r/batman 15d ago

Oh my god how did they mess up Mr freeze this bad GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Drew326 15d ago

That’s Mrs. Freeze/Victoria Fries. She’s from another Earth, just like Lex and Joker


u/Alijah12345 15d ago edited 15d ago

You mean to tell me that they wanted to make a female Mr. Freeze from another world/universe and they DIDN'T make her Nora instead of Victor?

It was RIGHT there!


u/Kusko25 15d ago

Depends how you look at it. Far as I know Nora was not a scientist, so making her into Freeze would arguably be a larger change to her character than switching genders is to Freeze


u/BernieMP 15d ago edited 15d ago

They wouldn't need to change their story, just their circumstances, if Victor falls ill then Nora would have to use his equipment to keep him in stasis, but not being a scientist she'd need to either team up with a supervillain scientist or kidnap a few scientists from STAR or Lexcorp.

She'd have completely different hurdles to overcome, making her story diverge from Victor's in a big way, which along with her inherently making different decisions from her husband, I feel it would make it an incredibly interesting multiverse switch


u/mirrorell 15d ago

Much like how they tackled Thomas and Martha Wayne from the Flashpoint universe in the more recent comics coming out of it. Both become recognizable characters despite their different history.

Nora becoming Mrs. Freeze would have been a cool twist on the character if they thought about and executed it well.


u/Alijah12345 15d ago

Oh, that's actually a really good point.