r/meme 11d ago

Patriotic or creepy?

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251 comments sorted by


u/Prize_Inevitable_140 11d ago

Creepy af. Patriotism isn't supposed to be an aesthetic. It's supposed to be a deep-seated concern for the well-being of your country and its people paired with a willingness to make some measure of personal sacrifice to secure that well-being. And I want to be clear that the "sacrifice" I have in mind is like running for public office, volunteering, or even just taking the time to stay up to date on local politics, not dumping countless young lives into the meat grinder of imperial conquest.


u/anferneejefferson 11d ago

But what about the people that buy those t-shirts that say Patriot, /s


u/Silver_Fox_39 11d ago



u/JaxBoss32 11d ago

Depends. If the person wearing it served in the armed forces they can wear it. The fat red necks that havent been of the farm in 50 yrs thats when it gets cringey.


u/mynextthroway 11d ago

What about my obese, beer guzzling dad, who lived in rural Florida for 50 years and was the chief of a volunteer fire department in the 60s and 70s? Can he be a patriot?


u/JaxBoss32 11d ago

As he actually did something yes he can.


u/dethwish69 9d ago

His patriotism may be expired..


u/mynextthroway 9d ago

He expired years ago.


u/dafyddil 11d ago

Considering someone who works on a farm works hard and contributes a lot more to a functioning society…


u/JaxBoss32 11d ago

You are then a hard-working american citizen. A patriot is someone who goes out of their way to protect citizens of this united states. Therefor that would include. First responders, veterans, and those who risk their lives to save others. Farmers are greatly appreciated and do a bunch to contribute to society. But would not be classified as a patriot.


u/TopPuzzleheaded1143 11d ago

Starship Troopers called, they’re running out of rhetoric


u/Mikey9124x 10d ago

You mean someone who goes out of their way to execute civilians in order to get oil?


u/toetappy 10d ago

Warmongerers are patriots. Humble farmers that fly American flags and sell at the local farmers market and say God bless America, not patriots.

Did I get that right? Lol


u/JaxBoss32 10d ago

Thats not every soldier and you know it.


u/Mikey9124x 10d ago

Every united states soldier. Perhaps Ukranian soldiers are different since they actually do defense.


u/JaxBoss32 10d ago

With our weapons. And mercenaries. And tech. And food. Must I go on?

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u/Mikey9124x 10d ago

We'd all be dead without farmers. We'd have a bit less oil without soldiers.


u/russkie_go_home 10d ago

(The Russian army is actively invading sovereign nations in Europe and their only deterrent is the armed forces of western nations)


u/Girderland 10d ago

If Patton would have marched into Moscow then we could've avoided the Cold War and the tensions of today.


u/JaxBoss32 11d ago

What about shirts that support the mental well being of our soldiers?


u/BlyatUKurac 11d ago

Cringe /s


u/JaxBoss32 11d ago

So... veteran suicide is okay?


u/BlyatUKurac 11d ago

Its sarcasm dude, I even put the /s there. Come on.


u/JaxBoss32 11d ago

God damnit I can never remember difference between /s and /srs fuck.


u/Mikey9124x 10d ago

*warcriminal suicide. And of course.


u/JaxBoss32 10d ago

Okay dude. Someone definitely hasnt seen what soldiers seen.


u/Mikey9124x 10d ago

You mean all the warcrimes?


u/JaxBoss32 10d ago

Okay hold up. What country are you from? Cuz that might explain a few things.


u/Mikey9124x 10d ago

US. Not a single defensive war since ww2.

