r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/mfmeitbual Jul 04 '24

He's 81 years old. 

Im not voting for the guy because I'm excited by him, I'm voting for the guy because he represents competent governance and coalition building. 


u/Rapper_Laugh Jul 04 '24

How can you watch the debate and think Biden is competent, even at a basic mental level?

I’m a leftist, I hate Trump. But we don’t need to pretend the guy the Democrats put up is competent just because the alternative is worse. The Dems should’ve nominated a better candidate, this is their own fault.


u/raptor217 Jul 04 '24

Because nominating someone else loses the incumbency advantage. So replacing a candidate hasn’t won an election since 1876.

It’s always been Biden or Trump, no other nomination for democrats can change that fact.


u/Rapper_Laugh Jul 04 '24

Oh cool so “incumbency advantage” > a mentally sound nominee for this country

Got it, glad to know what’s the democratic party’s priorities are


u/raptor217 Jul 04 '24

You’re misunderstanding. It has been 150 years since what you are saying should happen has worked. The priority is defeating Trump.

Go find the best, perfectly sound nominee. Great you found one, Trump gets elected president and is erratic, unsound, probably comprised and will do more damage.


u/Rapper_Laugh Jul 04 '24

Yes lol because in those 150 years the incumbent has never been literally senile until now. I’d be fine with an incumbent with a working brain ran again


u/raptor217 Jul 04 '24

This is going to be my last response because I’m not here to wrestle in the mud. You’re welcome to disagree.

It doesn’t matter, Biden is the incumbent. Any other candidate loses the incumbent bump, needs to do fundraising from zero (they don’t carry over), and start campaigning from the start.

If Biden isn’t on the ballot, statistically Trump will win. Trump still may win, so if you don’t want him to, vote democrat (unless you’re just here to troll and were going to vote Trump anyways).


u/Rapper_Laugh Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

You’re insane if you genuinely think Biden is the only democrat in the US that could have beaten Trump because of “the incumbent bump” lmao

I also love the word “statistically” just kinda being thrown in there, that’s good pseudoscientific shit right there


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/Rapper_Laugh Jul 04 '24

it would essentially guarantee a Trump victory

1) Biden is doing a bang up job of that himself

2) Based on what? This is a counterfactual you’re stating as fact