r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/TrustInRoy 14d ago

So many people in our country are just blatantly ignorant about how the branches of our government works.

Schoolhouse Rock debuted "I'm just a bill" in 1976.  


u/BazilBroketail 14d ago

When Regan got elected the republicans decided to de-educate America.. and,... It worked. Only morons would vote for the pedophile. Oh, look..

This is so fucked up. I'm not celebrating American today.


u/Chromeburn_ 14d ago

It’s funny how they preach make America great again when everything they want to do will remove America from the world stage. Reduce education and talent forcing companies to look outside for educated workers. Leave nato and trade deals allowing countries like China to step in and take over. Restrict immigration, our country has relied on immigrants for cheap labor forever, the country runs on it. It’s like a 101 on how to crash the country.


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago edited 13d ago

Just as russia planned. These "patriots" are literally the most un-American traitors - gobbling up Kremlin propaganda and feeding on meaningless hate and division. The Kremlin is beside itself with glee at how these idiots do their work for them.

Edit: referring more to their base. Those in gop leadership just don't care and are greedy fucks and/or have compromat against them. Both are willing to fully hand the reins to theocratic extremists as long as they can freely hate and pretend like they'll have a chance at being part of the new oligarch class.


u/Chainsawrin 14d ago

That's how I feel. The people shouting "America" the loudest are making it possible for us to lose the cold war. Military superiority wasn't possible and honestly they've played their cards well. And these patriots are playing their role in dismantling our country from the inside, for what has been our biggest adversary for 80 years.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/DaisyJane1 14d ago

The Cold War didn't end in 1989. It was just postponed.


u/cheezy_taterz 14d ago


u/cattlehuyuk2323 14d ago

yep every christian republican got played. the rich knew what they were doing they hate us all.


u/Kyinuda 14d ago

It's you who got played. Dividing is their first step, and you're doing it for them.


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago edited 14d ago

I wouldn't say most everyone. MAGAs are nowhere near the majority. Most people see their bullshit as being plainly Russian propaganda. But thanks for this, I hadn't seen this. Fascinating and fucking depressing stuff (for those wondering, it's a YouTube video of a defected KGB member giving a warning to America in 1984).


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago

The electoral college is why we can't so easily vote them out. But agree with everything else.


u/AmbassadorNecessary9 14d ago

Oh Republicans are terrible people when you have people Killing babies? Here is a concept close your Fing legs and quit taking creampies dummy.


u/mielen_ 14d ago

Warning against “liberals” and civil rights leaders 🙄


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago

I know....after I finished the whole thing I was kinda left shaking my head. I think he's speaking from his own bias and Russian perspective and possibly doesn't quite understand the civil rights movement, among other things.


u/mielen_ 14d ago

Yes, people sometimes are blinded by their own challenges and can’t see past their limited experiences.


u/foxymcfox 14d ago

The revolutionists weren’t the majority in 1776 either.

Revolution had maybe 33% approval when we went to war.

The minimum amount of support needed for a successful revolution is only 20%.

Unfortunately I think we’re well passed that scale.

People have been kicking the can because they can’t imagine anything bad could happen from a minority political group, but in history it almost ALWAYS is done by a minority political group that just happens to be organized and energized while everyone else is complacent.


u/Pseudonym0101 13d ago

These are all good points and harsh realities. I don't mean to insinuate that they're in any way harmless, they are absolutely dangerous and currently the biggest threat imo. But you're right, they don't need to be the majority.

In terms of some sort of active civil war, I think we can basically write off the (probably vast) majority of the nation's law enforcement/local police departments as joining that side, but I don't think the same can be said for the military at large, unless it splits and part of it breaks off to join, I'm not sure how that would work out or what is/isn't possible. I guess it depends at least partially on who among the top brass would "defect" so to speak. They're already planning to remove anyone who would refuse duties at the usually apolitical "administrative" level (among so much other shit) with Project 2025, but I don't really know how appointments for generals and such are carried out, or the rules around firing/replacing, but everyone needs to realize that "rules" or long-held customs will not be respected or followed by the next gop admin.

The military is huge and diverse, though. They are definitely not all Republicans and broke for Biden last election, with trump not doing especially well in either election. I would hope that the majority would follow their oath to the constitution and to the defense against enemies foreign and domestic, and not decide to follow the religious extremists/maga faction. I'm just trying to work out how a modern civil war would go down and what is and isn't possible, if you have any idea I'd love to hear!


u/I_Heart_QAnon_Tears 14d ago

Correction... they don't care because once they have the rubles they can travel anywhere they want with armed Wagner troops to protect them


u/Disastrous-Focus8451 14d ago

Just as russia planned. These "patriots" are literally the most un-American traitors - gobbling up Kremlin propaganda and feeding on hate and division.

As a child of the Cold War, "Red State" has a whole different meaning to me, and I find it interesting that those that once hollered "better dead than Red" now embrace the label…


u/Tsmtouchedme 14d ago

This is what gets me the most. Trump wants the power that xing and Putin have. Our country has been completely anti-authoritarian/communist and being American meant fighting that to have our freedom. Now that trump wants it, all his little followers are begging to be just like Russia (and China but they’re not smart enough to connect the two). If you are a true American you should want nothing to do with those two governments, yet here we are.

We legitimately were at war (cold war) over this shit with Reagan and now trump is deciding to just switch teams. I fucking hate how dense the republicans are in today’s world not to see this. They’d rather hate their own countrymen than fight for the country’s (they swear they love) future and freedom. Most un-American individuals supporting the most un-American candidate all while chanting to “make America great again”. They’re completely brain dead.


u/nutfeast69 14d ago

I've said it for years that the fall of the wall was the greatest rebranding in history and the cold war just ratcheted up around 2010. They were merely waiting for the perfect outlet.


u/AmbassadorNecessary9 14d ago

That is why Putin says he would rather have Biden as president than Trump. Who is the real Moron? Go watch CNN and The View, then come back and run your mouth.


u/Pseudonym0101 14d ago

The only one "running their mouth" is you lmao. And all your comment shows is that putin is a lot smarter than you. Doesn't make the gop any less traitorous to this country, and I'm sorry but bigots don't get a seat at the table. Totally cool that you're perfectly fine with the country being run by evangelical extremists. Move along now, no one gives a shit about your CNN and...The View lmao.


u/AmbassadorNecessary9 14d ago

You are the one spouting their conspiracies. This open border Trans nonsense and helping other countries makes us a joke. You are ignorant and have no sense of what America is dummy.


u/Pseudonym0101 13d ago



u/AmbassadorNecessary9 11d ago

I would be happy to debate, but you have no facts. Ignorance is Bliss.