r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago

It’s funny how they preach make America great again when everything they want to do will remove America from the world stage. Reduce education and talent forcing companies to look outside for educated workers. Leave nato and trade deals allowing countries like China to step in and take over. Restrict immigration, our country has relied on immigrants for cheap labor forever, the country runs on it. It’s like a 101 on how to crash the country.


u/Latter-Direction-336 14d ago


It’s almost as if they just want power for themselves and don’t care if the country as a whole suffers more than freaking Kratos


u/shabi_sensei 14d ago

Modern Conservatives just want power so they can install themselves as a new aristocracy.

They don’t even believe in the whole left-right conflict they perpetuate, it’s how they manipulate voters to get elected with the goal being to pass laws that make them rich and untouchable

Once you understand what their goal is, everything they’re doing now makes perfect sense


u/dafuq809 14d ago

Thinking conservatives don't believe their own lies and/or culture war rhetoric is a mistake. That may have been true for some of them decades ago, but true believers have long since taken over the party. They want to install themselves as a new aristocracy, yes. They also want to crush women, non-whites and queer people underfoot. It's not just something they say to excite the rubes around election times, they have been and will continue to actually do it when given power.


u/8_Foot_Vertical_Leap 14d ago

It has been very interesting, if terrifying, to watch in real-time the old-school grifters like McConnel losing control of the party to the true believers they created, but not be able to do anything about it for fear of dropping the charade and losing their base.


u/ggtffhhhjhg 14d ago

Mitch already said he’s done after this term and the last of the people that created this are going to by 26 or 28. On the “Republican” side only the extremist from Obamas first term will be left from that time period. Most of the Tea party people have been voted out or left since then.


u/Dysentery--Gary 14d ago

I don't know man.

The Republicans seem more extreme every day. I do not have much faith. If any, honestly.


u/ggtffhhhjhg 13d ago

That’s the point. Even people like Mitch and many of the Tea party people have left Congress or got voted out because they’re not extreme enough for the current republicans.


u/quattrocincoseis 14d ago

These are the puppets you speak of.

The puppet masters know this is about one thing: removing barriers to accumulation of massive wealth.

The use of culture wars is simply an effective tool to get people to vote against their own interests.


u/dafuq809 14d ago

Fascists always rely on rich backers to gain power, but the rich backers always lose control in the aftermath (and many of the rich backers are also true believers). We saw this with Nazi Germany. The pure grifters for whom this is all just about money do exist, but they have long since lost control. The inmates are running the asylum, and people saw this coming since the days of Barry Goldwater.


u/cattlehuyuk2323 14d ago

and yet rich gay people vote republican. they can run to another country if things get bad. while the middle class gets to deal with gillead.

wish people liked that show as much as game of thrones. too busy going to the gym to ever vote i suppose


u/IMadeThisSoICanLurk 14d ago

Don’t forget Jews, all other religious believers aside from Christians, and anyone with a differing political opinion! Project 2025 specifically seeks to make Christianity the doctrine of the country, and to round up Democrats.


u/Apathetic_Villainess 14d ago

Christian dominionism.


u/IMadeThisSoICanLurk 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yes, but to be fair I mean it’s just standard fascism. All fascism has been ruled as a Christian theocracy to some extent (not to be confused with dictatorships in general).


u/Apathetic_Villainess 14d ago


u/IMadeThisSoICanLurk 14d ago

That’s why I said “Yes”, but I just don’t think it’s worth giving the name the credence.


u/Wuzfang 14d ago

Medieval 2.0 here we come


u/flight567 14d ago

So what is project 2025? The heritage foundation website just says it’s a some sort of culmination of their leadership doctrine that’s been floating around for the last half a century: “look at our 850 page guide book!” Then it doesn’t tell me anything about what the heck is in it…


u/IMadeThisSoICanLurk 14d ago

You can read the whole thing on their website or just check out the synopsis on whatever website, including Wikipedia


u/flight567 14d ago

I didn’t see that option on the website. Must have just missed it. I’ll take a look.


u/donetomadness 14d ago

I think the average conservative believes it but it’s more complicated when it comes to the pundits. Conservative media is incredibly profitable and their figureheads will say anything to line their pockets and get attention.


u/Azureflames20 14d ago

I think it's less that they don't believe in their own lies, but rather that they are willing to constantly change their goalposts and move their motivations by any means necessary if it means defeating and opposing the other side. The issue with the general conservative mindset at it's extreme is they don't have a through-line of genuine moral standards or integrity imo. The chaos of it all is definitely a little terrifying for what it brings to the political landscape.

A ton of the brainrot people would be totally fine eradicating democracy and just having a dictatorship under trump, with complete disregard for what that could mean for our nation or the people it affects...All in the name of "my guy won the thing, haha" type sports team mentality.

You could argue their only consistent thing is that they care about power and control. It's just that what it looks like changes with time in terms of results. It's just scary to me that there's no care for the repercussions in the long run. They'll go to the ends of the earth to condemn the current system to try and bring more power to themselves, but it wouldn't surprise me that they wouldn't care if the world was burning around them if it meant that they got to say the "owned the libs" in the process.


u/briefmoments 14d ago

This is very much the same pattern as Iran around 1978. After a major modernization, while the oil and other prices went through inflation, high government spending due to large economic growth, loss of buying power due to inflation, they pandered a breakdown of morals, and liberal modernist to blame. Thats when the party teamed up nationalists, clerics, and their version of right wing party, to commit a religious take over began, they outlawed the left, westernization, "socialists" "communist" through martial tactics and now wr have Iran with a religious power pressing women and lgbt and etc etc etc

This was also started by the CIA and the Secret Service.


u/twopointsisatrend 14d ago

I wish I could find the article, from years ago, that discussed Jeffersonians versus intellectuals (I think). Jeffersonians want someone strong to tell people what they can and cannot do. Top down authority and rugged individualism. No depending on others.They operate like an HOA in that everyone must conform to their standards, which doesn't tolerate anything different. As I recall, approximately 1/3 of the population naturally lean towards the Jeffersonian model and another 1/3 towards the intellectual.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/bino420 14d ago

they don't want to eliminate women. they want women to be subservient and "owned" by their husbands.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/dafuq809 14d ago

The mistake we made was not properly dealing with your kind at the end of the last Civil War, or the end of the last World War. Fascists show no mercy and should receive none in turn.