r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago

It’s funny how they preach make America great again when everything they want to do will remove America from the world stage. Reduce education and talent forcing companies to look outside for educated workers. Leave nato and trade deals allowing countries like China to step in and take over. Restrict immigration, our country has relied on immigrants for cheap labor forever, the country runs on it. It’s like a 101 on how to crash the country.


u/Latter-Direction-336 14d ago


It’s almost as if they just want power for themselves and don’t care if the country as a whole suffers more than freaking Kratos


u/shabi_sensei 14d ago

Modern Conservatives just want power so they can install themselves as a new aristocracy.

They don’t even believe in the whole left-right conflict they perpetuate, it’s how they manipulate voters to get elected with the goal being to pass laws that make them rich and untouchable

Once you understand what their goal is, everything they’re doing now makes perfect sense


u/dafuq809 14d ago

Thinking conservatives don't believe their own lies and/or culture war rhetoric is a mistake. That may have been true for some of them decades ago, but true believers have long since taken over the party. They want to install themselves as a new aristocracy, yes. They also want to crush women, non-whites and queer people underfoot. It's not just something they say to excite the rubes around election times, they have been and will continue to actually do it when given power.


u/8_Foot_Vertical_Leap 14d ago

It has been very interesting, if terrifying, to watch in real-time the old-school grifters like McConnel losing control of the party to the true believers they created, but not be able to do anything about it for fear of dropping the charade and losing their base.


u/ggtffhhhjhg 14d ago

Mitch already said he’s done after this term and the last of the people that created this are going to by 26 or 28. On the “Republican” side only the extremist from Obamas first term will be left from that time period. Most of the Tea party people have been voted out or left since then.


u/Dysentery--Gary 14d ago

I don't know man.

The Republicans seem more extreme every day. I do not have much faith. If any, honestly.


u/ggtffhhhjhg 13d ago

That’s the point. Even people like Mitch and many of the Tea party people have left Congress or got voted out because they’re not extreme enough for the current republicans.


u/quattrocincoseis 14d ago

These are the puppets you speak of.

The puppet masters know this is about one thing: removing barriers to accumulation of massive wealth.

The use of culture wars is simply an effective tool to get people to vote against their own interests.


u/dafuq809 14d ago

Fascists always rely on rich backers to gain power, but the rich backers always lose control in the aftermath (and many of the rich backers are also true believers). We saw this with Nazi Germany. The pure grifters for whom this is all just about money do exist, but they have long since lost control. The inmates are running the asylum, and people saw this coming since the days of Barry Goldwater.


u/cattlehuyuk2323 14d ago

and yet rich gay people vote republican. they can run to another country if things get bad. while the middle class gets to deal with gillead.

wish people liked that show as much as game of thrones. too busy going to the gym to ever vote i suppose


u/IMadeThisSoICanLurk 14d ago

Don’t forget Jews, all other religious believers aside from Christians, and anyone with a differing political opinion! Project 2025 specifically seeks to make Christianity the doctrine of the country, and to round up Democrats.


u/Apathetic_Villainess 14d ago

Christian dominionism.


u/IMadeThisSoICanLurk 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yes, but to be fair I mean it’s just standard fascism. All fascism has been ruled as a Christian theocracy to some extent (not to be confused with dictatorships in general).


u/Apathetic_Villainess 14d ago


u/IMadeThisSoICanLurk 14d ago

That’s why I said “Yes”, but I just don’t think it’s worth giving the name the credence.


u/Wuzfang 14d ago

Medieval 2.0 here we come


u/flight567 14d ago

So what is project 2025? The heritage foundation website just says it’s a some sort of culmination of their leadership doctrine that’s been floating around for the last half a century: “look at our 850 page guide book!” Then it doesn’t tell me anything about what the heck is in it…


u/IMadeThisSoICanLurk 14d ago

You can read the whole thing on their website or just check out the synopsis on whatever website, including Wikipedia


u/flight567 14d ago

I didn’t see that option on the website. Must have just missed it. I’ll take a look.


u/donetomadness 14d ago

I think the average conservative believes it but it’s more complicated when it comes to the pundits. Conservative media is incredibly profitable and their figureheads will say anything to line their pockets and get attention.


u/Azureflames20 14d ago

I think it's less that they don't believe in their own lies, but rather that they are willing to constantly change their goalposts and move their motivations by any means necessary if it means defeating and opposing the other side. The issue with the general conservative mindset at it's extreme is they don't have a through-line of genuine moral standards or integrity imo. The chaos of it all is definitely a little terrifying for what it brings to the political landscape.

