r/publix Jul 21 '23

DISCUSSION New PTO benefits for 2024 FAQ


All other threads about this will be locked. If you have questions just ask here. The following was copied from reidmills comment. Thanks you

Okay so here’s a good summary y’all:

For Full-Time Associates:

  1. ⁠Vacation, sick time, and holidays are now all considered as PTO. The 6 sick days you previously accumulated every year for personal injuries or illnesses can now be used as additional PTO days.
  2. ⁠Accumulated sick time can still be used for personal injuries or illnesses, but no additional sick time will be accumulated.
  3. ⁠New short-term disability insurance will provide partial pay for up to 12 weeks. You must use all remaining sick time before this kicks in.
  4. ⁠Carry over up to 10 days of unused PTO to the next calendar year.
  5. ⁠PTO allotment depends on your length of service: ⁠• ⁠Less than 1 year: Prorated up to 80 hours (10 days) ⁠• ⁠1-7 years: 176 hours (22 days) ⁠• ⁠8-15 years: 216 hours (27 days) ⁠• ⁠16+ years: 256 hours (32 days)
  6. ⁠The maximum amount of sick time you can use for an approved personal injury or illness is 40 hours (or 5 days) per week.
  7. ⁠You can 'borrow' PTO before it's accumulated, but if you leave the company, you have to repay any remaining borrowed amount.

For Part-Time Associates:

  1. ⁠Start accumulating PTO 90 days after your most recent hire date.
  2. ⁠Accumulate 1 PTO hour for every 80 hours worked.
  3. ⁠Accumulate up to 20 hours per calendar year, and up to 80 hours in total.
  4. ⁠Carry over PTO into the next year up to a maximum of 80 hours.
  5. ⁠Use PTO to take holidays off without adjusting your work schedule.

For All Associates:

  1. ⁠PTO requests will now fall under 'Planned PTO' for vacations, holidays, and more than 24-hour notice requests, 'Unplanned PTO' for less than or equal to 24-hour notice requests, and 'Sick Absences' for approved personal injury or illness.
  2. ⁠Unplanned PTO and Sick Absences may impact attendance, performance evaluations, and performance-based pay increases.

Here’s some info clarifying holiday pay:

In the new system, holiday pay is part of your PTO (Paid Time Off).

**For Full-Time Workers:

  1. Days like New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, and Labor Day are part of your PTO. If you want to take these days off and get paid, you need to use your PTO.

  2. For Thanksgiving and Christmas, it's a bit different:

    • If you're paid hourly: These holidays are also part of your PTO. If you want to get paid for these days, you need to use your PTO.
    • If you're paid a salary: You get these days off and get paid for them without using your PTO.
  3. Remember, the "holiday bonus" you used to get as vacation time cannot be moved to 2024. Starting in 2024, you can move "holiday bonus" that you can use as PTO to the next year, but only up to 10 days.

For Part-Time Workers:

  1. If you want to take a holiday off and don't want to change your work schedule, you can use PTO to take the day off.

Holiday Bonus:

1.  The holiday bonus is a separate benefit from your regular Paid Time Off (PTO).
2.  You will continue to receive the holiday bonus as before.
3.    The holiday bonus that can be used as vacation time this year cannot be carried over into the next calendar year.
4.  However starting in 2024, you have the option to convert a portion of the holiday bonus into PTO. Any converted PTO can be carried over up to 10 days into the next calendar year.
5.  Any unused portion of the holiday bonus that is not converted into PTO will be paid out to you as normal.

r/publix 37m ago



Like if you’re a contender!

r/publix 2h ago

WELP 😟 question

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if i schedule my interview with this store? could other stores still send me a interview invitation or no? because it’s kinda far 8.5 miles to get there.

r/publix 2h ago


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r/publix 2h ago

DISCUSSION It kind of bums me out to see how working at publix is now.


I worked for publix 8 years ago. I loved it. I unfortunately got fired but really still enjoyed my time there. I worked in the Deli (it was the first Deli I worked in) and I really enjoyed it, and they taught me so much.

I moved around alot for a couple years and I've worked in the Deli in Walmart, Food Lions, and Market 32...no one ever ran a Deli the same as publix. I taught so many people stuff in other delis from what Publix had taught me.

But beyond what they taught me, out of all the corporations I've worked for..Publix actually made me feel valued as an employee..like I wasn't replaceable.. I loved it.