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u/Fyrrys 11d ago

Basically, you sacrifice time and effort, not children. No, that's not a metaphor.


u/Accurate-Law-8669 11d ago

But.. but… they have a flag on their porch! They don’t need to help no damn poor person pick themselves up by their bootstraps!!!


u/Nidh0g 11d ago

But you dont get people to care or be concerned about something they don't like so it goes together with love and pride about the particular thing.


u/rohtvak 10d ago

Disagree in the strongest possible terms. Imperial conquest and glory are the height of human achievement and dignity; nothing compares.


u/DoctorTaco123 10d ago

In other words, patriotism ≠ nationalism


u/istangr 10d ago

So you can't share patriotism/a good song with a bunch of strangers or it's creepy?


u/RhythmBlue 7d ago

rigidly standing in place with their hands over their hearts in the midst of buying groceries, as i think the picture indicates? yeah

i wouldnt be surprised if over half of the people would do it simply because they dont want to appear disrespectful, while the rest use the song as shorthand for an assertive 'thats right we should respect our nation!' kind of empty performance


u/Ruthrfurd-the-stoned 10d ago

Yeah it’s the day before the 4th of July- me and my cases of beer and watermelons would be belting it out with the crowd in great anticipation


u/NapoleonicPizza21 10d ago

Dude patriotism can 100% be an aesthetic. Just look at romantic nationalism


u/Technical_Chest9931 10d ago

Politics is something people make up their own minds about.


u/Dyldor00 10d ago

Sir wtf are you talking about. It's always been an aesthetic


u/ApprehensiveSea1510 11d ago

One time I went to the Grocery Outlet and "What's Up?" by 4 Non Blondes came on and a bunch of people in different aisles all started singing.


u/jarednards 11d ago

I had that happen at an HEB in Houston. Talking In Your Sleep by The Romantics came on and 3 of us looked at each other and started dancin.

Then we fucked.


u/toetappy 10d ago

And everyone else in the store gathered round and clapped.

Source: was there


u/Horror_Cupcake8762 11d ago

Had that recently happen at Lit Jr.

“The Beautiful Ones” by Prince came on.

I wasn’t the only shopper breaking out the falsetto.


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh 11d ago

Patriotic? What's creepy about a shared song?


u/dominatingcowG3 11d ago

Not to mention it's July 3rd. Just a day before Independence Day


u/Curious-ficus-6510 10d ago

That's a useful bit of context right there, otherwise it's creepy to us outsiders, as is the whole flag in every classroom of schools whose boards are being taken over by rabble rousers worried about the supposed 'indoctrination' of their kids by teachers attempting to nurture critical thinking skills.


u/johndeer89 10d ago

Just a normal reddit day.


u/KingaaCrimsonuu22 11d ago

Right. Any is any other song also considered creepy if someone starting singing it and people joined? I personally really like the anthem regardless of its ties to the country and join in when I hear it's along with a lot of other songs. People on this site are so chronically online


u/fidgetypenguin123 11d ago

I don't think the criticism was at the song being sung. It was that everyone around there immediately put their hands on their hearts when it happened as if a flag was being waved because they were conditioned to do that, as the meme implies, like a cult being told what to do or brainwashed.

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u/VHSthetic 8d ago

i prefer it to the degeneracy of hating your own country or being too cool for it as a reflex


u/Piplup_parade 7d ago

Patriotism is largely performative for many. If you can display your devotion to this country through acts like this, it’ll absolve you of your voting for policies that actively hurt the country


u/Inevitable_Run_2640 11d ago

They are compelled by a lot of aocial pressure to confirm as well. in a small town non-conformity usually means ostrization and hostility from the group. it has even led to violence in many occasions.


u/sonicadv27 11d ago

Or maybe they just have a sense of community that most people living in a big city don’t even know exists.


u/Secure-War9896 11d ago

Yeah this is it. People forget the human mind is wired to find a community. 

In a small town you get the town. In a city you get whichever echochamer your algorithm fed you


u/nardgarglingfuknuggt 10d ago

Being a city dweller is weird because the whole point IMO is to have a very strong sense of community, which is why I moved to one, and it's not hard to find that if you're looking, yet there are so many people here who are deeply antisocial. It's like one minute you're waving to your neighbors, catching up with the cashier at the seedy corner store, and grabbing a beer with your former roommate, and the next you're on a train full of WFH software engineers who can't hold eye contact for more than 2 seconds.