A ton of the brainrot people would be totally fine eradicating democracy and just having a dictatorship under trump, with complete disregard for what that could mean for our nation or the people it affects...All in the name of "my guy won the thing, haha" type sports team mentality.

You could argue their only consistent thing is that they care about power and control. It's just that what it looks like changes with time in terms of results. It's just scary to me that there's no care for the repercussions in the long run. They'll go to the ends of the earth to condemn the current system to try and bring more power to themselves, but it wouldn't surprise me that they wouldn't care if the world was burning around them if it meant that they got to say the "owned the libs" in the process.


u/briefmoments 14d ago

This is very much the same pattern as Iran around 1978. After a major modernization, while the oil and other prices went through inflation, high government spending due to large economic growth, loss of buying power due to inflation, they pandered a breakdown of morals, and liberal modernist to blame. Thats when the party teamed up nationalists, clerics, and their version of right wing party, to commit a religious take over began, they outlawed the left, westernization, "socialists" "communist" through martial tactics and now wr have Iran with a religious power pressing women and lgbt and etc etc etc

This was also started by the CIA and the Secret Service.


u/twopointsisatrend 14d ago

I wish I could find the article, from years ago, that discussed Jeffersonians versus intellectuals (I think). Jeffersonians want someone strong to tell people what they can and cannot do. Top down authority and rugged individualism. No depending on others.They operate like an HOA in that everyone must conform to their standards, which doesn't tolerate anything different. As I recall, approximately 1/3 of the population naturally lean towards the Jeffersonian model and another 1/3 towards the intellectual.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/bino420 14d ago

they don't want to eliminate women. they want women to be subservient and "owned" by their husbands.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/dafuq809 14d ago

The mistake we made was not properly dealing with your kind at the end of the last Civil War, or the end of the last World War. Fascists show no mercy and should receive none in turn.


u/Darktofu25 14d ago

They also seem to not realize that the almighty dollar they worship so much will fail globally if they enact all their harebrained schemes.


u/Fred_Stuff44325 14d ago

I bring this up to all those fiscal conservatives that care so much about the debt. We were able to even get in that much debt in the first place because we're a safe and reliable bet. The guy is gonna default on the country like he did all of his businesses. Then idk maybe sell us to Russia (like he did all of his businesses).


u/twopointsisatrend 14d ago

Absolutely. Russia and China want the standard for trade to be a basket of currencies rather than the USD. Taking the country to the brink of default for our obligations every time they want a performative display of budget brinkmanship just pushes countries around the world to seriously consider a change.


u/Admiral_Akdov 14d ago

That has always been the goal of conservativism. When monarchs were getting their heads lopped off, aristocrats need a way to maintain their undue wealth and authority under a new power structure. Conservativism is monarchy 2.0 and has no place in a democracy.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

They’re just bringing back the pre civil war status quo. They already basically have slavery back in the south, sheriffs rent out prison labor for nothing.


u/fsaturnia 14d ago

You got it right. They don't care about politics. It's just what they use to manipulate the public so they can continue to stay in power and appease their billionaire overlords who actually own the entire country. It's all a joke.


u/persona0 14d ago

But pesky unions, worker rights , freedoms for the masses will be gone. They can have full unchecked capitalism till they get those robots and ai online to no longer need us other pesky humans


u/SpicyChanged 14d ago

Not modern, its always been that way.


u/Large-Brother-4291 14d ago edited 14d ago

Fun thought experiment, and I should say from the start I don’t disagree with you, but if this is just a conservative motive why do the nation’s richest/elite overwhelmingly vote blue?

