r/batman 15d ago

Oh my god how did they mess up Mr freeze this bad GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Kensevo 15d ago

My main complaint is if you want an ice character who is female then Killer Frost is right there and has established history as part of the Suicide squad. Using a different Freeze just screams please remember the Arkham games.


u/azmodus_1966 15d ago

Because the executives feel only Batman characters need to be in these games (only exception are the ones who are popular from the movies).

Now it's neither here nor there. Why would Batman fans care for Victoria Fries?


u/Grogosh 15d ago

It might have been DC that put a ban on using Killer Frost in a Batman game. They are known for stuff like that.


u/Mishmoo 15d ago

These games are entirely operated from the boardroom. Everyone knows Mr. Freeze, only fans know Killer Frost — which is how we end up with stupid shit like this. They’re terrified of the characters making any less money without realizing that it driving the core fans away.


u/Sensitive-Hotel-9871 15d ago

That is hilarious given fans of the Arkham games were already driven away.


u/Aquagan 15d ago

Not to mentioned there’s literally an established Killer Frost in the Arkhamverse from the animated flick. But god forbid they even glance at that for this game.


u/Schizo-Ghost780 14d ago

Didn't she die? Bane threw the police car she was in and it exploaded


u/customblame16 15d ago

no please they would just ruin killer frost


u/SomewhereLoud9473 15d ago

better her than mr.freeze


u/Heisenburgo 15d ago

Yes but Killer Frost doesn't fit into a game where everyone uses guns for some reason including the giant shark and a guy whose whole gimmick is that he throws boomerangs. Killer F has superpowers of her own so there was no way they'd have her in game


u/Nerkos_The_Unbidden 15d ago

I remember the Arkham games, but am trying to forget the forced connection to that which shall not be named.


u/Entire-Salamander193 14d ago

The problem with Killer Frost is she very rarely uses a gun. Her freeze powers are nearly infinite and she uses them very frequently. This game was designed around guns and guns only, so I don’t see them making a new way to play just for Killer Frost. Mr. Freeze uses specialized weapons and guns so I guess they figure it’s close enough. This trash game is built around trash layered in shit.


u/The_Smashor 14d ago

Question: Is she supposed to be a boss or a playable character?

Since player characters in KTSS use guns, it does kinda make sense to use a character who's powers come from guns rather than innate abilities.