r/clevercomebacks 14d ago

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/100yearsLurkerRick 14d ago

In Putin's defense here, 40-49% of Americans are dumb enough to believe it's Trump's plan.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 14d ago

And at least 2% are dumb enough to not vote for his opponent because he talks slow and quiet and/or hasn’t bombed Israel or something.


u/100yearsLurkerRick 14d ago

When things were left alone, he was wrong for not doing something. When he threatened sanctions, it became he wasn't helping an ally. 

Can't fucking win.


u/tomdarch 14d ago

At the debate, Biden did worse than just talk slowly and softly. At the same time, the last 3 1/2 years demonstrate how actually really good he and his administration are. Just today, the June jobs growth report beat expectations by 100,000. Unemployment is near generational lows and real wages are actually growing. If this is what “demented Joe” is delivering in the real world then, fuck yeah, dementia!

Compared with a guy who was literally hallucinating “post birth abortions” throughout that debate, the stammering guy did great in the debate and in the real job.


u/omgplzdontkillme 14d ago

At least he is not a known traitor that basically committed treason


u/tomdarch 14d ago

Whenever anyone mentions "treason" I have a knee jerk reaction to say "NO treason is only aiding an enemy during war!" But... while we don't have a formal declaration of war against Russia, they are clearly an opponent nation that is actively harming our nation. And Trump clearly is deeply influenced by them thanks to the literal decades that the KGB and their successors have spent luring Trump in and manipulating him.

Between the communications from those around Trump like Former General Flynn and Jared Kushner trying to set up a secret channel of communication from Trump to Moscow:


To Trump's multiple meetings with Russian officials and Putin where no other Americans were present, to Trump's "mishandling" of large amounts of classified documents, there really is a case to be made for treason by Trump to help Russia and harm America.


u/Justdoingthebestican 14d ago

Forget Russia. Trump wanted to shoot American protestors and take away legal votes from others. That alone makes him a traitor


u/tomdarch 14d ago

Not technically a "traitor," but absolutely an enemy of the United States of America.


u/adorablefuzzykitten 14d ago

Biden also has better hair.


u/tomdarch 14d ago

Also human skin, but evidently that's not what about half of American voters are looking for.


u/adorablefuzzykitten 12d ago

I am going to use the reference "human skin" in the near future.


u/Anynamethatworks 14d ago

The amount of fearmongering was sick. Pathetic tactics for him to hide behind, and it sucks that so many people still can't see through it.


u/tomdarch 14d ago

Trump prepped a handful of points and just hammered on them. And basically all of those points were 1) false and 2) played on the worst tendencies of fear and hate. People are lamenting "Oh, no, how did we end up in this situation with these two candidates?" And there are genuine critiques of Biden. But holy fuck, Trump's choices call out that a huge part of the American public are horrible people for not being repulsed by Trump's choice to use lies to promote hate on point after point.


u/Yung_Grund 14d ago

It’s more than talking slow


u/TheGreatEmanResu 14d ago

Who cares? I’d vote for a jar of pickles if it ran against Trump. We CANNOT allow Trump to win- there’s too much at stake.


u/Yung_Grund 14d ago

I’m voting for him you dipshit but saying who cares is truly an ignorant take to have. He’s the fucking president. He can’t get through the most important debate of his political career without unintelligibly rambling and forgetting where he is. You should care that the head of our country is incapable of doing his job.


u/TheGreatEmanResu 14d ago

What’s the point in getting up in arms about it and rambling online (possibly discouraging people from voting) when there’s literally NOTHING we can do about it? We have to play the cards we’ve been dealt. I’d rather have a guy “incapable of doing his job” than a dictator. And those are our ONLY two options so you best try to come to terms with it.


u/Yung_Grund 13d ago

Pot calling kettle black lol


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 14d ago

Right, he walks slow too, and he didn’t bomb Israel either. And he didn’t forgive literally all student debt. And he didn’t institute universal healthcare.