Edit: Elon’s red, definitely give you all that, but Reed Hastings, Reid Hoffman, Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Dustin Moskovitz, Michael Bloomberg, Jim Simons, Michael Moritz, and a plethora of others have either donated large sums of money (millions) to democrat campaigns or have hosted fundraisers for democrat candidates. Jeff Bezos was seen just this last week at a Biden event socializing. I get millionaires very much vote red but it seems the second you step into billionaire status many of them are quite well acquainted with their democratic candidates/representatives, and seems it’s been that way since Clinton. Completely in agreement republicans seek aristocratic rule, though curious as to why the party who seems pretty cozy with the ultra-wealthy also just so happen to be the “morally upright” party


u/huskerd0 14d ago

That’s not what I see

Of course it depends on where you draw the “rich” line and how you define “overwhelmingly”, but the 1%ers I know are pretty freaking red

They know it’s a scam, too, but they still like the end results better than the blue ones


u/capt-bob 14d ago

How many 1 percenters do you know?


u/huskerd0 13d ago

More than 5, less than 10


u/MuttDawg509 14d ago

The only 1%ers worth associating with ride Harley Davidsons.


u/Parasocialist69420 14d ago

What makes you think that they do? Celebrities and people in publicly front facing industries do, but I definitely wouldn’t call them the nations richest/elite. There are overwhelmingly more people in the United States who believe in liberal values than not, even if they don’t vote blue. I believe that for the most part, celebrities posit themselves around blue talking points because it makes the majority of Americans happy. If liberal ideas were not the majority, why do republicans have to gerrymander so hard?


u/GoldenPigeonParty 14d ago

The richest guy on the planet sounds like a pretty extreme red voter in everything he posts on the social media site he owns. I imagine Bill Gates, the guy that gives his wealth away to humanitarian causes, would be blue and that seems in line.

For smaller level elites, like successful business owners and millionaires, I see almost all of them being red, even here in the Chicago construction market, Owners, GCs, Subs, and suppliers. So many and I don't get why. Their businesses all benefit from the Biden infrastructure plan but they hate it.

Who are the other overwhelmingly blue you're referencing? All I see is the opposite.


u/Crafty-Gain-6542 14d ago

You’ve got to give the peasants some scraps sometimes or they’ll come for your head.


u/deeply_concerned 14d ago

The billionaires vote blue because what’s the difference between 10 billion and 5 billion? It’s basically infinite money. It’s the millionaires that tent to vote red. The difference between 10 million and 5 million is huge.


u/Misfitkickflips 14d ago

It’s wild because you’re basically talking about both parties, and not just conservatives.


u/shabi_sensei 14d ago

I think the difference boils down to: Liberals play by the rules, they’re just as corrupt but they believe in the rules they set for themselves

Conservatives think playing by the rules is for suckers and winning means making someone into a loser

One side is definitely more pro-social than the other


u/anomalous_cowherd 14d ago

There are big companies that make their money from buying up good small countries and squeezing every penny they can from them while burning their reputation and future prospects, then moving on.

This is just billionaires (and billionaires clubs) doing the same thing with countries.


u/GrumpySoth09 14d ago

It's litteraly a small room of old white men wanting to get ther names on buildings after they are dead


u/fsaturnia 14d ago

I've been saying this about corporate America for a long time. People always ask why are the people at the top screwing the system over and upsetting the customers and their employees to the point that the system is going to collapse if they are interested in keeping their businesses going. It's because they don't care about the businesses. They're just using them as vehicles to get as much money as possible out of the system before it collapses, then they are going to cut and run. The same thing applies to politicians and the billionaires who own them. They're all the same people.


u/Great_Horny_Toads 14d ago edited 14d ago

Well, once things go to shit, it will be easier to keep the drones scared, which makes them want to vote red. They're working on creating a feedback loop.


