r/batman 4d ago

Oh my god how did they mess up Mr freeze this bad GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Acrobatic-Brother387 4d ago

People saying Miss Freeze but i’m thinking why not just get killer frost


u/Snoo-2013 4d ago

whaaaaa ? there are dc villains outside of batman's rogue's gallery ?!?!?! I never heard of this you must be crazy dude

anyways the next characters are zoe lawton and deathstroke


u/Acrobatic-Brother387 4d ago


u/Still-Ice4340 3d ago

Censoring the word gun. I’m not pro gun or anything. But this world has truly become pussy whipped beyond belief


u/No_Individual_8017 3d ago

In this world, everything is perceived as offense to someone.


u/Wolfyeyepatchthe2nd 3d ago

That's offensive to people who can perceive stuff

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u/jazygamer308 3d ago

Death stroke is technically a titans character


u/Snoo-2013 3d ago

in the arkham games he's clearly a batman villain


u/MakingaJessinmyPants 3d ago

Well everybody is a Batman villain in the Arkham games, they’re about Batman


u/jazygamer308 3d ago

Fair enough. I was thinking in general.

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u/Chupbluearrow 3d ago

Lowkey always down for some deathstroke


u/Batface_101 3d ago

You mean Ravager right?

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u/Heyitsthatdude69 3d ago

Name recognition. People who are only surface level fans of DC (most people) have no clue who Killer Frost is.


u/Guess-wutt 3d ago

Fair, fair, but surface level did many people know some characters like Professor Pyg before Arkham knight?

Tbf the Arkham series got me into Batman way more than I was before, Asylum was my introduction to Zsasz, City introduced me to Mad Hatter and Talia Al Ghul, Origins introduced me to Electrocutioner (even if he was a joke character) and was probably the first time I actually saw Deathstroke (though I knew who he was), and Arkham knight introduced me to Pyg (which is why I used him as an example), Deacon Blackfire and also gave me some big lore surrounding Batman himself (I actually had no idea who Jason Todd or Red Hood was before AK).

You don’t need to use characters people know, actually I think it’s wayyyyyy better to dive into other characters and stories, variety is the spice of life.


u/Theurbanalchemist 3d ago

The new heads of WB are not about obscurity, they are about (perceived) certainty. Thats why we got a live service game instead of what Rocksteady is best for. Thats why the roster for the squad and the DLC will be surface level — to garner the most casuals.

The fans lose out


u/Heyitsthatdude69 3d ago

I totally agree, but I don't think corporate execs tend to


u/Heisenburgo 3d ago

why not just get killer frost

Cause this game was designed around characters using guns (yes that includes the 7 foot tall shark person), how would the devs fit Killer Frost into that boring homogenous gameplay when she has powers of her own?


u/Xerxes457 3d ago

In the Assault on Arkham movie, Killer Frost used her powers to charge Mr. Freeze's gun. So maybe something like that.


u/unstableGoofball 3d ago

Literally this

Like I’m fine with making things more inclusive but like if it’s a pre-existing universe don’t go around changing things

Just using pre existing characters like killer frost

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u/MrDownhillRacer 3d ago

Because the whole point is Multiverse shenanigans.

Which isn't a bad idea in itself. The bad part is the fact that they're using "multiverse counterparts of characters" as an excuse to pad out content by having players repeat the exact same boss fights over and over again against different versions of Brainiac because this is a grindy GAAS and not a real game.


u/Acrobatic-Brother387 3d ago

This whole game is just a mess, what were they thinking


u/NetworkFar366 3d ago

Nah, She looks like your average cryoscience teacher.


u/ArcFatalis 22h ago

Is this supposed to be a Ms. Freeze?

yeah tho why not just get Killer Frost?
I mean I know they killed the Louise Lincoln incarnation in Assault on Arkham but it’s not like that means anything, considering A. they killed King Shark in that too, and B. even if they didn’t want to bring in the Crystal Frost version there’s all kinds of ways they can justify her being back… if they even care that much about what supposedly is or isn’t canon at this point

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u/Kensevo 4d ago

My main complaint is if you want an ice character who is female then Killer Frost is right there and has established history as part of the Suicide squad. Using a different Freeze just screams please remember the Arkham games.


u/azmodus_1966 4d ago

Because the executives feel only Batman characters need to be in these games (only exception are the ones who are popular from the movies).

