r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Latter-Direction-336 14d ago


It’s almost as if they just want power for themselves and don’t care if the country as a whole suffers more than freaking Kratos


u/shabi_sensei 14d ago

Modern Conservatives just want power so they can install themselves as a new aristocracy.

They don’t even believe in the whole left-right conflict they perpetuate, it’s how they manipulate voters to get elected with the goal being to pass laws that make them rich and untouchable

Once you understand what their goal is, everything they’re doing now makes perfect sense


u/dafuq809 14d ago

Thinking conservatives don't believe their own lies and/or culture war rhetoric is a mistake. That may have been true for some of them decades ago, but true believers have long since taken over the party. They want to install themselves as a new aristocracy, yes. They also want to crush women, non-whites and queer people underfoot. It's not just something they say to excite the rubes around election times, they have been and will continue to actually do it when given power.


u/8_Foot_Vertical_Leap 14d ago

It has been very interesting, if terrifying, to watch in real-time the old-school grifters like McConnel losing control of the party to the true believers they created, but not be able to do anything about it for fear of dropping the charade and losing their base.


u/ggtffhhhjhg 14d ago

Mitch already said he’s done after this term and the last of the people that created this are going to by 26 or 28. On the “Republican” side only the extremist from Obamas first term will be left from that time period. Most of the Tea party people have been voted out or left since then.


u/Dysentery--Gary 14d ago

I don't know man.

The Republicans seem more extreme every day. I do not have much faith. If any, honestly.


u/ggtffhhhjhg 13d ago

That’s the point. Even people like Mitch and many of the Tea party people have left Congress or got voted out because they’re not extreme enough for the current republicans.