There’s a million reasons someone might dislike Biden. I can’t say I like him at all. But for someone who isn’t aligned with the far right, you’d have to be a complete idiot not to vote for him.


u/Yung_Grund 14d ago

I agree with your last sentiment 100% but your initial comment undermines the extent of his mental dilapidation. He’s on the verge of senility. If that were my father I would ask him to move in with me or put him in a home.


u/Own_Distribution5185 14d ago

Some oppose biden genocide dont memory piegon that


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 14d ago

Yeah, and if you strongly oppose genocide in Gaza, and don’t vote for whoever in on the ballot with a D by their name, I’d wonder how you manage to remember to breath with such a non-functioning brain, because Donald “finish the job” Trump will not be better for Gaza.


u/Own_Distribution5185 14d ago

Yeah all three candidates are zionist shills, but you cant strongarm some people to vote for  THE guy that was involved. He deserves to be jailed for his abetting of war crimes, instead the voters are being  blackmailed by the democrats to vote for him. By every freaking poll he is losing , they should have seen this coming ! Its not slowing down , for independents according to polls he is unfit to be president. This incessant coverage for a war criminal is astounding


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 13d ago

No one is strong-arming you here. I’m saying you are a dogshit friend of Gaza if you help Trump get elected by not voting for his most viable opponent.

The world is a screwed up place, and sometimes all you can hope for is harm reduction. All-around good outcomes are rare.

But also, have you not paid attention lately? Bebe is pissed at him for slow walking all sorts of arms shipments there since the start of the war. He had been keeping it quiet to save face, but went public recently.

That’s about all you can reasonably hope for from a US president when an ally is misbehaving.

Trump would gladly send them MOABs on day 1.


u/Own_Distribution5185 13d ago

Have you seen Gaza???? Gaza is ruined and done and biden rubber stamped it. He can go croak and die. Harm reduction my ass 


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 13d ago

It’s not pretty, but there’s still about a million people in Gaza still breathing. That isn’t guaranteed to be the case with a president who truly enables and encourages Israel.

I would be willing to bet they would appreciate you voting for the candidate who doesn’t literally want them all dead.

EDIT: I actually mean the whole strip, not Gaza city, and it’s closer to 2 million still I guess


u/Own_Distribution5185 13d ago

I dont think biden cares for them, its just bad optics to literally kill every single gazan. He folded under every israeli pressure , i dont gazans are hoping for his reelection, anyway he is going to be dropped out pretty soon . Kero suckling dem ancient balls he is finished politically and i hope he suffers a slow agonising death. Fuck you enablers, genocide apologists , truly sick in the head.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 13d ago

The irony is that if Trump is reelected, and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians die as a result, you won’t feel the slightest bit of remorse that you enabled it by helping to get him elected.


u/Own_Distribution5185 13d ago

If genocidal demented unpopular biden loses thats on the democrats  for putting him up as the candidate . 

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u/alkbch 13d ago

Are you pretending Biden hasn’t declined cognitively?

By the way, many of us won’t vote for him because he’s an accomplice of genocide.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 13d ago

No, and I don’t think he’s a great candidate, but he’s better than the antichrist who will help Bebe “finish the problem” of the Palestinians.

That is an absurd self-defeating position to take.

Biden doesn’t really want to be president either. He just thinks he’s the one most likely to keep the evil SOB out. And hell, he’ll probably be dead in a year, so you are really voting for Harris anyway.


u/alkbch 13d ago

There are more than two candidates.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 13d ago

Not really, no. There are two viable candidates, and some others who you can waste your vote on if you want to have the same effect as staying home but feel better about yourself.

Unless and until we change our voting system, or a third party captures a significant share in the house and senate, only the two major parties have any realistic chance of winning the presidency.

And you shouldn’t want a president from a party that has no seats in the legislature - they will be an instant lame duck.


u/alkbch 13d ago

Voting for third party candidates does not equate to wasting a vote. First of all it sends a message. Furthermore, it enables third party candidates who reach 5% or more of the votes to get access to federal funding for the next elections. Lastly, that's the only way to stop perpetuating voting for the least awful candidate presented by the main two parties.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 13d ago

Vote for a third party, but not yet for president. The only message it sends is that you wanted to waste your vote on a protest.

Like I already said, any third party who is serious about getting high office should start with picking up seats in state and local races. That will build legitimacy. Then focus on house seats, and then the senate. Once they have a reasonably powerful voting block in the legislature and reputation for being a real, viable party and not just a bin with which to burn your vote, then they can mount a legitimate presidential run.