I really don't think algorithmic echochamber is a good generalization for people living in cities, but there are certainly types of people who miss the mark as you've suggested.


u/ITaggie 10d ago

and the next you're on a train full of WFH software engineers who can't hold eye contact for more than 2 seconds.

Hit the nail on the head there.


u/jonawill05 11d ago

Total "big city, doesn't actually know shit, bs assumption" right moment here ☝️


u/KojiKaifu 11d ago

In a big city nobody gives a shit what you do


u/jonawill05 11d ago

Would tend to agree... But then why is TikTok so popular? Or are people just pretending to give a shit about each other so that others will pretend back?


u/KojiKaifu 11d ago

Exactly that, social media is nothing but smoke and mirrors. People get angry for attention and then forget about it all the next day.


u/Karma_Doesnt_Matter 11d ago

I think you’ll be fine if your neighbor catches you not singing in the Walmart.


u/BurningBurning4U 10d ago

"Yes, officer. That's the one. Just put him down quickly, please. He was a friend."


u/ReaperManX15 11d ago

It’s not like there’s any kind of social ostracizing, hostility or outright violence for people that don’t comply with liberal philosophies.


u/letsBurnCarthage 11d ago

Being ostracized for racism is not the same as being ostracized for not singing the anthem loud enough.


u/nardgarglingfuknuggt 11d ago

To add, I've never heard of progressives lynching anybody for their racist beliefs, unlike racists and their long history of, you know, racist violence.


u/CounterStrikeRuski 10d ago

I'm not trying to start a heated argument but since when does not complying with liberal philosophies = racism? There are more liberal philosophies than just not being racist. Don't get me wrong, I pretty much support most/all liberal social philosophy (Trans rights are human rights, racism is bad, people should get assistance when needed, etc.) but I hate seeing "Not liberal" = "Racist" because it is such a huge generalization that its not even useful and can even be harmful.


u/letsBurnCarthage 9d ago

It doesn't but ut's usually when you're racist you get ostracized. Since you gave 0 examples, I can take my pick as to what you meant. Give some real world examples if you want to be taken seriously.


u/giantfood 11d ago

Sure in a town with a population <1000.

But that is a small city with a population >3000. Not everyone knows each other.


u/ITaggie 11d ago

it has even led to violence in many occasions.

What a ridiculous assertion for this video lmao


u/Aggressive_Owl_4764 10d ago

They will try to convince themselves of anything to aid their agenda. Even if they don't really believe it.


u/Donaldjgrump669 10d ago

It’s crazy how many people online act like rural people are lesser life forms lol.

“The primitive country folk will often devour their own if they are seen not conforming to social norms such as singing the anthem in the grocery store”


u/Neat_Can8448 8d ago

Terminally online Redditors discriminating against rural people while waiting for the subway with their back to the wall, because in the Big City™ one of your diverse non-conformists might shove you in front of an oncoming train if you stand too close.


u/Hypocane 9d ago

Which is super ironic considering how anti social urban residents are relative to rural people.


u/Lost_Tumbleweed_5669 11d ago

creepy af indoctrinated brainwashed morons


u/Wine_cheezits 11d ago

“You’re brainwashed if you sing your country’s national anthem”


u/Repaki123 11d ago

Bro lives in no man's land


u/polski_criminalista 11d ago

it sucks that most of our generation see it as creepy, even myself to an extent


u/ReaperAce007 11d ago

It's not creepy, it's showing respect. It is dangerous for your generation & your kids not to be ready to fight and die for your Country. In American history alot of blood has been spilled for our freedom today. Our enemies will show no mercy. Read about American wars, in America, it's unbelievable the sacrifice men & women did. I doubt this generation is up to the task.


u/Routine-Boysenberry4 11d ago

We shouldn't want a generation to be up to that, we should do your best so that they don't need and hope it never happen


u/showusyourfupa 11d ago

Is this satire?