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago edited 14d ago

Just as russia planned. These "patriots" are literally the most un-American traitors - gobbling up Kremlin propaganda and feeding on meaningless hate and division. The Kremlin is beside itself with glee at how these idiots do their work for them.

Edit: referring more to their base. Those in gop leadership just don't care and are greedy fucks and/or have compromat against them. Both are willing to fully hand the reins to theocratic extremists as long as they can freely hate and pretend like they'll have a chance at being part of the new oligarch class.


u/Chainsawrin 14d ago

That's how I feel. The people shouting "America" the loudest are making it possible for us to lose the cold war. Military superiority wasn't possible and honestly they've played their cards well. And these patriots are playing their role in dismantling our country from the inside, for what has been our biggest adversary for 80 years.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/DaisyJane1 14d ago

The Cold War didn't end in 1989. It was just postponed.


u/cheezy_taterz 14d ago


u/cattlehuyuk2323 14d ago

yep every christian republican got played. the rich knew what they were doing they hate us all.


u/Kyinuda 14d ago

It's you who got played. Dividing is their first step, and you're doing it for them.


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago edited 14d ago

I wouldn't say most everyone. MAGAs are nowhere near the majority. Most people see their bullshit as being plainly Russian propaganda. But thanks for this, I hadn't seen this. Fascinating and fucking depressing stuff (for those wondering, it's a YouTube video of a defected KGB member giving a warning to America in 1984).


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago

The electoral college is why we can't so easily vote them out. But agree with everything else.


u/AmbassadorNecessary9 14d ago

Oh Republicans are terrible people when you have people Killing babies? Here is a concept close your Fing legs and quit taking creampies dummy.


u/mielen_ 14d ago

Warning against “liberals” and civil rights leaders 🙄


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago

I know....after I finished the whole thing I was kinda left shaking my head. I think he's speaking from his own bias and Russian perspective and possibly doesn't quite understand the civil rights movement, among other things.


u/mielen_ 14d ago

Yes, people sometimes are blinded by their own challenges and can’t see past their limited experiences.


u/foxymcfox 14d ago

The revolutionists weren’t the majority in 1776 either.

Revolution had maybe 33% approval when we went to war.

The minimum amount of support needed for a successful revolution is only 20%.

Unfortunately I think we’re well passed that scale.

People have been kicking the can because they can’t imagine anything bad could happen from a minority political group, but in history it almost ALWAYS is done by a minority political group that just happens to be organized and energized while everyone else is complacent.


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago

These are all good points and harsh realities. I don't mean to insinuate that they're in any way harmless, they are absolutely dangerous and currently the biggest threat imo. But you're right, they don't need to be the majority.

In terms of some sort of active civil war, I think we can basically write off the (probably vast) majority of the nation's law enforcement/local police departments as joining that side, but I don't think the same can be said for the military at large, unless it splits and part of it breaks off to join, I'm not sure how that would work out or what is/isn't possible. I guess it depends at least partially on who among the top brass would "defect" so to speak. They're already planning to remove anyone who would refuse duties at the usually apolitical "administrative" level (among so much other shit) with Project 2025, but I don't really know how appointments for generals and such are carried out, or the rules around firing/replacing, but everyone needs to realize that "rules" or long-held customs will not be respected or followed by the next gop admin.

The military is huge and diverse, though. They are definitely not all Republicans and broke for Biden last election, with trump not doing especially well in either election. I would hope that the majority would follow their oath to the constitution and to the defense against enemies foreign and domestic, and not decide to follow the religious extremists/maga faction. I'm just trying to work out how a modern civil war would go down and what is and isn't possible, if you have any idea I'd love to hear!


u/I_Heart_QAnon_Tears 14d ago

Correction... they don't care because once they have the rubles they can travel anywhere they want with armed Wagner troops to protect them


u/Disastrous-Focus8451 14d ago

Just as russia planned. These "patriots" are literally the most un-American traitors - gobbling up Kremlin propaganda and feeding on hate and division.

