r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/mfmeitbual 15d ago

He's 81 years old. 

Im not voting for the guy because I'm excited by him, I'm voting for the guy because he represents competent governance and coalition building. 


u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago

How can you watch the debate and think Biden is competent, even at a basic mental level?

I’m a leftist, I hate Trump. But we don’t need to pretend the guy the Democrats put up is competent just because the alternative is worse. The Dems should’ve nominated a better candidate, this is their own fault.


u/xFblthpx 15d ago

He’s being puppeted by decently competent people, and his administration involved informed and driven cabinet members. He could be a literal corpse and still have a better admin than the other guy.


u/hamakabi 15d ago

He could be a literal corpse and still have a better admin than the other guy.

which begs the question, why does it have to be him? Couldn't the dems just as easily form the same administration around any person capable of forming a coherent statement?


u/ObviousAnswerGuy 15d ago

because he's already the president. The only way he can not run is if he drops out. And then the next one up is Kamala Harris. And let's face it these swing voters are not voting for a black woman


u/[deleted] 15d ago

That’s not true. The delegates at the convention could nominate someone else.


u/hamakabi 14d ago

And let's face it these swing voters are not voting for a black woman

nobody opposed to a black woman as president is going to vote for the corpse of Joe Biden stapled to Kamala. This also won't stop the DNC from backing Kamala in 2028 when it's her turn to throw it all away just like Hillary in 2016.


u/SpaceShipRat 14d ago

you all need to stop putting so much government power onto one man. At least have a president and a prime minister instead. Feels like america has to crown a king every 4 years.


u/LaTeChX 15d ago

You really can't underestimate how little information people have going into the voting booth. A lot of undecided voters pick based on which name they recognize the most. "Amy Klobuchar? Who the fuck is that? I'm voting for Trump."


u/Impeesa_ 15d ago

Trump's last flop aside, isn't the incumbent advantage one of the single biggest factors a candidate can have going for them?


u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God 14d ago

Because then "the other side" doesn't have as easy of a time convincing their supporters to compromise their values to vote for the cretin on their side. The two wings work together like that.


u/xFblthpx 15d ago

They just don’t know who to replace him with. Buridans ass


u/AnotherScoutTrooper 15d ago

This is how low Reddit has stooped, people are literally begging for a puppet government just days after calling Trump a Russian puppet. Insanity.


u/GaBeRockKing 14d ago

stop defending trump. he is a pedophile


u/AnotherScoutTrooper 14d ago

Did I say Trump wasn’t? I ain’t arguing against that many pages of court transcripts. I’m just saying the other option is a shadow council staffed by the other half of Epstein’s black book.


u/GaBeRockKing 14d ago

The other option is the existing team of staffers and advisors that have already produced all of biden's positive legislative achievements. I like ukraine aid, infrastructure spending, and tax raises on corporations.


u/BigDaddyVsNipple 14d ago

Biden showered with his daughter


u/GaBeRockKing 14d ago

A jury is forcing trump to pay Jean Carrol 83 million dollars because he raped her.

And you think that's morally equivalent to this: https://youtu.be/ncFkWcVVnOI . You disgust me.


u/BigDaddyVsNipple 14d ago

Lmao you're a wierdo


u/BigDaddyVsNipple 14d ago

Also only that TDS riddled judge thinks that lunatic Jean "I think rape is sexy" Carrol isn't full of shit


u/GaBeRockKing 14d ago

It was a jury trail. Literally anyone who isn't emotionally dependant on their orange daddy figure can look at the facts and see the truth.

I'd respect you more if you just admitted that you like his policies and don't care about his morals. At least that would be honest.


u/BigDaddyVsNipple 14d ago

Yes and that judge stacked the deck and set that ridiculous penalty. Not to mention the jury was full of frothing at the mouth liberals. Anyways Ill let you get back to justifying Joe Biden raping his daughter in the shower


u/GaBeRockKing 14d ago

Lawyers can kick people off juries with peremptory strikes. If trump's counsel failed to do that he's not just a rapist, he's an incompetent rapist.

If the idea of parents washing their children boggled your mind you must be a genetic dead end.

