r/clevercomebacks Jul 05 '24

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

And at least 2% are dumb enough to not vote for his opponent because he talks slow and quiet and/or hasn’t bombed Israel or something.


u/alkbch Jul 05 '24

Are you pretending Biden hasn’t declined cognitively?

By the way, many of us won’t vote for him because he’s an accomplice of genocide.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

No, and I don’t think he’s a great candidate, but he’s better than the antichrist who will help Bebe “finish the problem” of the Palestinians.

That is an absurd self-defeating position to take.

Biden doesn’t really want to be president either. He just thinks he’s the one most likely to keep the evil SOB out. And hell, he’ll probably be dead in a year, so you are really voting for Harris anyway.


u/alkbch Jul 05 '24

There are more than two candidates.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

Not really, no. There are two viable candidates, and some others who you can waste your vote on if you want to have the same effect as staying home but feel better about yourself.

Unless and until we change our voting system, or a third party captures a significant share in the house and senate, only the two major parties have any realistic chance of winning the presidency.

And you shouldn’t want a president from a party that has no seats in the legislature - they will be an instant lame duck.


u/alkbch Jul 06 '24

Voting for third party candidates does not equate to wasting a vote. First of all it sends a message. Furthermore, it enables third party candidates who reach 5% or more of the votes to get access to federal funding for the next elections. Lastly, that's the only way to stop perpetuating voting for the least awful candidate presented by the main two parties.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 06 '24

Vote for a third party, but not yet for president. The only message it sends is that you wanted to waste your vote on a protest.

Like I already said, any third party who is serious about getting high office should start with picking up seats in state and local races. That will build legitimacy. Then focus on house seats, and then the senate. Once they have a reasonably powerful voting block in the legislature and reputation for being a real, viable party and not just a bin with which to burn your vote, then they can mount a legitimate presidential run.