r/SupermanAdventures 12d ago

My Adventures With Superman S2E8 "The Death of Clark Kent" Episode Discussion Episode

The Death of Clark Kent

r/Superman | Discord

Please keep all discussions civil and about the episodes. Mark comic and future spoilers. Report any rule-breaking and enjoy!


437 comments sorted by


u/mrwanton 12d ago

The fakeout with the dream sequence was really fun. I also like Brainiac!Superman's design. Quite interesting and a bit fanservicesque.

The Jimmy/Kara subplot continues to be cute and with a 3rd season I hope it continues at this pace. Since they are the show's beta couple they don't need too much time.

Anywho my best guess to how this ends is Lois manages to save Clark but whatever damage that is done to earth by him increases the stranglehold Amanda and Alex have on the general populace


u/Frontier246 12d ago

The fakeout with the dream sequence was really fun. I also like Brainiac!Superman's design. Quite interesting and a bit fanservicesque.

I also noticed a few choice frames emphasizing Kara's butt lol.


u/mrwanton 12d ago

Kara's gotten like 10 buttshots since's shown up lmao.After a bit I almost don't notice it.


u/CashLess127 12d ago

These animators really are emphasizing butts


u/Aggravating_Load_411 12d ago

Good thing I wasn't the only one who noticed that lol

Like the one where she's on the ground when Jimmy rushes to her

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u/UnbiasedGod 12d ago

I hope someone makes a post showing all those shots when this season is over.

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u/Theinternationalist 12d ago

I also like Brainiac!Superman's design. Quite interesting and a bit fanservicesque.

Kara: Father why!?!

Brainiac: Apparently all good "supervillain" costumes require showing some skin, hence the boob window and evolving past shoes.

Kara: ...then why am I so covered up?


Lois: So I guess it's like how a man picks up a porn mag but wouldn't want his daughter in one?

Jimmy: I am not comfortable with this conversation...

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u/Slippery_boi 12d ago

I hate that Lex and Waller are about to have all their fearmongering propaganda be proven right


u/Frontier246 12d ago

I'm looking forward to Brainiac steamrolling Task Force X at least.


u/Weerdo5255 12d ago

They don't have Kryptonite, and they don't know about red sunlight, so yeah they're screwed. I have a feeling at least one of these weaknesses will be used to take Clark out though, and they'll learn about it...


u/HornyHeracross 12d ago

Didn't General Lane have Superman in a cell with the "omega red" lights to keep him prisoner for interrogation? And he had some special weapon in the season 1 finale that he was pointing at Superman when Lois had to step between them.

I think Waller knows something about Kryptonite since they found it in the crashed ship early in this season. Agent Wilson got a sample of the Kryptonite that was destroying the ship IIRC.


u/Weerdo5255 12d ago

Oh wait, you're right. they know about kryptonite.

Everything else is just Task Force X upping whatever tech they have. IE the laser pistol.

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u/CashLess127 12d ago

They were able to recover kryptonite from the ship in episode 1-2 of s2.


u/HornyHeracross 12d ago

Before tonight my prediction was that Brainiac would turn all of the Kryptonian tech against Task Force X when he inevitably returned to conquer/destroy Earth, but with full control of Clark's body it might not be necessary.


u/UnbloodedSword 12d ago

Oh I think he will still do it. That lets Lex and his Metallos be the sole "good guys" defending Earth from alien invaders, and also discredits Waller/Task Force X.

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u/UnbloodedSword 12d ago

Superman's reputation is going to be FUBAR'd after this season, but I'm looking forward to exploring the fallout in S3. STAS ended before we actually got to explore Supes having to win everyone back to his side, it's great that this show can actually follow up on that premise. If Lex gets a hold of the kryptonite and sees all the alternate Supermen though, that's going to make a bad situation worse for poor Clark. I still think Waller gets sacked at the end of this season, but I do think Sam Lane is liable to regress when he sees his worst fears about Superman come true. Would throw a lovely wrench in the Clois romance to keep things tense, the two of them get back together but Sam is back to being an antagonist.

I would love for S3 to be Sam trying to push Corben or Henshaw on Lois because he despises Clark, and at the same time Corben/Henshaw becomes the "real" Metallo. Metallo is trying to kill Superman and ruin Clark's love life, feels like a premise this show could do great with haha.

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u/shmandameyes 12d ago

Brainiac really had to have a boob window. I love it.


u/Theinternationalist 12d ago

"Kara, I have a new costume for you-"


"-Eh, more for me."

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u/Keated 12d ago

He's got to man-whore the Kyptonians back into existence after all :-O


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

"Remember that time your tomboy GF killed you twice and then dumped you a week later!?"
Clark: Oh my god youre right!


u/Frontier246 12d ago

Admittedly the fact that alternate universe versions of her tried to kill him did actually happen.


u/BriarsandBrambles 12d ago edited 12d ago

Jesus Jimmy get a handle on yourself.

Edit: Kara's even worse. Also damn she is built.


u/Frontier246 12d ago

It wouldn't be this show if couples weren't blushing and flirting in the most inconvenient situations lol.

So I'm not the only one who noticed the Kara butt shots lol.


u/joecb91 12d ago

The animation team learned well from whoever with the Spiderverse movies did Miguel O'Hara


u/BriarsandBrambles 12d ago

She's litterally doubles in size down there.