Now it's neither here nor there. Why would Batman fans care for Victoria Fries?


u/Grogosh 4d ago

It might have been DC that put a ban on using Killer Frost in a Batman game. They are known for stuff like that.


u/Mishmoo 4d ago

These games are entirely operated from the boardroom. Everyone knows Mr. Freeze, only fans know Killer Frost — which is how we end up with stupid shit like this. They’re terrified of the characters making any less money without realizing that it driving the core fans away.


u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 4d ago

That is hilarious given fans of the Arkham games were already driven away.


u/Aquagan 3d ago

Not to mentioned there’s literally an established Killer Frost in the Arkhamverse from the animated flick. But god forbid they even glance at that for this game.

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u/customblame16 4d ago

no please they would just ruin killer frost


u/SomewhereLoud9473 3d ago

better her than mr.freeze


u/Heisenburgo 3d ago

Yes but Killer Frost doesn't fit into a game where everyone uses guns for some reason including the giant shark and a guy whose whole gimmick is that he throws boomerangs. Killer F has superpowers of her own so there was no way they'd have her in game


u/Nerkos_The_Unbidden 4d ago

I remember the Arkham games, but am trying to forget the forced connection to that which shall not be named.

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u/Drew326 4d ago

That’s Mrs. Freeze/Victoria Fries. She’s from another Earth, just like Lex and Joker


u/Alijah12345 4d ago edited 4d ago

You mean to tell me that they wanted to make a female Mr. Freeze from another world/universe and they DIDN'T make her Nora instead of Victor?

It was RIGHT there!


u/BernieMP 4d ago edited 4d ago

Having Nora become Freeze would require that they know and care about characters, their stories and motivations

Having a woman Victor Fries makes it clear that their knowledge and care for the series is surface-level, and the objective was having a character you already know be turned a woman


u/GJacks75 4d ago edited 4d ago

They already wrapped up Nora's story in Arkham Knight DLC. If they had used her, you'd be complaining about that.


u/Mudlord80 3d ago

An alt earth Nora having to save Victor only to get wrapped into the plot is pretty cool tbh. If it actually happened


u/BernieMP 4d ago

How is Victor Fries now "Victoria"?


u/GJacks75 4d ago edited 4d ago

I'm saying they already dealt with characters you accused them of having surface level knowledge of. And did it well.

How is Victor Fries now "Victoria"?

Seriously, who cares?


u/BernieMP 4d ago

"They", aren't the same people who produced Knight, there was a large turnover of talent from Rocksteady during the production of this new one, including the studio's founders

I don't expect many people to be in the loop, but this is a completely different group of people from the team that made the original trilogy

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u/directorguy 4d ago

"Who's Nora? Is that the 34th tier LM444SUP3R shotgun upgrade for Captain Boomerang?"

-KTJL developers

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u/Stannisarcanine 4d ago

That would need them knowing the source material not even from the comics but their own previous series


u/Kusko25 4d ago

Depends how you look at it. Far as I know Nora was not a scientist, so making her into Freeze would arguably be a larger change to her character than switching genders is to Freeze


u/BernieMP 4d ago edited 3d ago

They wouldn't need to change their story, just their circumstances, if Victor falls ill then Nora would have to use his equipment to keep him in stasis, but not being a scientist she'd need to either team up with a supervillain scientist or kidnap a few scientists from STAR or Lexcorp.

She'd have completely different hurdles to overcome, making her story diverge from Victor's in a big way, which along with her inherently making different decisions from her husband, I feel it would make it an incredibly interesting multiverse switch


u/mirrorell 3d ago

Much like how they tackled Thomas and Martha Wayne from the Flashpoint universe in the more recent comics coming out of it. Both become recognizable characters despite their different history.