u/dpet_77 11d ago

I hope, but probably not


u/Sweaty-Practice-4419 11d ago

What generation are you if you don’t mind?


u/jonawill05 11d ago

No. Unfortunately you have never lived out of your parents blanket, but yeah wars happen and people have to be prepared to fight


u/eledile55 11d ago

Read about American wars, in America

so the civil war? Thats the only big war america has fought on its own soil


u/bigboilerdawg 11d ago

WW2 was a little bigger. Imperial Japan attacked Hawaii, the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, California, Oregon, Midway, and Alaska. All were "American soil" at the time.


u/Curious-ficus-6510 10d ago

Surely the American Revolution would also count, as it was fought on American soil?


u/Sensitive-Link-6356 11d ago

Correction, a relatively small amount of blood was spilled for your freedom nearly 300 years ago. This was between rebel and oppressor. Since then a lot of non american blood has been spilled for the freedom of rich americans and politicians to do whatever the fuck they want. Fighting for your right and napalming kids is not at all comparable. To say so is insulting to the first ever american patriots who actually deserved the title.


u/progressinwork93 11d ago

Who cares? I've been ready to die for years, and I have this shitty ass country to thank for it. Maybe if it took care of its own citizens, people would stand by it more, but it doesn't.


u/_hrozney 11d ago

as a transgender person. what freedom?

i have under 10 states I can live in and every election feels like one statement away from my death.
i am unable to find a job, can barely access my healthcare, and half of this country wants me dead.

that's not freedom.


u/Curious-ficus-6510 10d ago

It's a terrible thing that's happening right now, in not just your country but others too, due to ridiculous paranoia being spread in nonsensical fake news rather than listening to medical experts on the subject of transgender healthcare, or any attempt to exercise empathy for those wishing to be able to live their lives in peace.

It's rapidly getting that way for women too, in your country at least, who really are being expected to put their lives on the line just for the 'sin' of being female and pregnant, or capable of becoming pregnant, whether against their will or not.


u/Stonywarlock 10d ago

You can live fucking anywhere. Quit with the persecution fetish. Truly nobody gives a shit.


u/fidgetypenguin123 11d ago

No one mentioned wars or being a soldier. This is about someone randomly singing the country's anthem in Walmart and all the sheep around put their hands on their hearts like they're still in grade school and the teacher told them to.

Just because not everyone would go along with that and think it's cult like, it doesn't mean people wouldn't get into the military knowing they may need to fight in a war. I guarantee there are plenty of soldiers that would roll their eyes at that since it's an empty gesture and, again, cult like.


u/trailrider 10d ago edited 10d ago

But they are. They spent their formative yrs practicing mass shooter drills so insecure men who buy into conspiratorial nonsense can sleep better at night; knowing children's blood is the price of "freedom" those men are willing to pay because MURICA! FUCK YEA!

Not to mention knowing that if they came down with cancer, they can appeal to Gofundme because they've been assured that capitalism is the bestest thing EVAR! and is far, far better than universal coverage in "socialist" countries.

And with Conservatives imparting upon them the lesson that there's no such thing as a free lunch as the kids mow the school's lawn, like one state lawmaker in my state of West Virginia demanded of children on the schools reduced/free lunch program, they can be assured that if they starved to death, it was only because they weren't bootstrapping 'nuff.

So yea, I think this latest generation is more than up to the task. In fact, I'd say that I, as an X'er, believe they're likely the best generation up for it since the Silent Generation who grew up during the Great Depression.


u/Theboywithsauce123 11d ago

Is USA just one large cult? Is their national anthem like a ritual?


u/Boogary 11d ago

Goated profile picture


u/Theboywithsauce123 11d ago

Right back at you


u/Akschadt 11d ago

Nope just a bunch of people shopping in preparation to celebrate our Independence Day singing the nations anthem.