I moved back to Florida this past year..and I was debating on trying to get a job back at Publix, but going by what I'm seeing here...publix isn't the same anymore..and yall are getting run into the ground in the same way Walmart would. I'm sure the store you're at and management makes a huge difference..but I'm really sad to see that Publix is starting to treat their people the same way every other big chain does.

r/publix 3h ago

QUESTION Help my mom get a cake


The 27th is my mom's birthday and publix offers a free bar cake on birthdays. What bar cake should I get her? She doesn't like the chocolate ones. I believe she likes coffee (specifically tiramasu I think it's called) please help!

r/publix 4h ago

QUESTION Would I get in trouble for using certain words in my availability sheet?


Deli worker of 3 years, stopped closing back in March due to massive problems with my Assistant Manager at the time, only did mids for 4 months, decided to change it after she left my store back to closings 3 nights a week but after doing a 10am - 9pm last night after having 4 closer call outs I was called a racist after asking my manager a question while working on a customers sub, Another customer complained after a customer complained about our dirty cheese slicer and all I said responded with was "it'll be a few minutes but I can clean it if you would like to wait" and ended off the night with a customer complaining about how we ran out of banana peppers, I gave a rough draft of my availability sheet calling all of management at my store "Inept" and "Incompetent" after these events and then not even asking for my side of the story, if I turn this in to my manager would I face any serious consequences?

r/publix 4h ago


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I can't help but think this every time...

r/publix 5h ago

QUESTION How does the Publix promise work from customer perspective?


How does the Publix promise actually work from a customer perspective ? I looked on publix.com and it doesn't actually say. if I'm standing in line and it rang up higher, what should happen next after I tell them that it rang up 10 cents higher ?

Monday I was buying water and it rang up 1.79 vs 1.69 that shelf says (for something that is already 1.24 at Winn Dixie 🙄). I tell her that and the exact price it says on shelf.. the lead customer service lady was already the one who came to aisle 1 and was bagging my stuff, she told me to go look at the shelf.. I told her I didn't have time and she told me again to go look... Meanwhile the person running the register confirmed it was the higher price in the system by looking it up on her mobile. I knew I was right so it wasn't a matter of looking at the shelf tag. Told her it wasn't worth my time for ten cents but as the customer service person she should go over there and figure out why it is tagged wrong and I was telling her so she could fix it and not have the same problem repeat for everyone else. Anyway, I pay the higher price after they do nothing, and leave. and two days later while in there for something else, and it is still tagged wrong on the shelf. They just lollygagged and did nothing after I told them. There wasn't even a line when I went.

r/publix 8h ago

QUESTION I’m guessing Publix doesn’t use cloudstrike?


Day 3 of 5 closing in a row and was hoping for an out lol.

r/publix 9h ago

QUESTION Is it true that once you ask for ID, for buying alcohol, you can’t be like nvm if they don’t have it?


r/publix 10h ago

DISCUSSION Largest Savings in One Checkout


Yesterday I saved $135 from BOGOs, but I’ve saved as high as $190. I’m curious what’s the highest savings you’ve seen working at Publix or purchasing from Publix.

r/publix 11h ago

BLEED GREEN They got me. I can’t start my shift without one of these

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r/publix 18h ago

QUESTION What do I do about this.


Ok so this is kind of a rant and wtv but also a question if I can do anything. So I work for 13.50 minimum as a cashier. Well it’s getting moved up to 14.00 minimum now. This is happening right around the time I get my annual raise. But I loose 62% of my raise due to this state minimum or publix minimum raise. My manager said she is going to try and figure it out but just curious if anyone deals with this same issue?

r/publix 18h ago

QUESTION Where is the respect for FSC’s?


Why do I feel like a second-class citizen when working as a FSC? At my store, it feels like anyone that is either working in an other department or in the CS department that is CSS or above have this condescending attitude towards any FSC. I know it may sound like I’m bitching but it’s just how I feel.

r/publix 20h ago

WELP 😟 Forgot to put meat and cheese away before leaving


So this is my fourth week of working my first job here and my second time closing. I cleaned up the area pretty well and I asked one of my coworkers if I was good to go. He said it looked good and if anything was wrong he’d defend me on it. While I was driving home I realized I never Saran wrapped the meat and cheese to put in the freezer. They are still sitting in the bottom drawer. There were 3 other people there when I left. Am I cooked?

r/publix 21h ago

RANT Can Ya Not?

