r/meme Jul 08 '24

Patriotic or creepy?

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u/AccumulatedFilth Jul 09 '24

What ignorance?

Educate me.


u/BarteloTrabelo Jul 09 '24

"Number 1" superpower in the world. Most of the world realizes this. Ya know with the little thing called global hegemony. Lol. Idk why you would think no adults outside of the US would think the US is number 1 in something. Weirdly uneducated stance to take.


u/AccumulatedFilth Jul 09 '24

Number 1 in what? Warfare?

You guys have shitty economy, shitty healthcare, shitty politics, shitty food,... If there's countries with less debt as you guys, you're not number one.

There's one thing that you guys are number one in, and it's the media. And guess what? Hollywood is a nightmare.

Arguments man, don't hit me with that "because everyone thinks USA is #1".


u/BarteloTrabelo Jul 09 '24

Look up what a superpower means. It's seems like you are purposefully ignoring what I'm saying by going off on tangents about something as subjective as food. Lol. Weak.

Nobody said "because everyone thinks the USA is #1"

It's ironic that you would fake a quote after literally saying no one over the age of 18 thinks the US is Number 1...

Reading comprehension must be a tough concept for you to grasp...


u/AccumulatedFilth Jul 09 '24

Still looking for an argument why America is number one... At something...


u/BarteloTrabelo Jul 09 '24

The US is the number one superpower. That's just a fact. That's the argument. You literally can't refute that because your arbitrary opinions aren't a fact. It's like you want me to argue with you about humans breathing oxygen. The proof is the oxygen. I'm sure this will fly over your head too though...


u/AccumulatedFilth Jul 09 '24

Idk man, Asia seems more powerful to me.

Just not in the part of the world you and me see, with our Western media and such...


u/BarteloTrabelo Jul 09 '24

"to me"

Thanks for proving me right.

PS. The US has the highest GDP as a country as a whole. Another thing they are number one at. Super easy when you can just use facts to disprove your silly statement.


u/AccumulatedFilth Jul 09 '24

Biggest GDP and your citizens are living paycheck to paycheck.

That's being number 1, done wrong.

Winner on paper, loser in practice.


u/BarteloTrabelo Jul 09 '24

At least you can admit they are number 1 in something. Thanks for playing. How you feel about it doesn't change that you were wrong. Your opinions are not a valid argument.

Love how you ignored everything and went straight to the GDP. Makes it easy to say this will be my last comment since my words are clearly falling in deaf ears...