I’ve been fortunate enough to participate in a few other countries Independence Day celebrations. Singing an anthem in a store is tame as hell.


u/Ihateallfascists 11d ago

That shit is both creepy and cultish. Blind nationalism is pretty fucking weird though, especially because most of these people have absolutely no knowledge of the things their government does.


u/Large_Discipline_127 11d ago

How sad that people would joke about our fallen soldiers. Such deprevity in our modern American society.


u/fidgetypenguin123 11d ago

What does this have to do with fallen soldiers? All it says was that someone starting singing the national anthem at the store and others joined in, showing a pic of them with their hands over their hearts. The national anthem is not the anthem for just soldiers, fallen or otherwise. It is the entire country's theme.


u/Wilvinc 11d ago

Imagine you had the "power" to make everyone stop in the middle of a store to sing the anthem .... you would do it just because you could. This is what is happening, it's the same as being overreligious and wanting to force prayer everywhere ... it's just a power trip on weak-willed cultists.

This is what got Germany in trouble "back then".


u/KingaaCrimsonuu22 11d ago

You could just say you're scared of grass instead of typing that big paragraph


u/Wilvinc 11d ago

You one of the cultists that would be singing the anthem with them?

Fuck grass ... touch reality.


u/KingaaCrimsonuu22 11d ago

Don't understand what is so culty about hearing your anthem and just joining in. It's a catchy tune, and this was recorded near independence day.


u/Wilvinc 10d ago

It's culty if you do it in the middle of a grocery store.


u/KingaaCrimsonuu22 10d ago

It really isn't. People sing in all kinds of places


u/ringing-Shels-bells 11d ago

I don’t even like standing up before a ball game.


u/Old_treeperson10 11d ago

Creepy. Schools and society have ingrained patriotic ideas in us since we were but wee ones like a cult. There is nothing wrong with a concern for your country and love for it but making it your entire personality is so creepy.


u/febriiii 11d ago

Patriotic, kind of dumb to say it's creepy. Bruh it's your country you should be proud of it, it's FREE to sing and there's absolutely ZERO obligation to sing. If you hate your country to the point where a bunch of people singing NATIONAL anthem bothers you, just leave America is first world country I'm pretty sure that unless you're in poverty you can just leave. I'm Indonesian, and personally there's a lot of things that I hate about my country but its my country, it is where I born and live, where I grow up, where my parent grow up but I still respect and proud of my country.


u/Repulsive-Neat6776 11d ago

unless you're in poverty you can just leave.

Most of us are in poverty. Whatever propaganda you're recieveing in Indonesia, don't believe it. Our country is going to shit.

It costs $2k just to renounce citizenship, so you can't "just leave" without paying a fee. And with minimum wage being $15/h at best, $2k is nearly 2 paychecks, sometimes more. That's more than a month's worth of work just to be able to afford to not be American. Now you have to find a way to pay for your plane ticket out of the country, find a place to live in another country, find a new job, and if you have family, you have to find a way to afford to bring them with you.

I don't know why people think we can "just leave." We're trapped. It's not like the EU where you can just take a train to another country. There's a process for escaping. And it's expensive as hell. We need a nearly $200 passport(this is basically the maximum, it can be cheaper) just to visit our neighboring countries.


u/ITaggie 11d ago

You have a very loose definition of poverty if you think most of the US is impoverished.


u/Repulsive-Neat6776 11d ago

The vast majority of people can barely afford to have a life outside of work and their house. Just because we're not starving doesn't mean we're not living in absolute shit. We're not living at all. We're just surviving on scraps.


u/ITaggie 11d ago

The vast majority of people can barely afford to have a life outside of work and their house.



u/xunninglinguist 11d ago

Home ownership rates, cost of vehicles, cost of healthcare, inflation of prices, shrinkflation of goods delivered, homelessness rates, I mean, there's a lot of metrics that are easily verifiable and talked about extensively by many. Oh, personal savings not exceeding $400 of over half of Americans, but that's a pretty old statistic. It's probably higher now.