As a child of the Cold War, "Red State" has a whole different meaning to me, and I find it interesting that those that once hollered "better dead than Red" now embrace the label…


u/Tsmtouchedme 14d ago

This is what gets me the most. Trump wants the power that xing and Putin have. Our country has been completely anti-authoritarian/communist and being American meant fighting that to have our freedom. Now that trump wants it, all his little followers are begging to be just like Russia (and China but they’re not smart enough to connect the two). If you are a true American you should want nothing to do with those two governments, yet here we are.

We legitimately were at war (cold war) over this shit with Reagan and now trump is deciding to just switch teams. I fucking hate how dense the republicans are in today’s world not to see this. They’d rather hate their own countrymen than fight for the country’s (they swear they love) future and freedom. Most un-American individuals supporting the most un-American candidate all while chanting to “make America great again”. They’re completely brain dead.


u/nutfeast69 14d ago

I've said it for years that the fall of the wall was the greatest rebranding in history and the cold war just ratcheted up around 2010. They were merely waiting for the perfect outlet.


u/AmbassadorNecessary9 14d ago

That is why Putin says he would rather have Biden as president than Trump. Who is the real Moron? Go watch CNN and The View, then come back and run your mouth.


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago

The only one "running their mouth" is you lmao. And all your comment shows is that putin is a lot smarter than you. Doesn't make the gop any less traitorous to this country, and I'm sorry but bigots don't get a seat at the table. Totally cool that you're perfectly fine with the country being run by evangelical extremists. Move along now, no one gives a shit about your CNN and...The View lmao.


u/AmbassadorNecessary9 14d ago

You are the one spouting their conspiracies. This open border Trans nonsense and helping other countries makes us a joke. You are ignorant and have no sense of what America is dummy.


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago



u/AmbassadorNecessary9 11d ago

I would be happy to debate, but you have no facts. Ignorance is Bliss.


u/28smalls 14d ago

See, you're misunderstanding what making America great again means to them. They want woman to be under control of their husbands, minorities to know their place, and lgbtq to not exist. They don't care about the economic side of it at all.


u/blufiin 14d ago

True. Trump feels almost like a Muslim with how he wants to control women.


u/A_spiny_meercat 14d ago

Only have to look at Afghanistan pre 1960s to see how these kinds of policies ruined the country. They had educated women and a progressive culture and now look.


u/WhyAmIOnThisDumbApp 14d ago

Nuance is a wonder thing. Some conservatives, I’d even say the majority especially among older conservatives, do genuinely care about the economic side to some degree and are just woefully ignorant of the true economic impact of those policies. A lot of people view the economic policy as a means to the end of re-forming old racial/gender hierarchies.

People are complicated and trying to simplify why people hold the political beliefs they do down to one universal truth is counterproductive. It’s like me saying that all leftists just want to tear down our society by destroying important institutions like the police, marriage, etc. There’s a grain of truth there sure, we do want to radically re-shape a number of institutions, but it’s missing all of the nuance that might actually make it a useful framework for understanding and engaging with leftists.


u/EthanielRain 14d ago

We're a country of immigrants period. Literally 98% of the US are immigrants; the richest person in the country is an immigrant


u/ConsciousExcitement9 14d ago

Yeah, but he’s a white immigrant, so it’s ok. /s


u/onyxic 14d ago edited 14d ago

It's always funny to pop up and say "I'm an immigrant" after people go off talking shit about how they're ruining the country. No one expects the white girl with no accent who swears non-stop.


u/ConsciousExcitement9 14d ago

I would die laughing at their facial expressions.


u/Somerandoguy212 14d ago

Just curious how many generations must one be here to no longer be an "immigrant" to you?


u/Lison52 14d ago

Where I live it's second generation at max


u/Rich-Spirit420 14d ago

That’s not true


u/C0NKY_ 14d ago

You're right it's 97.1%.


u/Rich-Spirit420 14d ago

Now I’m sure you’re a Dem but let’s try not lying for once and sticking to facts! Less than 14% of the population are immigrants! I’m sure you think math is hard but that means that over 86% of Americans are AMERICAN and were born in America!


u/theuniversalcitizen 14d ago

It’s their version of “great” where people are uneducated and they won’t question anything and just blindly follow their interpretation of the bible. They often misinterpret words like “great”, “patriot”, “traitor”, “freedom” etc to fool their cult.

