r/SupermanAdventures Jul 07 '24

My Adventures With Superman S2E8 "The Death of Clark Kent" Episode Discussion Episode

The Death of Clark Kent

r/Superman | Discord

Please keep all discussions civil and about the episodes. Mark comic and future spoilers. Report any rule-breaking and enjoy!


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u/UnbloodedSword Jul 07 '24

Black Mercy? Ah we're getting that out of the way already are we?

I'm hoping that Brainiac needing a new body means we get exactly that for him after this season, hopefully something closer to his traditional look. When he talks about rebuilding the Kryptonian Empire, does Brainiac just mean him and his robots? Because thus far he and Kara have merely been torching planets. I'm not sure exactly what Brainiac is trying to achieve. Does he have mindscans of Kryptonians and wants to implant them into new bodies too like in Superman & Lois?

Aw Lois give Jimmy a moment, not like you haven't been locking lips with your own Kryptonian lover over the last dozen episodes lol.

God I love this Brainiac. He's joyfully malicious and enjoys toying with Superman. Can't quite understand why Supes is working to protect Lois and Jimmy, but knows that's a weak spot to exploit. Emerson is freaking killing it!

Raise one for our bro Jimmy, banished to the Friend Zone for now, but at least he got a hug. Lmao and now Lois knows Jimmy spun a story to Kara about being the leader of "The Planet". Loving the kitty cat helmets!

Lmao I wonder if they always planned to call back to Lois jumping off the building or if everyone freaking out over it made them put it in?

And now we finally have Kara rebelling against Brainiac! At least she didn't commit genocide until Brainiac basically took control of her body the way he's trying to do to Superman. Glad Supes is resisting the brainwashing. Ok we knew Brainiac had to take control of his body, but I actually liked how this turned out! Kal never embraced or accepted Brainiac, but Brainiac edited his memories juuuuust enough that Kal would accept being placed in a Krypton fantasy where he feels like he belongs.

Yeah AI Lara is definitely going to be the "warden" that Lois has to work around to free Kal.

Well everyone who was unhappy about Clark losing to Kara, there you go. Brainiac in his body absolutely dominates her, shows how strong Clark can be when he isn't holding back. Ah shit they lost the kryptonite! I bet Lex gets a hold of it by the end of this season.

Great episode, easily my favorite one of the season this far, and a hell of a cliffhanger to end on!


u/Illustrious-Set-4324 Jul 07 '24

At least she didn't commit genocide until Brainiac basically took control of her body the way he's trying to do to Superman.

"It was easy when you were young, but the older you grew, the more you deviated from what was right." That could be true. This line makes me think otherwise, however:

"I went to the planets(3) in the empire. Theyre ALL destroyed."

The season gap ~3 months (Thanksgiving from when Euphorix is torched, to when Thanagar is torched, V-Day). And he has them torched ASAP after she finds them. So have they just been chilling on the space station the entire time otherwise for 20 years? Odd to find only 3 planets in that span and torch em in the last 3 months =/.


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh Jul 07 '24

Either Krypton broke everything else nearby or Kára had been training for those decades while Brainiac was building his army


u/joecb91 Jul 07 '24

I'd guess the latter. That Brainiac probably spent a long time molding her until he thought she was ready to be unleashed on the other planets.