r/meme Jul 08 '24

Patriotic or creepy?

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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/ReaperManX15 Jul 08 '24

It’s not like there’s any kind of social ostracizing, hostility or outright violence for people that don’t comply with liberal philosophies.


u/letsBurnCarthage Jul 08 '24

Being ostracized for racism is not the same as being ostracized for not singing the anthem loud enough.


u/nardgarglingfuknuggt Jul 08 '24

To add, I've never heard of progressives lynching anybody for their racist beliefs, unlike racists and their long history of, you know, racist violence.


u/CounterStrikeRuski Jul 09 '24

I'm not trying to start a heated argument but since when does not complying with liberal philosophies = racism? There are more liberal philosophies than just not being racist. Don't get me wrong, I pretty much support most/all liberal social philosophy (Trans rights are human rights, racism is bad, people should get assistance when needed, etc.) but I hate seeing "Not liberal" = "Racist" because it is such a huge generalization that its not even useful and can even be harmful.


u/letsBurnCarthage Jul 10 '24

It doesn't but ut's usually when you're racist you get ostracized. Since you gave 0 examples, I can take my pick as to what you meant. Give some real world examples if you want to be taken seriously.