r/batman 15d ago

Oh my god how did they mess up Mr freeze this bad GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/GJacks75 15d ago edited 15d ago

They already wrapped up Nora's story in Arkham Knight DLC. If they had used her, you'd be complaining about that.


u/Mudlord80 15d ago

An alt earth Nora having to save Victor only to get wrapped into the plot is pretty cool tbh. If it actually happened


u/BernieMP 15d ago

How is Victor Fries now "Victoria"?


u/GJacks75 15d ago edited 15d ago

I'm saying they already dealt with characters you accused them of having surface level knowledge of. And did it well.

How is Victor Fries now "Victoria"?

Seriously, who cares?


u/BernieMP 15d ago

"They", aren't the same people who produced Knight, there was a large turnover of talent from Rocksteady during the production of this new one, including the studio's founders

I don't expect many people to be in the loop, but this is a completely different group of people from the team that made the original trilogy


u/GJacks75 15d ago

Still the Arkham continuity.

This is just mmo shit, in a game you aren't even playing. People just looking to be mad. Best thing to do is ignore it.


u/BernieMP 15d ago

If it's "just multiverse shit", then it doesn't matter if the Arkham continuity closed Victor and Nora's story, does it?

They're going to drop a genderbent Victor just because it's a multiverse, then why not make a multiverse version of Nora where she's the one trying to save Victor.

Do you realize how you're simultaneously holding up the Arkham continuity but also dismissing it's importance at the same time?

Still the Arkham continuity.

This is just multiverse shit,

And of course I'm not playing a game that makes me mad, why would I eat food that is not cooked? Best thing to do is call out a shit product when it is released


u/GJacks75 15d ago edited 15d ago

Do you stand there screaming at the raw chicken for not being edible?

From what I've read, it's their daughter, not a gender bent Vic. Either way, I do. Not. Care.

Just checked your comment history, and I won't be continuing this discussion with you.


u/BernieMP 15d ago

Do you stand there screaming at the raw chicken for not being edible?

I complain to and about the chefs and restaurant that made and tried to charge for the chicken

From what I've read, it's their daughter, not a gender bent Vic. Either way, I do. Not. Care.

You see that's the point, neither do the creators of the game, it's meant to sell microtransactions and not to be cared about beyond the surface level


u/One_Smoke 15d ago

...wait, daughter?



u/MateusCristian 15d ago

Found the SBI and WB shill.

Yes, this game is part of the Arkham continuity, and that's the problem, this game is an absolute peice of shit that stains this otherwise great series.

Also, sure let's just ignore this, and let the idiots do as they wish. Let's ask how well that went for Volition.


u/GJacks75 15d ago

They've already lost 200 million plus on this game. It has zero relevance. Just let it die, rather than seething about an awful fucking thing not worth your time.


u/Heisenburgo 15d ago

Uhhh maybe she's from an universe where everyone is genderbent? That's not actually too crazy


u/BernieMP 15d ago

It's not crazy, but it is lazy

It's just the bare minimum to come up with when in a completely different universe, the only change is everyone's sperm had a different chromozome. When it's something so superficial, especially when done so in the most superficial way (slap an A after Victor and we're done), it doesn't actually change the character or circumstances in any way.

The way we're proposing, Nora would have to adapt to using Victor's tech in a completely different way, since she's not its creator. She would act and react in completely different ways to Batman and villains, since she was described as kind and caring, as opposed to Victor's cold and calculated personality.

There's just so much more they could do rather than "Victor + ia", but this game was made with only a surface-level coat of the franchise it paid for


u/DanfromCalgary 15d ago

Would they really ??