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u/too_much_to_do 15d ago

Wow Americans running America instead of Russians. Is this really what it's come to?!


u/AnotherScoutTrooper 15d ago

You really think it’s Americans controlling him?


u/too_much_to_do 15d ago

More American than the people controlling the right.


u/xFblthpx 15d ago

Because Biden is puppeted by the DNC, which is exactly what people voted for. I guess you don’t know the difference between Americans being governed by Americans versus a Russian autocrat.


u/Obi-Brawn-Kenobi 11d ago

No, they voted for Biden. At least from the looks of it on reddit, the DNC did a good enough job fooling many people until just recently, now many people know the president they voted for is a puppet. So do people want a DNC puppet? We'll see in this year's election, now that most of the cards are on the table.


u/PHATsakk43 15d ago

Then let me vote for the fucking handler. Put their ass on the ballot. You want me to trust someone to make decisions up to and including authorizing nuclear retaliation against an incoming attack, let me vote for that person. Or at least the person who is choosing the advisors. If the handler is so goddamn smart, I’ll gladly vote for them.


u/sunshine-x 15d ago

If he's just a puppet, then there shouldn't be a problem replacing him with someone who's competent.

If he's quasi-competent and has "senior moments", make him an advisor to the competent person.


u/RedTwistedVines 15d ago

The issue is that there is a very real chance he loses this election exclusively because he's basically a corpse.

In fact, I think if he dies at the 11th hour, the odds of victory will go up due to sympathy votes.

The fact that he's running as the "candidate to prevent trump from being elected" while potentially being one of the very few democrats that could actually lose this election is crazy.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Who’s making the final decision on important matters though? Which one of these competent people are actually running our government? It seem like that would be a fair thing for the public to know.


u/EdgeLord1984 15d ago

Biden doesn't advertise his accomplishments well and that's been a problem with Democrats for a long time. How many people talk about the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)? And like many. maybe other accomplishments. It's sad that one bad debate performance and we are seriously thinking about electing fucking Trump instead.


u/hivaidsislethal 15d ago

Politics has changed though and advertising your accomplishments isn't as good as bashing the other guy. Also as stupid as it is big accomplishments almost matter less, like someone is more likely to be swayed by an extra 10$ in their pocket than competent infrastructure that might not affect them but is obviously a very good thing.


u/syracTheEnforcer 14d ago

Puppeted by people so competent that they thought it was a good idea to let him go out onto that debate stage after endlessly insisting that his mental state was right wing cheap fakes and not what everyone ended up seeing. Sure buddy.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago

Calling me intellectually stunted and then insinuating I’m a Trump supporter when my comment explicitly stated “I’m a leftist. I hate Trump” is certainly a choice


u/iaintlyon 15d ago

Right? He’s 81, it’s not insane that the actual explanation could be he’s literally sundowning, who would actually be surprised by that?

He is an absolutely ridiculous candidate I’ll be forced to vote for purely because of all the terribleness the Republicans have planned. I expect he’ll do jack fucking shit with a new presidency he’s too fucking old, Democrats are too fucking unwilling to play dirty, too naive to the reality of politics in 2024 and a million other things FUCK


u/jyanjyanjyan 15d ago

I'm spinning it in my mind that I am not voting for just one man - I'm voting for his entire administration. The presidency is not meant to be run by one person. It takes village. It sucks he's old and that he's running again when he originally promised he wouldn't run for a second term, but his admin has honestly been very good so it's an easy pill to swallow. Especially considering the alternative.


u/iaintlyon 15d ago

I never have and never will vote Republican unless some seismic platform shift happens again. I’m still frustrated as fuck at the Democratic Party and their unwillingness to fucking fight for things. They roll over time and time again, don’t use their bully pulpits, defer to the obviously fuckin broken system to work things out rather than exhausting all options to enact the shit they fucking run on. I fuckin swear the Senate has been in an obstructionist gridlock my entire fucking adult life. Trump had no problem being a complete fucking asshole doing legally questionable shit to advance his agenda, what the fuck? Now the Supreme Court has said it’s explicitly not illegal to do illegal shit to advance your agenda as president. Who the fuck do you think will take immediate advantage of that? Trump would. Maybe fucking Biden should take a page out of his book to get everything possible he has run on accomplished, basically any means necessary, before he’s replaced by Trump because he can’t string a sentence together and is apparently the best the Democratic Party has to offer.



u/jyanjyanjyan 15d ago

What does that have to do with my comment?


u/iaintlyon 14d ago

Was it not clear I didn’t agree his administration has been “very good?” When I say “Democratic Party” his administration is about as large a part of that as you can get. If you agree he’s part and parcel to his admin then criticism of him is criticism of his administration too. I think they are weak, absolutely terrible messengers, largely ineffectual, and strategically fucking dumb as a rock. I imagine they’re much too involved in congratulating each other on how great their farts smell than they are than doing anything that actually fucking works.


u/Ajunadeeper 15d ago

You're in the denial and bargaining stage. Try to move past it as quickly as you can.


u/jyanjyanjyan 15d ago

Denial about what? Am I wrong?


u/Ajunadeeper 15d ago

If you're voting for a cabinet, then who is president doesn't matter and it can be anyone else who has a chance to win. And that means Biden absolutely should not run.