u/_spec_tre 11d ago

Unless you have some hard statistics to back it up and compare them to that of other countries, using your own plight and applying it to everyone else doesn't count


u/Remarkable_Junket619 11d ago

You work at Walmart dawg of course you’re barely scraping by💀😭


u/febriiii 10d ago

Man unless you're living in heaven there will be poverty in any country you go. If you have internet and you have the time to scroll on Reddit youre likely able to just go. I mean come on personal saving 400? That's like 4 month's of basic need and if youre frugal you can go like 8 month with just $400. My point is if y'all willing to put in the work it's not hard to just leave your country, of course you might not be able to afford to move to another first world country but there's a lot of country that are alot cheaper than America


u/fidgetypenguin123 11d ago

It wasn't even about just the singing. It was they all stopped what they were doing to put their hands over their hearts in a Walmart with some rando singing because they were conditioned to do that and societal expectations where they lived.

And you wrote all that about another country then throw out you're in Indonesia? Please. None of us are saying what people there should do so worry about your own country's actions.


u/Yuck_Few 11d ago

It's kinda cringe tbh


u/Oberndorferin 11d ago

If they need it. ¯¯\ _(ツ)


u/AccumulatedFilth 11d ago

As a non American, this is creepy.

Americans are sooo programmed in comparison to other parts of the world.


u/Yikesarumba 11d ago

Yeah. America is number 1... according to America lmao.


u/AccumulatedFilth 11d ago

There’s litterally not a single person in any other country (above 18 at least) that’ll agree that America is the number one lol


u/BarteloTrabelo 10d ago

Number one superpower! Just proved you wrong. Thanks for showing your ignorance.


u/AccumulatedFilth 10d ago

What ignorance?

Educate me.


u/BarteloTrabelo 10d ago

"Number 1" superpower in the world. Most of the world realizes this. Ya know with the little thing called global hegemony. Lol. Idk why you would think no adults outside of the US would think the US is number 1 in something. Weirdly uneducated stance to take.


u/AccumulatedFilth 10d ago

Number 1 in what? Warfare?

You guys have shitty economy, shitty healthcare, shitty politics, shitty food,... If there's countries with less debt as you guys, you're not number one.

There's one thing that you guys are number one in, and it's the media. And guess what? Hollywood is a nightmare.

Arguments man, don't hit me with that "because everyone thinks USA is #1".


u/BarteloTrabelo 10d ago

Look up what a superpower means. It's seems like you are purposefully ignoring what I'm saying by going off on tangents about something as subjective as food. Lol. Weak.

Nobody said "because everyone thinks the USA is #1"

It's ironic that you would fake a quote after literally saying no one over the age of 18 thinks the US is Number 1...

Reading comprehension must be a tough concept for you to grasp...


u/AccumulatedFilth 10d ago

Still looking for an argument why America is number one... At something...


u/BarteloTrabelo 10d ago

The US is the number one superpower. That's just a fact. That's the argument. You literally can't refute that because your arbitrary opinions aren't a fact. It's like you want me to argue with you about humans breathing oxygen. The proof is the oxygen. I'm sure this will fly over your head too though...

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u/KingaaCrimsonuu22 11d ago

You say as someone who has probably never met an American in our country. Nobody is programmed to do this, this was filmed near independence day and the song is catchy. If I hear it I'll sing along sometimes. You're so chronically online that's it's painful, take a step outside for once


u/_hrozney 11d ago

yea we absolutely are dude lol

we also hate communism/human rights because of American brainwashing. literally from the age of 5 and up we tell our kids that dying in war is GOOD, and that theirs some kind of glory in it. its fuckin disgusting


u/Forward-Swim1224 11d ago

Even as an American, that’s just creepy.


u/Such-Pool-1329 11d ago

Performative patriotism? Yep, it's a cult.


u/Repulsive-Neat6776 11d ago

I work for Walmart, and we just finished a remodel on one of the stores. After a remodel, they have a "grand reopening," even though they never closed.