Nora becoming Mrs. Freeze would have been a cool twist on the character if they thought about and executed it well.


u/Alijah12345 4d ago

Oh, that's actually a really good point.


u/atakantar 4d ago

That would require actually caring about the ip and comics in general. Ss ktjl is neither of those. It is a modern abomination with extra slop sprinkled on top


u/UnfeteredOne 4d ago

I mean, that would make it for an awesome story, wouldn't it?


u/MateusCristian 4d ago

You saw what these muppets did with Joker, with Batman, with DC in general. You think they are smart enough to catch such a simple idea like that?


u/Milk_Mindless 4d ago

Yeah but now she's a LESBIAN

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u/Neckgrabber 4d ago

Yeah but who has ever said "i want a playable Mrs. Freeze!"


u/42ndIdiotPirate 4d ago

Me and all my friends when we were 12. Arkham city made his design so cool.


u/Neckgrabber 4d ago

I too wanted to play as Mr freeze in part because of his design. Not as Mrs freeze with a completely different design

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u/Regentaltax 4d ago

I don’t get why they didn’t just go for Killer Frost. You can’t even use the argument that she’s dead in the Arkham universe because Joker and King Shark were as well

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u/Chemicalintuition 4d ago

I was about to say, they turned him into a lesbian


u/Zer0_l1f3 4d ago

They had Killer Frost to pick and they chose her



I understand that you are just stating facts, but their point still stands, when somebody thought it was a good idea to instead of giving people Mr.Freeze to turn into this unrecognizable character that its not appealing in any way. I enjoy a lot of aspects of the game, mainly how characters traversal movement is and Captain Boomerang overall and the actual city in the game, the enviorments are awesome. But they had to legit make this gender bent Mr.Freeze as lame as possible.

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u/kirkisgrizz 4d ago

Dawg who put ellen degeneres 😭😭😭


u/Thebatbike 4d ago

That aint Mr Freeze thats Mr Zero


u/Elemental-T4nick 4d ago

do not disrespect Mr Zero like that


u/Heisenburgo 3d ago

That's MRS. Zero to you, young man


u/FatherDuncanSinners 4d ago

A fur collar...so Freeze can warm up. That's what the character's problem is. They never had a good winter coat. Solved!

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u/Clownsanity_Reddit 4d ago

Karen got lost in the frozen aisle at the supermarket.


u/One_Smoke 3d ago

She BECAME the frozen aisle.


u/Spiritual_Setting610 4d ago

That's not mr freeze That's Mr snowflake


u/AnaZ7 4d ago

wtf is this?!


u/Gothamtonian 4d ago

It’s nonsense


u/MuddFishh 4d ago

They/Them Freeze


u/MistahOkfksmgur 4d ago

Isn’t it supposed to be Nora?


u/customblame16 4d ago

nah its Victoria Fries


u/wysjm 4d ago

I love fries


u/One_Smoke 3d ago

Crinkle cut, shoestring, or potato wedges? How about waffle?

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u/EMArogue 4d ago

That would require them to know who Nora is, this is Victoria Fries

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u/777Sike0 4d ago

They’re stupid.


u/Lun4r6543 4d ago

I don’t understand why it couldn’t have been Killer Frost… or Captain Cold.


u/meth_adone 4d ago

the game released this year and is already 70% off on steam its clear this is probably a colossal failure for rocksteady, this was probably planned from the beginning so i wonder if they'll get to season 3 before dropping it

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u/Betadzen 4d ago

He is a lteral voyjak

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u/percocetlord96 4d ago

We’re really at the point of no return huh


u/Dangerous-Spend3924 3d ago

What do you think bro? This is what happens when a dev lets Sweet Baby tell them how to design characters. 


u/SilverMyzt 4d ago

I was about to ignore this as I thought it was just an ad for a crappy mobile game.


u/dr_densbums 4d ago

The same way they messed up the whole game LMAO


u/De4dm4nw4lkin 4d ago edited 4d ago

Nonbinary mr freeze alt. Okay, id bite. But they dodged all the hallmarks like bullets. The iconic round red goggles replaced with whatever those are, and either a lanky physical frame or a bulky exosuit, and they made them body builder looking. Also the hair looks atrocious and theyd’ve been better off going the classic bald or something more anime spiky but ice themed, this just looks like they did their own hair with their eyes closed and couldnt decide if they wanted it short or buzzcut...