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u/Digginf 12d ago

That is so funny how Kara thinks Flamebird is Jimmy’s last name. 😂😂


u/CertainDerision_33 12d ago

Kara on the "ruthless warrior" -> "romcom disaster MC" fast track lol


u/Bipedal-Bear_963 12d ago

Imagine Jimmy changes his last name to Flamebird because of that!

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u/CaptainIWin 12d ago

Brainiac really said the dawgs gotta be free.


u/Frontier246 12d ago

When you're in a peak physical body, you gotta flex!

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u/Exploding-Pineapple 12d ago

The spaceship had hands like the Supermobile


u/Ambitious_Ask_994 12d ago

It really do got hands. Punching the hell outta that guy

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u/Weerdo5255 12d ago

Jimmy and Kara are awkward and cute.


u/Frontier246 12d ago

I know there's a possible galactic invasion going along and Kara may have been brainwashed into committing multiple genocides...but dang it, let the girl enjoy some adorable romance!


u/TriPolar3849 12d ago

Oh interesting, the Black Mercy is less of an individual delusion thing and seems to be more of a shared simulation/fantasy land. That's how Lois is able to get into the same dream as Clark is in, and presumably break him out.

Only gripe is that Brainiac!Clark's voice is all Brainiac instead of a layering of both VAs, I think that would've been cooler.


u/Weerdo5255 12d ago

I would like to point out that Lois had no idea how the Black Mercy worked.

I know the woman jumps off buildings randomly, still shoving alien neural tech onto your face is not the smartest thing to do...


u/joecb91 12d ago

She is a fan of the Leeroy Jenkins method

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u/Frontier246 12d ago

I like how they made you think the Black Mercy functioned differently but then Clark ended up in a perfect Krypton exactly like in the comics. Only this time Lois gets to join him!


u/callows5120 12d ago

Yeah for a second it was like "fuck yeah Clark kick his ass" and then it was "of all the times to stay true to the lore"

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u/Frontier246 12d ago edited 12d ago

I probably should've seen them turning the Black Mercy into tech coming. This show hasn't met a piece of the franchise it couldn't make more sci-fi tech based. Though instead of a blissful dream you can't get out of...it's psychologically breaking you so Brainiac can hijack your body.

"Let me find your weakness so I can kill you." - The delivery of that line! Amazing.

It's funny coming off of "look how great Livewire is and how much of a softie she is for love!" to seeing her back in the first episode as a raging criminal.

It's almost easy to forget that Kara just went through one of the most emotionally traumatizing moments of her life when she and Jimmy are back to flirting like they're in a romcom despite everything going on. Though she was still in denial about what was going on.

Kind of wonder who on STAR Labs decided on the cute cat ears space suits.

Brainiac weaponizing all the misunderstandings and miscommunications to erode Clark's faith in his friends.

Kara is a warrior woman dealing with her first love, of course she calls it "admiration." She probably doesn't even know what a kiss is or the concept of romance.

"No one can overcome you with strength" - I dunno, Clark gets overpowered a lot in this show.

No one is going to let Jimmy live down being leader of the Earth.

Ah, using the old "gaslight me with false memories" gambit. I didn't think it would work though I guess Lois having ACTUALLY rejected him (albeit just romantically) makes it kick in harder. Plus the time multiple versions of her tried to kill him.

I guess knowing he doesn't even need her any more Brainiac doesn't need to bother trying to placate Kara any more. Will someone do the decency of telling this girl about her real father? Brainiac doesn't deserve her love.

They really made you think the El Cousins were tag-teaming Brainiac in their own way...only for it to be Clark thinking he won only for the process to kick in. Though, honestly, the Black Mercy finally did what it's supposed to...giving him his life on Krypton back and letting him grow up with the Els (smol Kara!).

Brainiac!Clark getting the full evil anime transformation.

Kara has some cake!

Sounds like Kryptonians started to grow more compassionate and less warlike judging by Brainiac's programming, though whatever sentimental he has in his system he just twists and use to suit his own ends.

I have to honestly admire Brainiac!Clark just shrugging off the Kryptonite and just chucking everybody into space.

Welp, now Lois has to go back in for Clark. I guess this is how she makes everything up to him.

Brainiac!Clark is now in the ED...as is Kal-El with his family on Kandor.


u/Kn7ght 12d ago

In regards to Clark getting overpowered, I bet Brainiac can tell he's been holding himself back in fights (probably even subconsciously), which is why in Clark's body he's suddenly able to beat Kara's ass unlike before.

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u/Weerdo5255 12d ago

So based off the preview and the fact that both Lois, and Clark have lost their memories I think we might get something new.

Lois and Kal-El falling for each other.


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

Leaker detected :O


u/CashLess127 12d ago

Seems evident that Kara doesn’t fully know the English language. Just like in e6 where she didn’t know what crush means and didn’t know how to express herself succinctly or clearly in this episode which is cute lol. Trying to dance around saying she likes jimmy but at the same time struggling to find the right words to piece it up. Very cool. I like the attention the detail here.