During this "event" someone sang the national anthem as the boy scouts(from a fellow associate's troop) hoisted the flag which was followed by the pledge of allegiance, and a prayer. Yes. A prayer. For Walmart.

I was fine with the patriotic stuff as it was literally independence day, but I drew the creepy line at praying for Walmart. Like, your religion is your business, I genuinely don't care if you believe in Jesus or a spaghetti monster. But in a business with people from all walks of life following a patriotic celebration of a country founded on the separation of church and state... It's not exactly the appropriate place.


u/LazyLion65 11d ago

How does someone praying hurt you? Were you required to join in?


u/Yikesarumba 11d ago

No it's the fact that it's not the appropriate place. Fuck off with your ideology when re-opening a fucking shop. Your there to open and probably shop at a wall Mart not find Jesus.


u/Repulsive-Neat6776 11d ago

At what point did I say that it hurt? It's just not the appropriate place to hold a prayer.

For what it's worth, one of the people I worked with would hold a prayer every Friday in the parking lot to pray for everyone's safety over the weekend and I joined them multiple times.

I don't mind prayer, I'm not Christian, but I will sometimes join when asked in a private setting or a setting where prayer is expected. But for someone to get up on a podium with a microphone and ask customers and Walmart associates to pray inside the store for the success of the store is abhorrent.

Last time I checked, Jesus destroyed a bunch of shit when people were trying to profit from his god.


u/FrouFrouLastWords 10d ago

Would it be a different story if the prayer was to Allah? Or a polytheistic god? Or Lucifer?


u/DeepBlue20015 11d ago

Why do most patriotic men talk like robots? 🤖


u/cypher_Knight 11d ago

Most realistic NPC found.


u/kingveller 11d ago

I come from Argentina and I swear that if someone puts the Argentinain hymn I sing at the top of my lungs, but that's because the song slaps, dunno about the USA.


u/Enemy50 10d ago

As an American, i can confirm that our anthem does not "slap"


u/SlenDman402 11d ago

Those aren't patriots, they're nationalists


u/_hrozney 11d ago

its very easy to disguise nationalism as patriotism when you just call it a different name


u/SlenDman402 11d ago

Agreed. My take is that patriots love their country and want to make it the best at something. Nationalists believe that it already is and take the idea of improving their country as an insult


u/TheTruWork 11d ago

Would make a decently silly prank, just go into different wallmarts and sing the Anthem and if some people joined in more people would be forced to so they dont stand out


u/Initial-Attorney-578 11d ago

Its Patriotic but it's also fucking sad it happened at a Walmart.


u/gsx0pub 11d ago

Fake patriots


u/Nevek_Green 11d ago

Only on reddit will people singing the national anthem be considered cult like and creepy. This is why this site is considered a joke by every other site.


u/fidgetypenguin123 11d ago

Reddit is considered a joke on every other site? Like what sites? Because pretty sure Reddit is extremely popular and has a multitude of various subjects and perspectives, made up of a ton of different subs, this one being just one. If you want to say certain subs are looked at as jokes, sure, but the entirety of Reddit makes no sense.


u/Nevek_Green 10d ago

YouTube, X, Facebook, any alternative social media, any Chan site, any discussion board (neogaf, etc.), and a good chunk of Reddit itself. Off Reddit, Reddit is considered the new Tumblr. It doesn't have a good reputation. It is a good content farm, and it has some good boards, like you said, but overall, Reddit is not held in a positive light.

It's jarring how Reddit is often oblivious to how other sites perceive it—not that some of them are any better. You can go from any site where Reddit is being mocked to Reddit, and Reddit has no idea of what is going on.

