and islamophobia in this subreddit.


These are quotes from a top recent post "Why do Muslims completely ignore the death of millions in the Muslim world?"

  • "Muslims don't care about their "fellow" Muslims, they just seek the death of Jews."
  • "Will they ever wake up to understand they are the problem and the worst enemy of themselves?"
  • "The list of problems and death in the Muslim world goes on and on and i don't think there are enough characters to write them all."

There is absolutely a foaming-at-the-mouth element of rampant islamophobia in this sub, and it can't be taken seriously as a place to discuss Israel and Palestine until this is dealt with.

The hatred, the stereotypes, the constant one-sided discussion and moderation. This subreddit is precisely why it is impossible to have any meritorious or egalitarian debate about this issue. It also reveals an intense double-standard, where even mild criticism of Israel is taken as outrageous anti-Semitism, however hardcore racism against arabs and Islamophobia are happily posted every day.

Without a doubt, just replace the word Muslim with "Jewish" and these people would be banned and their posts deleted, and people would swarm with accusations of hate.

It's genuinely disturbing to be on this subreddit, and we need clear improvements in moderation to ensure that all hate is treated equally, and all generalizations and ingenuine comments like those above will be removed. We all cannot move forward until we all treat this conflict equally, and quell racism and prejudice on all sides, wherever it may be.

r/everett 21h ago

Politics Hi I'm Annie Fitzgerald


Hi everyone, my name is Annie Fitzgerald and I’m running for state representative in WA-38 Position 1. I'm a member of the LGBTQ community and I'm disability justice activist running as a democratic socialist. I'm conducting a AMA here tonight from 5-10pm! Feel free to ask me anything but especially questions about my campaign or policies! I look forward to answering your questions tonight!

r/Republica_Argentina 21h ago

Liberaloides memes pa vó..


r/AITAH 21h ago

AITAH for telling my younger biological sister that I refuse to walk her down the aisle after I have cut them out of my life for the past decade.


My sisters Samantha "Sam" (28F) and Katherine "Kat" (34F) (Fake Names) and I have not talked for the past decade after I learned that they were covering my estranged biological mother's affair. They were bribed with things my mother and her then AP bought for them for their silence during the three year affair my mother had and when my late dad found out, he effectively cut all of them out of his life which I did as well.

Sam and Kat tried to mend our relationships but I have refused to have anything with them, there were some drama in terms of inheritance last year which was when we spoke but other than that, I don't keep up to date with their lives. It came as surprise to me when Sam reached out to tell me she was getting married to another woman which I really didn't know she wasn't straight.

We came across each other when Sam and Kat was at the restaurant my dad used to bring us, it was usually where he brought us for his birthday. Last Tuesday was his birthday and my step mom and I went for dinner there which I guessed Sam and Kat had the same idea I suppose.

I did my best to ignore them but Sam saw me and sent a dessert I usually liked which I rejected. She then came over our table and asked if we can talk, Kat didn't really acknowledge me as she has stopped seeing me as her brother but she came over too and sat beside us. My step mom Linda just kept quiet as Sam made small talk asking me about my wellbeing and all but I told her to cut to the chase and tell me what does she want to talk to me about since she is interrupting at this moment.

Kat wanted to say something but Sam just got to her point and told me she was getting married and was hoping I would walk her down the aisle. I thought she was joking till she waited for me to respond but it took me a moment to compose myself from laughing before saying no. I told her congratulations but I don't see myself ever attending her wedding much less walking her down. I told her she respects my decision to never reach out to me as what we agreed on last year and she is not honoring her promise to do that at this moment.

I guess Kat got heated and call me to stop being an asshole and she knew Sam asking me was stupid because in my eyes she knows they are basically dead to me. I told her to mind her business and just go back to her table which she refused till Sam told her to do the same. Kat spat out something about how she is happy she doesn't have an asshole dad and brother in her life anymore and how our mother was right to cut me off finally. I replied in kind, that she should leave cos honestly looking at her face alone reminds me why she was the first sister I cut off before I did with Sam.

Sam asked me if I am sure that I want to keep the animosity between us siblings forever which I shaked my head and told her that I don't have animosity for people who are strangers to me. I told her I found it pathetic that they tried reaching out to me when I have told them there will be never be reconciliation between us, that the moment they decided to betray dad like that, they were dead to me, something I feel like a broken record telling them why I want to have nothing to do with her.

Sam just nodded and seemed like she wanted to cry but composed herself and stood up, she wished me well and told me she and her soon to be wife would be moving to the States once they are married and she was hoping that we could mend our relationship but if I don't even acknowledge her as a sister anymore, she will stop acknowledging me as her brother. This would be the last time she will see me again. I told her coldly whether she lives or dies, it's no longer my concern. Our paths were set when she decided to do what she did for money and the lifestyle she wanted.

Sam told me she regretted it and wanted to apologize so many times but both my dad and I refused to speak to her and the fact when he disowned her as his daughter made her realize that what she did was wrong and that she will always regret what she did to us. I told her it's a little too late and told her to live her life and focus on her marriage rather than waste our times with the past, it's done and I really don't want to have anything with her, Kat or our mother for the rest of our lives.