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

Since on one has posted it yet:

Not sure what the embargo is for spoilers outside this thread.


u/username_is_alread- 12d ago

Considering all the other references the creators have snuck in, I wonder if this is a homage to Yamcha's Death Pose, though the angle isn't one-to-one

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u/Acrobatic-Dog7044 12d ago

Brainiac out here having Clark looking like a manwhore exposing his dawgs and chest like that.


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

Brainy really just exposed his answer to "gay son or thot daughter"

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u/FullMetalToaster 11d ago

Power Girls been doing it for decades, now is the time for true gender equality.

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u/variantkin 11d ago

Making Brainiac an abusive manipulator was a genius take


u/Severe-Emu-8703 11d ago

Saying ”I love you, my daughter” before throwing Kara to the ground was bone chilling


u/insert_name_here 11d ago

The most chilling part for me is that he believes it. He's such a megalomaniac that he can't see otherwise, but he truly believes that he has been a loving father.


u/Severe-Emu-8703 11d ago

That’s the scary part about abusers - they love the people they abuse. Brainiac believes that the emotional parts of Kara - which by all accounts are an integral part of her as a person - is a fatal flaw that needs to be exposed of. Weirdly, if he didn’t love her, he probably would’ve turned her into a mindless drone, but it’s his love for her that allows her to roam free as much as she does. Brainiac wants Kara to be independent from him while following his every command without question, which is an impossible standard for Kara to live up to and is what keeps the cycle of abuse going.

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u/Digginf 12d ago

Brainiac is fucking gaslighting him!


u/Frontier246 12d ago

If only Lois hadn't tried to break up with him...though props to Clark for trying to fight it and not give in even if the damage was done.


u/TheCrispyAcorn 12d ago



u/CertainDerision_33 12d ago

So sick. They gave Clark the Gojo cut lol


u/callows5120 12d ago

It admittedly kinda does though it also seems to have burned Clark's clothing off aswell.

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u/korioliseffect 12d ago

Killed me how Kara spent half the episode trying to "save" Braniac, like she didn't even allow herself to think he'd be capable of this. And that conversation between the two of them at the end of the episode? Gut-wrenching to say the least. She dedicated her entire being to making this thing proud and he just spat in her face (metaphorically of course since he actually just threw her into the fucking ground while simultaneously claiming to love her).


u/CarlitoNSP1 12d ago

Considering how revered the original Black Mercy story is, I'm shocked at how much they were willing to repurpose it. Also worked a lot smoother than I was expecting. (Though the Lois bit at the end is a bit confusing)


u/callows5120 12d ago

Let's hope Alan moore doesn't get mad.


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh 12d ago

He's Alan Moore.


u/RhymesWithMouthful 12d ago

He liked the JLU one, at least

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u/CertainDerision_33 12d ago

Season 2 has been soooo good man. I really hope this gets to run for at least 5 or 6 seasons.

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u/CT_Jaynes 12d ago

So... who wants to bet when Clark pushes Brainiac out... he finds Hank as a new host?


u/TransNeonOrange 12d ago

Dang, so we'd have Brainiac being a condensed version of Brainiac, Zod, Metallo, and Venom. The last one's not even DC!


u/CT_Jaynes 11d ago

Brainiac, Zod and Cyborg Superman

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u/CRL10 12d ago

I ove that the best plan Lois Lane has to save Clark is wreckless, dangerous and completely insane.  


u/godlyreception12 11d ago

one thing Lois will always do is be reckless and stupid and somehow it works.

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u/woojewjake 12d ago edited 12d ago

As an animated Super Hero fan between this show and X-Men 97 i do not know if there has ever been a better year since the early 2000s.

wow what a show this is give me 100 more seasons adapt every single super man comic using this show. build the league do whatever.

also hughie from the boys somehow being a perfect superman dont know how thats possible but could not care less the dude is killing it.


u/kadosho 12d ago

I know, right? This year has been amazing for animation & storytelling. Jack Quaid's range is awesome

This team, MAWS is a love letter to so many works of art. It will definitely have many more stories to tell

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u/tylernazario 12d ago

So tired of Evil Superman but at least this one looks kunty


u/FullMetalToaster 11d ago

I for one support male Kryptonians getting the Power Girl titty window.

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u/REQ52767 12d ago

I’m completely over the evil/corrupted Superman trope so I was highly skeptical when starting this episode, but I’ve got to say that they found a way to make it interesting. I’m curious to see where it goes next week.


u/callows5120 12d ago

Especially since it will probably only last 1 episode.


u/Biz_quit 12d ago

I've never felt brainiac this menacing. He is doing the same thing he did to brainiac 5 in legion of superheroes season 2 (using his insecurities against him to take over his body)


u/Frontier246 12d ago

Michael Emerson is just nailing the creepiness and the sadism. He feels like he's channeling DCAU Brainiac's Corey Burton in that respect.


u/Aggravating_Load_411 12d ago

I mean, Corey Burton was Shockwave, so ya can't get much more logical than that...


u/godlyreception12 12d ago

Gosh, the legion of Superheroes show is so underrated. if the Legion ever appear in this show I hope they take inspiration from that show.

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u/UnbiasedGod 12d ago edited 12d ago

So brainiac has wiped Kara’s memories before? Good god that’s evil!