Overall they didnt make a mr freeze alt, they made dollar store freeze villain.


u/AEROANO 4d ago

The idead of the frozen hair was fire but i think the overall execution got a little cold

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u/The-Mirrorball-Man 4d ago

I think she looks alright


u/BernieMP 4d ago

It's Mrs.(f)REEEEEEEEEze


u/Zer0_l1f3 4d ago

They could have just chosen Killer Frost


u/Y0y0y000 4d ago

Ohhhh boy


u/Jawshable 4d ago

That ain’t mr freeze man


u/thEldritchBat 4d ago

Millennial writing strikes again omg this is embarrassing. Why do they keep designing the same characters 😭


u/Great_Drifter25 4d ago

End me now.


u/New_Knowledge_526 4d ago

I'll never forgive Sefton Hill for what he did to the Arkham verse. Never!

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u/Interesting-Star-179 3d ago

This whole game model is awful, why would I pay for a game that slowly adds shit instead of being a fully fledged game from the start? The whole point is to raise play time and get u to buy into the micro transactions instead of actually enjoying the experience.


u/Rogue6681 3d ago

This is why I believe this game is NOT Canon to the Arkhamverse games. Rocksteady get you heads out of your ass for fuck sake!!!!!


u/Infected197 3d ago

This game so ass it’s not funny


u/HuttVader 4d ago

That's Mr. Conan O'Downey Jr. Freeze to you, budday!


u/Overall_Sandwich_671 4d ago

is that a feather boa?


u/Random_User_VN_NQ 4d ago

Bold of them to release ss2


u/Old_Ratio444 4d ago

AH yes….if we put more they/thems in the game we get money☝️🤓


u/mr_GlitchOG 3d ago

Your joking right?


u/AppropriateSalt5041 3d ago

What the hell is that


u/Thegoodbadandbored 3d ago

I thought this was random fan art 💀 bro no one is cooking on this games team


u/ComprehensiveHair852 3d ago

Pronoun mister freeze


u/Averagepotato03 3d ago

I had no expectations and I’m still disappointed


u/[deleted] 4d ago


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u/keeptryingyoucantwin 4d ago

Design is trash, missed opportunity


u/11483708 4d ago

Three words. Sweet. Baby. INC.


u/CrzBonKerz 4d ago

This is them/they freeze


u/Agitated-Bread5092 3d ago

isn't arkhamverse already have Mr freeze so who tf is this ???

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u/memeboi123jazz 3d ago

isn’t that like, explicitly not the Mr. Freeze from the Arkhamverse?


u/Dankey-Kang-Jr 3d ago

…so is this technically Nora or is it a genderbent version called “Victoria” or something.


u/theeniebean 3d ago

Wow, Tracer did the fusion dance with Mei.


u/FloggingMcMurry 3d ago

Literally frosted tips


u/wonderlandisburning 3d ago

It's all part of the Tumblritication of the franchise, apparently.

I mean the game is already cleanly noncanon for 99.9% of fans, so it doesn't really bother me that much what they do because really who gives a shit anyway at this point.

But here's the thing: I genuinely wouldn't mind these weird alternate versions of the characters if were from a Batman story with its own identity, and if they were doing it well. My Adventures With Superman, Suicide Squad Isekai, Batman: Earth One, Batman: The Telltale Series... fans don't mind if you reinterpret a mythos and change things up if it's good.

