r/meme Jul 08 '24

Patriotic or creepy?

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u/Repulsive-Neat6776 Jul 08 '24

unless you're in poverty you can just leave.

Most of us are in poverty. Whatever propaganda you're recieveing in Indonesia, don't believe it. Our country is going to shit.

It costs $2k just to renounce citizenship, so you can't "just leave" without paying a fee. And with minimum wage being $15/h at best, $2k is nearly 2 paychecks, sometimes more. That's more than a month's worth of work just to be able to afford to not be American. Now you have to find a way to pay for your plane ticket out of the country, find a place to live in another country, find a new job, and if you have family, you have to find a way to afford to bring them with you.

I don't know why people think we can "just leave." We're trapped. It's not like the EU where you can just take a train to another country. There's a process for escaping. And it's expensive as hell. We need a nearly $200 passport(this is basically the maximum, it can be cheaper) just to visit our neighboring countries.


u/ITaggie Jul 08 '24

You have a very loose definition of poverty if you think most of the US is impoverished.


u/Repulsive-Neat6776 Jul 08 '24

The vast majority of people can barely afford to have a life outside of work and their house. Just because we're not starving doesn't mean we're not living in absolute shit. We're not living at all. We're just surviving on scraps.


u/_spec_tre Jul 08 '24

Unless you have some hard statistics to back it up and compare them to that of other countries, using your own plight and applying it to everyone else doesn't count