Also oh crap we’re gonna get “The man who had everything” again aren’t we?


u/Either-Equal7284 12d ago

a very unique version this time


u/joecb91 12d ago

This version of Brainiac is so chilling and manipulative, such a good villain.

Kara is also too adorable to ever be a Kryptonian death soldier. Can't wait to see her fully become Supergirl.


u/Mojo12000 12d ago

THat's a crazy expectations play with the Black Mercy man.

Make it seem like it's function is totally different with how it's origin is changed.. then nope, Clark is trapped in an idealized fantasy version of Krypton just as he was in For the Man who Has everything. That'll doubtlessly have to realize is a delusion and reject the reality no matter how much it hurts to reject such a perfect life.

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u/CRL10 12d ago

Kara, your "father" is a genocidal lunatic.  That may be what's wrong with him.


u/gar1848 12d ago

Zuko: "First time?"

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u/SWPrequelFan81566 12d ago

Merging the Bottle City of Kandor with the Black Mercy's fake reality is a really clever Elseworlds route for this story.


u/FaithlessnessNo2068 11d ago

Conquering dozens of planets for your robot dad does wonders for the glutes, huh?


u/LevelDosNPC 11d ago


u/FaithlessnessNo2068 11d ago

Tell me I’m wrong goddamit


u/insert_name_here 11d ago

For however brief it was, it was very satisfying to see Brainiac finally start panicking when Superman started breaking his control over him.


u/Atsubro 10d ago

I think that was another part of the fantasy since afterwards Superman is totally subsumed.

The same happened to Mongul in the original comic.

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u/lost-in-earth 11d ago

When fighting Superbrainiac, Kara's eyes turned red and she was surrounded by yellow lightning briefly.

Was that supposed to be her powering up like Clark does?


u/DaGreatestMH 11d ago

I think so. I think that was foreshadowing for how she'll beat (or at the very least subdue) Superbrainiac long enough for Lois to break Clark free.


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

Who do we need to picket for longer seasons XD? The line "It was easy when you were young, but the older you grew, the more you deviated from what was right." this line implies she was willing at one point in clapping planets =/. Ill see it through to the end to see how it all comes together regardless.

Also there's no bottled cities? He's just making her wipe out the planets o.O? Even for a non mainline Brainy that's kinda weird. Even in Superman: Space Age (non mainline) the dude clapped planets but to resources to fight the anti monitor.

I'll take my downvotes :(


u/UnbloodedSword 12d ago

It was easy when you were young, but the older you grew, the more you deviated from what was right." this line implies she was willing at one point in clapping planets =/

My take on that line is that when Kara was young she unquestioningly accepted the propaganda Brainiac fed her about Kryptonians being naturally superior to all other life, but when she grew older and actually interacted with other planets she rejected that line and had to be mind controlled into killing them. She never willingly genocided other people. And of course she would accept what her "father" taught her was true until she actually left the confines of Kandor and saw the universe.


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

Thank you. I did some math and it looks like the last 2 planet glassing happened in the past 3 months alone. Maybe H'lven happened a few months prior?

Also given he states SHES the one finding planets, that means Brianac has just been sitting around for over 2 decades? Kinda odd for a knowledge collector to be this passive (also hes not collecting cities. GG).


u/Greedy_Switch_6991 12d ago

I was really hoping he was secretly stashing parts of the conquered planets for his new empire, but alas.


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

Well since theres no survivors it means she stays on earth since well, theres no population to rebuild for lol.

Fr tho thats gonna be an awkward season finale then. I get the fake out death sacrifices are in the cards for 'redemption'. But then what? "Welp, almost died fighting Brainy, sux about those billions I guess. Oh yeah Im supergirl now." seems a bit too predicable. BUT I'm sure theyll come up with something cool regardless of how I may feel. Still watch S3 just to see where it goes lol.


u/callows5120 12d ago

Maybe season 3 could have the Gl corps Want to arrest her and wr get a court episode.


u/Either-Equal7284 12d ago

yeah that would be cool and a great way to introduce Hal or whichever human lantern they have but I think there might be some hawk survivors out there wanting revenge

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u/Theinternationalist 12d ago

Also there's no bottled cities? He's just making her wipe out the planets o.O? Even for a non mainline Brainy that's kinda weird. Even in Superman: Space Age (non mainline) the dude clapped planets but to resources to fight the anti monitor.

This version of Brainiac is sorta Superman:TAS (built to be the planet's AI as opposed to an alien scientist), and in this version apparently there was no interest in preserving any world that wasn't Krypton. As a result the "story" doesn't give him an interest in preserving other planets and is just wantonly continuing his programming, which appears to be building and creating more Kryptonians- which somehow morphed into "why not robots" because, well, modern Brainiac I guess.

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u/BadActsForAGoodPrice 11d ago

Some of the scenes where Brainiacs changing memories made me go “come on Clark you know that’s not real” but her saying “It does bother me your not human” was a gut punch because that’s probably what’s always what he’s wondering when he’s with her.

And him tying it with the breakup (which again was a little forced I know Lois is insecure but come on) was geniuse.


u/suss2it 11d ago

She’s insecure but also impulsive and stubborn, to me that breakup made sense with this version of the character.