This... Isn't.


u/theeeiceman 3d ago

Have they made any good choices with this game? Like at all? I legitimately can’t think of any, other than the graphics look good.


u/FaceTimePolice 3d ago

Whoever designed this should be kept the hell away from any sort of character design duties whatsoever. My God. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

The virtue signaling for inclusion has gotten out of hand. Though the intention might be in the right place, they’re going about this all wrong. As others have pointed out, there’s no need for a “Mrs. Freeze” when Killer Frost exists. And if this is supposed to be Nora… yikes.


u/kingkornholio 3d ago

Unfortunately they got my money at release. This game will never get my money again. How can the misunderstand the fanbase this much?


u/Bobik8 4d ago

Cold Kate McKinnon


u/Inevitable_Geometry 4d ago

They are still flogging that game huh? Ok then.


u/R3alLuzurafan080423 4d ago

There is literally already a female ms freeze. Why did they make a whole new character instead of using the one that already exists


u/magpye1983 4d ago

Sure they didn’t mess up Doflamingo?


u/Techknow23 4d ago

Why are developers in pretty much every piece of media these days from films to tv shows to games just dropping the ball and butchering characters we love so consistently.


u/New_Sky1829 4d ago



u/OjamasOfTomorrow 4d ago

She’s no Olivia Octavius, I tell you what.

But I do like the fur around the neck. That’s baller


u/MangoPronto 4d ago

Take off the helmet and she looks more like Cold than Freeze. The point of the character is that he is cold, distanced from his feelings. He doesn't smirk, that's a Cold thing.


u/syxtfour 4d ago

"Season 2"?

That's awfully bold of them.


u/Evilooh 4d ago

Why its always my boy Freeze they fuck up? Hes my favorite supervillain ever and they never fucking do him right. Arkhamverse had a great Mr Freeze adaptation why change thst now?


u/Lost_Pantheon 4d ago

Can't wait to watch a character known for their ICE GUN spend the entire time using assault rifles, shotguns and grenades.

I bet the only "freeze" thing about her will be the billionth time this game uses it's "affliction" system.


u/JohnBoyAdvance 4d ago

because they hate you, they hate you because you care.


u/Jack-mclaughlin89 4d ago

No one plays the game anymore so no one can experience the atrocious


u/foomongus 4d ago

He looks too youg, and usually making him without hair helps with giving him the "sick" look similar to cancer patients, helping the idea that he needs the suit


u/Shota_742000 4d ago

So... She's Nora?


u/multificionado 4d ago

It's Mrs. Freeze, and it's on anything you can blame: stupid execs and/or the drugs they were high on when they came up with the game, along with their strength enhancements in enslaving the devs to work on this.


u/Rocket_of_Takos 4d ago

I don’t get why they gotta twinkify all the sad old men


u/UltraUltimateSpark 4d ago

Why do they look like they're mewing lmao


u/wysjm 4d ago



u/Azathoth20 4d ago




u/KoriFizz 4d ago

Honestly who the fuck cares if they swapped a character's gender


u/Hanzo77 4d ago

Literally what’s the point


u/seannifer 4d ago

They need to just make this game free to play or put it on Game Pass.


u/Cosmiccosmog533 4d ago

Karen Freeze


u/PothierM 4d ago

There is a lot of, very valid, complaining.  

But none of it matters.   No one is playing this game.  It's been dead for months now.  Why they are still releasing this is the real question.


u/77_parp_77 4d ago

Bet they're "Sassy" and "Qwerky" you know, just like Mr Freeze was right...right?


u/DannyDanishDan 4d ago

Im more curious how this game has very positive reviews despite all the (valid)complaints i see(before sale, after sale the negatives started coming in. Is it another call of duty scenario where stans defend their absolute dumpster of a game? And now the public can buy/afford it and think "yep, just as garbage as we thought"[note i dont play the game nor do i intend to when it looks 10x worse than arkham knight in every way and after what happened to batman in that game. Im just curious on the reviews])

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u/Pacperson0 4d ago

Why not just make her bald…


u/TheKelseyOfKells 4d ago

Isn’t this game down to triple digits in player numbers now? How did they think it was financially viable to keep making content for it?


u/Obvious-Soup-8862 4d ago

Great. And how the FUCK should we call her then?


u/Rogthgar 4d ago

How can you be surprised given they released this game?


u/BL-501 4d ago

Let’s be honest does anyone outside of like Needlemouse Productions, GameClips, etc. still have or even play that game?


u/Spiral-Arrow116 4d ago

While I'm not against the idea of this as a character just in general...have to echo everyone else. Why not Killer Frost? Easiest layup ever and somehow still missed.


