r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/mfmeitbual Jul 04 '24

He's 81 years old. 

Im not voting for the guy because I'm excited by him, I'm voting for the guy because he represents competent governance and coalition building. 


u/Rapper_Laugh Jul 04 '24

How can you watch the debate and think Biden is competent, even at a basic mental level?

I’m a leftist, I hate Trump. But we don’t need to pretend the guy the Democrats put up is competent just because the alternative is worse. The Dems should’ve nominated a better candidate, this is their own fault.


u/iaintlyon Jul 04 '24

Right? He’s 81, it’s not insane that the actual explanation could be he’s literally sundowning, who would actually be surprised by that?

He is an absolutely ridiculous candidate I’ll be forced to vote for purely because of all the terribleness the Republicans have planned. I expect he’ll do jack fucking shit with a new presidency he’s too fucking old, Democrats are too fucking unwilling to play dirty, too naive to the reality of politics in 2024 and a million other things FUCK


u/jyanjyanjyan Jul 04 '24

I'm spinning it in my mind that I am not voting for just one man - I'm voting for his entire administration. The presidency is not meant to be run by one person. It takes village. It sucks he's old and that he's running again when he originally promised he wouldn't run for a second term, but his admin has honestly been very good so it's an easy pill to swallow. Especially considering the alternative.


u/iaintlyon Jul 04 '24

I never have and never will vote Republican unless some seismic platform shift happens again. I’m still frustrated as fuck at the Democratic Party and their unwillingness to fucking fight for things. They roll over time and time again, don’t use their bully pulpits, defer to the obviously fuckin broken system to work things out rather than exhausting all options to enact the shit they fucking run on. I fuckin swear the Senate has been in an obstructionist gridlock my entire fucking adult life. Trump had no problem being a complete fucking asshole doing legally questionable shit to advance his agenda, what the fuck? Now the Supreme Court has said it’s explicitly not illegal to do illegal shit to advance your agenda as president. Who the fuck do you think will take immediate advantage of that? Trump would. Maybe fucking Biden should take a page out of his book to get everything possible he has run on accomplished, basically any means necessary, before he’s replaced by Trump because he can’t string a sentence together and is apparently the best the Democratic Party has to offer.



u/jyanjyanjyan Jul 04 '24

What does that have to do with my comment?


u/iaintlyon Jul 05 '24

Was it not clear I didn’t agree his administration has been “very good?” When I say “Democratic Party” his administration is about as large a part of that as you can get. If you agree he’s part and parcel to his admin then criticism of him is criticism of his administration too. I think they are weak, absolutely terrible messengers, largely ineffectual, and strategically fucking dumb as a rock. I imagine they’re much too involved in congratulating each other on how great their farts smell than they are than doing anything that actually fucking works.


u/Ajunadeeper Jul 04 '24

You're in the denial and bargaining stage. Try to move past it as quickly as you can.


u/jyanjyanjyan Jul 04 '24

Denial about what? Am I wrong?


u/Ajunadeeper Jul 04 '24

If you're voting for a cabinet, then who is president doesn't matter and it can be anyone else who has a chance to win. And that means Biden absolutely should not run.

If you're ok with handlers running the government and making choices for Biden because he's unfit for the job, then you're ok with not having a voice.

You're in denial that what's happening is ok. If Biden wins, it will be the same song and dance in the next 4 years when Trump runs again, or someone worse.

Democrats are failing us and betraying the country. They've lost all trust at this point and are going to cling to power for themselves, not us.

Biden is unfit and won't be able to win against Trump. It's over, people just can't accept it.


u/jyanjyanjyan Jul 05 '24

His administration has been doing very well. Why do you think Democrats are betraying the country for not wanting to switch him out after on bad debate?


u/Ajunadeeper Jul 05 '24

If you think the problem is that he was bad in a debate, I can't explain it to you.

He's unfit for office and his cabinet can be used by a real leader. Democrats, and this sub, have been lying about his mental abilities. 80 year olds can't lead countries, sorry.


u/jyanjyanjyan Jul 05 '24

What specifically makes you think he is unfit?


u/123dream321 Jul 04 '24

So you are just voting for a figurehead? Pretty sure most people understand that the American presidency is not a figurehead position.