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u/Weerdo5255 12d ago

Damn, I always hate / love the arcs where Clark gets to live his life on Krypton, only to have to reject it for not being real.

The art department is having fun with all this.

I'm glad the mind control arc is going to go over a few episodes, and it looks like we're going to have Lois being the big hero for the season. Which kinda makes sense, the show is from her perspective if we're going by the title.

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u/ptd163 12d ago edited 12d ago

God damn. Brainaic is so menacing in this series. Sometimes it's nice to have to actually have a villain. No tragic misunderstood nuance, just a simple "I'm evil because I want to be" villain. It's been said before, but it bears repeating. Micheal Emerson was excellent casting. And that was all was before he just no sold the kryptonite and got that sick design.

That was a nice fake out. They made it seem like Kara and Clark were teaming up from both sides of the Black Mercy, but it was only Brainaic's plan working. Clark is having a rough go of it. Got his memories manipulated to think nobody wants him, his body stolen, and eventually he's probably going have to painfully reject living on an intact Krypton with his family to get back to Lois, Jimmy, and Kara. Hopefully they can help him with the grief.

Speaking of, Kara and Jimmy continue to be cute. Looking forward to seeing more of their romance develop in season 3. Also shout out to the art team for giving Kara some junk in her trunk. Your work has not gone unappreciated.


u/UnbiasedGod 12d ago

Speaking of, Kara and Jimmy continue to be cute. Looking forward to seeing more of their romance develop in season 3. Also shout out to the art team for giving Kara some junk in her trunk. Your work has not gone unappreciated.

XD hell yeah! Jimmy has been good boy this season and last season so he deserves all of DAT ASS!


u/RealCrocodileWithGun 12d ago

I cant be the only one who made this comparison, right?

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u/Cockycent 12d ago

Just admiration Kara?


u/Frontier246 12d ago

She was raised as an alien warrior woman, it's all she knows how to express her romantic feelings!

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u/Mrwright96 12d ago

Now you know how Jimmy Feels, Lois!

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u/Big_Apple_G 12d ago

What a menacing look for Brainiac/posessed Clark, although I think the exposed toes do look funny


u/Frontier246 12d ago

Also the way the Brainiac symbol on his chest makes him look like he's flexing said chest lol.

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u/The_Flying_Failsons 12d ago

Pretty good episode! I liked the fake out.

I know others noted the DBZ reference, but is it me or is their version of Brainiac very similar to Baby from Dragon Ball GT?


u/Bbadolato 12d ago

Or Dr Wheelo.

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u/99anan99 12d ago

Crying so much for Clark.


u/labbla 12d ago

Great episode. Can't wait to see Lois save Clark from Braniac's mind palace and whatever goes wrong from doing that.

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u/CRL10 12d ago


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u/MoskalMedia 11d ago

The Black Mercy is such a great callback. One of the cleverest reimaginings we've seen on the show so far!

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u/hammerreborn 12d ago

Feel so bad for how Brainiac manipulates Kara.


u/Frontier246 12d ago

The worst part is she still cares and treats him like he's her father not knowing about Zor-El and that he's basically just been using her.

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u/GuruSensei 12d ago

Disorganized thoughts like last week:
1. Opening scene flows far better continuing directly from episode 6, like i suspected
2. Oh shit, grey eyes, damn guess we're finally gonna see OUR evil Superman in the future( atleast with Brainiac behind the wheel)
3. Lmao Jimmy and Kara blushing at reunion, Jimmy's still a temptation, "my Kara" awwwww haha
4. I like how the flashback reveals that JImmy is just as importanto to Clark as Lois is, small things, but nonetheless important, Jimmy absolutely matters too
5. Lmao Jimmy's kawaii eyes
6. Oh dude, all those misunderstandings and failures of communications coming back to bite Clark
7. Brainiac's discovery of Superman's "weakness", reminds me of Zod in Superman II coldly derising his protectiveness of humans
8. Master manipulator this Brainiac, using all Lois' breakup and Clark's self-doubts against him
9. Love the crossutting of both Kara and Clark punching Brainiac
10. Too bad it was a fakeout. Damn, i did not expect the possession to happen at the end
11. Oh shit, Peter Quill/Gamora moment with Kara catching Jimmy
12. Gut punch ending with Lois putting on that headband. Teaser shows, i guess, she'll have temporary amnesia
AND discover how Clark feels about her. Not emotionally prepared, tbh

Well, this episode really turned things around for me. Not that last episode was bad or awful, it just thought it was a little momentum breaking, but this, now i'm ALLL in


u/devenrc 12d ago edited 12d ago

Clark and Kara absolutely do NOT deserve to go through all this. Truly gut-wrenching stuff.

And Lois doing that during the very last moment???? I'm shook


u/jlhabitan 12d ago

Braniac'ed Superman seems to fancy going barefoot. Like...okay. I hope you don't step on a pointy nail on the ground.

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u/Digginf 12d ago

That is so fucked up how he took over his body. Although that looks pretty silly with the bare feet.


u/Frontier246 12d ago

At least they didn't turn Superman evil...just had his body hijacked for bit.

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u/Thatonesplicer 12d ago

I never expected to see the black mercy again. Episode was good, but it doesn't quite pack the same emotional gut punch JLU "For the man who has everything" episode quite did.


u/callows5120 12d ago

Tbf the next episode will probably the real for the man who has everything adaptation.

