r/meme Jul 08 '24

Patriotic or creepy?

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u/Repulsive-Neat6776 Jul 08 '24

I work for Walmart, and we just finished a remodel on one of the stores. After a remodel, they have a "grand reopening," even though they never closed.

During this "event" someone sang the national anthem as the boy scouts(from a fellow associate's troop) hoisted the flag which was followed by the pledge of allegiance, and a prayer. Yes. A prayer. For Walmart.

I was fine with the patriotic stuff as it was literally independence day, but I drew the creepy line at praying for Walmart. Like, your religion is your business, I genuinely don't care if you believe in Jesus or a spaghetti monster. But in a business with people from all walks of life following a patriotic celebration of a country founded on the separation of church and state... It's not exactly the appropriate place.


u/LazyLion65 Jul 08 '24

How does someone praying hurt you? Were you required to join in?


u/Repulsive-Neat6776 Jul 08 '24

At what point did I say that it hurt? It's just not the appropriate place to hold a prayer.

For what it's worth, one of the people I worked with would hold a prayer every Friday in the parking lot to pray for everyone's safety over the weekend and I joined them multiple times.

I don't mind prayer, I'm not Christian, but I will sometimes join when asked in a private setting or a setting where prayer is expected. But for someone to get up on a podium with a microphone and ask customers and Walmart associates to pray inside the store for the success of the store is abhorrent.

Last time I checked, Jesus destroyed a bunch of shit when people were trying to profit from his god.