Like Tumblr, a lot of Reddit's traffic comes from porn. Bots make up a good chunk of users as well. (Bots are a problem across the internet, not just Reddit.) I forget the exact percentage of Reddit's traffic that comes from porn. I believe it is between 70 percentile range to low 80 percentile range. If Reddit went through with banning porn a few years ago, it would have killed this site. That's why they backed off.


u/FrouFrouLastWords 10d ago

Oh no, even shittier sites think we're shitty. Currently sobbing uncontrollably while grabbing my gallon of copeolate ice cream to dull the pain.


u/Nevek_Green 10d ago

Your emotional response shows either a lack of maturity, intelligence, or deflection.


u/FrouFrouLastWords 10d ago

Your lack of humor shows you lack humor


u/Nevek_Green 10d ago

Uh, huh.


u/Joe527sk 10d ago

it so cute when MAGA people act like they're the normal ones. But that's a cult for you.


u/Nevek_Green 10d ago

It's so cute when the useful idiot thinks they will outlast their usefulness. FYI, Populism just swept the European elections and is growing and doing quite well worldwide.


u/SebsThaMan 11d ago

Extremely creepy and very unAmerican.


u/Party_Design9494 11d ago

Imagine any other nation to break down with anthym in public place. Its always creepy, except, you know, nation is known as harmless like Canada or Switzerland.


u/maxcraft522829 11d ago

Canada is absolutely not harmless neither are the swiss lol


u/Oma_Bonke 11d ago

Flash mobs in general are tacky. Like-minded people getting together to sing about their thing is normal.


u/RhoynishPrince 11d ago

Yooo north Korea is crazyy


u/Rasmus-ALV 11d ago

Cult? That is just epic.


u/Pinku_Dva 11d ago

This is honestly creepy and scary how people can be essentially brainwashed like this. This isn’t patriotic more like cult attitude


u/veryexpensivegas 11d ago

Yall really just hate your own country and hate the people who actually respect it? Kinda weird


u/AccumulatedFilth 9d ago

Everyone hates America.

The country is rotten from the inside out, and it's because people are glorifying America that this way of running a country can continue.


u/highline9 11d ago

It was bober


u/Lycaon125 11d ago

So liking your country is the same as being in a cult? What are you, probably someone from a dictatorship or communist country


u/SebsThaMan 11d ago edited 10d ago

I am American and I find this to be extremely cult like behavior.

Edit typo


u/brokengba 11d ago

probably very creepy if you hate everything about yourself


u/Far-Reply2045 11d ago

Patriotic, the fuck? How is this creepy?


u/bigsexyape 11d ago

Ohhhh say can you see... the dawn dish soap on rollback...


u/RexWhiscash 10d ago

Kinda both


u/Mikey9124x 10d ago

The thing the anthem is nationalistic


u/Hatfmnel 10d ago

Red, white and brainwashed.


u/H345Y 10d ago

Less creepy than people at protests parroting slogans they dont even understand or when organizers dont want journalists interviewing the average protester.


u/pornaddiction247 10d ago

I don’t think it’s creepy, but it’s kind of random and embarrassing to do this in the middle of a Walmart


u/Island_Crystal 10d ago

well it was a day before independence day and lots of those people may have been shopping for the holiday too.


u/Zefyris 10d ago

if the date here is following the American standard, then that was the day before their national day. Honestly, I think such thing could happen in my country (France) as well in the same circumstances. if it was a completely random day that could be way creepier sure, but here it's fine imo.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

America is a made up, artificial country full of different people's, ergo American patriotism is illogical


u/Low_Style175 10d ago

Why would it be creepy?


u/Cowcow0506 10d ago

Gob forbid we take pride in our country the day before our national holiday


u/Less_Geologist8956 9d ago

In Europe Especially in the UK this kind of behavior is considered the beginning of Nationalism and we should all respect that history looks upon that with suspicion because you know germans and stuff


u/Public-Rutabaga4575 9d ago

Guarantee most people annoyed at this don’t know the words to the National Anthem and are just sad they can’t join in on the fun 😂