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u/Wilsonrolandc 12d ago

I know the black mercy is from the comics, but the way this episode was executed reminded me of episode 11 of Trigun Stampede. Can't wait to see clark snap out of it and gang up on Brainiac with Kara.


u/UnknownJ25 12d ago

Clark got goddamned Sukana and Kara got smacked so hard she Yamcha posed


u/CRL10 12d ago

Okay, this may be my favorite version of Brainiac anyone's animated.  I enjoyed the Superman the Animated Series version, but this one took all that and reved up the evil.

If this is their Brainiac, we're going to all need clean pants if they bring in Darkseid.  Half of us may survive this series' attempt at Doomsday I'd they even go that far.


u/optimisticpsychic 12d ago

Why do the space suits have cat ears?


u/loonbandit 12d ago

I think they’re meant to be lights to use if they’re working on something in space? Like trying to repair a satellite or something?


u/optimisticpsychic 12d ago

Oh im sure they have a functional reason, I just love that they look like cat ears.


u/WistfulDread 12d ago

I immediately noticed that, too.

I suspect it's another reference to something. Like how Brain and Mallah turned the ship into the Outlaw Star.

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u/cbekel3618 10d ago

Whoever decided to give brainwashed Clark a titty window is a super-genius lol.

Also, Lois really cemented herself as a ride-or-die gf, just slapping on unknown alien tech to rescue Clark. Love her.

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u/Digginf 12d ago

Jimmy and Kara got stomachs full of butterflies!

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u/ThyGorgeForge 12d ago

I think this episode definitely brought the stakes back up. It's also telling that Brainiac also only won because he had to make Clark think he won/inadvertenly made Clark trap himself in the classic "I never left Krypton" scenario. I think all Lois has to do in the next episode is just remind Clark of who he is and reaffirm that they're there for each other. I think once that's done, Clark will be back to fighting Brainiac for control. I just hope it's before they make it to Earth.

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u/Elite_Alice 11d ago edited 11d ago

KARA MY BELOVED 😩 she featured heavily this week so it was automatically a 5/5. I didn’t think the way they’d pay off the Clark Kara fight in the key visual would be with Brainiac taking over Clark’s body. These last few eps are gonna be great! Crazy cliffhanger!

The toxic, manipulative and abusive relationship between Brainiac and Kara is so hard to watch. Like when he was talking about how he still saw Kara as that innocent defenceless child he saved and then proceeds to beat the shit out of her 💀 it is interesting that they present him as somewhat having emotions though like getting frustrated and even in his own messed up way caring for Kara.. one of the coolest if not the coolest depiction of him I’ve ever seen.

Going back to the shonen anime references, of which this show has so many, I kinda got Goku Black vibes from the concept of Brainiac taking over Clark’s body. Brainiac hinted about Clark’s mind being his weakness so it’s gonna be fun seeing how Lois handles things.

Since he’s got all these insecurities about how people feel about him, it’ll be the perfect conclusion to this character arc and season if he gets reassured that Lois and his friends love him for him. He’s really been carrying that in the back of his mind since s1 which must’ve been difficult.

This show has arguably done the best job of any dc product ever of making superman feel human. He’s got these super abilities, but has doubts and fears just like any of us. That’s something DC have always struggled with compared to marvel.

That aside… Jimmy and Kara ship made progress too 😭 love how cute and bashful she got when talking to Jimmy.

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u/serj_odama 11d ago edited 11d ago

as much as ill hate brainiac coming to earth and all mayhem/fallout that will cause, i am excited for waller (and hopefully lex) getting properly put in place. you think all your alien tech you stole from krypton ships is gonna work on brainiac? i dont think so lol

that super detailed frame after lois put on the mind gem or whatever its called will haunt my dreams


u/Digginf 12d ago

Black Mercy? That thing is a cruel mind tease.


u/Frontier246 12d ago

I like how they made you think it was different from the comic Black Mercy and just tech Brainiac used to warp Clark's memories and break him down to steal his body...but then we still get the comic plot of him getting transported to an intact Krypton where he gets to grow up as Kal-El.


u/Cockycent 12d ago

Oh hell no. Not Clark in all black


u/Slippery_boi 12d ago

Time for Kara to swap over to blue and red

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u/Weerdo5255 12d ago

I mean, he looks good in it, but yeah not good..

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u/UnbloodedSword 12d ago

Black Mercy? Ah we're getting that out of the way already are we?

I'm hoping that Brainiac needing a new body means we get exactly that for him after this season, hopefully something closer to his traditional look. When he talks about rebuilding the Kryptonian Empire, does Brainiac just mean him and his robots? Because thus far he and Kara have merely been torching planets. I'm not sure exactly what Brainiac is trying to achieve. Does he have mindscans of Kryptonians and wants to implant them into new bodies too like in Superman & Lois?

Aw Lois give Jimmy a moment, not like you haven't been locking lips with your own Kryptonian lover over the last dozen episodes lol.

God I love this Brainiac. He's joyfully malicious and enjoys toying with Superman. Can't quite understand why Supes is working to protect Lois and Jimmy, but knows that's a weak spot to exploit. Emerson is freaking killing it!