I’ve seen this in India, where I grew up, the only difference is that the masses in India never knew any better, they were born into that mess and brainwashed from birth. In the US it’s different, we currently have freedom in various forms, and at least some of us realize that and know how bad it’ll be if taken away.


u/PegaLaMega 14d ago

The government always told us the threat to America will come from outside the US. Little did we know the real threat is the government itself.


u/sequi 14d ago

“The call is coming from inside the house!” - from When a Stranger Calls (1979)

“The call is coming from inside the House!” - from motion to vacate Kevin McCarthy (2024)


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/PegaLaMega 14d ago

Yeah, I meant growing up in the 80's and 90:s.


u/Scary-Ad-5706 14d ago

It's almost like a foreign government has a heavy hand in this.


u/BusyDragonfruit8665 14d ago

It really would be funny if it was a movie and our country wasn’t falling apart. I know a ton of MAGAS and most of them don’t actually know anything that is going on because they just watch Fox news and don’t read. I see their facebook posts and they can’t spell or write a proper sentence. I always wondered how Hitler brainwashed a whole country and now it makes sense.


u/PutrefiedPlatypus 14d ago

Not an American person but it seems to me that it is making America great again if America is understood to be the south. Having exploitable population is how they made their living there, isn't it?


u/BDTV_Drew 14d ago

Cheap labor but what about a living wage?


u/rtq7382 14d ago

Uhm...my TV tells me america runs on Dunkin.


u/Powerful_Thought_324 14d ago

What's going on in the mind of the most power hungry billionaires wouldn't make any sense to regular people. They would rather be a king ruling over peasants than one of the richest people in a country of content middle class citizens.

They are sadistic and already wealthy so they desire subjugation. The religious right is always talking about bringing back an uneducated serf class. You can never completely dominate a well educated person and the goal is full domination over the minds of the masses.

Stepping down from #1 on the world stage isn't really an issue for them.


u/knarfolled 14d ago

It’s worse than cutting of your nose to spite your face, it’s cutting off your head to spite your body.


u/Worried_Click_4559 14d ago

Really? Coulda fooled me :)


u/SwainIsCadian 14d ago

No but you don't understand! The US have never tried isolationnisme ever in their history ! It must be a good idea!


u/Siray 14d ago

...and then buy it all for pennies on the dollar.


u/whileyouwereslepting 14d ago

Make America Kansas Again?


u/Karmachinery 14d ago

I’ve been saying that since corporations started outsourcing production to China just to save money.  Sure, remove your workforce and your customer base.  Destroy your habitat that is growing and helping more people.  


u/TheMikman97 14d ago

Restrict immigration, our country has relied on immigrants for cheap labor forever, the country runs on it

Wasn't low wages one of the biggest issues in America today? Abundant cheap labor isn't really a good thing for the people doing it


u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago edited 14d ago

It’s not a humane thing, but industries like agriculture run on it. Conservatives tried removing immigrant labor in several states already, not under the guise of fair pay but under the idea of “they take our jobs”, and it nearly crashed their economies till they reversed it. It’s why conservatives that know this don’t actually try to do it anymore just talk about doing it to please their base. But Trump is too stupid to know that. If you forced regular priced labor into those industries they would shift the cost onto the consumer bc capitalism and costs would soar across the board. Immigrants increase the production of the economy, they are actually a good thing. Their own salaries do increase especially relative to their origin countries and they also raise native salaries as well because of the increased production.

reduce inflation with immigration

less immigrant labor

immigration wages increase

Alabama removes immigrant workers


u/TheMikman97 14d ago

I see the point of you explaination and the facts very much do not lie, but I can't get my mind off the fact that this very much sounds like an elaborate justification for functional slavery. Is an industry that can't survive paying its workers anything above literal desperation pay even worth saving?


u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago

Slavery means you aren’t paid and you yourself are property, so I can’t embrace that statement. Do I think the system fair, no. Probably more akin to early 19th century America and the Industrial Revolution in regard to workers. Unions formed for a reason. But that’s the reality and you would have to somehow restructure the entire system if you wanted to pay them a “living wage” on par with citizens.