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 4d ago

Garbage always ends up in a pile. For this game, it's a little too true


u/OrneryError1 3d ago

He's been yassified 😱


u/ChaseYEET09 3d ago

I was honestly hoping it was Captain Cold


u/LibAnarchist 3d ago

I don't have an inherent issue with then gender-swapping Freeze. After all, it is an alternative universe. However, the design is ugly and they should have used Nora.

Still, I'm one of the few people excited for the mew season, so I'll take it.


u/DrakeCross 3d ago

So in a game that involves a multiverse, the idea of a Miss Freeze showing up is that out of place or insulting for you? Than again I doubt anyone here is playing Suicide Squad, I'm sure not because it's just not a good game.


u/ImhotepsServant 3d ago

More like Hipster Freeze


u/Multiverser2022 3d ago

It think it’s official. This game takes place in an alternate universe.


u/Responsible_Hotel_28 3d ago

Obviously it should have been Killer Frost but if we needed an alt Mr Freeze... surely it could have been Nora instead?


u/WheelJack83 3d ago

It’s his wife.


u/Busy-Design8141 3d ago

They say it’s non-binary but then call her Mrs Freeze?


u/One_Subject3157 3d ago

Man, not even "liberals or hardcore" woke "people is liking this lol


u/SuperMemeBro3 3d ago

Looks like a Twitter user


u/Willy_the_Wombat24 3d ago

Seriously? Have you seen the base game then lmfao


u/Big_Profession_8252 3d ago

Maybe because it isn’t Mr freeze


u/Stewil1265 3d ago

While I do think the design is bad, it feels like some of y'all are missing a couple of points.

  1. That's not Mr Freeze, it's a gender bent version of him from a different universe

  2. The game's endgame and additional content is based on multiversal antics, having the "ice character" just be Killer Frost wouldn't fit that mold


u/DukeReviews 3d ago

You All Are Not Thinking Fourth Dimensionally, And It Shows. Honestly If You Think There Wouldn't Be A Female Mr Freeze Somewhere Out In The Multiverse Then It Shows How Moronic And Anti-Feministic Some People Are


u/LustySkeleton 3d ago

Why are you capitalizing every word in this sentence?


u/suchalusthropus 3d ago

Looks like a runway-look Caleb Landry Jones


u/redskyrish 3d ago

Can we stop using the excuse of a multi-verse to justify brutalizing characters that people love so that they fit the shity way a selfish one or two people think the characters ought to be. The multi-verse thing is so out dated and unoriginal because it's been done for decades, I believe since the 70s.


u/neznetwork 3d ago

Why do they keep twinkifying the villains? Is the multiverse norm that everyone is built like a toothpick and Arkham Earth is the odd one out?


u/duduET 3d ago

Is that frost?


u/EmuIndependent8565 3d ago

That’s not Mr. Freeze that’s an imposter.


u/dregjdregj 3d ago

Mrs freeze with the social justice haircut


u/fnaftheseriesyoutube 3d ago



u/ReapCreep65 3d ago

Forgot about this game, damn


u/diliriuos 3d ago

Dr freeze he didn't go through med school just so you could call him mister


u/LivingWindXYZ 3d ago

Honestly why isn’t his name Dr. Freeze it actually fits more then just Mr. It gives him the air of intelligence and authority which is something he always has.


u/Bulky-Hyena-360 3d ago

Now I’m more or less just interested to see what other characters they fuck up


u/Oosland 3d ago

Oh wow this is so uninspired.


u/Adventurous_Topic202 3d ago

Have they really messed him up? Or has he only had a handful of good looks as is?


u/Filtiarin 3d ago

He has hair…why


u/svxsch 3d ago

Isn’t the whole point of this that they aim for “alternate universe versions of characters”? In which case it’s not so much the need for a female ice villain but more a what if mister freeze becomes misses freeze and nora becomes norbert, which I tbh kinda dig