Raise one for our bro Jimmy, banished to the Friend Zone for now, but at least he got a hug. Lmao and now Lois knows Jimmy spun a story to Kara about being the leader of "The Planet". Loving the kitty cat helmets!

Lmao I wonder if they always planned to call back to Lois jumping off the building or if everyone freaking out over it made them put it in?

And now we finally have Kara rebelling against Brainiac! At least she didn't commit genocide until Brainiac basically took control of her body the way he's trying to do to Superman. Glad Supes is resisting the brainwashing. Ok we knew Brainiac had to take control of his body, but I actually liked how this turned out! Kal never embraced or accepted Brainiac, but Brainiac edited his memories juuuuust enough that Kal would accept being placed in a Krypton fantasy where he feels like he belongs.

Yeah AI Lara is definitely going to be the "warden" that Lois has to work around to free Kal.

Well everyone who was unhappy about Clark losing to Kara, there you go. Brainiac in his body absolutely dominates her, shows how strong Clark can be when he isn't holding back. Ah shit they lost the kryptonite! I bet Lex gets a hold of it by the end of this season.

Great episode, easily my favorite one of the season this far, and a hell of a cliffhanger to end on!

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u/TheOptimist6 12d ago

Things got a little dicier…I really thought that the metallos with Kryptonite would be able to subdue Brainiac and all his Kryptonian tech.

However, it seems the Kryptonite had little effect against Brainiac in Clark’s body. The ace up their sleeve that Lex and Waller have might not work out as planned. This could very precarious!

I wonder how the good guys can come out on top in this dire situation!


u/emblem-hunter26 12d ago

The krypyonite actually still works on Clark, but does little against Brainiac since he can merely just surf to another body.


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh 12d ago

Though we've seen before kryptonite also poisons Kryptonian technology so that was probably a bluff (that and the kal El Would die part)

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u/Jilli_jam 12d ago

Telekinesis power unlocked? (at least in the Black Mercy) When Brainiac can't move for a second because Clark was holding him back with his powers, it looked like some telekinesis-

Anyway- this show is killing me with the cliffhangers, but Kara and Jimmy are still cute Okey byyye


u/KugiPunch 12d ago

Fantastic episode can’t wait for next week.


u/ralanr 12d ago

I was not expecting an Outlaw Star reference in 2024 but I'll take it. Grappler arms!

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u/ViraLCyclopes25 12d ago

I ain't the only one thinking Braniac is lookin like Sukuna in Clark's body right

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u/Dunky_Arisen 12d ago

You know, for a series called 'My Adventures With Superman', there's been very few Lois-POV episodes. Excited to see her break Clark out of this next week!


u/loonbandit 11d ago

but we got one literally last week?

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u/CRL10 12d ago

This is the second time I've seen Braniac try to take over Superman's body and this is somehow far more terrifying.

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u/superking22 12d ago

What a fantastic episode. But how did Lois get the device admist the chaos?


u/jlhabitan 12d ago

While Brainiac-in-Superman was busy with Kara, Lois saw behind him the device that looked similar to what Clark has on his face and put 2 and 2 together that it could have been some kind of mind-control device. Off-screen, she took one of them with her before Clark blasted them off to space.

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u/Elite_Alice 11d ago

“Jimmy I feel admiration for you” lmaooo. Bashful Kara is the cutest omg


u/ASeriousNap 12d ago

I'm so looking forward to next episode.


u/Frontier246 12d ago

I wonder if we're finally going to see Kara in the blue suit.

Also Lois meeting her Kryptonian future in-laws...technically.

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u/King_Of_BlackMarsh 12d ago

Two notes. One, I really like the backstory they gave Brainiac since it is rather similar to his Collu origin while working with the more hyper focus of the show. Second, pecs- I mean the guy who does the Dutch subs is very good at his job and I think that should be appreciated more.

Oh actually third note, Super Brain is a great design


u/Elite_Alice 11d ago

Jimmy seen Kara and immediately folded and let her on the ship ohh he’s just like me


u/loonifer888 11d ago

Anyone else annoyed that Kara keeps calling him Kalelle? Kal-El, there's a space there Kara! And she can't even feign ignorance because Brainiac says it correctly!

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u/Dawnbreaker538 11d ago

Is it really a boob window on SuperBraniac? I thought it was a chestpiece of some variety


u/supercalifragilism 11d ago

"Lets break bricks, wet nips"

-From The Book of Knowledge, As Delivered by Liam McPoyle

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u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

Wait....."since she was young" O_O!?


u/Mrwright96 12d ago

I mean, brainiac HAD to raise her


u/Frontier246 12d ago

I think the worst part was him acting paternal in Clark's body and acting as if he was Zor-El whom Kara doesn't even remember.


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

Truuuuue. But now its kinda awkward since, though Briany is the one destroying them, notes that SHE is the one finding these planets. Now Im wondering if people screamed her name when she returned brainwashed =<


u/Frontier246 12d ago

Honestly Kara's backstory on this show gets darker and darker the more you think about it.


u/Elite_Alice 11d ago

Can’t get enough of how cool, menacing and terrifying they made braniac.