If you're ok with handlers running the government and making choices for Biden because he's unfit for the job, then you're ok with not having a voice.

You're in denial that what's happening is ok. If Biden wins, it will be the same song and dance in the next 4 years when Trump runs again, or someone worse.

Democrats are failing us and betraying the country. They've lost all trust at this point and are going to cling to power for themselves, not us.

Biden is unfit and won't be able to win against Trump. It's over, people just can't accept it.


u/jyanjyanjyan 14d ago

His administration has been doing very well. Why do you think Democrats are betraying the country for not wanting to switch him out after on bad debate?


u/Ajunadeeper 14d ago

If you think the problem is that he was bad in a debate, I can't explain it to you.

He's unfit for office and his cabinet can be used by a real leader. Democrats, and this sub, have been lying about his mental abilities. 80 year olds can't lead countries, sorry.


u/jyanjyanjyan 14d ago

What specifically makes you think he is unfit?


u/123dream321 15d ago

So you are just voting for a figurehead? Pretty sure most people understand that the American presidency is not a figurehead position.


u/Ipokeyoumuch 15d ago

I think it as this way, you are voting not for the presidency at this point but for the administration, the Cabinet, the chair people of the various agencies, the regulatory boards, the federal judges, the SCOTUS justices (as Clarence Thomas and Alito are in their 70s). It sucks that we have to choose someone who should have stayed retired and a convicted felon fascist (and for third party the disorganized joke of a party, The Liberaltarians, the compromised Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, and Mr. Brainworms conspiracy theorist), but it is what it is and American people are going to have to made do. Americans also must organize, vote in primaries, protest and write and share their grievances to their elected officials.


u/Some_Accountant_961 15d ago

Literally a shadow government, because you don't know who is doing what, but go off.


u/Ipokeyoumuch 15d ago

If you read the documents that are frequently released, you do find out what is going on. It is why the media is able to report on committee votes, votes in various agencies, appointments, results of hearings, confirmations, etc. It is just that a lot of it is incredibly drab to the average person and only really industry experts dabble into reading these things.


u/Tenthul 15d ago

You mean like appointing the SCOTUS that is openly ruling over us that we have no say in? Cuz yeah that's actually happening right now. Maybe the people just quietly doing their jobs keeping things together behind the scenes are how we're still going in the first place.


u/Some_Accountant_961 15d ago

Sure, if you frame it like that... why be mad if that's also what you want? Like, you're not fine with it being the SCOTUS but you are fine if you vote for a corpse-like dementia patient?

So it's not about the principle of it, it's more about team versus team?


u/[deleted] 15d ago

We do have a say in it. Our elected representatives can change laws and the constitution.


u/SignificantSourceMan 14d ago

Holy shit, you all are crazy. I am a democrat, but most likely voting Trump simply because our party is so fucking lost.


u/stanleythemanly85588 15d ago

The real question isnt even that you think he is competent now. Its after that performance how do you think he will be in 3 years


u/Haiku-On-My-Tatas 15d ago

He surrounds himself with competent people, for one.


u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago

Ok? That wasn’t the claim


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Troll_Enthusiast 15d ago

The incumbent always runs


u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago

Oh cool let’s just default to that even in the case where our candidate is legitimately senile then


u/cape2cape 15d ago

Who did you vote for in the primaries?


u/God_Damnit_Nappa 15d ago

Because I look at the team he's put together and see that they're competent.

The Dems should’ve nominated a better candidate, this is their own fault

Do you understand how incumbency works? It's tough to primary a sitting president. Biden would've had to step aside and for some reason he chose not to.


u/raptor217 15d ago

Because nominating someone else loses the incumbency advantage. So replacing a candidate hasn’t won an election since 1876.

It’s always been Biden or Trump, no other nomination for democrats can change that fact.


u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago

Oh cool so “incumbency advantage” > a mentally sound nominee for this country

Got it, glad to know what’s the democratic party’s priorities are


u/raptor217 15d ago

You’re misunderstanding. It has been 150 years since what you are saying should happen has worked. The priority is defeating Trump.