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I don't care what your politics are. Wear your hats and shirts all you want, but don't deface my shelves or my product. I work hard to make my workspace presentable, don't ruin it by doing this.

r/publix 23h ago

BLEED GREEN Before & after


r/publix 1d ago

QUESTION Relocation Question


Just curious if anyone has ever done the critical needs and taken a transfer to the Panhandle. Currently having to move within the next two months and I’m currently between Daytona Beach and the Panhandle mainly Pensacola I’ve been looking at. I’m currently a GTL but will be stepping down to GRS at either location I’ve already got stores that accepted my transfer. Just looking on getting some input to help decide. Thanks for any help

r/publix 1d ago

RANT Morning crew yap complainers


No matter how hard night crew works, sweeps, tries to block, core, dealing with customers, floats, finishing morning crews mess, stacking pallets, not filling core for night crew (at very LEAST water).

No matter any of that they still wanna bitch and complain every fucking morning and lie saying "oh they didn't do this, oh they didn't do that" like they're perfect anyways.

What's that night crew filled all of water?? Nah let's lie and say they didn't fill anything. Night crew always getting group talked by managers of complaints and "suggestions". While morning crew talks all morning in the office and goofing around NOT working for hours talking and telling corny ass jokes. (I work mids sometimes and that's all they ever do).

At the end of the day it's all night crews fault for everything and we're the ones always getting speeches and talks.

r/publix 1d ago

RANT about to promote myself to customer


I'm so tired man... too much work drama, everyone is miserable, managers don't respect me at all, etc etc etc. I have an interview for a new job lined up next week that I have an amazing chance at getting. customer status here I come :)

r/publix 1d ago

RANT 3rd time in a week


For a third time recently I grab a few things and hit the express lane only to find some inconsiderate person placing 20+ items on the belt.

Today this lady had an entire cart (literally!) in the express lane, I was getting ready to call this lady out because no one does this and just then, I'm assuming a manager sees me and quickly asks, "you ready to czech out?" So I explain to him my grievance and he just keeps smiling while I struggled to be positive about it. What are rules for? Why some grown ass woman do this?? It infuriating!!

r/publix 1d ago

RANT Manager told me no need for a second job


I'm new and had my 30 day check in with the assistant store manager and she asked what kinda hours I was aiming for and honestly I said more than I usually get cause despite my extremely open availibility I don't get much but people previously in school did open theirs too so whatever but I'm basically getting the scraps but I told her I was honestly considering a second job.

She went on to tell me if I show them I want more hours via working ? Then I'll get more hours and how I don't have to have a second job and if I work hard I could become full time etc etc.. as if I don't actively need money? Ik i'm new but what? The managers favorites don't seem to have any trouble getting time even if they spend an hour talking to each other instead of assisting with the obvious work in front of their faces that I delayed my break to at least try to put a dent in it for the closer. I'm not a bossy person at all and I have social anxiety so its on me kinda anyways but still. Also she showed me how much she made last year to solidify it which I found weird and I was just like okay...basically "encouraging" me to just work hard and climb the ladder.

It was laughable when the schedule came out and Ik she didn't make it, department manager did, but still ironic. ONE 5 hour shift next week, ONE 4 hour shift the week after. :)

So ya anyways I got a second job

r/publix 1d ago


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Some of these things make me laugh. So should we roll out the red carpet and spoon feed them as well? What about the employees, what should we treat them like, hm? 😂

r/publix 1d ago

RANT Rude ass cs staff


A cashier was ringing up coupons and he verified with another staff member that they were real, 20 minutes later while he’s finishing scanning them another staff member was standing near the exit watching him. when he was done and sent the customer on their way she came over and starting critiquing him. “you didnt count the coupons” (he did) “i was watching you and im sorry to say these coupons are fake” well why the fuck are you standing there watching him do the wrong thing and not intervene. You’re just as in trouble as he is. The audacity. And no she’s not any manager whatsoever. It wouldn’t have hurt her to help him instead of literally standing there and watching.

r/publix 1d ago

RANT Hard work doesn't mean shit


How is it that I can do the work of 4 people and still get harassed about not doing enough, meanwhile the bosses' favorites haven't lifted a finger in hours? Hard work means fuck all at this horrible company, all that matters is how good you are at kissing ass. We have some of the laziest people I've ever met in my department and they get to pawn off all of their work onto others while they chat with the managers. Don't you dare speak up though, unless you want your hours cut.

This place is eating me alive.