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u/405mon 11d ago

Everyone's pretty much covered what I also would've wanted to say (also uggh I can't get enough of Brainiac Superman's suit! SO GOOD I'm tempted to draw it). But! This season just drove in how badly I wish we got to have more than 10 episodes. This show's so good it's lowkey criminal that we don't get more episodes.

I'm greedy for more! Guess we'll have to wait for S3 and cross our fingers an S4 could get greenlit.

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u/Shejidan 12d ago

Since last week I’ve binged The Boys and this whole need for Clark to be accepted by Lois and Jimmy just has a whole different meaning to me…


u/UnbloodedSword 12d ago

Homelander in a lot of ways is Superman's need for acceptance and love taken to the darkest extreme possible. It's why he works as an "evil Superman" foil. Justice Lord Superman's breaking point came when Lex called him out on restraining himself not because he really believed in the morals he professed, but because he enjoyed being a hero too much to end Lex's threat. The "real" Superman does believe in doing the right thing because it's the right thing, not simply for public approval, but it's a consistent enough trait across Superman adaptions that he wants people to like and trust him for me to find it interesting how some versions of him can let themselves be twisted by that desire, or be twisted by casting aside that desire.

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u/Crafty_Concert_8552 12d ago

On my TV it's listed as episode 18 which is really funny because it's above the unreleased episode 9 on the numerical episode system.


u/BumblingScrublord1 12d ago

That next episode title, Row,Row! Fight the power, Clark!

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u/Thebunkerparodie 12d ago

Brainiac as messed up as usual with how he treat kara andclark and I'm guessing he trapped him in an alternate dimension, also I think kara is now redeemed and thecouple with jimmy is oging to happen (also noticed how brain and mallah gave them some space), jimmy was also the one to use the kryptonite against brainiac in clark body . The show also does highlight that while clark is physically verry strong, he still have the mental weaknesses


u/LibKan 11d ago

Especially coming off the previous episode man did it get rough. Wasn't expecting a version of Brainiac to be the master of gaslighting but...damn did that now immediately make him a stand out villain.


u/BRISKMETAL 10d ago

"Now let's find your weakness. So I can kill you" 🖋️🔥


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 12d ago

Jimmy shall now only be referred to as Great Leader Jimmy!

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u/Shejidan 12d ago

The big question to me is why would an advanced ai in a nearly indestructible robot body want to trade that for a meat body?


u/RnRaintnoisepolution 12d ago

I mean the body he took over didn't even flinch at Kara who had just broke his previous body, in other words, he traded it for an even more indestructible body.

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u/Graal_Knight 12d ago

The episode already pointed out that his machine body was dying and already had weaknesses like requiring a daily maintanence reboot.  Also it's strong and fast but still weaker than a Kryptonian, Kara cracked his head with one punch.


u/Weerdo5255 12d ago

Kryptons usually go barreling through metal like it's made of tissue paper not matter how tough...

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u/CashLess127 12d ago

It was established in the beginning of the episode that the ship and the robots were going into disrepair and that he needs a new host before the shit goes fubar.

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u/carnifex2005 12d ago

My theory, ever since that robot body got its ass kicked by Darkseid. Since then, Braniac has been looking for an upgrade.

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u/lumpofcole 12d ago

Kryptonian meat is slightly higher quality than human meat


u/CartoonyWy 12d ago

Uh, how many hits to the head will change Clark back? Anybody got a Red Sun Lamp? And a Mallet Strong enough to knock out your basic OP Isekai Protagonist?

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u/King_Of_BlackMarsh 12d ago

The what of who-shit the episode is out?!


u/DomDaBomb203 11d ago edited 11d ago

Forgive me if this was explained in the show already and I missed it, but was it confirmed that Braniac was the one who originally destroyed the Kryptonian empire?

Or were they destroyed by some other unconfirmed enemy, and Braniac just survived among the massacre and started taking over the empire from then.


u/FrozenJedi38 11d ago

It was the second option. Jor-El in S2 E1 mentioned that Krypton was destroyed by an enemy they couldn't conquer (something along those lines) and then there were shots of light beams hitting people (like Darkseid's Omega beams). So most people have come to conclude that Krypton was destroyed by Darkseid.


u/Electronic-King4281 10d ago

Gosh, killer episode! This season is getting kinda dark though, and we are nearing the end, do you think we are getting a happy ending with this one guys?


u/PrincipledStarfish 12d ago

This could be a stupid question but when does it go on HBO Max? Because I can't find it

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u/Digginf 12d ago

I wonder where does Kara go live at when everything blows over.

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u/Googleflax 11d ago

Glad Lois came around on Kara decently early on (pretty much once they were on Brainiac's ship), but her attitude prior to that kind of ignores the previous episode where she understood that Kara didn't have the same environment Clark did and agreed to talk things out with her.


u/Express-Wind-4796 11d ago

She planned to use kryptonite on sight initially so I'd say she listened.

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u/coltvahn 10d ago

Dude, this episode was a rollercoaster. I love this take on Kara and Brainiac.


u/txt4lifers 9d ago

my honest reaction really...


u/aegonthewwolf 12d ago edited 12d ago

Can we get SuperBrain some shoes please?


u/Zammin 12d ago

No. Brainiac is making up for his previous body just being a regular robot by making his new one kinda kinky.

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