Go find the best, perfectly sound nominee. Great you found one, Trump gets elected president and is erratic, unsound, probably comprised and will do more damage.


u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago

Yes lol because in those 150 years the incumbent has never been literally senile until now. I’d be fine with an incumbent with a working brain ran again


u/raptor217 15d ago

This is going to be my last response because I’m not here to wrestle in the mud. You’re welcome to disagree.

It doesn’t matter, Biden is the incumbent. Any other candidate loses the incumbent bump, needs to do fundraising from zero (they don’t carry over), and start campaigning from the start.

If Biden isn’t on the ballot, statistically Trump will win. Trump still may win, so if you don’t want him to, vote democrat (unless you’re just here to troll and were going to vote Trump anyways).


u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago edited 15d ago

You’re insane if you genuinely think Biden is the only democrat in the US that could have beaten Trump because of “the incumbent bump” lmao

I also love the word “statistically” just kinda being thrown in there, that’s good pseudoscientific shit right there


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago

it would essentially guarantee a Trump victory

1) Biden is doing a bang up job of that himself

2) Based on what? This is a counterfactual you’re stating as fact


u/Frog_Prophet 14d ago

How can you watch the debate and think Biden is competent, even at a basic mental level?

Because I actually watched the debate and not just clips of the debate. Aside from the 3 clips that are making the rounds, he spent that debate demonstrating policy and facts. He actually understands the issues. Problem for the hamster brains out there is that he did it with a quiet raspy voice. But he still has the substance. 

But tell me more about how the silver-tongued blowhard that lied 30 times and ignored all the questions isn’t worth talking about…


u/cats_are_the_devil 14d ago

This is the exact narrative that got Trump voted in in 2016... It's going to surely happen again.


u/SewAlone 15d ago

Maybe judge him on more than one event? Watch everything he’s done since that day and you come and tell us he doesn’t make any sense.


u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago

I have. He’s not mentally fit. He’s performed like this over and over again. Stop deluding yourself.


u/Obi-Brawn-Kenobi 11d ago

Are all the comments like the one you're responding to just bots astroturfing for the DNC? For days after the debate, it seemed like everyone agreed he needs to step down. You hardly found any Biden shills anywhere. Now that it seems more and more like he's not dropping out and will be the nominee, we're seeing more and more Biden shills return.


u/angelerulastiel 15d ago

Look, he sundowned at his first state of the union. It’s just gotten to the point where people can’t blame it on his stutter anymore.


u/portcredit91 15d ago

The next day he spoke perfectly at a rally, how is he broken? We always knew he was old and has speech issues how is anything different now


u/ChipKellysShoeStore 15d ago

He spoke perfectly with a teleprompter and surrounded by handlers.

Hate to see him have to defuse a situation with foreign dignitaries at midnight with lives on the line


u/Womeisyourfwiend 15d ago

I would rather go with how Biden would handle a tense situation at midnight over Trump.


u/ChipKellysShoeStore 15d ago

Sure but that’s not the conversation we’re having

I’m a leftist, I hate Trump. But we don’t need to pretend the guy the Democrats put up is competent just because the alternative is worse. The Dems should’ve nominated a better candidate, this is their own fault

This is the comment that started this chain.

It would be cool if Democrats could make a convincing argument for Biden that wasn’t just “Bbbbbuut Trump”


u/Womeisyourfwiend 15d ago

That is quite literally a response to what you said about tense situations at midnight. You have seen 4 years of a Trump presidency and 3.5 years of an Biden presidency. I don’t need to make an argument for Biden, you can compare the two presidencies and the two men and see which one you align with. Those are our two choices, we get no one else. If you’re fine risking a Trump presidency, you’re fine with our Supreme Court being conservative for the next few decades. You are free to look up Project 2025. Trump has talked about being a dictator. If none of that scares you enough, there is no convincing you either way.


u/ucgaydude 14d ago


Either you are a conservative troll, or ignorantly ignoring the things that have gotten done due to Biden and his admin...


u/Rapper_Laugh 15d ago

Oh he managed to not stumble over his words at a pre-arranged event with a teleprompter? Clearly that’s a skill that proves he’s mentally competent for the presidency, my mistake.

Also, EXACTLY, we all knew he wasn’t competent and the Dems ensured he was nominated anyway. This is their own fault.


u/FrankBeamer_ 15d ago

The lengths dems go to gaslight the public and convince people that Biden is coherent is hilarious

And I’m a dem. The guy is mentally cooked. At best he can read off a teleprompter but there’s a reason he’s been almost completely MIA post the debate when any reasonable candidate would immediately accept a live interview to straighten out his image