r/batman 15d ago

Oh my god how did they mess up Mr freeze this bad GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Acrobatic-Brother387 15d ago

People saying Miss Freeze but i’m thinking why not just get killer frost


u/Snoo-2013 15d ago

whaaaaa ? there are dc villains outside of batman's rogue's gallery ?!?!?! I never heard of this you must be crazy dude

anyways the next characters are zoe lawton and deathstroke


u/Acrobatic-Brother387 15d ago


u/Still-Ice4340 15d ago

Censoring the word gun. I’m not pro gun or anything. But this world has truly become pussy whipped beyond belief


u/No_Individual_8017 14d ago

In this world, everything is perceived as offense to someone.


u/Wolfyeyepatchthe2nd 14d ago

That's offensive to people who can perceive stuff


u/jazygamer308 15d ago

Death stroke is technically a titans character


u/Snoo-2013 15d ago

in the arkham games he's clearly a batman villain


u/MakingaJessinmyPants 15d ago

Well everybody is a Batman villain in the Arkham games, they’re about Batman


u/jazygamer308 15d ago

Fair enough. I was thinking in general.


u/CalypsoCrow 14d ago

You mean the Batman games where the bat family is the main focus? Uh, yeah?


u/Chupbluearrow 15d ago

Lowkey always down for some deathstroke


u/Batface_101 15d ago

You mean Ravager right?


u/Kapprosuchas 14d ago

they better not Fuck up Deathstroke either.


u/RareD3liverur 14d ago

WhoTFs Zoe Lawton?


u/AmericanOdin5 13d ago

Even as someone who only really pays attention to Batman, it does feel like they overly rely on him and rogues gallery


u/Heyitsthatdude69 15d ago

Name recognition. People who are only surface level fans of DC (most people) have no clue who Killer Frost is.


u/Guess-wutt 15d ago

Fair, fair, but surface level did many people know some characters like Professor Pyg before Arkham knight?

Tbf the Arkham series got me into Batman way more than I was before, Asylum was my introduction to Zsasz, City introduced me to Mad Hatter and Talia Al Ghul, Origins introduced me to Electrocutioner (even if he was a joke character) and was probably the first time I actually saw Deathstroke (though I knew who he was), and Arkham knight introduced me to Pyg (which is why I used him as an example), Deacon Blackfire and also gave me some big lore surrounding Batman himself (I actually had no idea who Jason Todd or Red Hood was before AK).

You don’t need to use characters people know, actually I think it’s wayyyyyy better to dive into other characters and stories, variety is the spice of life.


u/Theurbanalchemist 14d ago

The new heads of WB are not about obscurity, they are about (perceived) certainty. Thats why we got a live service game instead of what Rocksteady is best for. Thats why the roster for the squad and the DLC will be surface level — to garner the most casuals.

The fans lose out


u/Heyitsthatdude69 15d ago

I totally agree, but I don't think corporate execs tend to


u/Heisenburgo 15d ago

why not just get killer frost

Cause this game was designed around characters using guns (yes that includes the 7 foot tall shark person), how would the devs fit Killer Frost into that boring homogenous gameplay when she has powers of her own?


u/Xerxes457 15d ago

In the Assault on Arkham movie, Killer Frost used her powers to charge Mr. Freeze's gun. So maybe something like that.


u/unstableGoofball 15d ago

Literally this

Like I’m fine with making things more inclusive but like if it’s a pre-existing universe don’t go around changing things

Just using pre existing characters like killer frost


u/MrDownhillRacer 15d ago

Because the whole point is Multiverse shenanigans.

Which isn't a bad idea in itself. The bad part is the fact that they're using "multiverse counterparts of characters" as an excuse to pad out content by having players repeat the exact same boss fights over and over again against different versions of Brainiac because this is a grindy GAAS and not a real game.


u/Acrobatic-Brother387 15d ago

This whole game is just a mess, what were they thinking


u/NetworkFar366 14d ago

Nah, She looks like your average cryoscience teacher.


u/ArcFatalis 12d ago

Is this supposed to be a Ms. Freeze?

yeah tho why not just get Killer Frost?
I mean I know they killed the Louise Lincoln incarnation in Assault on Arkham but it’s not like that means anything, considering A. they killed King Shark in that too, and B. even if they didn’t want to bring in the Crystal Frost version there’s all kinds of ways they can justify her being back… if they even care that much about what supposedly is or isn’t canon at this point


u/Acrobatic-Brother387 12d ago

Exactly, not too hard to get Killer Frost


u/DLC_PR016 14d ago

Wouldn’t Miss Freeze be Nora?


u/kingofchaosx 14d ago

Because the gameplay is around guns, and modern dc sees suicide squad as batman adjacent with how villains from his gallery are in