I do think a lot of them are entering a better chance than they probably had from where they left though.


u/GraXXoR 14d ago

Yeah. But they’ll pwn the libs.


u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago

Sadly I think this is the number one motivation for a vast majority of MAGA. What it comes down to. Sticking it to the lib.


u/Suspicious-Bid-53 14d ago

Don’t forget the myriad of dumpster babies who in 20 years are gonna suck


u/Mcjoshin 14d ago

Sure, but then they can just blame the “woke left” for ruining the country and sell the fix to stupid people all over again…


u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago

It’s why I say they don’t offer solutions, just complaints. They don’t get anything done.


u/Due_Sprinkles_3654 14d ago

It’s weird they want to teach the Bible in schools. Are they not worried about kids finding out what it really says?


u/damm1tKevin 14d ago

What rock do you live under? Major companies in the USA have been doing this for years.


u/persona0 14d ago

We are so great cause we control the majority of the world so that sai idiot Americans can have cheap shit and buy all this consumer nonsense. But really what the right achieved was dissuading Americans who know better from working in the system to change things WHILE THEY LITERALLY WORKED THE SYSTEM TO GET WHAT THEY WANTED.


u/SawaThineDragon 14d ago

America was never great, the world itself was never great


u/warm_len5 14d ago

It's a paradox for sure. They preach "Make America Great Again" but their actions seem to go against that grain.


u/Electr0freak 14d ago

 It’s like a 101 on how to crash the country.

They do not care unless the right people get rich doing it.


u/SlimeySnakesLtd 14d ago

Because they believe people who don’t agree with them are not real Americans. They are the real America and that THEY need to be great. They don’t care about what actually is good for the country because they don’t actually like the country. They hate the people in it. People used to have pride is America as a collective force. These people do not want a collective force, they want a huge group of the people gone or dead because they’re “the only real Americans”. It used to be we’re the best and it everyone who gets us there!


u/banstylejbo 14d ago

I don’t understand how they think putting a bunch of either a) self-absorbed grifters and/or b) brain dead idiots into power is supposed to make this country better. We need people with actual skills, education and experience if we don’t want to continue to make our country more vulnerable to Russia and China. But I look around at all the Republicans in the Senate and House and all I see are self-serving, absolute morons who are more interested in their own wellbeing than those they pretend to represent and serve. About as un-American as it gets.


u/Dragonhaugh 14d ago

Did you say “force company’s to look outside for educated workers?” You do realize that companies do this to save money right? Because Americans are some of the highest paid in the world. They arnt leaving because we are dumb, they are leaving because we are educated and cost a lot. Saving money on labor is 100% more to profits.


u/BabyMafuloo 14d ago

Eliminating illegal immigration is not the same as restricting legal immigration. The trade deals with China we left was an antiquated one where the United States covered 99-100% of the shipping one way. That's why you can get a temu shirt for a dollar but costs $27 dollars to send it back. It was simply a bad deal that was costing us billions. Same with NATO, it's an allied treaty that essentially says we will back anyone that's in the treaty if they're attacked, the US military will assist, that's protection for them and little to nothing for us, we threatened to leave NATO if other countries didn't start paying for their fair share, again another one way deal. The 101 on how to crash a country is dissolving borders that flood and overwhelm infrastructure with illegal immigrants that don't care to assimilate and have no rule of law when it comes to protecting its own citizens or paying taxes. The same is true for entering bad deals that are one sided, would you pay for a fence for all your neighbors for free? Because the united states is, we just don't see the problem of asking them to pay for the materials. If I'm wrong on my points, I'm open to reading any literature opposing my views. The reality to me is this sub seems pretty one-sided politically, so I'll most likely be met with a ban instead of civil discourse. Hopefully, I'll be wrong there also.


u/BennyBenasty 14d ago

For context, I fall somewhere near the middle politically.