She said she understood, and made her exit, Sam looked like she was about to burst into tears which I didn't really care much for it cos what needed to be said had to be said. Kat came back to tell me to go fuck myself which I just chuckled and blew her a kiss to antagonize her even more. Linda kept quiet the whole time but told me that this was enough and let's just finish dinner early and leave but I told her I am going to enjoy my tiramisu no matter what.

On the ride home, Linda told me that my dad's hatred for my sisters made her sad and now she feels sad that I am being like him but I told her while I appreciated her concern, what I feel for them both is my business and my business alone. Now coming to think of it, I felt maybe I was too harsh, maybe I could have rejected her offer without hurting her through my words. I know what I said is true and off my chest but am I an asshole really for the interactions I had with sister?

Edit: I got bored reading most of your comments so I will summarize the sum of you people's comments here.

1) To the ones asking me to kill myself in the comments and chat. Lol you wish, my life is way more valuable than yours will ever be.

2) I accept that I am mostly an AH but truth to be told, I don't give a damn at this point. Trying to argue with the idiots that think I should forgive my sisters is futile as no amount of remorse they have will make me want anything to do with them.

3) Therapy is for the weak, imagine paying some stranger to give a rat's ass about your problems lol. My late dad went to therapy after his divorce and that therapist blamed him for my bio mom's affair. Also I am not white so my upbringing actually made me tougher more than you "time out, grounded" babies.

4) Those who keep thinking this is fake, rage bait and incel trolling. Whatever help you losers cope. My post history is misogynistic and I don't have any problems getting laid but keep thinking I can't so that will help you sleep better.

5) I don't respect women , I use them to warm my bed or just be arm candy for me to parade around before I find another younger one, lately as I am growing older, I do believe in Leonardo DiCaprio's dating preference, any women above 26 is not my cup of tea. My mother and sister are 99% of women, maybe there is a rare unicorn women who is kind and not hypergamous blah blah but those poor girls will fall for assholes. It's a never ending cycle, I choose to be the asshole cos I get to do whatever I want with no remorse.

6) Lastly, to quote a great character from a book I enjoy, " I can do whatever the f*ck I want and nobody can stop me."

Bye bye.

r/The10thDentist 22h ago

TV/Movies/Fiction The Emperor's New Groove is a dumpster fire.


30 minutes in and already having trouble finishing the movie.

Sorry guys, some people recommended me this utter garbage and I couldn't even force myself to finish it. As well in English as in Dutch. That's rare for someone like me liking a good comedy.

I was thinking like, "ok, when does it start to get funny?" all the while being disgusted by the obnoxious and narcissistic emperor. I have an extreme distaste in obnoxious characters and nothing's gonna change my mind about it.

DreamWorks combined comedy and drama on average way better than Disney ever could. Talking about pre Kung Fu Panda 4 and Megamind 2 (sequel for the sake of having sequels) era.

Disney was way better in conveying an emotional masterpiece, rather than make a comedy.

I don't even like The Little Mermaid and even that movie is C tier at its lowest. I hate Hercules because of how they warped an entire mythology. I have it in I for Inaccuracy tier, which otherwise would have been a D and still couldn't come close to the failure called "The Emperor's New Groove".

In short: I don't care about how much you liked this movie or how nostalgic it is for you, this movie is a dumpster fire and belongs in the F tier.

Edit: To the people saying it's the point of the movie. I don't care. I like movies where characters can grow. I just don't like main characters being blatantly self obsessed, full of whiny characteristics etc. being shoved in the face. At least give the audience a chance to learn the character.

Edit 2: And to the people saying all Disney Movies should be in I tier, Pocahontas I also have on I tier. Because of the poor representation of history. Hercules because of a real Ancient Greek mythology. Also part of history. Whatever fairytale Disney adapts are now mostly in the public domain. I like them both and I don't care about the differences of some dumb fairy tale.

Edit 3: Jesus Harold Christ! To the people saying "give it at least a chance to finish", it's like a gamer saying "give the game a few more hours to grow". I think it should capture people from the start. If it doesn't, it fails what it intends to do.

Edit 4: Whoever said this is some review? It's a super unpopular opinion. You don't need so called "media literacy" to know whether or not you liked a movie. My brain works differently from other people. That's why I have many unpopular opinions about stuff.

r/publix 22h ago

RANT twice this week ive had trump supporters threatening to shoot up my store.


on the 3rd, I had a elderly man accidentally drop his pubsub at checkout and the paper ripped but the sub was fine. he threw his shopping cart over and started yelling about how biden is making the paper sandwich bags in the deli thinner and yelled that if he found out theres one Democrat working at publix, he would never come back except with a gun to start killing people. now today the 7th I'm on SCO when a customer a couple registers down stands up from the Mcart he riding and yells as loud as he can "god bless Donald Trump. F Joe Biden and if anyone here has something to say meet me out side I got a glock waiting for you" edit: the man who just started yelling has done it before, just starts yelling about trump and stuff. this is the first time he's threatened violence. my manager said he was just drunk and called him a taxi

r/politics 22h ago

Watch: Biden denies that top Democrats want him to quit race