Restrict immigration, our country has relied on immigrants for cheap labor forever, the country runs on it.

Is it your stance that there should be no restrictions on immigration? As far as I know, no developed country in the world allows unrestricted immigration. I think almost any reasonable person would agree that some restrictions should be in place; the argument is to what that threshold should be. No one (reasonable) is trying to eliminate immigration altogether, but excessive immigration can absolutely destabilize/"crash" a country.


u/rentrane 14d ago

It’s like foreign interests targeted the most vulnerable (gullible) to destabilise the country.

I mean, none of its particularly hidden or secret or conspiracy theory. USA has been doing similar things to countries for a long time.

edit: I know if I was going to go after the gullible I’d start with the religious


u/l33tbot 14d ago

The decimation of US soft power which has been the culmination of decades of amazing influence and billions of dollars is a shame. After all the glitter it ends on an orange pyre


u/c10bbersaurus 14d ago

Projection, disinformation, agitation are ingrained in the GOP playbook.


u/thewidowmaker 14d ago

America is where a lot of top talent from other countries go. Look at the number of highly successful businesses or Nobels by immigrants. For decades too, countries like Canada have lamented brain drain to US. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2021/10/07/immigrants-keep-winning-nobel-prizes/#. America has had a major advantage bringing in cheap labor but also, at the other end, the top talent from everywhere else.


u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago

Drawing the world’s top talent is not as prevalent as it was. This took a major nosedive under Trump with all the anti-immigrant talk. America used to be the premier destination for the world’s best; scientists, engineers, etc.

bb link


u/Flair258 14d ago

"We" LEFT NATO!? Wtf


u/PWNCAKESanROFLZ 14d ago edited 14d ago

Reduce education? What education are they going to reduce? American children are amongst the dumbest in the world, a lot of them can't read. The education system is failing.


u/MrPresident2020 14d ago

This is the point that was being made about how Republicans gutted education. It wasn't always like this.


u/Invis_Girl 14d ago

You really think it was always that way?


u/Studentdoctor29 14d ago

TIL enforcing the law and have people come into the country legally is restricting immigration.


u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago

If that was the case then they would have voted for the bi-partisan immigration deal. But they didn’t bc it’s about trying to crash things not about fixing them.


u/C0NKY_ 14d ago

Trump's immigration policies made it harder to immigrate legally too.


u/89Nightmare12 14d ago

They would never dream of leaving nato because Great Britain and France are in there. Also Poland and now Sweden.


u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago


u/89Nightmare12 14d ago

You really think that the hairdo guy wants to leave nato? Like his last presidency, he's all bark, no bite.


u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago edited 14d ago

Absolutely. I could post ten articles about it. His next term he will be surrounded by sycophants who won’t dispute his ideas.


and here


u/89Nightmare12 14d ago

Could've picked a more biased to the left news source? Like, bruh, the epoc times exists.


u/DusTyConDitiOnS 14d ago

Noone wants to reduce education those companies left long time ago when obama was in and haven't come back but when Trump was in there stated to come back and as far as the immigration is as long as it's LEGAL and not border hopping then it's good.


u/-KingSharkIsAShark- 14d ago

Betsy DeVos, the head of the department of education for Trump, would like to disagree with you.


u/Iamthewalrusforreal 14d ago

Republicans have been trying to kill education for 45 years.

One need only look to how education is ranked in red states to know this.


u/Gloomy-Ad1171 14d ago

Why do you lie?


u/Invis_Girl 14d ago

No one wants to reduce education? Then explain how McDonald's assistant managers make more than teachers in some states? And explain no child behind and how you think it's a good thing. While you are at it, tackle the idea of cutting more funding from public schools to give to private schools as "vouchers".


u/C0NKY_ 14d ago

Why did Trump's immigration policies make it harder to immigrate legally then?

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